Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

The sudden explosion jars me further, my ears ringing as the building shakes lightly. For a moment, I'm fearful it may collapse, but my attention is quickly directed once more to my predicament. In my panic I cannot sense you, eyes wide, still struggling. Maybe if I can squirm more... The Dathomirian is now the one holding me, and his grip nearly breaks both my wrists while his other hand wraps around my neck and lifts me up, preferring physical rather than a Force choke.

"Seems your friend is here. Or friends. You better tell me now where they are...or else I'll strip those pretty little tails from your head." My legs trash violently, my heart nearly bursting. Any damage done to the middle or higher parts of the lekku can damage a Twi'lek's brain, or scar permanently. The Dathomirian smirks and lowers his hood, the crimson and black markings making him look like some hornless devil. "Never..." I spit, one leg rising up far enough and kicking his side.

It doesn't phase him, and he merely tightens his grip. Stars swim into my breath is growing thin... "Then maybe some coaxing is called for." He growls, lying me down on the floor. His grip is still strong and my body is growing weak from lack of oxygen. He draws a leg onto both of mine, containing me well. His other hand, gloved, starts to rip open my shirt, exposing part of my chest and the pale green skin beneath. "Lets make a few scars you can remember us by."
With pieces of the front entrance still falling down the steps, it's easy slipping through the back of the building. Following your energies I reach the back room and see the Dathomirian gripping you. Quickly raising my hand, my force crushes his shoulders in. Yanking him off you my light saber flares on, light blue.

I can sense he is strong, not like the three others. But our position is compromised and we need to get out fast. With the Sith dazed, I grab you up and carry you out the broken window. Hurrying to the edge of town, our droid R4 is maneuvering the cruiser to pick us up. We've provoked the beehive, I can sense the Sith rushing to the surface.
I can hear the man yelling in pain as I feel a disturbance and witness his shoulders seeming to crush inward on themselves, my vision already hazy. He was keeping just on the edge of blacking out, senses dulled all but for touch. I cough, gasping and helping as you scoop me up. The incoming oxygen now and the full Force within me returns enough sense that just as we exit the building, I draw my lightsaber towards me through the air. The steel slaps into my good hand, fingers not daring to lose their grip.

"Master...I'm sorry..." My voice is choked and raspy, hot tears curling down my cheeks and leaving a small pattering trail as you face towards the ship. I can see two figures following us, but they don't seem to be catching up too quickly. Panic still sits in my blood, but not as bad now that I can hear and feel the whoosh of the ship hovering nearby.

We manage to get on board and fly off, and I can feel you set me down. Everything is still hazy. Sitting in the passenger seat next to you, I drop my lightsaber and sit there, almost groggily. I notice one of my lekku is bleeding lightly near the tip, a safe distance away; my shirt is torn and exposes nearly all of my chest. I reach up with my good hand and close it slightly to shield my breasts. It's deathly silent on board.
Once inside R4 knows to get us up in the atmosphere as soon as possible. I help you into a seat as we ascend quickly. We hear the laser beams of artillery firing around us but I know we are safe in here. Soon we are in space and heading away from the planet.

Looking at you I say "What is injured on you?" I go over to the medical closet and grab some bandages and disinfectant spray. I know I should sent a report soon to the Jedi Council but right now I need to make sure you will be alright.

I bring the supplies over to you, seeing your shirt is torn badly. Pulling off my cloak I put it around you.

By now we are on our way to the base one planet over and R4 is keeping control of our trajectory.
I look up at you, feeling like I have rings beneath my eyes from how much stress we just went through in that one moment. "I blew it." I murmur, quiet. Reluctantly, feeling like I rather deserve these injuries, I lift my bad wrist, which is obviously broken. I also pull the injured lekku from under your cloak, just a light cut from glass or rubble. Easy enough for a bandage to cover. "I was fiddling with a radio. Trying to get in on their signal. It buzzed and...I guess they heard it."

The ship draws close to the planet within minutes, light speed and the efficient thrusters getting us there quickly. R4 sends down a few beeps to us in the cockpit and prepares to land. People are already rushing to us before we even land.
Listening to you I know this is something you will be ashamed of for a very long time. I put my hand on your shoulder and rub it gently. "All will be fine. We both made it out alive, we know where the enemy base is, and... " I pull out the radio that was hanging on your boot when I picked you up "You kept valuable intel despite being held. You did good padawan, regardless what you are thinking."

The ship lands and the medical team hurries over. R4 had alerted them that you were injured and I let them help you onto a stretcher before taking you into the hospital. I know you will be taken care of. I'd guess they will have your bones healed in under an hour.

Grabbing the radio, I pull out the battery and walk through the military base until I reach the headquarters. Two clones open the large doors for me and I step inside seeing several members or the Jedi council and several more through their holograms. Master Yoda sees me and says "Master Jarean, come in."

Stepping into the center of the circularly arranged seats I say "Padiwan Isartimus and I just returned from our recon mission against the Sith occupation. Our exit was rushed but key intelligence was gathered. The Sith are locating their headquarters underneath the capital city, their energies are dampened yet noticeable when above the surface. Also, my padawan was able to retrieve this... at a painful cost. However, she is in medical care and I expect she will be just fine."
Within the hospital, I am taken care of quickly. The diagnosis comes through as a small concussion and a broken wrist, but nothing more. After a few injections and a quick dip into a healing vat with an oxygen mask, I'm feeling refreshed in no time and offered a normal, hot shower afterwards. There's a brace on my wrist, but I'm free to move my fingers and arm as I slowly wash myself. Within a few hours, I can take it off, but for now I redress into a plain black undershirt used mostly for training and some tan capris that reach just past my knees. An attendant informs me of where you are, and I head towards the room with a jacket to cover myself with as well as my lightsaber clipped to my waist.

"Master..." I greet you as I walk in the door, but stay out of sight from the holograms. I feel it would be shameful of me to interject, so I merely hold my hands in front of me and listen closely to the conversation. The others of the council seem to want us to go back to the planet, which causes goosebumps to form along my arms. It'll be hard facing the Sith again, no doubt...
I finish up by giving them the various locations of the enemy artillery before they say we need to return as soon as you are well and locate suitable invasion points. I nod and turn, heading back out.

Master Yoda looks at you from the distance and telepathically says "Good, you did Padawan." just as the door is closed behind me. I look at you and say "You healed fast Padawan. I didn't even have time to visit you in that short period. How are you feeling?" I ask as we walk to the living quarters. We didn't have time to grab our supply bags during the escape so we will have to repack. No matter, the supplies lost give no strategic edge to the Sith.

Moving through the hallways we pass the occasional Jedi, but mostly clones. The planet our headquarters is located is far different than the forest of our enemy's. This is a much more urban metropolitan area, with our base just outside a major city.
Master Yoda's voice carries through and I glance behind, offering a shy smile and a nod in thanks as the doors close behind us. I can feel my cheeks burn with embarassment for a moment, and I turn my head to face away from you to keep you from seeing. There's a slight difference in my stride, but not by much. "I'm feeling much better Master, almost as good as new. Thank you for caring for me back on the ship. I didn't think I'd make it so long as that Sith had me on the ground." We've reached the living quarters by now, and I recognize we have rooms right across the hall from each other.

This stirring feeling inside comes to life once more, but even with the Force back to its normal control. How..? I can feel a warmth spread from my stomach and all across my body, and I keep glancing sideways at you. The amount of people has ebbed and now we are alone at the end of the hallway, standing.

"I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you, master. It seems I still have much to learn." I smile at the short few inches between your taller height and mine, fiddling with the injured lekku at my chest. Quickly, I reach forward and hug you, pressing close. Then just as swiftly, I pull away with a blush and head back to my room, shutting the door with a hesitant look back and head to bed. Without further prompting by my beaten frame, I flop into the sheets, covering myself even with my clothes on and quickly pass out.

It's still late night, but on the day after we escaped the Sith planet.
Feeling your hug, I barely have time to respond before you are back in your room. Hugs are not a normal occurrence, mostly something that goes on when a Jedi saves a non-Jedi. But between Jedi, that is different. Despite my mind questioning it, I can't help but know that I enjoyed it. Feeling you close felt right, and your body felt incredible as well.

I look at your closed door for a while before going into mine and shutting the door. I realize I haven't changed or even eaten since the planet so I make myself a quick meal and then go into my personal shower. Undressing, I wash myself under the warm water. Symmetrical tattoos are seen all over my light green skin except for on my prosthetic leg where the scar tissue masked it. I never was able to make time to have it re-done.

Enjoying the warm water I feel you slipping into my thoughts. As my padawan you are often on my mind, but not like this. I think of your closeness, how I care for you, and how you are no longer the young girl I remember you as but as a beautiful strong woman. As I wash myself I begin getting aroused, the image of you in my mind becoming more graphic. Sensations common among Mirialan in the spring time hit me hard, but something I rarely feel if at all.
My dreams that night are scattered with images. The first is the trees of the planet we just escaped.. The second includes a beautiful green meadow overlooking a deep blue lake, crystal clear. Finally, a smaller oak tree resting by the meadow, the large forest leagues away, and I'm resting beneath the roots that sit above ground in parts of the oak. A light breeze rustles the leaves above, the sun warm on my skin. I turn to find you beside me.

I'm getting that weird feeling again. Both of us are dressed rather..casually for Jedi. No trace of our robes, only the lightsabers sitting together in the grass by our hands. Yours inches into mine and my heart leaps.

It's a brief dream and already it begins to fade as I slowly awake, dazed and vision blurry to the room around me. I stretch and yawn, finding a clock and noticing it's nearly mid-morning. I sit up groggily, taking off the brace and flexing my wrist. Pain-free. Within a half hour I've changed into a new set of robes provided me, just like my old ones from before.
I push away my feelings for you. I know they are genuine now, not something that only occurs when my force levels are down, but something I really feel. That scares me. I am your Master, your teacher, your mentor, your friend, to be anything more is... immoral. Finishing my shower I will myself to sleep. Sleeping hard in a deep meditative trance to cleanse my thoughts for tomorrow's mission.

I wake up early in this planet's morning feeling refreshed. The thoughts of you still strong... looking at you, holding you, kissing you, sharing a bed with you. But again I push them away. Getting dressed, I pack all my gear and attach my light saber.

As I step into the hallway I can sense you are still sleeping. After your injuries I feel no protest in letting you sleep until your body is ready. I go out to the cruiser bay and speak with the mechanics. They tell me of the new additions they've made, saying for the mission they installed invisible cloaking that will hide not only the sight but the electronic signature as well. I know that will come in handy so I thank the clones.

Packing away my gear in the cruiser, I have a meal and then head back to my quarters to see if I missed anything. I sense you are awake and knock on your door. "Isartimus, everything is prepared. We will depart once you are ready."
I've just finished a rather large breakfast I prepared once I hear a knock. I can feel your specific signature however through the Force, so I answer without hesitation. "Good morning Master. I'll be out in a moment." The door closes once more, cleaning up my mess quickly and throwing a few things together before coming out to meet you. Obviously this pack is smaller since I lost some things, but all the essentials are there. Including my lightsaber.

We walk down the hall together, and I can sense the ship must be ready from the brisk pace you set. I have to jog occasionally to catch up. "Master, about last night, I'm really sorry if I made it uncomfortable... I know we're not supposed to show any affection but I wanted to thank you. Being a Jedi is hard when you can't get a whole lot of hugs." Since my parents had abandoned me, I was brought up without proper social interaction. Hugs, then more intimate things as a teenager now. The celibacy had been sort of pushed on me, and for around two or three years now, part of my conscious mind argued about the cost of not having a family, or loving someone.

These thoughts swirled in my mind silently as we loaded ourselves into the ship, activating the cloaks to test them before lifting off and heading at a slower and more careful place back to the Sith-infested planet. No doubt my emotions were sending disturbances of some sort.
As the ramp closes behind us, sealing us in the ship, I say "Don't worry padawan. The both of us have had a rough few weeks and the simple comfort of a hug was well earned for the both of us." I smile at you as we pack away our things and R4 raises us through the planet's atmosphere. Before long we are back in space heading toward the forest planet.

Sitting in the command chair watching the planet slowly getting bigger I say "Our mission is to locate places for the troops to land near the headquarters and various occupied outposts. We will stay in the planets orbit for at least one rotation before heading down and scouting the best areas."

Continuing with an explanation of the mission to you, my mind begins wandering. I know there is no rule against hugging in the Jedi council but it's still not something widely practiced. But I can't help but think of it fondly. Thoughts return to me of last night where I had imagined us in a more primal sense. For that brief period in my mind while I was under the shower we weren't Jedi but a man and woman enjoying the naked embrace of one another.
(Nice profile, is that him?)

Once on the in orbit, I carefully listen to your instructions and the quick explanation of our plan now. It's a shame we had never gotten to explore deeper into the stronghold due to my stupid mistake. I pick up the radio in my hand and place it on one of the consoles, tuning the dial. I manage to find the station and listen to the Sith jargon coming through the other end. It sounds mostly like they're upset about what happened and battening down the entrances.

The ride is longer this time to help our ship from being detected. It'll be a long while, though I'm not certain if hours or days. Time has an odd feeling when there's no difinitive sunrise or sunset. I merely relax in the chair, face flushed from your comments on the hug being okay when we first took off. I remember it fondly while I try to focus on what you're saying.

"Alright, I see Master. Perhaps we could try to find a patch in the forest that isn't so densely populated, but I would find that hard to believe." I point out the windshield to the planet, the majority of which's surface is covered in a dense green but for some widely spaced small patches of lighter green or hilly brown. Mountains. There are some sources of water as well, such as lakes and thin curving lines that are rivers.

I glance over, feeling my body pull. Like I'm trying to get up subconciously. I sit up, after you finishing your explanation of course, and come over for another hug. It feels so perfect.. I hold this one this time, head on your shoulder. "I'm scared, Master. The Dathomirian..." As if I don't need anymore explanation.
(Thanks. I think that matches him pretty well. He's the same race and has the same light saber. I just picture my character being a bit older, somewhere in his 30s.)

I spot a large lake that appears to have a deep shoreline. Perhaps that would work well for a landing sight. As I continue to survey the land I feel you come over for a hug. My heart beats faster feeling your warmth. I wrap my arms around you once I hear the reason.

Speaking to you over your shoulder I say "It was a scary moment." I'm certain he was able to lower his force energies to get the drop on you. "This time we will be more careful." I know you've learned from what happened. It's not something one easily forgets.

I rub your back softly and pull slightly away to look at your face, hoping my words at least helped a little. Behind you the planet slowly spins around, exposing the land when clouds aren't present.
Your words are measured but they definitely feel comforting. I can feel warmth spark inside me once more and I push a little closer, your arms coming together behind my back. It's so...welcoming. I feel my emotions move strongly even under the influence of the Force, which is something I've rarely experienced. Hearing you pull back, I look up at you. There's still uncertainty in my eyes, but I try to offer a brave smile.

"Thank you, Master... You had my back then, and I know you will now... It'll be a sad day when I leave the shelter of your wing." The statement brings a slightly larger smile and a small laugh, only half jokingly. My eyes catch on yours, my heart inadvertently skipping a beat. Is this something more than just companionship and protection? Mentor and student? You've been closest to me my whole life. And, well, kind of handsome too. The dream from last night begins to circle around.

Without much control over myself, one of my hands gently rests on the edge of the seat, leaning forward and kissing you. It's neither long nor brief, just a testing of the forbidden waters... Part of me hopes badly you won't reject.
I smile at your words, replying "That day will be an extremely proud one for me." I look into your eyes sensing some trepidation in you, a deep wondering is inside you not unlike myself. I wonder if your thoughts are similar to mine.

Thinking you're moving away from me, you lean in and our lips connect. My heart pauses. A struggle ensues in me before I succumb to my desires and reciprocate the affection, kissing you back.

I've kissed before but never for an affection such as this. The kisses have only been signs of thanks or greetings, always tending to be a cultural behavior. But this... feels like something I've never felt before. The warmth and excitement it brings to me isn't unlike the force, a new uncharted source of power to me.
My heart is pounding quickly, and no doubt you can feel it as I lean closer in your arms. This is a whole new frontier, something both of us really have no clue of. Much less Jedi.. The thought screams to me that this is wrong. Jedi are sworn to never have serious relationships of this kind with anyone, much less another one of the Order. But I can't stop..

I continue to kiss you back, feeling my body begin to burn. Every nerve ending throughout me is reacting, including the ones in my lekku. The feeling as they brush against your chest from my own, as well as my breasts, sends shivers down my spine. One of my hands slips to sit lightly on your leg, nowhere close to anything sexual just for the sake of being careful.
Eyes closing slowly as I savor this new feeling. My heart pounds strong and fast in my chest. The simple act of kissing with the right two people is driving me wild.

I feel your heavy Lekku on my chest and they comfort me. They are surprisingly soft. It's been a long time since I've felt them and it was accidentally while I was teaching you how to wrestle an opponent.

Your breasts feel like heaven on me and the soft touch of your hand makes the rate of my beating heart increase. You feel my hands move down your back slowly, massagingly to your sides. Feeling your slender waist I let my hands move lower. Thoughts of everything else are far gone from me. You are all that is left.
My confidence quickly rises as I feel your hands move lower, the kisses continuing after each short break for air. It's like I had a hunger this whole time I didn't realize until now. I shift gently and carefully into your lap to straddle your legs. My muscles relax instantly beneath your firm but comforting grip. The love and pride of an instructor is something I loved getting from you. But seeing as you're wiser, more mature...and not stopping this?

It's a different love. Physical, emotional... Personal. Your heart beats fast like mine. It helps calm me somewhat, and I finally let my eyes flutter closed and press against you more.

A new sensation begins lower. At the same time I feel my heart ache, in a good way, I feel my body ache. It's hungry. It needs to be touched. To be exposed. I lift my hand from your leg, hesitating in the air for a moment before tugging at my jacket, pulling it off and dropping it to the ship floor. Then, my shirt... I start to open it from the side, where it connects. Almost like a robe.
The feeling of you straddling my lap makes my loins stir. My hands feel down your sides and back toward your toned ass. As my heart continues to beat my manhood swells in my pants.

I can sense you removing your shirt and once it is opened it feels as if your body heat has warmed the entire cruiser. The kiss grows hotter as well and I have to break to breath. My eyes trail down your soft lekku and I see your perky light green breasts. My manhood swells more under you, tending and nudging between your straddling legs.

No fear or regret is inside me, only the desire to know you as physically well as I know you emotionally and professionally. My eyes trail back up to yours as I pull open my robe and expose my bare chest with yours.
The air feels a little cold against my bare skin, but at this point it's more of a relief. My body is overheating badly. Not only am I dealing with my first real kiss with my master, someone I've known for years, but also...exposing myself. When the Dathomirian did it to hurt me just days ago, I now do it willingly and somewhat embarrassingly to you. I'm not confident about my body; I'm leaner-toned. A combination of rigorous training and pre-existing body growth makes sure of that.

I feel something stirring between my legs and I realize it's your member, a hot blush spreading across my cheeks. You're finding arousal now, not just love... I watch as you open your robe to me and I gently reach forward to help part the multicolored material. I've seen your chest before, no doubt. But now it seems so much more taboo and sexual.

I carefully take your robe off and drape it elsewhere, doing so respectfully. You're still my master of course. But I can't help but whisper a quick "I love you" before kissing you heatedly, hands roaming your chest and sides, one soon slipping down to tease the bulge in your pants.
Your lips reach mine before I can respond but I have the feeling you know what I would say. Smiling in the kiss, my hands feel your bare back, one hand moving down your skin to your pants feeling your soft ass. My bulge swells as I feel your hand teasing me.

Moaning softly in the kiss, my other hand moves to your front feeling one of your long light green lekku. I gently massage it, knowing how sensitive they are and how they are attached to your brain. I feel the soft length of it as our lips continue to massage each other.

With the warmth growing between our bare chests I slowly part your lips and slide my tongue into yours. My tongue gently massages yours and plays.

R4 forgoes his usual occasional beeping. He focuses on the autopilot and surveillance of the planet.
The second I feel your touch on my tail, it kicks my whole body into full drive. At once I'm hit with two thoughts; fuck like animals or to relax completely and melt into a small puddle on the floor. The sensitivity gives me this heightened sense since the nerves react directly to the brain. My hand continues to tease the bulge in your pants. Slowly, my other hand slips down your chest to open your pants, groaning lightly against your lips.

I gently fish your member out into the open air, rolling my tongue against yours. The lekku you're fondling twitches slightly, nothing more. They don't generally move on their own. I've noticed R4 has stopped beeping, but only several minutes after he did.

"Master.." I gently whisper, groaning slightly again. I can feel myself growing extremely hot, even without my shirt. A wetness starts spreading between my legs, and I shudder, unused to the feeling.
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