Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

When I awaken, I feel much better. Yawning and stretching under you, I lean up a bit to look for the clock. I look at my new arm and move the metallic fingers. Today I will have the artificial skin put on and at least it will look normal. It will never feel the same but if it's anything like my leg, it will soon feel like part of me.

I can see on your face that you didn't sleep well. "Bad dreams, Isartimus?" I ask after leaning back down against the pillow. There is no rush to get the arm finished but I do want to make sure I can do all the normal things with it.
I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "Yes, Master... That Dathomirian Sith won't leave my dreams. He's still there. Alive." I look troubled. I know he's dead and I don't doubt that, but I'm just upset he still lingers in great detail within my mind. "I felt the pain again in my dreams." I look up at you, trying to offer you a small smile. I'm just glad you're here with me and okay, as always. It's wonderful to see you when I wake up in the mornings. "Do you think we have some time together for an hour or two before we get your arm finished? I think it looks really good already." My eyes drift across the metal, a finger running up it gently despite the fact you can't feel it.
I listen closely and nod. He was by far our greatest challenge. It wouldn't be normal for you to forget him. I know I never will. "He is a memory that will never leave us. But soon we will be able to think of him without the stress we feel now." I give you a kiss.

I nod again "Yes, there's no rush for that." Lifting my hand, we look at it. I smile "I prefer not looking like a droid. The artificial skin makes it better for delicate movements."

I remember my artificial leg had to have the skin. The foot had to be able to sense when I touched the ground so I wouldn't be prone to tripping and falling.
I giggle gently, placing my hand against your metal one and interlocking fingers with it, careful not to get my skin pinched between the joints. I look at you, smiling warmly. "You don't look like a droid, Jarean. Never. I'll always love you." I blush heavily, feeling a little strange using your name without Master in front of it. All this time I've still referred to you by your title, but now, after our ordeals I feel so much closer to you. Somehow, maybe even more madly in love. After all you did just save my life. Leaning down, I kiss you gently for a moment before pulling back just a few inches.
I smile "And I'll always love you Isartimus." I return the kiss, also noticing you called me by my first name. It's a nice change and something that shows me we are more personal.

Outside the rooms we hear the occasional sound of clone boots going about their business. But right now it's just us deep under the snow and ice in a military base.

I look at my new hand holding yours. I can't feel you but am happy to see it's not bothering you, to me that's just as good.
I glance towards the door for a moment, hearing the shuffle of boots just as you do before staring back at you again, other hand running through your jet black hair. Sometimes it makes me wish I had hair of my own too, but I figure it would never look good with the lekku already there. In a way, they're my own sort of decoration and there's so much you can do with them, like wrap around your shoulders or decorate with ribbon, beads, leather... My eyes are still gazing into yours, unable to break contact from them. "Master.." I venture. "Have you ever thought what it would be like to take a vacation maybe? Once this war is over? Would the Jedi counsel even allow it at the same time for us both? What happens if they find out?" I don't mean to bombard you with all these but my mind has suddenly found time to relax, and these resurface from earlier in our relationship.
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