Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

I smile at your words while you stand in the center of my room. "I love you too Isartimus. I wouldn't trade this for anything." Standing behind you, my hands go to your sides as I hold you closely to my body. I look out the window over your head for a while before closing my eyes. Your warmth is as soothing as it was our first night on the cruiser.

We stay close like that for a while before my hands slowly turn you around to face me. I lift your body, gently using the force to raise you the short distance until our lips are level. I lean in and kiss them, and wrap my arms around you.

The taste of your lips is something I've longed for and to be reunited when them feels exactly how I expected, heavenly. The kiss slowly breaks and I lower you back to the ground.
The feel of your hands at my sides allows me to relax back against your chest, head just beneath yours. We both stare out into the distance, my own eyes staying open while yours slowly drift shut. I feel completely at peace; no longer subject to fear. Loneliness. Despair. All feelings I had contended with before even after our night on the cruiser, but significantly lessened now. The comfort of knowing you are my master and my lover is two-told now, and I make a small sound of content.

I feel myself start to lift off the ground, giggling once I realize you're cheating and using the Force to keep ourselves even, wrapping my arms around you as well once you approach. I lean in for the kiss, eyes fluttering shut from the amazing feel of your lips against mine.

Once you return me to the ground, I smile up at you, coming in for a more relaxed hug than pressing incredibly close like the last few times. My head rests on your shoulder and chest, listening to your heart beat evenly. "Mine." I smile and whisper the word, feeling like we almost belong to each other now.
I hold you close and savor the calmness. My hands rub your sides and then lower back gently before walking us over to the bed. Even though I just woke up I don't think the long sleep was enough.

Laying on my side, I welcome you into my arms again. The room is quiet and all is peaceful. Our warmth quickly multiplies with both of our bodies making us toasty together.

In the Jedi chamber, the council is meeting again. Discussions are being held as to how much Jedi involvement would be needed for the liberation of the forest planet. Many are in agreement that sending as many as possible is best, but Master Yoda says "If the Sith are larger in number, what then?"

Master Windu looks at Yoda and says "You imply a trap?"

Yoda replies "Varying are the reports of Sith population. Little strategic advantage does the forest planet have."

There is a long pause in the council as the masters wonder what the trap could be if there is one.
I smile, sighing and lying down on the surprisingly plush bed next to you. The inviting look to your arms and the smile on your face makes me blush as I scooch closer into your embrace, head leaned against your chest. I haven't felt this happy in a very long time... I had few friends in the temple, all people whom had gone off on their own adventures or met their respective early ends. And now I had found romance, forbidden by the Force but surprisingly similar to it, only more physical and real. And with my master nonetheless. My eyes close slowly as I allow myself to drift off peacefully, the cravings dying down as your warmth surrounds the both of us.

Back in the council meeting, Yoda speaks up once more. "Perhaps, a greater enemy, there is. A master, there could be." The rest of the men and women fall silent, uncertain. The Dathomirian held in his cell had already regained consciousness earlier that day, and the amount of power coming from him had nearly doubled to that of the report given by Master Jarean and Padawan Isartimus. There was something going on that the Jedi had no intelligence on, something far more sinister than just a few Sith deciding to advance their number of planets taken by one.
I soon join you in sleep on my bed. It must have only been a few minutes after I noticed you were asleep before my eyes closed as well. The calmness pulls me into a sleep so deep no dreams cross my thoughts.

Yoda knows what he is suggesting is only speculation. But representative of the silence that falls upon the other masters, everyone knows it is worth further thought.

Yoda stands and says "Needed is more thinking. This topic we will return to at sunset." The holograms dim until they are gone and the physically present Jedi go their separate ways to contemplate what is happening.

Yoda watches them leave before taking a seat in the center of the circular room. Sitting over folded legs, he closes his eyes and draws himself into a deep focus, pulling energy from throughout the universe into his thoughts. He senses the flow of force and lets it guide and instruct him. Soon he is several feet off the ground in his sitting position while his mind is far away.

Back on Coruscant outside the Galactic Senate and in his office, Chancellor Palpatine invites a Theelin woman inside. When the door closes behind her she says "Master, the Jedi are poised to attack our forest planet outpost."
After several minutes of falling into my soothing sleep, I manage to dream from what my unconscious mind thinks is hours. Its the recurring dream again for the third time now. A meadow, the oak tree, both of us together beneath it. My dreams start taking a stranger turn this time. It's almost like I'm outside of my body watching myself make out with you, feeling aroused at the thought. The dream doesn't end anytime soon either; it gets to the point where we're both naked and rolling in the grass, grinning ear to ear and enjoying ourselves and our bodies.

A disruption rudely awakens me later in the day, the windows showing it to be nearly coming on evening. I'm not sure why I'm up... The Force around us feels like it's been poked, as a large pond might ripple in the slightest when a stone falls in at the far opposite end. My arms come to prop me up, my eyes adjusting to the lower light.
My eyes open the same moment as yours. The sensation is familiar, a dark energy corrupting the force within my senses. I've felt this twice before in my life and I, as well as all experienced Jedi, know it's not to be taken lightly. I quickly look at you to see if you are injured. Seeing you are fine, I quickly stand and say with urgency "Grab your utility belt! Get ready!"

The second the words leave my mouth the battle alarms go off and red lights flash in our room, and the entire base. The sound of combat boots in the hallway is loud as the clones rush to their stations. The moment your belt is attached, I rush us out the door. Protocol says for us to join the troops but a feeling persists in me.

"Follow me, we're going to the Prisoner's Quarters!" I yell back to you while we run in the opposite direction as most of the clones.
The second the alarm goes off, my muscles kick into hyperdrive and I fumble to get to my belt quickly and pull it on, along with grabbing my proper robes when we jog past my room. I've already got decent pants on, so the robe will do and I get this on just as we round the corner and see likely whole infantries worth of clones running towards the battle stations and hangar. I don't know what we're under attack by, nor can I hear the sounds of explosions or shouts above the shrill urgency of the alarm and the flashing red lights. I keep close behind you though. My brain is getting a flurry of emotions despite the drawn Force inside of me.

Once in the prisoners quarters, I notice that some of the guards have deserted their positions, though most of the cells remain locked and with their occupants inside. Though some are rattling at the bars now.
As we move beside the long lines of cells we hear artillery firing loudly. At first I assume it to be our troops, but then we both feel the subtle reverberation in the concrete that tells us part of the base has been hit.

I push the thought out of my mind for a moment and continue looking for the Dathomirian. We move toward a cell that looks empty from a distance. As we approach, we see a large hole in the floor. Running over to it I see deep below there is nothing, until red sabers flash on. In the spit second view I got, there were at least a half-dozen.

Backing up quickly I yell to you "Pull down the ceiling!" Raising both my hands I channel my force to grip the concrete ceiling above the hole. The reinforced concrete is strong and we struggle as we attempt to cave it in.
I feel cold air race down the back of my neck and robe as I notice the Dathomirian gone, and at least six or seven red lights glaring out of the gaping hole in the floor. My stomach drops and I feel like I'm definitely going to die here.. I'm only 19, I can't, my master... I hear you shout about the ceiling and nod, one hand drawing my lightsaber just in case and letting it spread it's purple glow in retaliation, the other hand reaching skyward and forcing with all my might to pull the ceiling down using the Force. It begins to crack but one of the sabers jumps from the hole, a young human Sith male lunging for me. My saber blocks his just as we manage to crack and crumble the ceiling, large chunks of gray and white tumbling down with heavy thuds onto the hole.

The Sith in front of me has managed to escape it, one of his hands clipping a large chunk of the concrete and breaking it with a barely audible snap from the artillery fire in the background. "Master!" I shout. "You need to run, I can handle him! Check the entrance to the prison, make sure no one comes in or out!" I try to fend of the youngling, who's likely no older than myself and at least a year or two younger. His eyes are dark, full of the clouded rage I saw in the Dathomirian. Not as concentrated though.
I watch the ceiling collapse into the hole, but I know that wouldn't kill a stronger Sith. It could be just a matter of time before one comes through. Seeing you fight with the Sith, I trust in your abilities and heed your warning.

I spring to the entrance of the Prisoner's Station and type quickly on the keypad alerting the rest of the base that there are Sith in this location. I'm unsure if Jedi will come but it's the best I could do. The rest of the prisoners seem to be still trapped in their cells, and that's how I wish to keep it.

Just as I'm about to head back to you, I see a Sith enter the Prisoner's Station. The saber burning bright red during the approach. I draw my blue saber and raise it in the ready for the attack. Sizing up my enemy, he's a Mirialan just like me. Our sabers connect and the fight begins.

During the battle the floor rumbles from artillery fire and the sound is almost deafening. I keep the Mirialan Sith from getting further into the cell area just as another Sith rushes in at me. It happens so quickly as the Mirialan is joined with his ally, an Ubese Sith. Their hatred doubles on me as their sabers whirl quickly.

Despite my racing heart, I breath slowly and focus on the calm fighting style of Soresu fighting. I command my sweeping blocks and long attacks as the enemies rage on at me. Sweat forming on my forehead as my focus is at it's peak.
Surprisingly, the Sith kid is strong. He must've had a good trainer or some kind of natural talent with the Force. I would even go so far as to say a Jedi with former training, who converted to the dark side. His movements are more fluid than most Sith would care to use, and he is able to match each of my attacks and blocks with equal power. But I know I can gain the upper hand; I have to. My will to live is stronger, I have purpose now besides to become a great Master myself. I have Master Jarean's love and to me this helps strengthen me like I've never felt before. I notice a slight miscalculation in the human's movements, his hand swinging to block a faked attack. I allow the Force to consume me, take away all my emotion before I swing, the purple saber emitting another sick, high pitched crackling sound as it cuts through his torso like hot butter.

The human falls to the ground screaming, still alive still and I allow it to jar me for a moment; thats when I realize you're locked in with two Sith, and struggling to keep focused. I turn back to my fallen foe, and I can feel tears running across my cheeks as I quickly finish him off to end his suffering and run towards you, jumping into the battle and taking on the Ubese first. I block one of his blows for you, then fully engage him.

These two are much stronger, perhaps almost on par with the Dathomirian. But now it's even, and with my skill level, the Ubese Sith does have the upper hand. I can only hope for a distraction and manage a good defense until I gain such an opportunity.
When I see you join my battle, I am proud and relieved that you succeeded with the Sith boy. I've been on the defense the whole time since the Ubese Sith joined, and now with you occupying her attention I can strategize. Before anything comes to my mind, I back the Mirialan more toward the entrance.

He is focused on ending me quickly since I have your aid but he has forgotten his footing. As I back him up, his foot steps on a prisoner's food tray. I block his attack with my light saber and use my free hand to violently raise the tray. He flips through the air and with one swift move, falls to the ground with his head separated.

I quickly turn to join you against the Ubese. We fight her just like the Dathomirian, each of us on opposite sides to split her attention. The assailant's skills in defense aren't as good as her rageful attacks and she is soon defeated.

I catch my breath and say "We need to secure that hole." We both know it's covered but that may not be good enough. Just as we are about to get up, several Jedi rush in seeing us.
Even during the fight I can still feel the sting of hot tears pricking the corners of my eyes, only growing worse once you manage to behead one and then both of us taking down the female Sith moments later. All this senseless death over a few people who wanted more power. There had to be a way other than rage and grief to get to it easily... Part of me can't help but believe that if everyone had someone who loved and cared for them, no one would fight for fear of losing that person or getting themselves killed.

I glance back at the hole, still covered in a mountain of dusty debri, and I hear footsteps thudding down the hall. Jedi boots from the sound; so different to the clatter of clones.

I can see Master Mace Windu and Master Yoda come through the doorway, the latter with his green saber drawn and kissing his cane. "You two alright?" Windu looks around, glancing at the dead bodies and then the pile of concrete. "They came through from there? We haven't spotted Sith anywhere else but we're definitely under droid fire. I assume they came for the Dathomirian." I nod and respond quickly.

"Yes master, we tried to seal it off..." I'm out of breath and I'm rubbing quickly at my face, getting the tears out of sight.
"We collapsed the ceiling on the hole after we saw roughly six Sith light sabers surfacing. We aren't certain if they are dead." I look over at the three dismembered bodies, one of which came from the hole.

Yoda sighs and says "Speak elsewhere, we should." We walk out of the Prisoner Area after Master Windu tells a clone commander to have that hole guarded at all times.

We follow Yoda back into the Jedi council chambers. For the first time in a while I'm able to take a seat in my designated circular chair. Being on missions with you and giving the presentations in these meetings has kept me from it. Master Yoda uses the force to pull a chair for you close to mine.

Once everyone is seated, the center of the circle is filled with holographic planets showing where the Sith is currently attacking. Master Windu says "Reports place Sith and droids in Coruscant as well. Our Jedi there are keeping the Galactic Senate protected with the clones."

One of the masters here in holographic form speaks from Coruscant. "I'm patching in the locations of the Sith here onto your view." Ships are suddenly seen around the planet. He continues "Our sensors show 6 battleships and at least 50 cruisers above the atmosphere. Droids and Sith have been fighting their way toward the Galactic Senate. We have enough Jedi to keep them held but I fear the collateral damage will cause the politicians to disperse and be captured."
I eye the collapsed pile of concrete one last time before leaving the room, still feeling as if the ghosts of the now-departed Sith are following me like a blood guilt. A small shudder passes down my spine, but I'm trying to not allow it to show. We make our way quickly to the council chambers, part of my mind wondering if we should barricade the doors. But there are a few troopers posted just outside the doors, and surely they would alert us should an enemy approach or something go amiss. I'm already trying to figure how many may have died on this planet and back on Coruscant from the sudden droid and Sith advance.

I sit down slowly, glancing over at you for a moment and offering a weak smile. I allow myself to relax, even though the situation is quite dire. Your predictions of this turning to a full scale war seem to have come true. And all because we had both gone to one singular occupied planet and happened to poke the center of the bee's nest, so to speak. But that would mean...could the Dathomirian have been someone more important? These thoughts swirl in my mind as i listen to the report.

"Is there any way that some fighters can go out to the cruisers and start an aerial battle before anything MORE has to be brought to the surface? Have ships already been deployed?" I'm not such a great flyer myself, but I have enough experience to prove I can be worth it if needed there rather than on the surface.
Windu replies "Some ships were able to make it out of the hanger before the artillery began. They were able to join the fleet already out there but losses are high. If we let ships out now they will be destroyed the moment the hanger shield is opened."

A Master from a neighboring planet says "Clones from here are on their way. No Sith attack has happened here but we are keeping vigilant."

Master Yoda slowly moves his cane in a circles and says "Wait for reinforcements we must. A distraction they will provide for our grounded ships."

I know hastiness can be a weakness in high stress situations like this but there must be another way than relying on reinforcements. I think for a while and say "What if we take a spare base-shield generator and board it on a ship. The sphere shield emitted could be large enough to fit many cruisers safely. At least until they get to space where they can disperse."

It's a move I've never heard tried before and although I hate to part with another base-shield generator in case the current one goes down, it will provide a larger distraction so when reinforcements arrive more ships can join the fight.

Windu presses on a com-link to the clone general and says "How many spare base-shields do we have ready for use?" The general says "Two sir."

Master Yoda says "Master Jarean's plan, we will execute." He doesn't want our pending reinforcements to be out there alone, so the council relays the plan to the Clone General.
I listen carefully. A spare base shield? It's something that's a little risky, but cruisers and smaller fighter planes would be able to make it to Coruscant under its protection. "Master, will we be on one of the ships?" I glance at you, then back to Masters Yoda and Windu, and the rest whom are currently just holograms. They all seem to think a moment. Send a council member and his Padawan to an active warzone? But it's not better here..

"Board one of the ships, you must." Yoda speaks up, still moving his cane in thought. "Not many Jedi already sent to Coruscant. Add to their numbers, you will. In both of you, I hold trust." I nod slowly and glance at you, smiling, though I'm obviously afraid. None of us still know what the Sith are after. Or who is leading them, with this sudden massive scale of attack.
I stand and say "We will leave as soon as the ship is outfitted with the shield." We leave the council and the meeting ends. For now it is a waiting game to see who wins this assault.

We walk quickly through the halls until we reach the hanger. A captain approaches us and says "Master Jedi, we are loading the shield into the ship. It will be a while longer before it's powered up and operational." I nod and he gets back to his crew.

Looking at the ship, it's quite big but I know it must be large enough to house the shield. We watch the large spherical shield being wheeled up the ramp into the ship. It's no wonder we will be taking a ship this size.

I turn to you and say "Things have been moving fast Isartimus and now I have time to ask you. How are you feeling after the fight with the Sith?" I know it's the first time you've killed and I know even better it's hard on every Jedi.
I watch the shield as well, somehow worried the ship won't be able to carry it. It takes several droids and humans to get it powered into the ramp and into the ship, even on a motor-controlled platform. I look back at you, drawing a little closer, cheeks burning with shame as I hear your question. Already the memories are coming back, the past several minutes forcing them away for the time being. Tears well in my eyes and make my vision waver.

"Not good, Master... I feel sick. The Sith was maybe even younger than I am. No one deserves to die like that... I couldn't even finish it quickly..." I can feel my shoulders bobbing, getting set to cry but the tears won't spill. "I don't want to kill. We're about peace and lawfulness but killing is one of the greatest acts of evil in this universe..."
I give you a hug, holding you gently. Instances like this it is acceptable and expected of a Master to comfort their padawan. I rub your back slowly and say "It's a difficult thing, but it's all you can do." Killing is something you'll understand soon enough to be a necessity as a Jedi, a last-resort. But even then it never becomes easy to live with, just acceptable.

Artillery pounds on the shield surrounding the base. The base shakes and clones continue rushing about their business. Together as I hold you we seek a break from a war of beliefs.
"It doesn't make any of it right. I...I became a Jedi to do this peacefully, to find a way to cope with my lack of parental upbringing and conflicting emotions. Even now I see that we've been lied to about how we can't have relations... But I feel stronger with them. With the positive ones, with love. Not anger." I sniff, wiping my eyes and huddling closer in your arms, trying to drone out the sound of artillery fire and clones shouting.

I find myself wishing to escape to my dreams, the ones where we sit peacefully and enjoy each other and the beauty of the world. But, I can't change this. All I can do now is hold onto you and hope that we both survive and win the war. And maybe, just able to expand on our relationship, continue to find things out about each other.
I rub your back while I listen. Things aren't as absolute as our minds wish it to be. There is always grey area in anything, realizing that is scary.

We take a seat on a crate as the shield is being prepared for our ship. "Peace will still happen. It was either you or the Sith. If he would have won do you think he would have worked for peace? Because you lived, peace has a chance. Sith... they embody evil. There is no desire in any one of them for peace. You are shaken, I was too. But peace is the removal of evil."
I nod slightly, the tears starting to come now and wiping them away gently from my cheeks before they can spill onto my robes. Your words make sense, and I certainly can't argue against them. Certainly if the Sith had won, I would be dead, you'd have lost a student and a lover, and one person had lived in order to commit evil. Part of my mind wonders why someone so young could be so corrupted. They could always be lied to, not necessarily evil..

I sigh, leaning against your shoulder and staring at the smooth surface of the landing deck just a few feet away. I feel suddenly weary. "Master, how long do you think it'll take us to get to Coruscant? I was hoping I could rest and try to settle my stomach before then."
"You'll have enough time to relax." We won't be able to fly at light speed the entire way because of the chance of colliding with a ship laying siege to the planet. I'm not sure how long it will take but it will be a while.

We see R4 rolling past us, beeping a few times before rolling up the ramp for the crane to lower him into the front of the ship.

Sitting with you I wonder what happened with the Dathomirian. Did he escape through the hole and order the other Sith to the surface? Was he collapsed on? Or is he somewhere in the base? Any guess is as good as these but I start to feel we will be seeing him again. Hopefully before robotic hands can be installed on his wrists.
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