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Would you rather?

I'll take the sneezing fit. It's shorter, and hey; clear sinuses!

Would you rather a threesome with two people you find attractive, or sex with a single individual you find drop-dead gorgeous?
Single person I find drop dead gorgeous. Though I have never had a threesome, so maybe I am missing out?

Would you rather get to have sex with your favorite fictional character, or with your favorite person (celebrity/idol/influencer) in real life?
Fictional character would be cool. And I really don't have celebrity crushes.

Would you rather never work again, but be allowed a meager grant allows your current standard of living, or work 20 hours per week to live like a millionaire?
20 hours a week to live like a millionaire. I mean unless the job is literally shoveling shit I will take a comfortable life with work any day.

Would you rather be able to see into future or be able to teleport yourself anywhere you wanted?
Teleport anywhere I want because that is the now...looking into the future just means seeing what can be but not entirely knowing how to get to that point.

Would you rather sing a song in front of millions of people written by someone else or write a song that is sung before millions of people someone else sings?
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