Some people's RTs include how you and your wife me. You're living their dreams. lol@Sprite He's a 120 pound malamute/shepherd with one ear that stands up and one that is floppy and he dances around, tail wagging, charging me and trying to get me to chase him.
(This sounds almost like "Spin the Bottle" without a dare option...) This is more than of a "What If" than something that I obsess over. What would my life be like had I not chased and won the woman that became my wife. Not that I regret anything, but I had just turned nineteen. 33 years later, what would my life be like today had I not chased after my friend's girlfriend with such vigor? It would be interesting to know, but I wouldn't want to give up the life I've had.
Would you rather have an all expense paid trip to Alaska or Hawaii?
Some people's RTs include how you and your wife met. You're living their dreams. lol
Well, if you got an Indian Roadmaster, you'd just have to service it yourself. (equipment and manual to do so would also be included in the package, lol)Motorcycle, because there is not an infrastructure up here to support the more modern hybrid vehicles. The dealers won't even sell them to you. The motorcycle of my dreams would be an Indian Roadmaster because I love the legend and the appearance of the machine. I wouldn't choose that though, because there is nowhere within 200 miles to get it serviced by someone certified to service it. So, it would be a Harley Davidson Electra Glide Classic. Paradoxically, the color would be black for better visibility.