Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

Hearing your seductive voice saying my title, I kiss you a while longer before standing. I keep you held in my arms close to my chest while walking us back to the sleep bunks. They are small but far more comfortable than the chair.

I lay you on your back on my lower bunk and climb in with you. It's a close fit but very cozy. Supporting myself over you, I lean down and kiss your lips. The straining between my legs becomes too much to ignore. I reach down and slide my pants down and off. My hardness exposed showing the light green skin and uncircumcised tip.

The entire shaft twitches and precum beads at the tip. I break the kiss only to help you out of the last piece of clothing on your body.
I don't protest to the movement, clinging to you tightly as you carry me. It feels nice.. I try to not squirm in your arms, but I'm awfully aroused. I lie on the bed, looking up at you, watching as you strip fully naked in front of teacher.. But you're so well built, so close to me.. I see the precum and blush even hotter, hesitating before touching your cock, pushing back the skin and watching the head come into view.

I simply lift my hips, allowing you to pull my pants off, then my garments beneath to expose my naked form completely. Twi'lek don't typically grow hair much, so my entire body is smooth and sensitive.. Although lightly covered in sweat from nervousness. "Master... Is this okay...? With you I mean?" I glance up at you for approval, trying to maintain my blush.
The sight of your soft smooth womanhood makes my cock throb in desire. Your hand makes me ache for more. I have never been worked up like this before. Being a male, testosterone usually hits rather hard when ignored but as a Jedi we learn to harness all urges and emotions. But now my desires burn clean through all of that, needing you at all costs.

Hearing your question, we both know the answer but I reply "Isartimus... I would never dream of using my position to take advantage of you... I will only continue if you wish it." I don't want to put this all on you but your question shows me some hesitation and I understand and respect it.
I listen to your words, always. All these years, they've guided and assured me. Taught me so much. And now I was given a choice. Of course I would continue. And it was amazing that you would hold such standards for me. Of course as a Jedi master.. You had to be moral, had to be level minded.. And I loved you for it. The calm to any storm of doubt I could have.

"I know Master, I trust you.. I'm glad to be your student and learn from you everyday... You know me the most." I smile warmly, leaning up and kissing you deeply, hand stroking your cheek and the other on your cock. After a few moments, I break the kiss, my lips gently pulling yours as they seperate. I lean up, whispering into your ear. "I want this."
My cock now aching for you, I smile hearing you are as certain as I am. I spread your smooth legs further apart, exposing your womanhood to my hooded head. Holding my shaft, I bring it to your soft lips and slide it slowly downward until I feel myself enter slightly.

I rub the side of your thigh slowly with my free hand as I push into you. Moving slowly, I feel your warmth surround my thick member. The pleasure is immense and I can already feel more precum leaking out of my swollen tip.

I lean down to kiss you, in the process letting my cock dive deeper. Our lips connect and I feel just over half my length within you and warm.
The first feeling as your cock presses closer is an ache of want, but as you push in, it begins to hurt, badly. But I try to stick it out, using my training to hold that high pain tolerance and breath slowly, using the Force to meditate even in this different situation. I lean up to kiss you back, deeply and lovingly. My leg quivers under your touch. A low moan escapes me and against your lips as you eventually break through my hymen and take my virginity, the pleasure mounting as the pain subsides.

I'm a little out of breath, feeling my insides ache from holding such a large, foreign object. But I get used to it even if my walls continue to massage your cock to try and push it out. "Ah..." I whimper slightly, arms wrapping over your shoulders as my hips lift up for my knees to hug your sides. It helps send you a little deeper, forcing another sound from me. I can feel every twitch you make now, setting off my own nerves.
I stay burried fully in you for a while. Our bodies getting used to one another and responding through massaging and twitching. My heavy balls rest on your ass while your legs stay fully around me. I moan in pleasure while my toes curl. The warmth and smoothness of your womanhood makes my cock well and twitch more.

Kissing each other softly, my hands slide a little lower on your hips and I slowly pull myself out partially before pushing back in. The feeling makes my heart beat quick and firm as I repeat that movement within you. The slow rocking making your soft breasts bounce, putting my eyes in a brief trance when we break to breath.
It seems like forever before you pull out and then push back in once more, sending a heavy wave of pleasure up my spine. I moan quietly, the feeling is so great.. I notice it's quite pleasurable for you too, seeing your muscles tense and your cock twitch inside of me. This brings a new sense of equality now, both of us new to this. I love that my body makes you react in this way, and I buck my hips forward against your thrusts and feel your swollen tip poke even further in.

I kiss you back, loving the taste of your lips and closing my eyes for a moment before moaning again once you break the kiss, my arms unwrapping from your shoulders to roam down your sides. The lekku rest over my arms still but don't obstruct your view of my breasts. Slowly my hands return to myself and slide down my lekku and breasts, down to meet your hands on my hips. The sensation makes me shudder beneath you, walls tightening.
A deep groan escapes me as your soft walls close around my shaft. Tension grows within me as my balls slowly ready themselves to release. Distracting myself, I lean in and kiss your lekku softly across to your neck. My lips being gentle while the pace becomes faster. I kiss down to your breasts feeling them to be softer than even your lekku.

Our ship remains in a slow orbit above the planet while we are in our own world together. Our bodies moving to each other's rhythm as we discover feelings we've kept hidden from one another.
I moan softly as you groan, loving the sounds you make just as much as I love feeling your body against mine. One of my hands moves up to gently run through your hair, looking up into your eyes, feeling disconnected from everything but this moment. Your pace quickens, making me gasp and whine louder, squirming lightly beneath your toned form. Your kisses make me feel like electricity moves through me.

"Ah... Master..!" I whimper, hitting my first climax just as your cock shoves closer to one of my walls and sets me off. My cries grow louder, walls tightening around you and attempting to milk you for your seed.
Thrusting in and out of your beautiful body, I hear your whimpers and feel your walls massaging and milking me. The pleasure builds so high in me causing my heart to become erratic and my vision to blur.

I continue my thrusts until it's as if every muscle in my body tenses. I thrust deeply into you and hold my hips there with my balls against your ass. Not knowing why I am doing this, perhaps it's in my nature. Fully seated in your soft sheath, my cock explodes sending hot white cum out of me and into your womb.

My moans are deep and loud as my orgasm continues to grip me and my balls empty every last drop into you.
As my climax slows and lessens, I can feel yours hit it's peak and send your cum deep into me, the feeling strange and making me jerk slightly. But it's not unpleasant and soon I feel it spread through me, warm and somewhat soothing. I sigh, listening to your moans and running my hands in exploration across your tattoos, something I'm only just now noticing from being caught up in the moment.

"Master... Thank you..." I gently pull you down once you finish, allowing you to rest on top of me as I hold you close. The warmth of our bodies, the sweat, the smell of arousal and the afterglow... I close my eyes, growing weary.
Finishing deep within you, I don't pull out. I want to savor the feeling of you for as long as I can. When you pull me down on top of you and we relax, I smile knowing you wish the same. I kiss your cheek and then lips softly saying "No, thank you." My hands gently feeling your sides as we relax.

After a short while I roll us while remaining inside you. I am much heavier than you, so I lay underneath you letting you rest on my chest. The warmth of sex slowly cools and I pull a soft blanket over us to trap what warmth remains. Kissing you again I say "You are so beautiful Isartimus." As if I had just noticed it for the first time.
The feeling of comfort remains as you change our position, enjoying getting to lie on top of you and feel your warmth surround me, the blanket helping calm me further. My breathing and heart finally return to a more normal pace, sighing quietly and blushing badly at your praise. "Thank you Master.. No one's ever said that to me before." I smile up at you, head pressed sideways to the middle of your toned chest. I begin to drink in every detail about you; the stark contrast between your pitch black hair and green skin, how your heart beats, the symmetry on your skin...

Over time, I eventually start to doze off. I wish to stare at you forever, to appreciate everything, but my eyes slowly close. Dreams quickly take hold of me, and the night descends as we orbit towards the side of the planet where the sun holds no rays for now.
Resting together feels like the most peaceful thing I've ever done. Then mixes with the calm surrounding of the force around us, we are in a cocoon of meditation. I soon drift into sleep with you. Our naked bodies soon creating warmth between the sheets and insulating us well.

Your soft lekku rest on my chest and trail down to my thighs. My arms staying around the small of your back as my heart beats slowly near your head.

We stay on the dark side of the planet for a long while as R4 searching for potential invasion points. Because of the darkness we lose track of time and sleep deeply until our bodies are replenished. My eyes slowly open and I see you still clinging close to me. I smile and rub your lower back gently, not seeing you as a padawan anymore but as a lover. The thought causes no fear or apprehension in me, simply a new sense of seeing you.
My dreams during our long period of sleep are peaceful. No thoughts of loss, jealously, fear, or pride, like how I was taught I would be haunted by should I ever have a relationship with someone. I dream of the meadow and the oak tree once more, but instead of us holding hands, we are cuddled together in the grass, watching a beautiful sunset. The sky is soaked in orange, the day warm still. It seems my whole night is taken up by this sole scene. And it calms me immensely.

I wake up to blurry vision as usual, feeling you shift lightly beneath me and waking me up much more quickly. I can feel your member still within me, causing me to blush and remember our lustful romp last night. Or possibly two nights ago? It's impossible to tell for now. All that matters to me at the moment is seeing you smile warmly, your hand rubbing along the soft skin of my back.

"Good morning master..." I murmur, smiling back at you and gently leaning forward, greeting you with a kiss.
I kiss you back with a smile saying "Good morning Isartimus." Staying relaxed in that position, I slowly continue to rub my back. While we slept, we get so still my manhood stayed within you even when soft. Then now in the morning when it naturally hardened it was able to fill you back up, leaving me with very satisfying dreams of my young padawan.

Seeing one of your leku has slipped from the blanket and it hanging from the bunk, I reach and gently pull it back into the warmth. "Did you sleep as well as I did?"

R4 keeps slowly circling the planet and soon we reach the horizon side and light pours in quickly. R4 adjusts the suns input and dims it for us all, continuing to survey.
"I'm sure I did, Master. It was a very pleasant dream of us in a meadow somewhere at sunset... Call me sappy." I smile and blush further at the short description of my dream, feeling your hand slip one of my lekku back under the blanket. I love the feel of your hand against them; or on any part of my body for that matter. "'As well as I did'... So you had a fairly good rest as well, I take it? That's good." There's definitely a whole other level of caring between us now and I'm rather enjoying it.

The sudden sun makes me squint for a moment as I turn my head and lean out from the bunk slightly to catch a glimpse of the quickly-dimmed vision of the planet. I silently thank R4 in my thoughts for the shade. Turning back to you, I stretch, twinging a tad at the feeling of your hardened cock inside of me.

"Are you up for another bout of are you just happy this morning?" I giggle. A normal Padawan would certainly never be on this level of both light and dirty humor with her master, but I feel like I can chance being slightly more informal with you.
I laugh a little "Mmm I'd love to take you again, somewhere with more room. But we should give R4 a break and do our jobs, at least a little." I smile as I feel the difficulty in removing my cock from you. It's like it was meant to be within you, pulling out and seeing your slick juices around it makes my decision waver.

I distract myself by stealing a kiss from you. Getting up, I grab my clothes and pull them back on, noticing I much prefer you without yours.

On the display, R4 pulls up several locations he's analyzed for us to review. Pulling all of my clothes on and attaching my light saber, I head over and take a look at them.

The teachings we both went through said we would be distracted from sex. I feel the desire for more but I don't feel pulled away from our mission. Thoughts begin to wonder if that was true teachings or something false.
I can't help but shudder as your cock slips from me, blushing beet red when I feel our combined juices slipping from me. The bed will have to be cleaned later.. I kiss you back, then sit up, stretching once more and slipping out from under the covers, watching you dress and heading towards the cockpit where my clothes are strewn about. I carefully pull them on, sitting back in my seat and looking over R4's studies while we slept and sexed a bit.

"It appears he's found a few places, but not anything large enough for a concise landing for every bit of artillery and troops we need. We'll have to have them all land in different places and then have a rendezvous point." My brow furrows as I try to think.
Looking at the display I say "Multiple landing points would be idea. It would allow for more flexibility if something goes wrong." We look at the display and different readings to see if there are sink-holes or weather patterns that will disrupt the region. Soon we come to the side of the planet where the capital is, our main focus on the invasion.

Looking closely at it I see a field north of it that would house our artillery, serve as a medical station, and land troops. "I think we have our main assault point." I have R4 focus on that region and provide data.

Reading it over, it seems ideal. "Hmm... is it too perfect?" I ask you wondering if it would be the perfect place for a Sith trap. All the other sites had at least one flaw, but this one is perfect.
I come over to your chair, leaning over the back of it with my hands on your chest, smiling. I glance at the screen readouts you're looking at, then back up through the glass at the planet. "How far is it from the city?" I look closely and notice it's a fair distance, but nearly perfectly flat and without blemish. The trees seem to unnaturally stop in a perfect line; not one out of place. "I think it looks too good. A trap of some kind... Perhaps... Maybe that's where the Sith were stationed with their own artillery when they took the city? They could have cleared that area by themselves?"

I glance again into space, down on the planet. Even from out here, our orbit is low enough to see the city's details. The wreckage, the weak glow of enormous fires. It's an understatement to say the place was a large metropolis.
I nod "It seems probable for both, most likely their invasion point. It keeps the capital between them and the lake." I think for a while more and say "The other points are good enough for the Jedi Council to discuss with the clone leaders. But this site... we need to be sure."

I look up at you and say "We have to go down and make sure there is no trap." The last time we were on the planet it was for weeks. But at least for this mission it will be shorter, much shorter. I would guess it to take a day at the longest. Plus we have no need to enter the capital, only to confirm that the Sith force presence is still being felt there.

The trap must be discovered, if there is one. With our stealth, I know we will be successful.
A shudder passes through me. Suddenly the idea of going back down to the planet isn't such a good one to me. But.. I swallow hard before I nod and look at you. "Alright. We'll go down." I go back to sit in my chair, taking hold of the controls and putting on a small headset. "R4, we're going in at those cords, the meadow there. Keep the shields up for us, will you?" I joint operate the ship with the droid, taking us into the atmosphere and descending sloy towards the field.

Once closer, we land just inside the treeline so we aren't in plain view of the grassy area. I shut down the flight capabilities for now but keep our cloak up, taking off the headset. "Master, should we keep watch from in here for a time before scouting?"
Once within the trees I hear your question and nod "That's a good idea. Keep sharp for scouts, tripwires, or cameras." By now on this side of the planet, the sun is setting. Everything is slowly becoming darker as we stay put in our invisible capsule.

Speaking to R4 I say "Scan for electronic devices in the area." The droid beeps in response and begins his slow methodical scan. I pull out some binoculars and watch the field and then trees around the outside. I can see massive spent casings from the artillery and say "You were right padawan. This was their invasion point. But where do you think their artillery is now?" I ask remembering only seeing a small amount of them in surrounding outposts on the planet.
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