Forbidden by the Force (DaveTheHuman & GhastyGoo)

I think for a moment, leaning back in my seat. "Perhaps moved elsewhere off the planet? On to another invasion? Perhaps underground but I find it highly unlikely that would be possible, by the size of those artillery bits out there." I've already toned my Force down, keeping invisible just like the ship. But if I had hairs on the back of my neck, I'd say they were standing right now.

"Master, I don't sense a Sith presence here, but something doesn't feel right. And it's not just me being scared either...something's wrong about all of this."
"What do you mean?" I ask wondering if our past experience here has had a deeper effect than I thought. I can see you are nervous, something you usually keep hidden. I remember speaking to you of how it's alright to be afraid but perhaps you are sensing something I don't.

"What is is Isartimus?" The display shows R4's scan is nearly complete for us to read. The light slips away from the tree tops and soon is gone, leaving only dusk, the trees, and our cruiser.
It takes a long while for me to respond, and even then only a hoarse whisper. "I don't know." The night is silent as we both sit there for some time, feeling myself shiver at the loss of daylight, even though it's warm enough in our little cruiser. Suddenly, a light appears in the distance, on the opposite edge of the meadow. Red and long. A Sith lightsaber. My eyes widen as I sink lower in the seat, fearful with my hand on my own clip, hoping to the gods above that our cloak is still working.

"Holy shit." I whisper. "Why is his lightsaber out." I can't even see the person holding it.
I start to think this was a trap but not for the invasion but for us. How would they even know of us coming back to this point. But I keep calm knowing something else could be occurring here.

I click a few buttons on the display which tell R4 to scan the area for life forms. I need to know if we are surrounded.

The saber in the distance is undoubtedly that, and a Sith. Pressing more buttons, the window becomes green and red with infrared night vision. The heat from the weapon makes it appear an even deeper red while the warmth from the Dathomirian's body shows him clearly.

He's looking right at us, as if the cloak isn't there. But I know from our last visit he is no novice, he must sense us. R4 shows the loaded lift scanner and it shows only the Dathomirian, nothing else besides the trees and plants.
I watch the screen you pull up switch to infrared, and suddenly I get gooseflesh across my entire body. I can make out the small pinpricks that are the man's eyes, and I can tell it's the Dathomirian who had me down against the floor nearly choking me during our last visit to the planet. "Master", I whisper, frightened beyond belief. I cannot pull the Force to myself just yet. Even if he's looking at us, he might not completely sense our signatures. "What do you think he wants? Is he waiting for us to come out and challenge him?" I take another glance at the screen, noticing no others in the immediate vicinity, or at least within the scanner's reach. It's a fairly large range, and it should stretch nearly all the way to the city in one direction.

I slowly stand, leaning forward to gaze closer at the screen. Thats when the shape suddenly begins to sprint towards us, the lightsaber flashing wildly back and forth as the Sith makes straight for the ship. "SHIT!" I curse, drawing my lightsaber but refraining yet still from summoning my usual powers, thinking maybe it's some kind of fake-out to get us to react first. A deadly game of hide and seek meets chicken.
I can see the burning intent in his eyes. "He wishes to finish what he started." He knows we've scouted the area and it's just him. To him this isn't about Sith vs Jedi, seperatists vs republic, it's about his pride.

When he begins his charge, I am certain this isn't a play. "R4 open the doors." Looking at you I can see the fear in you. It's something you weren't able to get over from last time. But it's a fear I know you can overcome. "Isartimus, we can do this. You can do this."

The doors open as the Sith continues his charge. "R4 when we leave the ship stay above the trees for us." Throwing off my robe I say "Isartimus it's time." I know I believe in you but this is something you will only understand once the Sith is defeated.
I notice my knuckles have nearly gone white from gripping the seat and my lightsaber so hard. By the time you come over to me, I realize I've been holding my breath too. At the order of opening the door, I look up at you, nodding slowly and coming with you to the open hatchway. I jump out with you, watching the ship fly off towards the canopy as we stand there in the relative quiet together, an angry Dathomirian Sith charging us with a bloodlust in his eyes. I draw the Force slowly towards myself, finding it calming me and allowing me to draw my purple saber with ease, listening to the careful, steady hum of it in my grasp.

"I trust you, Master." I manage, raising myself to a ready stance. The Sith is only meters away now, his body arcing in the air in a downward assault towards us as I meet my lightsaber with yours and push him a few feet away.
As we stand near the tree line together, preparing ourselves, blue saber and purple I say "The Sith fight with rage despite whatever appearance they give. Move with a calm confidence, like you always do."

With that the fight begins. The electronic buzzing of sabers fills the area. Were it not for the light of the swords, seeing each other and the enemy would be impossible. Perhaps that can be used to our advantage, but not now. Now we must let the enemy attack so we can learn his patterns and style.

The devilish looking Dathomirian moves in the exact way he appears, rageful. The swing of his saber is fast and efficient. Each strike would end us both if we forgot to parry. The handle of his saber is long, perhaps to allow greater grip for stronger attacks, or perhaps for a dual-bladed saber.

He fights us both but his attacks are focusing on you. Seeing the chance, I swing my saber in a distraction at him, and force flip over him to get on his opposite side. Keeping him pinned between us he is forced to double his efforts, despite the expected wear on his muscles his rage keeps him fueled.

Noticing a pattern, I anticipate when he will attack you. As he turns to you, my foot sweeps across lifting his and dropping him on his back. I swing down hard and he blocks just in time. But in this position he can only block one of us.
It seems forever before the battle comes to an end with you sweeping the Sith from his feet. Several times I'm almost caught off guard, but my fear and the Force help keep me going and alert even in the dark. I was lucky enough to have the foresight to tie my lekku behind my head and together, to minimize the risk of having them caught by any of our lightsabers. My breath comes hard from the force of his attacks; I may be able to block and parry but he is far stronger than I, and focusing mainly on me. Why?

My heart leaps as I see you knock his feet under him, watching the crimson skinned man fall to the ground, rage in his expression and crying out as he blocks you. Time slows, my breath growing quiet. I can touch him...he won't be able to block me in time... But the question, should I kill or disarm him? I make a split decision and quickly bring my saber down, the blade making a nasty hissing sound as it saws straight through both the Dathomirian's hands, both severing and cauterizing them at once.

I hear him shout in pain, quickly bringing my boot down and giving him a kick to the temple. No matter how well-trained, the blow knocks him unconcious instantly. I breathe hard, staring up at you as I lower my saber, allowing it to vanish into it's sheath, dropping to my knees beside our foe. "Master.... Did I do okay?" I'm out of breath, glancing up at you, obviously shaken.
Not daring to waste any time, I reach to my belt grabbing the electromagnetic cuffs. I attach them to his elbows and ankles, securing them tightly before turning them on. The currents keep his muscles immobile. Reaching down I grab his light saber before answering you. "You did the right thing by not killing him. You fought and defended yourself well." I smile.

Holding his saber I flip the switch twice seeing the dual ended sabers come out. He was reserving the second saber to throw us off guard, good thing we stopped him before he could use his surprise.

"We should go back to headquarters to deliver him and give our report." I hand you his light saber and hold mine as my other hand lifts his unconscious body with the force.

R4 brings the cruiser to us and we load the prisoner inside. We have R4 scan him to make sure there are no positioning tracers or explosives. Our droid comes up with nothing, but we waste no time and make out way off the planet.
I nod at your praise, smiling and picking myself off the ground. My first real Sith battle after so many years of being a Jedi. Previously it was all droids but this was totally different. I'm glad I had you with me though.. As we head off into space, I feel the Sith's saber in my hand, how different it feels. It's definitely more powerful, seeing as it could contain something between two to four Force crystals inside. The hilt is still warm from his grip..

I glance over from my seat beside you, listening to the beeps in the background that R4 is making. "What do you think he came after me for? Easier target?" I look nervously back to where we have him held. The Dathomirian's still unconcious, but the face paintings make me think of Darth Maul, just without the horns. How he took down Master Qui-Gon...
"That's a good question. Perhaps he knew you were my padawan or he felt like he wasn't finished from the last time we met. But any guess is as good as mine."

Despite the electromagnetic cuffs disabling his muscles and negating any force energy, I don't put all of my faith in them. Trust or not, I've always been taught to never show my back to an enemy and I don't plan on changing that now.

Sitting in my seat I look at the Dathomirian, particularly his shoulders which I'm certain I broke less than days ago. The fact they are healed tells me the Sith have a headquarters established enough to provide effective medical care. After being rooted in the planet for a month, they have made fast work.

R4 keeps us moving fast toward the Jedi headquarter planet and soon we are there. Like the Sith occupied planet, it is night time but you and I both know the council will want to be alerted of our prisoner, regardless of the time.
I glance at you as you stare back at the Sith, feeling another shudder move down my spine. Eventually however, I realize my kick must've done some good because he's still knocked out once we arrive at a landing pad at the headquarters. Keeping good care of the Sith's lightsaber in my hands, I help lead the way to the council meeting room and carefully close the doors behind us. Already my mind is on the warm food, shower and bed waiting for me, as well as a visit to the doctors to make sure both of us made it safely.

I stand in the middle of the circle with you, allowing you to activate the hologram communications system, holding the dual-sided saber in both my palms. The energy coming from it still sends shudders through my nerves.
Standing in the center I turn on the system and we wait for the council to join. I expect them all to join from their room via holograms, but I hear the door behind me open with Master Yoda walking in. He smiles at us and takes his seat in the center.

After a short while the council masters are standing and I say "Master's of the council. Padawan Isartimus and I have returned from our mission. We have located several points that would be suitable for invasion points. The most ideal is just north of the Sith headquarters. We were unable to survey that location longer and see if there were tunnels beneath because we had an encounter with a Sith." I close the holographic image of the planet with the locations highlighted.

"The Sith warrior is a Dathomirian who possesses great strength. He was alone and without communications when he was captured, most likely there to get revenge for when we met at the end of the last mission. He continues to be unconscious and is being held by the clones in the Sith interrogation floor."

I take a pause and say "I request Isartimus and I return to the planet to further examine the location north of the Sith headquarters. I would like to ensure that there are no underground dwellings beneath the field."

I nod to you, a silent communication for you to place the Sith light saber on the table between us and Master Yoda.

Master Yoda says "A wise request, Master Jarean." He speaks with the other masters briefly and says "Rest before the invasion, you and Isartimus will do. To survey the land north of the headquarters, others we will send."
Part of me tenses at your request to send us back to the planet, and I sort of offer a sidelong look at you, only to get one in return to place the lightsaber down. Part of me hesitates for a moment, glancing down at the powerful weapon and how I'm oddly drawn to it. But I step forward and place it on the table anyways and return to your side, hands respectfully joined behind my back. I notice Master Yoda is giving me a close look, and it's hard to tell what he's thinking.

I can't help but sigh with relief, feeling that the older Master has saved us inadvertently, or myself at least when he states they can send others. I'm already missing a solid bed and food, and no risk of being chopped in half by Sith.

The meeting is adjourned moments later with a short discussion on what troops could fit in said fields and shorelines, and who our replacements will be. I nod respectfully and end the hologram, glancing over at you before walking up to Master Yoda and bowing deeply. "Master Yoda, I didn't realize we would be seeing you out here. How have you been?"
Yoda gets out of his circular-shaped chair and says "Well, I have been. On completing your first field mission, congratulations. How are you?" He picks up his wooden cane and looks up at you. Thoughts swirling quickly through his head. If one could read minds it would be useless against him, for only he can interpret his own thought process.

I see you and Yoda talking so I bow, excusing myself. Walking through the hallway I reach the living quarters and find my room. I undress and get into the shower, washing away the sweat of combat. I then relax into my bed feeling the soft sheets all around my skin.

It doesn't take long before I'm asleep. For a long while I used to stay awake for great lengths of time after battles. But time has changed me, allowing me to get rest when it counts.

The room is small and the bed even smaller, but I don't mind. I'd guess at the time of our meeting it was 3am. So after a few hours of sleep the clones are already waking up for the shift change. I sleep through it, wrapped in a cocoon of force and shielded from the sun by the heavily filtered electro-glass.
I can feel your presences leave the room even though I'm not looking, and I feel myself miss you a little. "I have been well, master. Thank you; it was not an easy mission. I only wish other padawans do not have the same experience I did. The Dathormirian was quite...persistent." I offer a smile, walking with the smaller Jedi as we both make our way slowly down the halls. Master Yoda is silent, and for a moment, I become fearful he somehow knows of my relations to my own mentor. But the minutes pass without further talk, until I reach my own quarters.

"I guess I shall be getting some rest then, goodnight, Master." He turns to me and nods, waving the small cane slightly. "To you too, a good night, young Padawan."

It seems as if another hour or so passes on my own in the living quarters by myself, searching for your Force signature and finding it, realizing you must be asleep. After I take a heated bath and get some warm food in my stomach, I lie down on the couch and doze off, arms folded across my stomach.

Morning comes swiftly, though I don't wake until near noon on this planet. After a few groggy moments of trying to wake up and realize all that has happened since I last slept, on the ship naked in my masters arms... I still can't get over it, and before I even have breakfast, I'm at your door knocking politely.
I hear the knock, I pull on my pants and slip on my shirt. "Come in." I know it's you and you're probably wondering what today's plans are. It would be a question that I don't know the answer to, but maybe that's the beauty of today, just relaxing.

Watching my door open I see you step inside. I clip my utility belt around my waist and say "Good morning padawan." I'm not sure of what time it was but I'm certain it's late, we both deserved that. Shifting my belt slightly, I clip my saber on the usual left side.

"Did you rest well?" I ask wondering if you suffer from the same post-combat insomnia I used to experience.

While on the Sith occupied planet we both slept a lot since the days were longer than the nights, but last night's sleep was far better. Most likely because we didn't have to clear the uneven ground of rocks and twigs before laying.
"I slept well, thank you for asking, Master." I smile and notice you've got your belt on and are all set to go. "Are we heading somewhere today?" I seem confused; I was hoping we'd get a day to relax by ourselves or with each other. I've shown up in a black shirt and khaki pants, instead of my usual Jedi attire. I have my lightsaber too, clipped to my belt on the right.

I come into the room, glancing about. Your room is almost exactly like mine but a little smaller. It's still a comfortable space though, with a better view of the surroundings through large glass pane walls on one side.

"Did you sleep well too?" I turn and smile. I've actually taken the time to decorate my lekku slightly, bright blue and tan strings of leather crossing around near the tops where the twin tails meet my skull. Both rest over my chest again, though my hand moves towards my stomach, hearing it growl. "I missed breakfast," I explain, blushing red.
"I slept well thanks, and no plans as of yet." I look down at my belt, assuming that's why you asked. "I've been wearing this for so long I feel naked without it." Smiling I look at my holo-watch "It seems like we missed breakfast by about 7 hours."

Looking at your decorated lekku, it suits you well. "Let's get some food before we are sent back to the planet." I tease knowing we've been there enough to almost be considered citizens.

I peek my head out the doorway seeing no one on either side. Returning my head inside, I kiss your cheek and say "You look lovely today."
By now part of my brain has been nagging me that we've gone back to just being student and mentor, until you lean in and kiss my cheek. My whole face flushes red, making me fidget. The compliment certainly doesn't help either, but I love it. For once in my life, I feel pretty. "Th...thank you, Master.. I did it for you." I start to grow a deep russet before I manage to recover, huffing slightly. "I-I suppose we better." I look up at you a moment, smiling and leaning up, hugging you around your shoulders and neck, taking in your scent and your warmth.

"Now we can." I give you a playful look before starting out the door and down the hall, following some of the troopers walking past on their way to the mess hall as well. Apart from the loudness of the main room however, there are some other places to eat along the way, mostly smaller styled restaurants.

I approach one of these, the Bothan behind the counter looking rather wolffish but greeting us with a polite smile nonetheless. I order food and wait for you, glancing around at the number of people in the base.
I hug you back warmly, savoring the feel of your body. We both know this is something we can only do when we are certain we are alone. So we take advantage of the moment.

Walking with you to the food-court type setting, I see you go over to the Bothan stand. It looks good but after eating meals that resemble science projects for nearly a month I look at everything as if it's the greatest meal ever created. Deciding on the Kiffar stand, I go over and order one of their traditional dishes. They always like to pack your plate like it's your last.

Since it's after the usual lunch time, the stands have our food ready quickly and we walk the trays over to a window that looks down on the busy city. Taking a bite of my food, I realize I've forgotten how nice it is to sit and eat somewhere without having to listen for twigs snapping from an enemy approach.

The food is good, but that's not saying much considering how hungry I am. I take a sip and then say "It's strange isn't it? Having a day off."
I stare out the window for a short time, watching all the ships and other vehicles go flying past, and all sorts of humanoids and droids on the walkways between buildings. It's a rather densely populated planet. I take another few bites of my food, savoring the taste and taking my time to eat. I glance over at you, smiling and nodding. "It's definitely nice to kick back and relax. After all we've gone through already."

It takes a while for us to eat, and many people leave until we're one of the last few left. I take the moment to lean across after taking a sip of my drink. "You think we could go relax in one of the rooms together master? Or go walk around maybe?"
I smile and say "I'd like that." After taking a while longer to eat we go for a walk. It's a bit tough to go on a peaceful walk in a military base filled with the sounds of cruisers landing and taking off as well as clones running through drills. But we make the best of it.

We end up wandering our way toward the aquaponics bay where select clones and scientists with an aptitude for agriculture work to sustain and supply food for long space missions. It's rather interesting to see large fish tanks which pump the fertilized water into the plant beds above. A sort of artificial calm is felt as we walk through.

The entire time, I notice I'm tempted to hold your hand. I of course refrain but the feeling persists. As we walk I wonder of our relationship. I am both your Master and lover. How should I balance it? I don't want to hinder your training by going to easy on you. After all I want you to be the best Jedi possible. But I also want you to love me, not just as a student cares for their teacher but passionate romantic love.

The thoughts continue in my head about how to balance. I eventually un cloud my mind and breath, telling myself I can treat you in both ways and will know in the difficult times which is best for you. This is an ambiguous situation like all things. There is no clear cut answer.

Our walk circles back toward our living quarters and I say "Would you like to join me in my room? I fear that walk wasn't as relaxing as we both anticipated." I laugh a little.
The walk is far from soothing, but it's definitely worth it to see all the sights and to spend time privately with you. Even surrounded by people, I think the bubble of the Force keeps it, in our own way, secretive. Several times my hand almost reaches over to touch yours, and maybe most people wouldn't notice as our only definitive features as Jedi right now are our lightsabers. Easily missed unless someone focused for a minute or so.

We reach our quarters and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I want nothing more than to accompany you in your room, and I leap at the opportunity to do so. The combination of both master and student plus lovers for our relationship... I find it oddly balancing at times. I'm sure from the feeling of your thoughts during our walk, you were thinking how this could change our future too.

"I think I would, Master." I smile and nod, joining you in the room and helping shut the door, walking towards the middle and gazing out the window, my back turned to you. I smile to myself and sigh. "Master...I... I you... And I'm happy, we can do this.."
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