Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

Hearing that you enjoyed my roughness makes me happy. "I was worried I was being too rough, but your moans kept me going." I give you a kiss knowing I wouldn't treat you roughly unless you enjoyed it, I care for you too much.

My hands trace slowly down your back before reaching your ass and cupping the cheeks. Having the view of your rear while thrusting into you was new, and something I enjoyed a great deal.

"I will have to look into birth control. I know I flooded you quite a bit. Too bad that topic was never taught in the Jedi academy." I laugh a little knowing I have a huge lack of knowledge in that area. I'll have to speak with the clones or someone more experienced.
I shiver, pulling up the covers a little onto our legs but keeping them low enough to not cover your view of my ass, which I know you like. "Yeah...I don't wanna get pregnant just yet.." I giggle, then suddenly stop and realize I added a "yet" to that sentence. I blush heavily, burrying my head into your chest to hide. I hold a moment to catch my thoughts and organize them before I speak again. "Wait...i...I didn't mean that... I'm sorry I never thought of us...doing that.." I keep stuttering and tripping over my words, so I shut up entirely.

The moments pass by slowly and suddenly my mind is being littered with new thoughts. I'm a Jedi would I ever be able to sort of retire and have a family? And who with? Surely not...
I laugh a little and say "Don't worry about it." I rest my eyes a little while we continue to keep close. I wonder what I'd be like as a father. The thought had never really came to mind before. It's not something Jedi's concern themselves with as far as I know.

What I do know is that I love you and want us both to continue showing our affection without bringing a child into our hectic lives. I'm certain you would make a good mother, but I leave the thought at that. I just want to enjoy you and us.

I kiss your forehead and playfully massage your ass cheeks. I wonder which view I like of you more, front and back are both breathtaking. I guess I just have to explore your body more next time.
The feeling of your hands playing with my butt makes me giggle and playfully press a hand against your chest. "Master..!" I laugh, squirming a little. I can see your smile as well, and I realize how close I've come to loving you madly once more. I'm already comfortable with you knowing most of my history and practically raising me since I was a child. Like a stand-in parent who was always a little difficult but you loved nonetheless. And now that has changed; you are still older but it's like the years melt and all I see is someone who has cared and protected me, and showed me this amazing way of how to feel about myself and to share my most personal thing, my body.

One hand still rests on your chest but the other comes up to wrap lazily over your side, my slimmer body pressing close to yours and allowing my head to relax beneath yours. I'm in love with your form too; so toned from years of training but not overly so. And the shade is near the same, something I find fun.

"Master, did you want to take up on another round? Seems you're still having fun~" I tease, grinning as my hand slips just a little lower towards your hips.
I grin at your question. My balls feel like they could empty again, and I know I'd love to fill you once more. "Mmm yes I do want to go again." My body starting to produce more testosterone now that I'm sexually active. "How would you like it this time padawan?" I smile while feeling your hand go between us and downward.

My green manhood begins to thicken in response, swelling stiff between both of our lower abdomens. I continue playing with your round ass cheeks, spreading and massaging them slowly. My cock twitches between us and I feel my heart rate beating fast. I know that despite the short break that I will be emptying a lot into you.
I can already feel the arousal taking hold of me as well, still gazing up at you even while my hand connects with your cock, fingers slowly teasing along the skin. I can feel you pulsing and throbbing in my hand, making me shiver lightly in anxiousness. "I was thinking...maybe something slow. Lovemaking rather than fucking." I giggle, still unused to hearing such words fall from my own lips. It doesn't matter anyways; you're the only one to hear them and I trust you the most.

My hips begin to squirm a little, and no doubt if your fingers reached low enough on my ass, they'd be able to feel the wetness of my entrance as it readied once more to receive you again, hungry for it almost in a matter of minutes now.
I kiss and say "I think we can manage that." My hands part your ass cheeks as I reach behind and teasingly rub your wet slit. My thick cock throbs, reminding me it's well ready.

My weight and hands roll you on your back and spread your legs wide apart for me. Your feminine entrance fully exposed to my view and wet with anticipation. I lean down and kiss up your stomach to your young breasts, massaging a nipple with my tongue before sucking on it. All the while, the hooded head of my manhood teasingly rubbing upward to your clit.
A low gasp comes from me once you start rubbing, eyes rolling and closing at once as I feel all my nerves instantly trigger. You throb at the same time, my hand gently slipping from you once you roll us both over. It seems you still love teasing though, and I figured as much even after such a hard fucking a few minutes ago. My eyes carefully watch as you press your manhood against me, my hips inadvertently bucking in response to get as much of my wet lips against your hard cock, feeling them slip against each other and shuddering.

One hand comes up to move through your hair once more, eyes closing and moaning quietly, feeling my nipples harden at your touch and back arching as your tongue begins to play with one. "Mhhhhh.." My sound of content almost sounds like a purr, one hand on your hair and toying with it while my other strokes lightly along one of my lekku, almost a way of pleasuring myself more.
My hands leave your sides, feeling along the bed for your lekku. The skin on them is soft as my hands hold and massage them. I take your other nipple into my mouth and suck on it while precum leaks onto your pussy lips.

The pleasure is building in me, the desire to bury myself in you becomes stronger. While kissing along your breasts, you feel my cock slowly ease into you. The foreskin around my head peeling back as I push an inch inside.

My hands massage and tease your lekku, not fully understanding how this feels to you but knowing you've seemed to enjoy it.

I raise my head from your chest and let it hover inches from your face. Our eyes lock into each others as I continue playing gently with your lekku. Centimeter by centimeter, I slowly slide my cock inside your warm embrace. The rate teasing us both, me especially.
I can feel your cum leaking onto my lips, making me shiver with it's surprising warmth. My whole body is feeling tortured with the rate you're going, but it's a good pace, and much more attentive than the fast session we finished a while ago. Time seems to slow as well, my eyes staring down at your similarly toned form, hips bucking gently towards your cock to help you slip slowly against the walls of my tunnel. My breath comes slow and hot.

"You treat me so well..." I murmur, grinning a little once you finish with my chest and come up, our noses just an inch from each other and eyes but a finger length away. My hand brushes up your side, over you shoulder to your cheek, the thumb stroking gently. "I like this's hard to decide what's best, hm...?"

As I finish, I buck a little more forcefully, hips sliding to meet yours suddenly and plunging you deeper into me, your cock touching the entrance to my womb once more and making me moan your name.
I kiss the tip of your thumb as you gently hold the side of my face. "Mmm they are too different to say which is best. It's just what the mood calls for." I feel you move your hips, closing more of your pussy around my cock. The feeling of you doing the thrusting action for me, makes my cock twitch inside of you. I moan and then feel my exposed head nudging the entrance to your womb.

I then meet your thrusts, slow but forceful. The subtle wet slap of our hips coming together is something only we could hear. Your arousal keeping us moving smoothly together perfectly.

My hands stay high on your sides, near your ribs so I don't restrict your hips. Both of us moving together feels so much better. The slow but stronger movements making my toes curl and waves of pleasure flow throughout my body.
"Mhhh.. So true," I murmur, half lost already in the pleasure that our slow fucking brings. This time I allow myself to sink slowly into it, savoring the actual feeling rather than being blinded and dumbed into just a lustful animal. Seeing your handsome face inches from mine makes me smile between the light moans and pants, forced by each of your thrusts.

With each motion from you, my hips rock against it, allowing you to sink deeper and hit every angle against my walls, making me twinge in greater pleasure occasionally and my eyes closing slowly, arms growing tighter around you and goes curling as well. I can only imagine how my body looks to you as it's slowly rocking like this, repeating your name.
Your slow sensual moans reach deep inside my mind, nearly making me empty into you too soon. I fight it back and continue slowly penetrating you, loving how your movements can make the head of my cock penetrate so deep into your tight womb. Your pussy walls massaging so gently and perfectly around my green shaft. Precum leaks out of me profusely from the intense pleasure.

I lean my head down a few inches and kiss up your neck to just below your ear. Your moans have me addicted and make me join in as well.

My hands slide slowly up your ribs and side of your face before gently feeling your lekku where they meet your head. I slowly massage them down to their lower tips and then repeat myself, letting my fingers tease and play down the long members.
I can't help but shudder beneath your touch when I hear you join in, moaning of your own accord as well. Hearing you so vocal in intercourse makes me all the more aroused, and my eyes open and stare at you for a split second, before closing again and tilting my head back to allow your lips to caress along my skin. I can feel your cock pulsing and twitching, growing warm from what I assume is still precum, the amount of which would make me think you've already climaxed. I grin, feeling my own body twitch against yours, walls gripping down on you for a mere moment. I continue to moan and pant, rocking as best I can but for brief pauses where the pleasure is too much and makes me stay still.

Then your hands are suddenly on my lekku, and it's the equivalent of pushing me off a ledge. Suddenly my body tenses, eyes rolling back into their sockets as I cry out, whimpering and whining as my walls clench around your cock and spams profusely. The orgasm is probably the hardest you've given me so far, seeing as your fingers are teasing along the sensitive tails as I was already close.
My eyes widen when I notice the effect playing with your lekku had on you. As your body tenses and your soft walls grip my shaft, I continue giving you the slow deep thrusts. After several milkings from your pussy, I can't stand it anymore. My cock must be swollen to the max inside you because the tension is killing me.

I join you in orgasm. Hot cum jetting out of me and flooding your womb as I do what feels natural and keep my manhood fully seated in you and my balls twitching against your ass cheeks.

Filling you with my seed as my orgasm grips me causes my heart to beat so fast I feel disoriented. I support myself with my hands as I ride out the gripping orgasm.
I can feel my body still spasming around your cock on the inside, but outside I've stopped quivering as badly and merely panting trying to get my breath back. The occasional moan surfaces and cuts the air that's quickly starting to smell more like our sweat and arousal than ever before, now with two bouts of lovemaking through. The feeling of your cum jetting into me and filling me even more full makes me shiver inadvertently, growing warm inside.

"Master.." I murmur, quite spent now and allowing myself to curl around you, hugging with both legs and hips as both of our orgasms begin to die down after what seems like several minutes of intense pleasure. I'm definitely full now, and I can tell I'm just barely maintaining the ability to keep all your fluids inside of me... That might be a different story once you pull out.

The thought makes me blush, gazing up at you with a sheepish smile.
I slowly roll us so I'm on my back and you're on top of me. After two rounds, I'm worn out and nearly falling asleep. I smile at you and reach for a blanket to pull over us. Once I do, it traps in the heat keeping us cozy. Your lightweight body feels nice on mine and I slowly feel my eyes beginning to drift. I couldn't fight it if I wanted to.

I don't dream at all, just peaceful sleep taking me as my body is kept warm by yours. The ship travels slowly through space, no bumps or anything to disturb us.
It's not long before I finally pass out too, dreaming sweet things about us together, relaxing much like this. It seems like forever, and it don't wake until several hours later. The ship is silent, and it's hard to tell if we're even moving. But there's no alarms going off, no sound of footfalls making their way hurriedly across the deck.. Perhaps we're docked someplace safely or still sneaking up on the enemy. Either way, I can feel my eyes start to close again..

Suddenly a jolt runs through my spine, eyes snapping open and lifting myself a little off of you, hands on either side. The Force felt like it snapped just now, like a whip cracking upon skin. It's even stronger this time, worse than the disturbance I had felt back on the Jedi base. I quickly attempt to rouse you, shoving at your chest and whispering your name hurriedly. I can already hear footsteps coming down the hall, distant but slow and heavy, like some predator approaching the door.

I decide to jump from the bed, quickly putting on my clothes and drawing my lightsaber, poising myself in a ready stance. The door opens...and it's the Dathomirian, sneering down at me.
When you wake me, I feel the disturbance. I force myself out of bed and pull my clothes on. I sense a strong sith, could it be him? I clip on my belt and draw and activate my lightsaber.

As the door opens we see him. His artificial hands raising and sending heavy supply boxer hurdling at us. I can dodge some but not the entire cloud he's sent. I feel them strike me, throwing me off balance. Standing up, I see him draw his double bladed lightsaber and activate both ends.

He charges at us, lunging over the boxes. In the tight quarters, our fight begins. His robotic hands mean no hindrance to him. In the short time since we last saw him he was able to get new ones and return to his fighting skills. It took me months to get used to my new leg but I can feel the hate guiding his motions.

I can sense we are the only life forms on this ship... the crew must have been silently slaughtered as we slept. How did the dathomirian find us and board the ship with such stealth?

The questions are pushed from my mind as swinging sabers collide with each other.
I notice you've gotten up just as the Sith throws the boxes, one of them clipping my arm. It feels knocked out of place as if the socket pulled from the shoulder but I keep fighting. Thankfully my right arm is the dominant and I can balance well without the left. It's hard keeping up with the Dathomirian though; his strength seems to have improved, the robotic hands seem to move faster... Not long into the fight I notice I'm covered with a cold sweat as if I've come down with the flu. He scares me, his presence alone is terrifying not to mention the sheer amount of rage radiating from him in both the air and in his expression.

Through my thoughts I mistake one of his movements as an attack when it's simply a fake, and he manages to push me with the silver portion of the saber, the hilt, knocking me backwards only slightly. I try to recover but my feet fall from under me and I continue falling backward, right into the corner of one of the heavy wooden boxes. All I feel is a hard sting to the back of my head and my vision blacks out.
Seeing you fall, I double my efforts. My assault with my blue saber continues while my mind focuses on the surrounding. As I attack, I keep boxes flying at him in all directions. The massive cloud is enough to push him out of the quarters and into the loading bay. I can feel the stress in me rising. The dathomirian must be killed, you are in danger.

Out in the open loading bay, the fight continues. Through the windows I can see the remains of the ships that escorted us off the planet. How did this all happen without us noticing?

One downward slice from me splits his light saber in two, leaving one end unusable. He tosses it aside, but not before I sweep his foot. It's just like our first fight but I change it. In the split moment he is down every fiber in my being pulls in the energy of the force and uses it to bring down the massive secondary engine on him.

But his hate burns too strong. As the room-sized chunk of metal falls toward the bay floor, he pushes it at me. Spent from the effort, it strikes me down and crushes my good arm keeping me pinned. The strike leaves me unconscious and bloodied.

I don't know how long it was, but when my eyes opened I saw the dathomirian first, and then you. You're conscious and alive but locked in the very same force-negating hand cuffs we had him in before. When I shift, I feel the excruciating pain of my broken arm beneath the engine. My focus dims and blurs as I fight to regain the flow of force within me, but it continues to escape me.
It seems like hours into the future when I finally awake. The first thing I notice is what feels like cold steel against my wrists, and then obvious pain. I must've been hanging for a few hours, or maybe even just thirty minutes. My eyes are starting to adjust, and it doesn't appear I'm bleeding anywhere...but my shoulder burns with enough pain to keep me disoriented for just a few more minutes. I'm against the wall, and my eyes shift up to notice cuffs about my wrists and attached to one of the several hooks on the wall used to hang coats and small ship parts. My head shifts down to then find their way to the Dathomirian, who's glancing at you on the ground. Your arm.. I can see a small amount of blood trickling away from the engine but I still manage to feel the fear sink into me. What if it's damaged too badly? It can't..

The Sith's eyes train on me and it makes me shudder, both in disgust and fear. The rage has quelled some but it still comes off of him like some pungent stink. He walks over, grinning and coming within about a foot. Part of me wonders why he hasn't killed either of us.
The dathomirian senses I am awake and turns his attention to me. For the first time, he speaks "Feeling weak Jedi? That's a skill they don't teach at the academy, force drain. The usual force you pull into your being is instead diverted to me. And the more you fight it, the worse it feels."

I try to draw my power to lift the engine off my arm but I can't even make it budge. The soreness permeating through me. "What do you want with us?" I growl at him.

"You Jedis took everything from me on your self-righteous crusade. Now, I will wipe the universe of your disgusting religion, but not before inflicting as much pain as I felt." He turns to you and says "Padawan right? I've heard losing one is far worse than the death of an offspring... We shall see." With his remote he activates the electrical pulse function in the cuffs. Burning currents flow through you at a rate that increases with each second.

Seeing you suffer makes me burn with hatred. The lack of force making emotions of revenge flood through me like a broken dam. Breathing heavily I try to draw in every ounce of the force I can. My skin begins to feel as if it's on fire. My eyes spot my light saber on a crate nearby but I'm slowly losing consciousness, I can't draw force in fast enough with the drain, your suffering, and my pain.

Reaching deep into my soul, I focus on the only emotion I have that is strong enough for this. Mustering it deep within as my consciousness blurs, my light saber flies into my hand. Without a millisecond of hesitation, because I have no time to spare, I activate it and slice off my pinned arm. The pain invigorates me and I rise with a burning determination.

There is no energy of the force left in me but I feel strong and focused. I swing down hard on the sith, so hard that even his block sends him reeling back. I strike again with my newly harnessed energy, and again until his forces are so weakened he can barely hold his light saber. Just as I see that weakness I yell out, swinging downward and cutting diagonally across his torso, leaving him in pieces.
I've already resigned myself. It's just us two and the Sith, no one else, likely not even a distress call reaching other spacecraft at this point. You're pinned, I'm cuffed.. I can't believe this is how it's going to end. Emotions flow without the Force and I can't help but cry silently with my head hung, flinching at the Dathomirian's voice and highly regretting how much I wasn't able to get done in my short life. Not to mention this is how I'm going out. I should've killed the Sith when I had the chance, why was I so stupid..

Nothing, even full meditation with the Force could prepare me for the volts slamming through my body once he hits the button. It feels like liquid fire in my veins, electricity scrambling my nerves, my muscles tensing enough to likely snap in some places. My mouth opens in a silent scream, eyes open to the gray, unfeeling ceiling. I just want to cry out, but vocal chords won't budge from their taught position, body spasming painfully.

I can't even see from the corner of my vision the events that go on leading to your freedom and the Dathomirian's death, but once you hit the button to stop the torture I slump heavily, blacking out almost immediately.
I breath heavily as I stare down at the dismembered sith. The force flows back into me and I use it to dull the pain in my arm. For now it's not bad anyways, I must be in shock. Retracting my lightsaber, I turn and rush to you. Seeing you slump over my eyes widen hoping the worst isn't true.

My fingertips feel for a pulse on your neck, locating it. I feel relieved. You're alive, we're alive. I motion to pick you up with my arms but realize I only have one. The thought becomes real and sickens me deeply. I compose myself and use the force to gently lift you. I maneuver us through the rubble and into the cockpit.

My heart rate is still rapid as I rest your unconscious body in the seat. I recline it and then slowly pull myself into a functioning meditation. We can't continue to Coruscant. We have no troops and we barely have our strength.

As I check the ships vitals I see it's damaged badly but still working. R4 beeps several times and pull up a hologram of the ship. It shows a smaller ship landed on the top. It must have been how the sith boarded us. It could have useful information but it could also be a contingency for him if he didn't return.

Starting the engines, I nudge it up letting it float away. R4 keeps coordinates of it for the bomb squad to retrieve but for now it needs to be away from us.
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