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Would you rather?

I'd rather run as fast as a car with high amounts of stamina any day! lol

Would you rather know how to play your instrument of choice or be a skilled master of a martial art? Please identify instrument/art and why.
I always wanted to be able to play the piano, but then again being a skilled master of shaolin martial arts sounds good too. Decisions, decisions...I'll take the later, please!

Would you rather have synesthesia or the ability to talk with one animal species of your choice?
Later please! lol

Would you rather breakfast served in bed or breakfast served to you, sitting beside a campfire? (someone else makes your choice of a meal)
Breathe underwater!

Would you rather be a character in a movie, or a character in a video game?
Character in a movie, you probabaly won't die and video games you have to re-live dying THREE times! lol

Would you rather live life through an RP or live life in reality?
That depends if the RP is ask kinky as some of the shit I've been in, then yes but if not Reality

Wake up in a murder scene or be a suspect in one?
Either way you're screwed. Suspect of one if I had to choose.

A new car paid in full or all of your current debt paid in full. (and no, you can get the car and turn around to sell if for profit)
I would take no debt.

Would you rather have access to all your knowledge all the time or rather be able to fully strengthen your muscles and skeletal body?
The first one, I saw a movie in which the main characters were able to sort their memories like a library thanks to a strange boy they helped in the past.

Would you rather be able to manipulate space or walk through matter like a ghost?
Psh, walk through matter! Too much fun to be had!

Would you rather, if you couldn’t walk on the ground any longer, walk on the ceiling or walk on the walls?
Well, I consider close friends as family so actually I'd be saving two for the price of one! LOL

Would you rather be immune to cold or immune to heat?
Immune to cold! I love it when it's hot.

Would you rather own a lonely island that is half the size of a baseball field or a habitable station on mars? Both without a way back and nobody knows where you are.
I'll take the island.
Would you rather be subjected to listening to bad music constantly, or to eating the food you hate every night?
I'll take the bad music anytime.

Would you rather smell something really bad every day or see something very ugly every few hours?
Seeing something ugly every few hours.
That'd be much more tolerable, even though it'd be more often.
Would you rather a good book you are reading suddenly end on a cliff hanger, with no sequel,
Or grow very horny without any means of satisfying yourself?
The latter, I hate it when a good series ends on a cliff hanger without getting a sequel.

Would you rather be unaffected by gravity, floating around and risking to drift away in space or be unable to move your body in any way, including help from others?
I would likely die, either way, so I'll enjoy floating for as long as I can.
Would you rather only be able to breathe water or lose your hair?
Lose my hair, I'm slowly balding anyway.

Would you rather breath fire for a few seconds whenever you laugh or cause it to rain every time you're sad?
Why not both? I could give one after recieving one. But seriously, my massages are prety good. I'm not a professional, though.

Would you rather trade lives with someone of your choice for a year and then switch back or be reborn as an animal of your choice after you die?
Trade lives with someone I like.
If I were to pick an animal, though, Giraffe. Lol
Would you rather travel all around the world, but be relatively poor, or be very wealthy, yet restricted to only your land?
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