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  1. Blazorna

    Mx Female The Brothers (longterm Pokémon slave plot)

    Alan and Sean Erdise are brothers who are experienced Pokémon breeders and former trainers who retired. The brothers are having difficulty figuring out how to have their Pokémon be able to relax. At the same time, they're looking for new ways to have fun. They move to a new region where two...
  2. gay bottom femboy

    NBx Male Bottom femboy looking for beasts, monsters, feral or pokemon to play with~plots and info bellow~

    English/spanish discord rp!my id is on my profile All participants/characters must be 18+ Greetings! As the tittle says i'm looking for beasts, monsters, ferals or pokemon to rp with!i like almost all of them but here are some ideas for rp!let me know if you like any of the ideas and i'll send...
  3. gay bottom femboy

    Mx Male Bottom femboy looking to play with beast, aliens, ferals, pokemon and others!some plots below

    English/spanish All participants/characters must be 18+ Greetings! As the tittle says i'm looking for beasts, monsters, ferals or pokemon to rp with!i like almost all of them but here are some ideas for rp!let me know if you like any of the ideas and i'll send you the full plot Beauty and the...
  4. N

    Exploring poképhilia (co-writing, multiple characters, M human main)

    Hello folks. I'm having in mind a story in which my main character would make some new friends, who would then get him out of his shell and prompt him to take a better look into the whole poképhilia scene, in case he happens to like something, or someone. :sneaky: To be clear, my main...
  5. N

    Human-Pokémon Interspecies Relationships Club?

    Basically, I’d like to have some sort of an “open world” Pokémon AU going with multiple diverse OCs, human and pokémon alike, for my main character (male human) to explore. Ideally if someone introduces some “new friend” character(s) for him, who’d then encourage him to get out of his shell and...
  6. N

    Roleplay logs: Hashtag-#ATP (NSFW, interspecies, fandom: Pokémon)
    Threadmarks: Part 1

    This is a roleplay I’m having with a person going by Myzy on Discord. It is set in an alternate universe for the Pokémon fandom, in which many pokémon (though far from all) can speak and are more or less on the same level of sentience with humans (though not necessarily always self-sufficient)...
  7. Blazorna

    NBx Female The Breeder's (longterm Pokémon)

    Warning: plot involves Pokephilia Obato Narumi is a former Pokémon trainer that was akin to a Champion jn skills, but has grown to appreciate breeding Pokémon even further. She retired and has been focused on her new endeavor, to raise up Pokémon to reach their full potential. However...
  8. Vyce

    Mx F or NB A Wild and Lighthearted Pokémon Request Thread Appears!

    Vyce | Male (he/him) | EST | M x Anyone playing a Female-identifying character | PMs; E-mail; Google Docs All characters must be written/played as 21 years old (if not established as already older). I like to ret-con the Pokémon universe so characters must be 18 years old before they can become...
  9. Plague Raven

    Pokemon Witch Saga: Dragons & Giants | Plot & Character Creation

    Ah yes, you all were very young when it happened. Very well, I will tell you the tale. A long time ago, us Witches lived in harmony with the other humans in a distant land known as the Unix Region. However, one day, their Emperors and Kings decreed our powers illegal, and we were banished from...
  10. Plague Raven

    Pokemon Witch Saga

    This post takes priority over the crossed information below. This is kinda-sorta a reboot of a roleplay that was around during the 7th Generation of Pokemon, but now that Scarlet & Violet are coming out, I thought it'd be a great idea to whip out this interest check. Currently I have two...
  11. C

    Mx Female Concealed's Curious Cravings

    Hi all, your friendly neighborhood ConcealedLegend here. I've been here on Bluemoon for about two years now, rping off and on for over five years, and as much as I enjoy fulfilling the requests and cravings of others, sometimes you've got your own itch that needs scratching. To that end, I'll be...
  12. Blazorna

    Mx Female Harem Training (Longterm Pokemon plots with heavy smut, NSFW link)

    Idea 1: A retired trainer has moved on to become a breeder, traveling to fulfill his dream of breeding the strongest Pokemon possible. He doesn't participate in the Pokemon League as he prefers to just relax and enjoy himself. However, he comes across several female trainers who have...
  13. BarryBigSpirit

    Mx Female (Gamemaster looking for players) I've got this great medieval pokemon worked out for ya

    Hey there folks! I thought: 'Let's put this on here as well'. I've already posted for pokemon settings elsewhere and now i'll be doing it here too. I live in the GMT+1 timezone, Just so you folk have a bit of an idea where i'm at and how late it is at my place. I've always been into the...
  14. Blazorna

    NBx Female Breeding My Harem (Longterm Pokemon Harem plots, NSFW Link.)

    Idea 1: A futa Pokemon breeder has been trying to get all the best Pokemon bred. She has learned about an usual method of breeding that is said to have positive results: breeding a willing human woman with the desired Pokemon. the breeder heads out for any women who want to participate, either...
  15. VixenEvermore

    Fx Any Looking for Partners in Fantasy/supernatural Rp (NSFW - some inspiration images)

    (Hoping to find some new and old partners to start something up that will not just spend hours planning and then up and ghost) Rules and things: 1.) No god-modding or Mary Sues - by that I mean I dislike playing with a character who is basically invincible and does everything. 2.) Not a fan...
  16. Corrupt Trainer

    Mx F or NB OCs and Canons in need of guidance? The Corrupt Trainer is here for you! (Update 6/3/21: Added Therapy Plots!)

    Introduction and Synopsis Idols in need of a manager or producer, Pokemon trainers looking for a mentor, magical girls apprenticing under a powerful spellcaster, and so many other situations where girls find themselves receiving help from an older, more experienced man. They give him their...
  17. Blazorna

    Mx Female Gotta Breed Them All! (Longterm Pokemon, Always open)

    In the mood for a longterm pokemon plot, but in a few distinct plots, all involving Pokephilia (sex with Pokemon) by default, but I can do an alternative without that if you prefer. So please read the ideas before you decide to leave. Here's what they are: 1. To Get Stronger: A Pokemon...
  18. Blazorna

    NBx Female The Futa Gym Leaders (Pokemon longterm)

    There's a region that is kept quiet, known to only the adults. The gym challenge there is one where only women are allowed to participate, but there's a catch. If they lose anywhere, they're to be ravaged, whether it's by wild Pokemon or the victor of a battle. Though repeatedly losing (Five...
  19. Plague Raven

    Monster Girl-based Pokemon-esque RP or just Pokemon RP?

    Eh, got a few ideas up my mind, but beforehand, I wanna clarify stuff. All player characters will be 15 years old and above. Non-consensual sex can occur (though this will be integrated in the character application, so you can say whether you want your character to be at risk of such or if you...
  20. Kinky_Kitty

    Fx Any 27F Seeking longterm Pokemon adventure roleplay

    Message me to discuss :) I would like to play as a trainer, and you can play my pokemon and the other people or pokemon we come across on our journey. No humanized pokemon, only their actual forms. Would prefer to play with someone around my age.
  21. Blazorna

    Mx Female Lustdawn Region (Pokemon)

    I have set up the region, but what happens is to be discussed. Want me to be one of the Gym Leaders who travels with yours? Or the opposite, and your character becomes a willing slave? (I'm dominant, fyi) What about a Former Grunt of a team that wants to accomplish their own goal? Or will it...
  22. AshleyTheNarwhal

    Pokemon: Galar Reigon

    I've been playing Pokemon Sword and was wanting to gauge interest in an open-world Galar region rp? I'm not gonna put a ton of work into making a thread unless people are into it!
  23. H

    Team Skull Grunt Craving

    A little specific but I'm looking for someone to plat a female Team Skull grunt. We can discuss who I would play in this RP. Another grunt? The current Chapainon? Random bystander? Pokemon? All these possibilities and more! I'm also open to other pokemon scenarios as well. All I ask of you is...
  24. Carefree_Snake

    Closed Love + Beasts or Robots (Male human/Anthro x Sentient female beast, pokemon, machine, etc)

    Hint: If you're in mobile, consider activating desktop mode in your browser. You wont be disappointed ;) Yes we double! *Some conditions apply Greetings, fellow travelers. It seems you're interested in knowing more about the exoticness of the stories your scaly guide is about to show you. I am...
  25. lesbianlovebunny

    Fx Female Inexperienced lesbian

    It's been a while since I've RPed, let alone ERPed, so please bare with me! My name is [name withheld], you can call me Cynthia; she/her, 22, living in the US. I get bored and horny. A lot. And I love writing, although it's been quite a while since I've actually written...well, anything. I'd...
  26. OpenHentai

    Fx Female Long Time No See

    Hello ladies, It’s been a long while, but I’ve felt the urge to come pack for some steam, sexy roleplays. My name is May, a full-time worker, wife, and mother of two baby girls. So why the fuck have I decided to come back? Simple, a love of steamy wordplay. Call it a fun hobby or escapism, it’s...
  27. VixenEvermore

    Pokemon Au (MxM, FxM, FxF, FxFu, FuxM all are welcome, anthro and or not, trainers or pokemon)

    Gotta Catch 'Em All (Pokemon verse) I've been interested in this one lately.. (Would love to be pokemon but can manage either) Lucario or Zorark (can be a Zorua instead of Zorark as well, don't mind playing a male or female, even an Arcanine, Luxray, Houndoom or Houndour, Charmander, Poipole...
  28. SnakeOfSeduction

    Fx Any Snakes Nest of Ideas

    Heya! My name is SnakeOfSeduction, but Snake is fine :) I've been roleplaying for too long to count now, but my estimate would be 6 or 7 years in total. [Edit 27/08/23 : Just found out that the oldest RP I can still find, was 2013 o_O And I joined that site years after I started RPing]...
  29. Zeth

    She Betted Her Ass. (Princess Kaylin x Zeth)

    After a fierce trainer battle n the woods, DEREK STEEL stood the victor. He was a rising trainer who had met Jennifer on the road to Vermilion city. But after the fight it turns out this cute girl trainer had no money to pay for her loss. Well this was Awkward. "So you have no money? How are you...
  30. Zeth

    Mx Any Pokemon Themed Oneshot: Bet your ass!

    In pokemon when trainers battle the loser pays the winner some money. There exists a hentai scenario where the girl trainer loses to a guy trainer, has no money, so she pays him with sex. Sometimes t the end it i reveled she took a dive because he liked the guy. I am looking to play that. The...
  31. PhilRP

    (Futa only!) Dawn X Delia X May car commercial fetish

    You are Dawn as a muscular dark blue car called White Tiger 2019 and you will also be my mother Delia as my model for posing around the car while I am going to be May as your daughter and car dealer at the same time. I only accept role playing on private messages and not on public forum.
  32. Sunset Drifter

    Guardian's Journey

    Legend of the Guardian's Journey Centuries ago, Humans and Gijinka lived in separate worlds. War broke out between the races leaving nothing but bloodshed and tears in their wake. Deciding she had enough, a Human woman ventured out to stop the war. Along the way she encountered Gijinka that...
  33. Sunset Drifter

    Guardian's Journey ~ Character Profiles (All spots filled!)

    The Character profiles for the upcoming Pokemon Gijinka & Human Trainer roleplay. Three slots have been filled so far, so there are still three more slots open for the full six (female only since this is slight harem themed), party. Name: Age: (18 or older) Gender: Personality: Appearance...
  34. Shrimp Deity

    Mx M or F (Pokémon) Zoroark Looking For Long-Term RP Over Discord or F-List

    Note: I know this is already a thread, however for some reason that I don’t know I could not bump (aka reply to) said threat or otherwise edit it in any way, shape, or form. Sorry ‘bout that. My F-List Page is where you can find all of the information for the character, my interests, etc. Zach...
  35. cdra

    NBx Any Craving monsters and more... (scene-by-scene, flexible roles, porn with plot)

    Hi there... I'm Cdra and I want to write characters getting railed by monsters and mindbroken and stuff. o`uo Style stuff about me! I am currently looking to plot one scene at a time, not a whole story. It may take me a bit of time to complete just one scene between my job and my mental...
  36. baeleaf

    Adventures of a Novice and a Myth | [ Kɪᴛᴇ & Bᴀᴇ ]

    The bushes and trees of the Eterna Forest were rustled by many Pokémon who inhabited the lush greenery, but certainly none like her. Baeleaf had no recollection of how long she had been wandering the forest for— or even how she got there in the first place— but the odd, feminine shaped humanoid...
  37. NitroFury

    Pokémorph: Hunters vs. Outlaws (Interest Check)[CANCELLED]

    Idea: So, here's how this will work out, this is where you can play as the Hunters, the Bystanders, or the Outlaws. It will take places in a world similar to ours, but it is inhabited only by Pokémorphs (or anthropomorphic Pokémon). Hunters: They serve as an obstacle for the Outlaws, as they...
  38. Azecreth

    Pokemon Research [Azecreth & Rosina]

    It was a sunny day, the perfect time for one to begin their Pokemon adventure. Many would set out with starry eyes and a Pokemon at their side, eager to challenge the many gym leaders and collect the badges that would mark them as experienced veterans of the Indigo League. A few would be...
  39. Plague Raven

    Pokemon Roleplay (Fantasy/Older Setting as opposed to Modern?)

    So basically, the premise of the roleplay is that it's a Pokemon Roleplay that takes place in a setting with low technology levels. The setting has more similarities to a Fantasy RPG than standard Pokemon. There will be 6 different playable legions. The Sky Clan, specialising in Pokemon that...
  40. Lemon Lime Light

    Mx M or F The Things I Wish From My Favorite Games (New Content)

    I really love playing with video game characters, or just established characters in general. I guess the reason being that I know these characters and already have a connection with them, and thus find it more fun to play as them. So here are a couple of scenarios I made for those who would also...
  41. Azecreth

    Fallen Champion [Azecreth & Ukai Nejasaki]

    A sigh of annoyance escaped Victor Lanston as he opened the door to his small apartment, his shoulders and back weary after a hard day of work, his t shirt and jeans stained with sweat and dirt. His skin was tan and muscles well toned, hard labour able to do that to a person. Yet he had little...
  42. Azecreth

    Same Journey, Different Paths [Azecreth & JmBz]

    *Beep beep beep beep be-* The alarm clock, so recently sent buzzing by the passing of the time that had been laid out, was suddenly silenced by a pounding hand. A groan escaped from he nearby bed, even as sun filtered through the windows and birds chirped outside, indicating that it was time...
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