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To get the girl I like, I got to get her family (Fancy & Me)

Alvin took no heed that she hadn't noticed the new blades. There was no need for her to, she would eventually but when that time came he would actually have to explain to her about it. Though she was in training so there was no rush for that sort of thing. He doubted she would actually understand it till then. Even so when she spoke of the locket he was curious, what other locket could there have been? He had that locket from a very young age and his father had said it was a keep sake from when he was young. It would be of surprise to her and her family if they learned of this. Yet even so he kept it to himself, slowly he was recovering from the wound. Still not in any shape to stand, or walk on his own. Her assuming that he was Hallucinating again was quite reasonable. Even he was wondering if he was. They walked for quite a distance sloppy but they made way. It was not long after he began to hear voices, ones he knew so well, and one not so familiar. He also sensed the presence of two he had yet felt. Yet he felt as though he soon would now.

Slowly they came up to the place the voices were, knowing who they were. "Jenna's right, the place to speak is mine... Seeing as I am the one who knows the most.... As for how we forgot this may be just a theory but our friendly Raltlas might of attacked our minds in the sewers..." Alvin spoke as they came into view. A soft yet pained smile on his face. She had changed, yet in no bad way. Slightly longer hair, which did not bother him in a bit. "Amber set me down by a tree and get some rest, you need it..." Alvin grunted feeling his wound sting. He knew that his wound might soon be opened by a physical attack by Eva. No matter heart felt, or how he would love it. He knew the greatest pleasure would have quite a bit of pain attached to it.
Eva's ears perked up at the voice. She could recognize it right away. How could she ever forget him? After all that time they had spent together, she couldn't bear to forget him. He had a promise to make, and she knew he would keep it. Finally, he had gone through with that promise. All her days of worrying were over. Jenna was not expecting them to be there so soon, but she couldn't help but think their timing was perfect. "You see? You sure didn't have to wait that long. So go on." A wide smile came on Eva's face as she moved from the tree to look down the path. Just as she was hoping, she could see Amber and Alvin slowly making their way towards her. Seeing the expression on Eva's face, Amber was expecting her to do as she always did. "Hope you're ready for a little more pain." she muttered to Alvin. As he requested, she had set Alvin down against a nearby tree, taking a little breather herself. Her body felt so weak after carrying him all that way. She was lucky enough to still be standing upright.

She had started to make her way to Jenna, though Eva was quick to stop her, quickly wrapping her arms around Amber in a tight embrace. Amber winced a little in pain, but seeing Eva's smile seemed to ease it just enough. "Hey...sorry about disappearing like that all of a sudden. I guess I've come to my senses a bit." Eva giggled as she pulled back from her big sister. "That's okay. I was still so worried about you too, knowing how you're always leaving by yourself. I'm glad to see you're back." Amber gave her a little grin, ruffling her hair up a bit. "Yeah yeah. Come on, You have other people to greet." Eva nodded, a few tears visible in her eyes again. She quickly ran past her sister, heading straight for Alvin, who was resting up. "Alvin!" She had dropped down to her knees, wrapping her arms around him and burying her face in his chest as well. "You're..back! I'm so glad...!" Her words were almost hard to make out at some points, being muffled by his chest and she would occasionally choke on her own tears.
Alvin heard her comment about what was to come. This earner her a pained smirk from him. He was ready for much worse then a 'little pain.' "Im ready for my wound to reopen.... Lets just hope you guys have more medical supplies to treat my wound as well as your own, not to mention Jenna's... We got to get ready for the next fight after all." Alvin chuckled, he spoke the truth. This was only a skirmish, there was bound to be many more fights after this. They had only hit some people outside, the group after them. Yet once word gets back to the school that they had been killed it would be no doubt that they too would join the hunt. Vengeance was a rough thing, a vicious cycle. That was one of the few things he still agreed with his master on. Alvin slowly helped lower himself to the ground. Pain filled every inch down, it was no doubt the same for Amber. Taking deep breaths he watched as Amber left him, heading off to the others. For some odd reason, a hollow feeling filled him. Like watching something sad, yet he knew what it was. A family, reuniting with one another.

His mind drifted for a moment back to the Dojo, where he trained, and all those he trained with. "I have killed, seen die, or forsaken all that I once held dear for what...? For a single moment, I gave up everything for.... And yet it feels so bittersweet..." Alvin muttered to himself a soft smile upon his face as his eyes were down cast. A single tear flowed down his face. The moment Eva was in front of him, he looked up. The single stand the tear left still visible. Tears in her eyes the sting of pain filled him as she touched him, burying her face in his chest. Yet slowly he wrapped his arms around her, his fingers running through her hair. He stopped for but a moment pulling something from her now longer hair. A single blooming flower, a Sakura. A smirk fell over his face, 'So your guiding me too huh..? Ariagato...' He thought to himself placing the flower in her hair, as a ordainment of sorts. "Yeah... Im back.... Eva..." Alvin spoke, for once, if not the first time any of them had truly seen a calming air swirled. A truly gentle look came over Alvin. Alvin softly petted his friend, doing what little he could to calm her.
While his attempts to calm her seemed reasonable, she showed no signs of stopping. She sniffled softly as she looked up at him, seeing that he had noticed the sakura flower in her hair. She wasn't sure why he had picked it out, and she was clearly not aware of how it ha managed to guide him back. "W-well...I found this flower by itself. It was where we would always meet. I was always waiting there, and I remembered how you would sometimes get me these flowers." Luna had returned to the group, knowing that she'd be the one having to help them all back to the village. Just as she expected, Eva was crying up a storm with Alvin. She sighed softly as she headed over to them, stopping before them. "Eva, I know you're happy and everything, but take it easy on him. He's pretty beat up you know." Eva had slowly moved back, wiping her face again. "S-sorry..." Luna sighed as she looked down to Alvin. She was still thinking back to when he had first come to their house. She hadn't seen him actually until now, since she was sleeping when he first saw her. "'re this Alvin she's been going off about hmm?" She sounded as though she were joking around a bit. "Geez, you've had me trying to console my sisters everyday. It's a bit tiring." Luna knelt down to help him up, supporting him as Amber did. "Vanessa's not home at the moment, so we'll have you rested up in no time. We'll be able to take care of those wounds too."
Alvin couldn't help but chuckle at her words, of how she found the flower. This only reassured him all the more. He was truly guided back by that flower, and something else. "Fate is a cruel mistress, yet the moment you think shes going to take it all away... You find yourself right where you want to be...." Alvin spoke in a rather cheery tone considering his condition. He did enjoy her words, she waited. For anyone those words would ease any pain. He smirked at Luna's words when she came up to them. He couldn't argue with her, she was right after all. He didn't want her to feel sorry about it. He had come to expect and rather hope for that reaction. Her next words did amuse him, enough in her to joke. "Heh, or so im told." Alvin replied, joking with her. He thought that might lighten the mood a little. Though her next words did give him quite a bit more amusement. Considering he would often console Eva on family problems.

"Sorry... But if I wasn't such a pain in the ass, I doubt people would like me like as they do..." Alvin grinned, at her, he wasn't trying to be right now. Though carrying him back would indeed be a pain. Vanessa not being home did help calm his nerves about it. Considering if she was home, he would be worried about being stabbed again by a raging sister. Not exactly the best thing to happen right after he met back up with Eva, especially how beaten up he already was. "Well lets just hope it's not as bad as it feels... We can't have me bed ridden forever... There's still things that need to be done, and much to be told..." Alvin's words had gone from cheery to dead serious, a darken tone, one he doubted Eva had ever heard.
As Luna started to help him to the house, Eva was sure to tag along as well, walking right beside them. Amber was able to go off by herself, while Eva helped support Jenna. Luna didn't think too much on what he said, focusing on getting him inside. Eva was a little curious about what he meant though. In all the time she had been with him, she had never heard him like that. It was almost scary. After a few minutes, everyone was finally in the house, Alvin on the couch, and Jenna and Amber sitting nearby. Luna sighed softly as she set him down. "Just sit here and rest. I'll prepare everything to fix up those wounds. I may not be as good and Vanessa when it comes to these things, but it'll be just as good." With that, she had left the room. Eva plopped down on the couch next to Alvin, still beaming up at him. After all this time, this was only his second time coming over to her house. The first visit of course ended in disaster. She pulled out something from her pocket, and it was something he was sure to recognize. It was the same locket that he had slipped into her pocket. "I knew you'd keep your promise." she said, gently hugging him again.

Amber sighed softly at the scene, moving up to one of the other rooms. "Eh...this touchy-feely atmosphere is getting to me. I'm just going to be asleep over here." she muttered, falling down onto the bed. Her legs dangled lazily from the side, but she didn't seem to want to correct them. Luna had come back into the room, gently shaking around a small substance in her hand. It was a clear substance, but not water. "Here, this'll be for easing the pain. It might sting a bit at first, but that's just part of it." she said, handing the drink over to him.
Alvin resisted not, but rather did what he could to help her. He knew full well she wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to what he said. Yet what he had ended with was true, and Jenna and Amber knew full well of what he spoke of. A dark thing it was, to know they were being followed and what there intentions were. Though Alvin seemed to be more knowledgeable about these things then the others. He was actually glad he had this wound at the moment. It would hide the stains of his masters blood. Only those who knew what to look for would catch the scent. Eva would never realize it was there, though Luna, he got the sense she might. When they got to the house he said nothing as she sat him down. Nodding he didn't want say anything, not considering she was doing this for him. She could easily poison him if he pissed her off. Alvin had taken notice to Eva plopping down next to him smiling. A ponderous smile, he was truly glad it was, as he had killed for it.

Yet if she knew that, there would be no smile, there would be horror. He didn't want to break that smile, not yet, as soon enough she would learn the reality of it all. He took note to the locket, that old thing. A wince of pain came when she hugged him, yet he did not stop her. He did get a wicked little grin, on his face when Amber spoke. "Oh, such the lovely big sister, shall I share with the rest of the class what we spoke about not long ago? Hmmm? Oh, so scary Onee-chan?" Alvin taunted her, she knew full well what he was talking about. Of why she acted the way she did, of why she fought with everyone. He had no intention of doing so, but it was a good way to keep her awake, he wanted to have Luna check if she had a concussion or not, before she went to sleep. As Luna came back, he smirked. He could only hope that was some kind of liquor to numb the pain. "Im no light weight! I may be young but I doubt that stuff has more kick to it then the stuff back home." Alvin grinned defiantly taking the drink from her. Drinking it down easy, he did wince once, but it wasn't half bad. It did have a bit of a kick to it. "Not bad, might make for a good light drink." Alvin spoke he was unsure if it was meant to be Alcohol but it could be it had the taste of a light one. At least light to what he was used to.

The Sisters had followed Jenna and Luna up to the point they split. The two hid out a short distance away. It didn't take long for the group to reunite. The two were amazed, a human! A wounded one none the less. But the entire group seemed to welcome him? Who could he be? Where did he come from? Was he dangerous? There were so many questions they wanted answered. The biggest note to Kira's annoyance was how close he was to Eva. It caused Riki to have to calm her. She didn't want to lose there cover to Kira acting like a idiot. As they left the Sisters followed keeping out of sight. They arrived at there home only moments after they went inside. Hiding along the outside they peeked into a open window.

They made no noise and remained unseen till they revealed themselves. "If you want something that will knock you off your feet we can help." The Sisters spoke in absolute unison. It was a odd thing, being there voices sounded nothing alike yet they were able to speak so perfectly in sync.

Alvin slowly turned his head a slight panicking look on his face. He was found out so soon, if word got to the rest of the village. He would no doubt be killed and a lot worse happen to Eva and family. His eyes sharpened his hand instinctively on his blades. Even if he was in pain, with a wound that would open he would no doubt hunt them down as long as he could. Amber and Jenna would no doubt be sure that he would do it. Luna her self would no doubt be able to sense his intentions if things turned for the worse. His blades seemed to react to the intention of slaying someone. A blood lust it's self was in the blades, truly proving they were cursed blades.
Amber shifted a bit on the bed when he spoke, knowing very well what he was talking about. She let out a soft sigh as she pushed herself off the bed, shuffling back into the room. She sat down in the same seat, shooting an odd look over to Alvin, who was no doubt amused with it all. Eva wasn't all too sure what he meant with all that, but she figured she wouldn't ask about it. Usually amber might have snapped back at him or looked to get in a fight. Of course, she didn't mind not having that happen in this case. Luna smirked at his reaction to the drink. "Hm, that won't be necessary. If you take it while your body doesn't need it, it will do some rather bad things for you. This one should do the trick for now, but there's always more in case it doesn't fully heal you up.

They were soon interrupted by the voices that came from the window. They turned to see Riki and Kira there, speaking in perfect unison, which they seemed to have a habit of doing. Amber and Jenna would see Alvin react, not liking where this was going. Eva had noticed the blades, surprised that he had such things with him. Of course, in all their time together, he had never brought those along. "A-alvin?" she asked hesitantly. Everyone could feel his intent to kill, with Eva just trying to calm him. "W-wait Alvin! They're not harmful! Riki and Kira are my friends!" she said, trying to convince him. She had a very worried expression on her face, not at all used to seeing him like this. Luna on the other hand had moved to the window, nabbing them and setting them inside. "What exactly are you two talking about anyway?"
It was in a split second, the feeling changed. A Tense air, like the which they hadn't experienced before. This feeling strong firm, a intent to kill. The air about him was filled with danger, yet in them was not fear but excitement. With such a feeling, and such a free flowing intent, he no doubt had killed before. These two could feel it, and it interested them greatly, they wanted to learn more. Was he a hero, or was he a villan, who could he of fought, what could he of done. Who was he and where did he come from. Though they dare not approach him, directly as they would be cut down. The had not taken notice to anyone but him, most of all not Luna, until they were being dragged in. Setting down as Luna had made them there eyes never drifted from alive. A rather excited look on there face. "Well we stole some of those weird drinks from the city a long time ago. Remember when we were running though the village dressed lightly?" The two seemed to be in one set mind, continuing to talk in unison.
The tension in the air was heavy, and it was as though everyone was staring down each other. Of course, the most dangerous one in the room was Alvin, who was ready to cut down the two girls without hesitation. Luna was keeping a close eye on him while she focused on the girls. Luna was a little confused with what they were saying. She was also a bit annoyed with how they were talking in unison. "Weird drinks? I don't quite know what you mean. Besides, what does that have to do with anything going on right now?"
The two of them had the air of excitement about them. It was new like staring down a monster while on an adventure. "It was that weird drink." The stop spoke actually turning there attention off of Alvin and onto her. The two of them were at a loss of what the drink was. The last time they had drank it they had blacked out and woke up in the middle of the village, wearing nothing but there undergarments. That was when they swore never to drink that stuff again. It took the two of them a while before they remember the name. They had it one the tip of there tongue. "Sake....?" The two spoke tilting there heads back and forth trying to think if that was the right word. That word most would know, but Eva would know something was going to happen in a few moments. Yet what would be quite a surprise to her and everyone else.

The moment the word Sake came out of there mouth any ill intention immediately faded. "â?¥Sake you say?â?¥" Alvin spoke in a extremely cheery tone, his hand finally moving away from his blade. His face brightened up quite a bit. It seemed the idea of this specific drink altered his personallity even. This no doubt would make everyone in the room wonder what kind of drink this was. Alvin loved the drink especially the festive flavored kind. Alvin remembered the Autumn brew Mura- In moments Alvin's cheeriness faded into a slalom sorrow. Thinking about the drink brought about a sting of memories and remorse. A deep sigh echoed from him a cold outlook, like ice frozen from hell. "Listen to me, both of you, no doubt know full well what will happen if I am found here. I give you this one warning if you tell or even hint to anyone in the village of my existence you both will be the first I cut down. Weather or not anyone in the else in this room likes it or sees it that way. I will do all I can to keep those who reside in this house from dangers. Weather it comes from within or out, I am not oppose to further staining my hands with blood." Alvin spoke his tone cold, far beyond what Eva had ever seen. No doubt he scared her. Yet to him it could not be helped, it had to be done, perhaps fear would keep them from telling. His concerns were Eva and her family not the lives of others, he was not a saint, especially not now.

The for a long time the only words that came from them, were, "So....Cool!" The two of them seemed to go berserk in there seats, they couldn't contain the excitement, they were fascinated by him. Strong, cool, ruthless, cold, cheery, new! So many things they had seen though tailing Jenna or just now. As they expended some energy they spoke again. "We won't tell! We won't tell! Just tell us all the stuff you've done! All of it! Good or bad! We want to know!" There information hound attributes of there personallity coming out. They were always after juicy secrets no matter how trivial they were. Though they often wouldn't tell what they knew they were always bound to know it, and with enough bribing you could get it out of them, usually it was a trade of information.

Alvin was dumbfounded, astonished, and most of all confused. He wasn't scaring these two in the least bit, they were actually enjoying it? Of all the people he had met in his life they either liked him, or hated him but none were like this. Especially when he was armed and actually informing them that he had the intent to kill them if they did anything against his wishes. A strange look of confusion was on his face, a face that just screamed what the fuck... "Why is it cool..." Alvin asked on in confusion as he looked to the other girls to see if this was surprising the them either. "Are they... Always like this...?" Alvin asked confusion filling his voice. The last thing he wanted to hear was about to come out of there own mouth's.

"Yes!" The two stated proudly beaming at him with amusement, pride, and a odd attachment. They both came off as the type of people you just wanted to hit, and ask what was wrong with them. Nothing was wrong with them, it was just how they were. No one in the room save perhaps Amber, would remember there mother's, they was just like them. The two had been left in the care of one of the village elders two years after they were born. From the elder, they were told both stories about there mother, and the stories that were passed on about there father. Apparently there father was much like Alvin in that moment. Hard, Strong, Cool, but a seeming glint in the eye, showing gentleness. A person who was willing to protect someone or something to the death. This was a thrill for them, from what they had seen and heard of him, he was just like someone out of a story. "Your just like our father from the stories. You come wounded from a battle out in the field of combat! Fresh from the fight just when your beloved is truly about to give up hope you return triumphant! It's so cool~!â?¥" The two squealed in excitement as they spoke. They teased Eva with that giving her apparent attachment to Alvin. It was rather clear by this point they were going to squeeze every juicy detail out of Alvin if it killed them.
Luna raised a brow slightly as they continued to speak. "" she muttered to herself. Not even she had heard of this strange drink they had partaken of. Still, she did remember that odd occurrence when the sisters were found in the middle of the village in their undergarments. It was something everyone knew about, but the two of them didn't seem to be too ashamed of that incident. At least there had been no such event like that since then. Of course, it was Eva that had found the two girls there, and she was no doubt surprised to see her good friends in such a state. However, nobody was expecting what would happen now. Any ill intentions that Alvin had towards the girls had suddenly vanished.

The girls were all a bit surprised in the sudden change of character. Instead of trying to kill them, he seemed to want and get friendly with them. This drink must have really been something. Alvin would be able to tell just how intrigued the girls were about this drink called sake. Of course, that tone did not last for long as he returned to his dark tone to the sisters. Eva was especially shocked at his words. Had they really been through that much. Of course, they all had some notable blood stains on their clothes. Just what had happened in that time they were gone? The tension was thick in the room, the girls watching nervously as Alvin glared at the sisters, who didn't seem to know just how serious he was. Luna was getting ready to step in just in case, but that wouldn't be the case here. Everyone else was just as surprised at the girls' words, but at the same time it was to be expected. Luna let out a little sigh as she looked over to Alvin. "Unfortunately, yes. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but these two know no fear. If anything, you've only caught their interest even more. Being the oldest, Amber was the only one who clearly knew of all the stories about their father and everything. It wasn't very surprising to her that they had seen him like their father. Eva was rather caught off guard by their words. "B-beloved?! Wait a second!" she cried, clearly flustered by their comment.
Alvin understood there curiosity for the drink, if anything it would be amusing to see how they would react to the drink. For some odd reason he figured having them drunk would be a funny thing. Especially with Amber, he wondered is she was a crying drunk or a violent drunk. Never the less he knew his kind of drunk, perhaps that was a good idea, for the time. It would numb his, Jenna's and Amber's pain. Yet even so he was far more concern with how they were acting at the moment. With Luna's words he hung his head low in defeat. He didn't have the energy to fight with them. Even now they were already giving him a head ace. "It seems this little group keeps growing and growing...." Alvin groaned, making reference to those interest in him. Weather it be romantic, lust, or just amusement. Jenna and Amber wouldn't have a problem realizing they were part of the 'group,' yet Eva would be out for a loop. When he caught there last little comment he felt a sharp pain from his wound, the stain of blood showed on his bandage. It was apparent his wound opened up again.

These two were just hyping him up far to much. "G...Girls I might be more willing to talk if you bring the Sake here..." Alvin spoke quite apparently trying to get them out for a bit. This was most likely the best idea for all of them. Alvin watched as they hurried out the door, stumbling over each other. It wasn't long before they were out of sight of the house. "Rather unpleasant two..." Alvin groaned taking deep breaths so he could try and stop the blood himself.
Amber couldn't help but chuckle a bit at Alvin's comment on the group. It was a rather diverse group yes, consisting of even odder individuals as well. Of course, their personalities were all based on how they viewed Alvin. Eva was a little confused with his comment, but she figured it just had to do with his travel companions that he had picked up. The girls watched on as the sisters headed out of the house, surprised that Alvin's aloof comment had managed to get them out. Still, they couldn't help but worry a little, but the girls seemed to have dumb luck on their side with these kinds of things. Eva could see that his wound was opening up, and she tried to set him back down to relax. "Please, try not to move so much. You need to rest as much as you can." she said. Luna nodded as she watched behind Eva. "It would be the best thing to do right now. Even if Vanessa were to come in, I doubt she would kick you out in your condition."
Alvin had caught Amber's chuckle he could understand it, it was true. Though it wasn't quite that he chose any of them. Things just happened people seemed to be drawn to him through his connection with Eva. Even the two new girls, had been drawn from it. Even Alvin had been surprised that they left by a single comment. Yet it was for the best, with any luck he would be able to rest a bit. He smiled softly at Eva as she tried setting him back. He gave a pained laugh, the feeling of her fingers on him was as pleasant as it ever were. Yet it would run short.... The beat, the hollowed heartbeat came again. It was like in the back of your mind. A solid sound that was haunting, yet this time, he would not be the only one who heard it, Eva would as well. Alvin coughed up a good amount of blood when it happened. The black world surrounded not only him, but Eva as well.

There stood the Two human forms of his blades with the shadow. It was there for but a moment, yet Eva could clearly see them. But no words could be spoken, as Alvin's eyes glassed over, the world shattered back to normal as Alvin feel forward, crashing against the floor. A small trail of blood coming from his mouth, from when he had coughed it up. To everyone but Eva it would seem as if he just coughed up blood and fell over. This would no doubt scare Eva, and make her understand, something else was going on here, something Alvin had not told.
Eva returned the smile to him as she managed to get him to lay back. She was still bothered a bit with seeing him in this condition. However, with how long they hadn't seen each other, it didn't really matter right now. It seemed like everything would be just fine until she heard it... *thump thump* "Eh? W-what was that?" It sounded much like a heartbeat, and it was echoing very clearly in her ears. She turned to see that her sisters didn't seem to hear the same thing. Why was it only her? She was brought back to her senses as she heard Alvin cough up the blood, her eye widening in shock. While she would have went to aid him, her attention was brought to the two individuals standing before her. Of course, she had no idea just who they were, and the image of them left almost immediately. Alvin had crashed to the ground, though Eva was clearly shaken up from what she had seen. Who were those people and what was with the heartbeat? She came back to her senses at her sisters' calls. From there, they had moved Alvin to Eva and Luna's room, setting him on one of the beds. They had worked to cover up the wound a bit more. since he was knocked out like this, he wouldn't be getting worked up and bleed too much. Eva had been sitting patiently at his side for him to wake.
While all this had happened the sisters had already reached there home. The scoured the house looking for anything that might interest him or they wanted to ask him about. They had gathered a quarter of all the stuff they wanted to bring, it wasn't like they could take it all in one go. Especially not a with rolling a barrel of sake. It would be a surprise that they had such a large quantity. Especially this far out from the city, not to mention how rare it was in this part of the world. The only ones who ever ordered it was Alvin's masters family, and there was no doubt that there would never be another order for it. After all the Entire linage had gone extinct this day. The two rushed back to the house but found nobody down stairs. They were disappointed like children who were promised to go to the amusement part but couldn't go. In unison as usual they called out, "Is anyone still here!?"

Alvin was the only other person who heard it. Yet his mind had faded as he passed out, the world around him was white. It was much different then all the other times. The world was the same as the dark one but... It felt gentle, and warm, he found himself back in the hidden spot, the scent of sakura filling the air. A warm summers breeze blowing over him. Looking up he saw a figure in white the figure was made of light, in the shape of a woman. His head rested upon her lap, for some reason everything felt right. He rose his hand placing it upon her cheek, and found himself smiling lovingly. In the real world he did the same but his eyes were closed, and fast asleep. He only began to barely stir when he heard people yelling.
Eva's ears twitched slightly as she heard the sisters entering the house once more. She was surprised at how quickly they had returned with Alvin's request. Had they actually gone through with it though. Knowing them, they would have somehow managed to do as they were told. She looked back down to Alvin, who was stirring a bit as he rested. She smiled a bit as she looked down at his sleeping face. She ran her fingers over his forehead to brush away some of the hair. "Just hang in there okay? We'll have you feeling much better in no time.

Meanwhile, Jenna and Amber had come to meet the two girls downstairs. Of course, it was a bit odd to see the two of them with that large barrel of theirs. Did they really have the strength to carry that thing. Some questions were better left unasked. Amber eyed them curiously as she spoke. "Eh, so what's this in the barrel? Is that the sake stuff Alvin's been talking about?"
"Yeah it is a barrel of Sake. It's a weird stuff, it really is." The girls sat there things on the floor. Both stretching out a bit, the question of how they could was indeed best left unsaid. Nobody ever wanted to know that. They were curious why Alvin and Eva were gone, it was a little saddening. "Where did Eva and the human go? Did they run off into the sunset, gently embracing each other?" The girls joked clearly unaware of what had happened. They took there time examining the room for any clues. It wasn't long before they saw the blood on the floor. They began frantically whispering to one another, did he die, is he alright, could he still tell them stories, and tell them what there stuff was. It seemed as though they were more interested in themselves then his well being. Yet they didn't really have much reason to care about him other then what he could do for them at the moment. "Is he alright, can he still tell us stuff!?" The groaned at the girls, clearly caring only about themselves. This no doubt would bother Amber, who was developing feelings for Alvin.
"Weird? Why is that?" Jenna asked, becoming even more curious about this drink that Alvin seemed to adore. Of course, the two weren't quite aware of the effects the drink might have on them. It didn't seem like the two sisters would be telling of their experience again. Amber was slightly annoyed with their comment. "Well, if you remember the condition he was in, then you'd know he wouldn't have just run off like that. He's upstairs resting." Once they noticed the blood on the floor, they had instantly begun their gossiping yet again. They didn't seemed worried in the bit, only more intrigued. Clearly these girls were more concerned with their own well being, and they were really starting to get on amber's nerves. "Listen here you brats, you ever stop thinking about yourselves for one second?! If you understood all the hell Alvin's been through then maybe you'd learn to appreciate him more! Instead of caring about his health, you worry about some damn story! You also don't understand just how much of a nuisance you're being do you?!" she growled, roughly sending her fist in the wall next to her, loud enough to make Jenna jump a bit. While she wished to speak up about how she was talking to them, she could sort of understand what she was trying to say. "N-now don't have to say stuff like that." she said calmly, hoping amber wasn't going to snap at her as well.
The world around him so white and pure, like heaven and this person. Who ever it was just felt right some how. 'Oi, Boss get back here!' A distant voice called out from some where. Yet Alvin was lost in the light. 'Master, please heed our words and return.' Another voice came yet Alvin still did not respond. He couldn't hear them at all. He wanted to stay here, in the light that was so warm. Yet as all things it did not last, the shadow of the beast appeared. 'Alvin.... It is not this ones time... Do not awaken her before her time.... Come....' Alvin looked at the beast and slowly awakening to the real world. He awoke to Eva's smiling face was quite a joy. It was like he was basking in the light as he had been in his dreams.

It was at that moment he heard the slamming of a fist to the wall. Then Amber screaming a sorrowful expression came across his face. "Oh, Amber.... Eva we need to get down there... I have a feeling im the only one who can stop her right now." Alvin spoke slowly getting up, panting it wasn't from pain it was from straining to get up. He was drained as if he had done extensive work. Placing the palm of his hand over his left eye he felt the head ace. It pounded away at him, yet even so he had to get up, and get down there.

Both girl's became instantly silent when Amber attacked the wall. Screaming at them, she expected nothing like that to come from her. The cold and careless Amber actually defending someone as if she respected him. But how could that be? She respected him, what had he actually gone through to do something like that. The Notorious man hater Amber hatred had been dulled. There was more to this Alvin character then they originally thought.
Eva also jumped a bit at the sound. She could hear Amber yelling downstairs, apparently at the two sisters that had returned from their task. "What's going on down there?" she thought. Her focus was brought back to Alvin as she saw him stir. Slowly, his eyes had begun to open again, looking up at her. "Ah...thank goodness you're awake." she said, smiling down to him. She was surprised with his words, especially with the condition he was in. "A-are you sure? I mean, I know we have to calm her down as well, but are you okay to walk?" As he got up, she quickly moved under him to support him. "Take it easy okay? Don't strain yourself too much."
"Eva, as long as there are people I care about here, I will never fall. As long as your here supporting me, I will stand strong and tall." Alvin spoke his words carefully, yet even so they were strong. The people he was speaking of was no doubt Herself, Jenna, and Amber. He didn't know how close he was. There were so many things different then what he thought. How many people would grow to become impotent to him. Slowly he rose with her support, something was indeed changing. It would feel like time was passing Eva by. Alvin had changed much from who he was when she last saw him. He had kindness still yet, he could also be cruel. He seemed like such a different person, yet he would still felt the same somehow. Using her support and the wall he made them descend slowly and carefully. "Amber.... Calm yourself.... I know your angry we have each been through a lot, these past few weeks. Don't take your anger out on those who don't know the situation... I think we need to let them know what is happening. I was hoping to leave those two and Eva out of this. But it seems that isn't really a option right now." Alvin spoke as he stopped using Eva as support, using the stairs railing and the wall. His back seemed different some how, distant. When he reached the bottom he fell on one knee, taking deep breaths. His eyes had grown sharp as they had when he fought before. He looked at the girls in front of him. Closing his eyes he calmed himself causing them to return to normal.
Eva couldn't help but smile at Alvin's words. Even when he was all beat up like this he was still thinking about the safety of everyone he cared about. "Well, if that's the case, you already know I'll be supporting you in any way I can. Of course, I'm sure Jenna and Amber would say the same. Eva had indeed noticed the change in his personality a bit. He was still the same kind Alvin she had always known and admired, but he was occasionally cruel as well. His time away from the village was sure to have had its ups and downs. Perhaps that was his reason for his occasional cruelty. As they descended the stairs, it was clear that Amber was looking to lash out some more with the girls, though Alvin's words seemed to calm her. She slowly removed her fist from the wall, with a clear indentation left to remind everyone. "If you insist." she muttered, crossing her arms over her chest. She was expecting his kindness at this point. Of course, he would probably just whack her if she continued. Eva gasped as Alvin collapsed, causing the weight on her shoulder to bring her to her knee as well. "Alvin? Are you okay?" He seemed to be just fine, maybe just a bit shaky on his feet.
Alvin's body seemed worse for ware as it was anyone could see he was straining to move. But he was far to stubborn to let his wound keep him down. Anyone who knew him for even a hour could tell. He simply smiled at Eva, Slowly hoisting himself up. Making way to the seat closest to the stair. Falling into in he cringed and gripped his wound lightly. Gathering himself again he looked up. "Oi, girls that barrels the Sake right...? Get me a drink from it, to numb the pain, will ya?" Alvin spoke taking not to the insignia on the barrel. A odd smirk came over his face, he couldn't help but chuckled. The Sengo clan's mark, what a Irony, the Sake was one intended for his master. The world around him froze and behind him stood, the two. Both looking down at him, as Alvin turned to them. "Don't tell me you both want to raise a Final Glass to Muramasa?" Alvin smirked, they only gave a smirk back as Alvin turned back to where he was before the world froze. Grinning more he pulled his blades from there sheathed pointing them at the girls. It did not last long as he turned them on the sides and pulled back letting them rest on his lap.

"Amber You want to learn from me about weapons right? Well here's your first lessen, no blade fights for those they refuse. Though it is true in most cases that a blade does not chose it's master. But there are times when a blade finds a swordsmen one who can hear there call, who can listen to the words of the metal. It is said that these swordsmen are either cursed to a oblivious fate, or distended for greatness." Alvin spoke his smirk never fading once. From behind him he could hear them both, 'Hahahaha! Well said boss! Show us! Will you fall or will you rise!' Santsu Rokumon Laughed in enjoyment, it was then Kasaneru Tsumi spoke. 'Will your strength and luck be stronger then our curse or will you fall like every other who has held me in there hands.' He spoke to Alvin in his usual cold and calm tone. Yet he seemed to hold hope for Alvin in some odd way. "Pour two extra drinks, we need to raise a final toast.... To A master, and to a friend...." Alvin spoke both Jenna and Amber would know what he spoke of. It would make them really think about things, today was no doubt the hardest day for him. His friend and his friends lover were killed by his fellow disciples and he had killed his own master.
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