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To get the girl I like, I got to get her family (Fancy & Me)

Amber had managed to get her clothes back on, still feeling rather shaky on her feet. She couldn't help but grin a little at his words. Of course, she probably couldn't expect something like that if they would have another taming session. "Fine! If that's how it's going to be. I should be able to put up with it." She stuck her tongue out again, quickly pulling it back so he wouldn't snap at her again. She pouted a little as he still wouldn't believe her about her lack of a bra. "'s the truth!" she said, lightly stomping the ground. She rested herself on him as he got her on his back. She chuckled softly at his comment. "Still trying to be all frisky?" she asked, resting her chin on the top of his head. She let out a soft yawn, having a hard time staying awake. "Well...I'll just..." She wasn't able to say anymore as she slowly drifted to sleep.
He never replied to any of her comments just letting them soak in. He could feel her chin on the top of his head yawning. He made not a sound getting up. Starting off on the way he believed they came. As she fell asleep he just grinned. "Sleeping like a good puppy," He spoke to himself. His was was slow, making sure he didn't trip over anything in the dark. They were a way out, by his guess he would get back a little before dawn. That meant he wouldn't be sleeping through out the day. He was used to it, but he knew this wasn't a good thing. Since they were traveling long distance with people on there tail. But even so he would deal with it, there was no choice. Alvin just shrugged along slowly finding himself back at the grave. Muttering to himself he said a small prayer for the child who laid there. He moved back along the path that he had walked to find the child back to camp.

His pace was slow, the light of the sun was beginning to shine upon there backs as they arrived back at the camp. Jenna was asleep still with all luck. Alvin laid Amber to rest on a tree near her bags. Alvin took a breath and got together the thing to make breakfast. Again he got beans, it was the best thing to make at the time, this time he grabbed spicy, sweet, and lemon bread. A odd assortment but it would work, using wood around them he made a fire, and began cooking. As it was cooking he went in between the two. Grinning he was not going to be nice today slowly, his hand wrapped around there tails. "Oh, girls, time to get up." Alvin spoke softly stroking them, hopefully turning what ever dreams they had naughty. It was only minutes before it all changed for the worst, giving both of there tails a hard yank. Quickly letting go and moving away he wasn't going to at least stand still to get hit.
Amber had slept soundly throughout Alvin's little trek back to the camp. She snored softly in her sleep, not really moving too much, even as Alvin trailed around in the dark. Once he had finally gotten back, the sun was starting to come up already. She had been set down against the tree, not waking at all. She had been having very pleasant dreams as she slept, most likely about her time with Alvin. Aside from that, she also had some involving fights she would get into. Jenna had been having the best dreams according to her. Of course, it involved Alvin spending far more time with her than anyone else. It was at this point that Alvin had begun to stroke their tails, getting them both a little excited, which affected their dreams. Jenna of course was enjoying it, Amber finding it a little odd after she was in a fight, though she didn't seem to be complaining. Their dreams would be rudely interrupted though...

Jenna let out a loud pained cry as he suddenly pulled at her tail, grumbling softly. "Alvin! Was there any reason for that?! There are better ways of waking people you know!" She could see him moving away, and she quickly went to leap at him. Her dream had been interrupted, ironically by the one she was dreaming about. Amber had a similar reaction to him pulling her tail. Of course she wasn't pleased with how he woke her up, but she wasn't going to just lunge at him unprepared. Jenna would probably get something coming to her. She gently stroked her tail, grooming it a bit as she slowly got up, looking to get some breakfast.
Alvin knew not there dreams, and it wouldn't really matter after they woke up. Alvin found Jenna took the less liking to it. Her yell didn't effect him, but her lounge did make him respond in full. She really should expect what happened next from Alvin. Before she could even get in arms reach she felt the hard connection of a swords handle to her head. This was merely out of a reaction, he wasn't one for letting someone willingly get close if they meant any harm. "The foods over there Amber there's a spicy bread for you." Alvin spoke pointing with his free hand. Rather ignoring Jenna for the moment. He could tell Amber wasn't up for any action right now, not after last night. Jenna on the other hand seemed in full force. "Now, yes there is better ways, but there not as fun." Alvin joked, slightly as he returned the blade to his waist. Amber would no doubt agree if he hadn't pulled her tail as well. Never the less she should expect rude awakening's there was much worse things to expect when waking up. "Either way you should expect ruder awakenings then this. You need to sleep lighter, out of the two of you, Jenna you were the one most like a log. So im going to be waking both of you up in odd fashion's till you both become light sleepers. After all you could be killed or taken capture while you sleep, and I wouldn't want to lose you Jenna." Alvin spoke, using words to try and douse any anger she might have. He payed no more attention to the matter, heading over he made there bowls of food.

Hand Amber her bread and beans he made his then Jenna's. Waving the bowl in Jenna's direction he was trying to taunt her to come and get it. He was sure she was going to be angry with him for a while. But he would find some way to talk his way out of it sooner or later. Jenna wasn't hard to sway out of anger.
Jenna did not get to far as she jumped at him, completely ignoring the fact that he would easily knock her out. The whack to her head had stopped her momentum, simply dropping her to the ground. She held her head tightly as she looked up at him. Of course she had gotten used to getting whacked, just not so much to the pain. While she was cringing on the ground, Amber had slowly gotten up, still feeling the effects of him tugging her tail. "Yeah yeah..." she muttered, rubbing her eye gently. She sat down to grab her food, surprised he had gotten her some spicy bread as well. Perhaps he was paying attention when she was looking around for food in town. She began to eat, finding the food would give her some energy already. She had scooped up the beans rather quickly, saving the bread for last. Around this time, Jenna had started to get up to get her food as well. She watched as Alvin taunted her, pouting a bit as she reached for the bowl. "Really though, I think that's going too far. You could just shake us awake you know." She began to eat her food in silence, though Amber chimed in.

"I will say that was a bit unnecessary Alvin." Of course, her main reason for saying that was because of last night. He had been teasing her tail during the taming, and now he was tugging at it right after. She was in such a good mood too. "Really though, I'd rather you just sock me or something instead of that." Whether she meant that or not would be known only to her."
Alvin merely chuckled at Jenna pouting, he was in a rather particular mood. He had been up since they awoke yesterday, and so much had happened. Amber had become his student and partner, he had met with the Ghostly Hime. The thing that topped it all was what he did not want to think about. Yet even so, his thoughts were being pushed to the point they shouldn't go as a human in these days. Amber had done well last night to quell those thoughts, but they were more haunting then Hime was. Shaking all thoughts he listened to them. Alvin merely chuckled at them, they really didn't realize it. "It was more necessary then you think. Especially for those who were having naughty dreams. Did you know you both talk in your sleep?" Alvin lied, they didn't but he was pretty sure he could guess what they dreamed. Especially with how simple there personality's were. Alvin was merely teasing them as they ate. Alvin was the first to finish, and had begun cleaning up as the others finished. Alvin packed there things slowly, there was clearly something off about him today, though it was hard to place. Though Amber would be able to guess what it was.

As Alvin gathered his things he seemed to get something from his bag. He made no notion of what it was, but soon got up, seeming cheerful. "Well girls we need to get moving. Hopefully by tomorrow we will be on the mountain side." Alvin said speaking strong, he wanted to act at least full of energy.
Jenna was clearly thrown off by his comment on her dreams. Did she really talk in her sleep? Then he knew! He knew about what she was dreaming about! Or at least, she thought he did. "Hmph! Y-you're just assuming things!" she said, going right back to eating her food. Amber was also a little surprised with his words, wondering if he knew anything of the odd dream she was having. She continued to eat her food in silence though. After they had finished, Alvin had taken their bowls and they went to pack their things. Jenna wasn't all too sure of how both of them were acting. Alvin was in a much better mood than usual, and Amber hadn't said much at all. She wasn't even getting into a heated argument with Alvin. Of course, she knew nothing of the events last night, though Amber was well aware that it was causing Alvin to act like he was. It seemed that Jenna had yet to notice the mark on Amber's neck. they both got their bags, heading back to him o they could head off. they both noticed him reaching into his bag for something, but they thought nothing of it. Jenna let out a soft sigh at his last comment. "Yeah...hopefully." Her legs were still a bit sore from the past few days of walking, and her tail was aching courtesy of Alvin. Amber had gotten a very good night's rest, even with the way he woke them up.
"Am I now, considering you were moaning my name in your sleep?" Alvin teased Jenna, he was doing what ever he could to keep his mind away from the situation at hand. There was no need to down the rest of the trip as much as it already had been. Alvin took the the initiative and took the lead. Tactfully leading them around where the grave was. Amber would perhaps be thankful for that. He merely didn't want to see it again, not for some time. A cold sensation ran over him for but a moment, he felt as if he didn't care. Shaking it he moved on, moving through the trees. Alvin didn't really talk as usual, he took point carefully listening for anything out of the ordinary. There walk was long, but it came to abrupt end, when Alvin stopped them. With there sensitive ears they could no doubt pick it up. The sound of talking, men, humans, Alvin could feel something. A sensation he knew, Alvin found himself inching forward, slowly creeping in the direction of the voices. Alvin hid behind a tree once he was close enough.

'Sensai! What does it matter what has been done is one of the greatest disgrace's for a swordsmen! To be killed by your own blade!' One voice called out, before five other drowned it out. There were nine people in total, most of them youngsters. Well into there teens, which gave well enough reason to know they had a select view of women that Alvin did not share with them. "Blood begets blood, Hatred breeds hatred, You slay one with the blade, And another shalt slay you with the blade." The oldest man spoke, a man who clearly seen his share in life. A head full of gray hair, dressed in a kendo outfit. He was clearly the Sensai the first one was speaking to. The old man sighed at the view before him, a shame it was. A young man laid on his back, a Katana sprouting from his back. The old man knew that the blade would never accept him as a master. The child before him was his grandson, a foolish full hearty disciple. The old man was the weapons master at the only school of such arts within hundreds of miles. As well as one of the only known Blacksmiths that still worked making such. A dying tradition, keeping the art alive was a strainous thing, being so few ever desired to join the school, being they could use others to fight.

Another body laid near his grandson, a once beautiful woman, now nothing more then a cut up rag doll. The old man did not believe that she had done what they claimed she had. He had lived with the two of them, his grandson was kind to her from what he had seen. She had always enjoyed his company they were friends since they were children. His grandson had even once told him that the reason he took up learning to fight was to protect her. To think she would kill him while others were around was unbelievable. No, it was that wretched blades fault. Youtou: Kasaneru Tsumi, the Cursed blade of the Sengo family. It was said to be the blade of the clans founder, since then the blade has accepted no master. Every one who ever wielded that blade met with a dismal end. Even though he blamed the blade for it, he could not accept what his students had done. That poor girl, even if she had done it did not deserve this. As they yelled at him in protest of his verdict on the subject. He felt something, someone was spying on them.

In a single wave of his hand he silenced them all. "Come out, All three of you!" The old man, called out, in the direction, Alvin and the girls where. No matter how far away they were he could feel them. Most notably one, who felt familiar, yet different, it was coated in a new fell, that held murderous intent.

Alvin had listened carefully to anything they had said, peering out only to look at the scene before him. What he saw disturbed him more, Takamichi. Someone he knew far too well, a practitioner at the school he learned the blade. When he heard the voice of the old man he froze, Sengo Muramasa. A ironic name for him, he and his family were the only blacksmiths within this portion of the country. They shared the name of a fairytale swords smith none the less. It had always been Ironic to him that he was named such. Even so, this made was the one who forged his own blades. Yet even so if they did not leave soon, or any of them were found.... Well problems would come, he would have to go against the teachings he was taught by more. "One must not strike with a blade of hate, for hate shall only bring hate, a blade is not born cursed, man is that which curses the blade. respect thy foe, love thy brother, fight with honor and respect..." Alvin muttered to himself how unrealistic that was. Even so it was a comforting way to rationalize fighting. It was not long after that he heard his former master call him. Alvin stood up, motioning the girls, he hardened his face, and his heart. Stepping into the view of the group it surprised all of them to see him of all people, especially with the two coming from behind.

"It has been some time.... Muramasa Sensai...." Alvin spoke in a calm tone, he appared void of any emotion. The feel of blood lust, or anything was gone. Like a blank and empty space where he stood. This was clearly putting his Sensai in a uncomfortable position.
Jenna let out a surprised yelp at his next words, turning away immediately. Her face was flushed of course, figuring he did know what she was dreaming of. "W-why is that a problem?!" she muttered, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. Amber wasn't all that amused with their exchange. After all, with the past few days of Jenna spying on them, she wasn't surprised at all if Jenna was dreaming about him. It was a matter of obsession that Alvin had now been cursed with. Of course, she was in a rather pleasant mood after last nice, and she figured maybe she'd forgive him just this once for pulling her tail. And so, their walk had continued, and they were taking an alternate path it seemed. Jenna of course thought nothing of it, but Amber was still thinking about that girl from last night. It was best that Jenna not know anything of the sort. Amber let out a soft sigh, almost spacing out as they walked. It wasn't until Alvin stopped that she bumped into him, getting back to her senses. "Hey! Why the sudden stop huh?" She quieted down as she had picked up something. Of course, the girls' ears would easily pick up the conversation taking place a bit away from them.

Jenna was rather confused with all the dialogue, but she knew that they weren't having the most pleasant of conversations. Amber grumbled to herself. "Seems we keep running into the craziest people." Even from the distance, the girls could easily pick up the scent of blood. Jenna flinched a bit. There wasn't just one person dead. She was very surprised to hear the man call for them, almost letting out another little squeal, though Amber managed to silence her. Slowly, the two of them followed after Alvin, coming into the view of the group. Of course, there were some murmurs and strange looks for the girls, though they didn't really react much to it. Of course they were used to it. Amber glanced at each one of them, giving them all a little glare. However, upon locking eyes with Muramasa, she felt an odd chill run through her body. "What the hell? Who is this guy?!" she thought. The girls were rather surprised to hear who this man was though. "What? This guy is your master?" Jenna asked. Amber got another glance at him. Of course there was something about him that got her a bit antsy.
As soon as Jenna spoke, Alvin's eyes darted to her in a second. A fierce piercing glare, one that held murderous intent, a directed feel. One that would make may shrink away. He gaze was upon her for but a moment to silence her before it was focused back on the group of men. Alvin didn't have to say it, they were in a bad position. Two of them asides from Muramasa had real blades they would be the most problematic. But it could work to his advantage, before they had awoken he had changed into a new shirt, this one was loose around the arms hanging down lightly to about his wrists. It wouldn't bother him if he fought but it concealed his arms. This was because he was leading the group and had to clear anything in the way to walk though. He was glad he had done this, it gave him a advantage. "I see something has happened here, anyone care to explain?" Alvin spoke he appeared calm and blank. Despite a fire raging within, few would see the signs of it, he doubted even his master could tell. A tempest was forming within him, one full of rage and murderous intent. 'Takamichi....' Alvin thought as his mind began to wander.

"Oi, Takamichi what are you doing! You idiot are you trying to kill yourself!?" A familiar voice called out, as the world came into view. A younger version of Alvin stood above a defeated young Takamichi. By Takamichi was a sword, one anyone familiar with Alvin would recognize, Chuujitsu Ryuu. Alvin seemed distressed, the poor fool below him was beaten to a bloody pulp. Around them were four guys passed out. Alvin sighed at his friends foolishness. Did he really think even with having a real katana he could win. These were thugs, they could of killed him if he hadn't had a timely arrival. Luckily he knew what had happened, and how stupid he could be. Just because they bad mouthed Alishia, he was hell bent on getting vengeance. "What in hell where you thi- Wait I take that back, knowing you, you weren't thinking at all..." The young Alvin spoke, as Takamichi smiled at him. "Sorry.... Sempai.... Looks like.... You had to save me again huh....?" Takamichi spoke in pain reaching up for a bit of help up. Alvin shaking his head grabbed his hand pulling him up. "You always made a habbit out of it so how could you be sorry. Not like your going to stop acting stupid." Alvin laughed, if he had known then the fate of him, perhaps he wouldn't of laughed.

The two Sempai's of the group thought they could get support form him. In the past he had been there Sempai. They knew he had a close relationship with Takamichi. The didn't want to forfeit there swords and leave the school. That was what made them feel big and important, and got them respect from everyone. They wouldn't give that up because they killed some worthless little girl that killed her master. The two approached him, dark grins on there face. These were hidden from there master. "Alvin Sempai it has been a while. Too bad we had to meed again under such bad conditions. Well explain it for you. Takamichi and all of us came out here to train in the wilds like he said you always did. We wanted to get strong quick and graduate from the school. For some reason he brought that stupid girl of his, what was her name. Oh, Alishia! Well while we were out here, he and her went off somewhere. She said she wanted to talk to him about something. Next thing we heard was him being stabbed. When we got there that damn girl was over him and he had the blade in him. Ok we may of went a little overboard, but she deserved it don't you think?" One said as he got close enough to Alvin he signed his own death warrant. The smell of blood, was on his skin, close to his body. With carving her up like that he wouldn't get such a strong concentrated smell.

Muramasa was having a hard time placing it, something was wrong. He was hesitant, he didn't want to go near Alvin. There was a dark feeling about how he was. A void scared him more then feeling something like murderous intent. With that you knew what was coming but this was, much more frightening. Muramasa was about to speak before his apprentices moved in, he allowed it. He knew Alvin well enough that he would agree with him. But something bothered him, all the while he searched for what was out of place on him. Slowly he began to realize what it was, he was caurrying bags, clearly packed for long travel. He had two girls who were also packed for travel. But that wasn't what was the most bother her carried his blades, something he was told never to do. It was at that moment he realized it, the warning from the previous day, The blond, The Firery red headed pokegirl, and there master who was more violent then they were. How could he of missed it, the only person he knew who had skill enough to fight was him. Alvin, his most prized student, he knew now he was not safe. "Boys get away from him now!" Muramasa yelled, yet he was far too late.

As they both turned around Alvin's hands reached around went to there necks, A shocked look came over there face. "Yudantaiteki." A simple phrase that was so true, Carelessness is one's greatest enemy. Alvin quickly pulled his hands slashing there throats. Pulling them from the bondage on his arm he revealed two hidden throwing knives. These were what he had hidden in his clothes, originally intending to use them in case of emergency's, but this was to much of a opportune time. Alvin quickly threw the blades at the students, catching one in the leg and the other in the shoulder. Using his foot he kicked a blade up from the one who spoke his last words. "You don't deserve a blade." Alvin spoke forcing the blade back to Amber. He made her take it, before he drew his own blades. The sensation of murderous intent swirled around him, as if he had became a eye of the storm. "You two take care of the students, there youngsters, even you should be able to beat them. Muramasa is mine..." Alvin spoke slowly moving at them, the youngsters backed away slowly frightened. They moved away from there master in a scramble not wanting to get in Alvin or his way. Alvin stopped half away, half looking back at them. "Jenna, Amber, this is the first command I will ever give you two as your tamer. Let us hope it is the last. They have seen our faces and know the area we are in. Not a single one leaves alive." Alvin spoke those words as cruel and cold as ice, but it was for a reason. Even they could understand if they were to get back to the city. There chance of being found were assured. This was a situation of, either them or us, one had to die, so the other could live.
Jenna was surprised by Alvin's glare, sending a little shiver through her body. The look he gave her was almost familiar, like when he was possessed. This one was a little different though. The way he reacted revealed enough. For the first time, the two girls had witnessed a murderous intent from their master. They were aware of the two bodies on the floor having to advert their eyes from the brutal scene. This was bad. The men before them were apparently itching for a fight, armed with their blades. Alvin was the only one in the group really adept with the katana. Amber had a little opportunity to use them in the sewers, but was not quite as skilled. Jenna had only known how to fight hand-to-hand, putting her in an even bigger disadvantage. From the looks of things, these men had killed them both, though they'd find that wasn't necessarily the case.

They listened as the men spoke, addressing Alvin as their 'sempai', though they were not sure if it was meant to mock him. The woman laying on the ground had actually been the one to stab the man named Takamichi. Jenna flinched a little at their description of the events. It wasn't so much how Takamishi died, but the woman. Anyone could clearly see that they had done far more damage to her than she had to him. "Y-you're horrible! Even if that is the case, you didn't have to do this to her!" Amber was also rather disturbed with the whole ordeal, resisting the urge to run in and punch his teeth out. She wouldn't rush in when they were all armed with swords. "You guys are sick. You think you went a little overboard?!" She raised her voice slightly, crossing her arms over her chest. She was clearly agitated, now itching for some action herself.

The two men both approached Alvin, though they had no idea how dangerous he could be, and frankly neither did the girls. A sickening sound rang out as the knives cut through their throats. Amber eyed them, figuring those were the items he put in earlier. Jenna clung onto Amber, still not used to seeing so much blood. It was then that the blade had been forced into Amber's hands. "What do you expect me to do with this?!" As battle happy as she was, she had never actually killed anyone. Even with the Grimer girls, they had simply returned to their slimy forms. They could see the students running off, and Alvin had given the command. Amber hesitated a bit, but she knew his reasoning behind it. They were still on the run after all. If word got out of their location, their pursuers would be on their trail in no time.She gripped the blade tightly, pulling it out of the sheath. It was stained a little in blood, but it still looked to be in good condition. "No problem. Leave it to me." With that, she quickly went off after the fleeing students, with Jenna not too far behind, though she was clearly unsure of how she would go about this situation.

"Jenna, not all of them are armed. You're going to focus on them, and take them out. Don't care how you do it." With that, she had gone off at a group of them, a couple armed and one not. "W-wait a second!" She turned in time to see a couple of the men coming towards her, wielding their bokken. It was then that she remembered the nightsticks that Alvin had shoved into her bag in the sewers. She was of course guarding the rear back then, but she would have to confront them head on now. She quickly pulled them out, one for each hand. "Eh? You're gonna get it bitch!" one of them muttered. He had raised the sword over his head, swinging down at her. She pulled up one of the nightsticks to block it off, holding him off. "What the-?!" He was wide open for attack, and she swung the other around to collide violently with his temple, making him stagger a bit. Amber in the meantime had gotten caught between a couple of them, managing to avoid getting hit at the least. Each time they had swung and missed, she had gone to leave a gash somewhere, looking to slowly weaken them before she finished them off.
Alvin made no movements at anything especially after they left. His eyes were glued to Muramasa, just as his were to him. The world around them had no doubt been blocked out. Silence was all that either would hear. This battle would hold great weight, win or lose, life or death. The flood of murderous intent flooded from both of them. Alvin had done something unforgivable. A dishonoring the two corpses behind him. He slayed them before they could even draw there blades. Above all that he had taken one of there blade and given it to another. A further dishonor to him and his family name. This clearly distressed his master more then anything. Considering Alvin's personallity something drastic must of changed in him for him to do such. Which was not far from the truth, the world around him was changing. What had changed drastically was his views on humanity.

A brother who killed his sister, men blaming there murder on a innocent girl who merely loved him. Then cutting her to pieces to keep her quiet about it all. Above all else that man was his friend. Vengeance was something taught against during training. But for Alvin, his path was no longer the same as what his master intended. "Zenryoku, shikisoku zekuu, shinrabanshou" Alvin spoke to his master it was a recruitment that he held as a beginning to any fight he took seriously.

"All One's Might, All is Vanity, All of Creation..." Muramasa spoke reciting exactly what Alvin had said but in english. This sight before him saddened him greatly. His prized pupil had fallen so far to bare his fangs against him. The intent was clear as day, and he knew there was no way he would stop his pupil. He had chosen to walk the Path of a Demon. A path that once one chose to walk they would not turn from. "So you chosen the Path of the Demon..." Muramasa spoke coldly, this was the beginning. Muramasa drew his blade the blade it's self held a evil aura, one that completely masked him. The first blade he had ever crafted, a sword that had tasted blood in a act of evil. A act of evil that he so deemed so, thus cursing the blade, he gave it a fitting name.

"Youtou: Santsu Rokumon, so you draw you blade. I will not ask you to leave and act as if you never saw us. Because I know that would go against your code." Alvin spoke, calmly before lounging the clash of Katana caused sparks to fly. As metal connected with metal the blades rang loud and clear. Like a melody being played the blades clashed resonating with the passion of battle. The feelings of the fighters flowed through the blades like the music from the instrument. Hatred, Sorrow, Disappointment, Acceptance, and Murderous Intent, these feelings create a complicated melody. One only those who had seen many fights, would be able to hear and respect the melody. As His masters blade came down from over head Alvin used both blades to block, causing his stomach to become vulnerable. This earned him a kick to the stomach. The force sent him tumbling back, his master gave him no time to recover continuing a relentless attack. It came to a point were they were held at a cross. Both glaring at each other, Sighed even in the heat of battle. "I follow not the Path of the Demon, I follow my own. 'Blood begets blood, Hatred breeds hatred, You slay one with the blade, And another shalt slay you with the blade.' Your own words master I am only following them." Alvin spoke breaking the contact beginning his own assault clashing with his master. To most people would think that Alvin had the advantage using two katana's rather then just one like Muramasa. But they knew that was not the case, though Alvin dominated in speed,

Muramasa dominated with shear power. This had always put the two at odds end, Alvin's fighting style differed from his masters. Alvin's fighting style was much more fluid, his body continually moved causing Muramasa unable to get a clean shot or find a opening for more then a moment. Alvin was finding the same problem his master had few weak points but because he was less mobile he was able to defend those points more. Sweat poured, the taste of blood in his mouth, Alvin had a few cuts and bruises. He had caused few, cuts but comparing each other Alvin was in a much worse position. Panting he kept his distance for the moment taking what time he could to have a breather.

Muramasa stood clam he wasn't short of breath at all, he had paced himself. Through out the fight Muramasa, had taken the defensive only when he countered did he take the offensive. This allowed him to conserve more energy then Alvin. This was always how it was, Alvin was hasty. He never understood the truth behind strength and ran in. He wasn't foolish though, and knew his limits. But he never seemed to have the right quality to become truly great, and master the art to it's extent. "It saddens me to think you of all people have fallen.... You of people I did not think would fall. You were once the prefect role model, you lead Takamichi to wanting to be great, to push himself to the limits. Of all my pupils I thought you were one that I could possibly be my Successor when I passed on." Muramasa spoke in a saddened he spoke the truth. He had hoped one day he would find what would complete him, to make him a true master. But now it seemed as though that was impossible, he would followed a path away from the art. Muramasa readied himself for the second contact, just as Alvin did.
The student that Jenna had managed to knock down had slowly risen to his feet, still able to fight, but a bit shook up. That would even the odds just a little for her. Still, any of these students had far more experience than she did. Any blow from those bokken were sure to hurt. While he was taking time to recover, another had come at her, swinging the wooden blade at her side. She tried to move away, though she was still caught slightly on her hip. She let out a pain grunt, gritting her teeth a bit as she shifted her feet, going at him again. She went low, sending the nightstick straight for his kneecap. There was a sickening snap as his knee gave way under him. He held his broken knee in pain, while she went to focus on the others. He wouldn't be going off anywhere anytime soon anyway. Her slight carelessness had given them a chance to swing at her. While she had managed to get on of her nightsticks up in time, it had been knocked out of her grasp. She had manged to get her other one in position to block him of as he swung at her again, somehow keeping it in her grip. He continued to push the weight on her, straining her wrist to the point she thought it would break. With a quick step to the side, she pulled the night stick away, causing him to stumble. Gripping the nightstick in both hands, she took a violent swing to the back of his head, that familiar crack ringing out again. The impact had him fall face first, twitching slightly. The last student with her was proving far more difficult, not giving her a chance to fight back. While she was able to block off attacks, he was starting to push her away from the group while the were unaware.

Amber had numerous bruises over her body, mainly her arms as she insisted on blocking off some of the attacks like that. She was far too used to hand-to-hand combat after all. Her hit and run tactics seemed to work though, as they were much slower, and she was reading their movements better. Another of them came at her, recklessly brandishing the wooden sword above his head. That was just the opening she needed. With a quick thrust, she had pierced him straight through the gut, using her foot to flip him over her and onto the ground. She sen the blade through his heart for the finishing blow. She gave a gentle flick of her wrist, cleansing the blade from his blood. She felt another sort of adrenaline rush over her body. She was in a lot more danger this time, but she was able to keep going despite all the abuse she had gone through. Her arms felt a little heavy after all the hits she had blocked off. she could have sworn that maybe there were some fractures in her arms.
His words cut worse then his blade. As Muramasa spoke Alvin could feel the sorrow in his voice. Though he knew it was no time to worry about such. He had to fight, and that was all he had to do. There would be no time for pity or remorse, Alvin had to focus. He had chosen the path to walk, now he had to walk it. There was no turning back. Yet even so such words would never leave someone unaffected. Especially when his rang clear with the truth. "I did not push Takamichi, if anything I think he saw where my path would lead me. I believe he knew one day it would be like this. Perhaps he knew, or wished as I do, that when it came to the end it would be he who fought with me not you, or perhaps this was how it was meant to be... Though one could not of wished that should your life end it be at a rivals and friends hand rather then your masters. As for Succeeding you... I would of never taken that role, that role was for someone of a kinder heart, one who could truly teach them, and lead them down the right path. A quality I do not believe I have." Alvin spoke in what he believed to be the truth. His words seem to hold a great deal of sorrow in them. Alvin felt a great weight come over Chuujitsu Ryuu it was strange. Alvin eyed the blade carefully, of all times, was it rejecting him? Even so it did make sense, Alvin no longer had any loyalty to his former conviction. Alvin understood this but he could not drop Chuujitsu Ryuu at the time. Alvin spoke a silent apology to it.

Muramasa seemed unfazed by Alvin's words on the outside but inside as any master would be he too was effected. Yet even though he took the lead and leaped into action. He stuck at Alvin only to find him avoiding the attacks. His strikes were fluid and strong yet they were not entirely fast. Compared to Alvin's he was moving far slower. Yet even so the force he brought the blades down at was by far more dangerous. Even so Muramasa was by far more skilled then Alvin, due to years of training and mock battles. He had even seemed to of been in real ones before this which wouldn't of been a surprise. Bringing his sword to his right side he charged quickly. A move that Alvin had no doubt knew, the Gyakudou. A simple Kendo move, yet it was also very dangerous, if he landed a hit he would cut him deep.

Unfortunately Alvin was unable to dodge, that side was also the weaker of two. This was due to the seemingly added weight of Chuujitsu Ryuu. Alvin was given no choice but to block using his blade to bock it. He felt the impact lessened yet the sound of cracking came. Alvin cringed feeling at least one or two of his ribs snapping from the force. Muramasa knocked the blade away from him before he could move away. Groaning in pain his hand connected with the hilt of Himitsu Yakusoku. This effectively doubled the strength he could swing the blade, yet lowered the speed he could attack in as well. He couldn't stop, he forced himself to ignore the pain running though his body. Gritting his teeth he charged at him. The two connected again holding each other at a stale mate. Glaring at one another, for quite the time. It was a while before they broke away again. The two clashed again, the flurry of blades began making flashes and sparks as they connected. Alvin saw Muramasa moving to use the Gyakudou again.

Alvin took no hesitation this was a defining moment. Alvin brought his blade down connecting with his. Yet the force knocked it from his hands, a shocked look came over Alvin's face. It had knocked Muramasa back but there was no way he could get to Chuujitsu ryuu or retrieve Himitsu Yakusoku. He was as good as dead stepping back he felt his hand reach behind him, out of instinct.

Though out the battle Muramasa felt more and more sadness in fighting his former pupil yet he gave no hesitation. Perhaps this was the only respect he was allowed to give him now. He gave it his all holding nothing back, not even his specialty the Gyakudou. The moment Himitsu Yakusoku left Alvin's hand he felt the pain in his heart. for he knew what had to be done next. Taking a deep breath he lounged at Alvin. "It's over, good bye Alvin, I shall always remember you." Muramasa spoke in the moments before they connected. For a minute the blade seemed to stop, as the blade connected he pushed himself as close to Alvin as he could. He had pierced Alvin, yet it did not end as he thought it would. A soft smile came over his face, so his life ended in the greatest honor. "Youtou: Kasaneru Tsumi... So by your edge... I die..." Muramasa spoke as the blade was shown to of pierced all the way through his body going out of his back. The blade had pierced near his heart, he would be the first to die. Looking he saw Alvin had moved as to strike him, he avoided a deadly blow. Piercing him through his side just below the ribs. Though it wasn't a lethal blow he would no doubt bleed to death before he got away. "So Master and disciple... Die together.... How fitting..." Muramasa laughed sadly and in pain, a end with irony.

Moments before Muramasa struck Alvin felt his hand connect with the blade Youtou: Kasaneru Tsumi. The Cursed blade that had killed his friend. Yet even so he grasped the blade, moving forward to strike his master down, there was no chance to block, or avoid. There was only attack, this was a life or death gamble. Either he killed him and received a non fatal blow or he died. In the moments after he coughed up a clog of blood that he had almost swallowed. He listened to his master annoyed at his words, he was wrong. "Sorry... But im not dying here... There's still things I have to do... Im keeping my promise to her.... I will return to her, no matter what... No matter how many bodies litter my path... No matter how far I must fall, to protect her.... Jenna.... Amber.... Eva.... Vanessa... Luna... To protect every one precious..." Alvin spoke in such a willful tone. Though Vanessa didn't like him, though he didn't know Luna. They were precious to the three he did know. They were worth protecting with his life. His promise was to Eva, in the letter he had given her promising he would return. The thoughts of them helped ease the pain.

Muramasa, found himself smiling and chuckling. "So you found it.... The true strength.... to become a master in any art.... The will to protect...." He spoke in great pain, using his free hand he reached into his pocket pulling out a ring. It was a signant, the sign of a master the school. Grabbing Alvin's hand he placed it in his palm curling his hand forcing Alvin to hold the ring. "I know.... You will not take my place.... But this.... is... yours...." Muramasa spoke his final words, as his body gived he fell to the ground the blade still in his body.

Alvin stumbled back slamming into a tree he sunk down groaning in pain. In one quick movement he pulled the blade out his body. Putting his hand on it he pushed down as had as he could. Panting he sat there. There was no way he was moving. He was only feet away from the bags that had medical supplies. Yet there was no way he was getting there. He only hope now was for one of them to come back soon.
Amber had no time to rest as the other two came at her at once. They both swung down on her, prompting her to raise her blade and block them both. Her arms trembled with pain under them both, her injuries starting to affect her. She gritted her teeth roughly as she looked to overpower them still. She had noticed that their wooden swords had both caught onto the blade, giving her an idea later for later on. It would take some time if she wanted to cut through them. With a pained grunt, she managed to push them back, creating some distance between them. They were quick to come at her again though, sensing an opening. She used their recklessness to her advantage, quickly coming in to slash at one's side, cutting in deep. He let out a pained cry, the blood spilling from his waist. It was likely he would slowly die. While the other was still bewildered, she had come up, slashing at his back, followed by a clean swipe at his Achilles tendons. He fell back onto the ground, writhing in pain as she walked up in front of him, her intense glare returning to her face. It was very much like those times with Alvin, but what these men had done sickened her. "Hm...what an odd situation to find yourself in, isn't it? You know what that woman looks like now right? Maybe I'll have you look the same way." she muttered, swiftly running the blade over his front numerous times, catching his face chest and legs. He was letting out pained cries at the top of his lungs, and she had enough. She spun the blade around, stabbing it down into his heart, silencing him right away.

Amber placed the blade back into the sheath, tossing it away for now. She was still in a bit of shock from what she had done. She didn't know what any of her sisters would think in hearing of this. It was all for the best though. If they wanted to make it back, there was no other option. Her arms and sides were still killing her, and there were a couple cuts along her arm. Her clothes were stained in some blood, filing her nostrils with the unpleasant scent. She looked around for Jenna, not finding her anywhere. She felt extremely worried now, looking around for her. "Jenna? Jenna?!" she called, going up the path a little. Nothing. She quickly headed back over to Alvin, finding that he had succeeded in killing Muramasa. Her eyes widened a bit as she caw the deep gash in him, and she ran over to him. "Alvin?! Are you okay? You're hurt." she said, inspecting the wounds he had sustained. "Jenna...she's gone. I can't find her anywhere!"

Jenna grunted as she hit the bottom of the slope, slowly moving to her feet. As she was being backed up earlier, she had lost her footing, tumbling down to the bottom. Her pursuer had slid down with ease, a little beat up himself. They both had numerous bruises and occasional cuts. "Give it up. You're obviously in no position to continue." he said, slowly advancing on her. She weakly gripped the nightstick, not looking to back down anytime soon. "No...way...I'm gonna fight for Alvin...and I'm going to get home." she muttered. The student chuckled softly as he raised his blade. "How cute. too bad that isn't going to be happening. Jenna growled softly as she suddenly lunged at him, taking a wild swing and catching him square on the jaw. He staggered back, gripping his jaw as he looked back to her. "Bitch!" He sent his foot into her gut, knocking her back onto the ground, holding her stomach in pain. He quickly approached her, raising the wooden blade again. He was set to finish her right now. Jenna braced herself for the blow, though it had never come...

A sickening crack sounded as the fist collided with the side of his head. He hit the ground roughly, having no time to recover as the figure had gotten at him, starting to pound away at his his face. She had kicked away the wooden blade, leaving him at her mercy. She had moved off him, giving him a violent kick to the side. A few cracks sounded, clearly a couple ribs being broken by the impact. His cries of pain rang loudly in the area, and he started to try and move away from his attacker, to no avail. "Stay away from my sister..." She raised both fists over her head, sending them down onto his head one last time. His body ceased to move, and not even a pained cry escaped his lips. The girl slowly moved off of him, starting to head back over to Jenna, who was shocked with the scene she had witnessed. However, she knew exactly who it was that had saved her.

The girl was clearly older than Jenna, maybe a little younger than Amber. She had short coal black hair along with mysterious crimson eyes. She was wearing a white tanktop with a pair of baggy blue jeans, numerous holes present. She wore a black cap on her head, which had a rather unique emblem on it. It was a golden ring of some sort, very similar to that of an Umbreon's. also, her large black ears poked out from under the hat, also having the golden rings shining dimly. Alvin would probably recognize her from the house, Luna. "Hey. You ok? You sure got roughed up haven't you? Eva's been worried sick about you. You know that right?" She sounded as though she was scolding her. Jenna looked up to her older sister hesitantly. She had never seen her sister like this, nobody had actually. Luna was never really much of a fighter, or so everyone thought. She had never fought Amber, but she would always shoo her off with some choice words. "Let me guess though. You did see Amber didn't you? And the human too. That's why you left the house in the first place." Luna sighed as she helped Jenna up, supporting her. She could see the mark on her shoulder, not saying anything on it.
Alvin sat alone a pool of blood forming below him. Taking deep breaths, he was doing what he can to ease the blood flowing out. His shirt now a deep red blood stain. He watched the corpse of his master. The memories began to flow through his mind. Of the better times during his training and younger. "Dammit~!" The voice of memories rang once again. The young Alvin was found charging at a younger Muramasa. All that happened was him getting knocked away with ease. These were the events from six years ago. Alvin slowly got up groaning, bruises littered his body. IT was clear they had been at it for quite some time. Alvin gritted his teeth in anger, from the corner of his eye he could see Takamichi laughing at him. His eye started twitching it was distracting him. As soon as he could hear Takamichi laughing he could take no more.

"Who the hell do you think your laughing at dammit!" Alvin screamed swinging his sword in the direction of Takamichi. It took him a few seconds after his sword connected with Takamichi's head that he had lost his grip. It was moments before he saw Alishia, running for Takamichi. In Alvin's head he counted down from five. The very moment he got Zero he felt the force of a wooden sword on the top of his head. Next thing Alvin knew he was on the ground. "Owe..." Alvin groaned rolling to the side, above him was someone he had not thought of for years. "Dammit Saki, what the hell are you trying to do!? Crack my skull open!" Alvin yelled sitting up, his master off to a distance shaking his head.

Above him stood a absolutely beautiful young woman. A rare jewel she was, for she was human. This caused a lot of attention to be drawn to the two of them. For some odd reason she seemed to favor Alvin out of all the students. Though her favor wasn't always the best thing. It caused him to have any number of concussions. Perhaps she favored him because he was her grandfathers favorite student, or because he was real friends with Takamichi. Though the most likely reason is he was the only one who had enough in him to actually yell at her or even raise a fist against her. He treated her as if she was just another person out there, not like some preicous little jewel that needed to be taken care of and pampered. "I could ask you the same damn thing! Look at Takamichi hes bleeding from the head and is no doubt going to be out for hours! Maybe that blood flowing from your head will cool you down so you can think!" Saki snapped back, tapping the wooden sword on her shoulder.

"Violent, overbearing, pampered, bitchy woman...." Alvin muttered to himself looking to the side. It wasn't long before he felt several whacks from the wooden sword strike his body. He laid on the ground twitching in pain. He knew that it wasn't a bright thing but he always did it. He could hear his master in the distance commenting on it. He never did learn from these events, yet for some reason this made the daily life so much easier. That was the last day that Alvin ever saw Saki. During his time of recovering she had died. They never told him how, or why, that was the day Alvin's more cold state began. He left the school soon after to search for a reason to continue training. Even though he did he kept a strict training regiment, never losing his shape or form.

In the moments he came back to reality of sorts, Amber had run up on him. Yet he did not see her for who she was. "Eva...? Why are you here...? Heh, I guess I kept my promise...." Alvin spoke in a rough panting voice. A pool of blood was all around him. He had lost a great deal of blood. It had began to effect his mind causing him to hallucinate. His entire body was pale, proving he was losing blood at a dangerous pace. Slowly he seemed to fall in and out of consciousness. "In the bag... Bandages...." Alvin managed to get out, he still thought she was Eva.
Amber was a little surprised with the way he was acting. He had called her Eva, and while she was thinking of snapping at him, his wounds were of far more concern at the moment. All that blood loss was starting to get to him, so she'd go along with it for now. "Yes, I guess you have." Catching his last few words, she quickly grabbed for the bags, digging into them until she found the bandages. "Just try and relax all right? You're really banged up after all." The strong scent of the blood irritated her. She pulled out the bandages, quickly wrapping them around every cut she could find, especially the wound he had received from Muramasa. It was likely that he would fall unconscious at the least, and she was making sure he didn't get any more serious than that. "Just hang in there all right? We'll get these fixed up in no time."

Meanwhile, Luna and Jenna had been making their way slowly towards the village. All that time, Jenna had told them everything leading up to their confrontation now. "You forgot how to reach the village? That's a rather odd thing, for Amber as well." For the most part, Jenna was trying to avoid talking as much as possible. Just breathing hurt her a bit over her body. "B-but, Alvin and amber are still out there. They're probably hurt too...especially Alvin..." she muttered, almost inaudible to Luna. She was quiet after that. She still remembered when Alvin had come over, along with the discussion he had with Vanessa. She had been the one to try and calm her down all that time. Even now she was still thinking about it. It may not have seemed like it, but Luna knew it was still lingering in her mind. "Look, we'll get you home first, and after you've rested up I'll ask her if he can stay." Jenna looked up to her, rather surprised. "Huh? Are you serious?!" Luna let out a little sigh. She had apparently gotten very attached to Alvin since the taming. "Yes. I don't know what the result will be, but she can't stay like that forever right?"
Alvin could see Eva's face distort into annoyance. As if she was going to snap at him. It was at that point his vision returned to reality. It was Amber, not Eva, it was when she spoke as if she was Eva. He couldn't help but give a pained smile she was trying to comfort him in pain. As she began to treat his wound he felt reality drift from him. At the moment he passed out he saw a creature of some sort staring at him from a distance. At that moment everything went dark.

Elsewhere two figures were running around seemingly playing. The first of these was a Pikachu girl. she was quite notable for having a stone cold face. Her name was Riki, one of the Fire & Lightning sisters. Easily enough to tell she was the lightning sister. Though her feature didn't really seem to fit. The girl's golden hair swayed softly as she ran ahead of her sister. "Come on now you can catch up anytime." Riki called to her sister who was trailing. Making a sharp turn around a tree, she found herself colliding with Jenna. This was something common, they always said electric currents attracted one another. Riki found herself in quite the comfortable place. Snuggling herself in Jenna's breasts. "Ah, the holy land, I have returned." This as well was to be expected. Riki expected pain to follow soon.

The other of the two was a slightly worn out girl. She was not the most physically active girl. She was the fire sister of the two, Kira. Kira was a cyndaquil variant, younger then her sister by at least a year. "Nee-chan your so mean! Gimme my sweets back!" Kira cried as she ran, her sister had stolen her sweets. Kira was one of the few fire type girls who loved sweet things. Then again she was also a lot different then Amber. She was also a very good friend of Eva's. She seemed to be more childish then anything. As she came to the turn she found Riki on top of Jenna. Kira tackled her sister off of her sitting ontop of her. "Sweets now!" She growled before realizing who the others were. Noticing Jenna was quite beat up, she had thought her sister had done it. "Jenna are you alright, your hurt! Did Amber beat you up again or was it Nee-chan?" Kira spoke her thighs closing around her sisters stomach causing her to squirm in pain under her.
She returned his pained smile with an odd glance, continuing to patch up his injuries. Like she had predicted, he had passed out from his injuries. Thankfully, she had finished up the last few wounds. She let out a little sigh as she tried to help him up. she looked around, hoping to find Jenna, but with Alvin like this, the search wouldn't be that easy. She could only hope that Jenna was still okay. Knowing her, she might be lucky enough to get out of that fight she was in.

The two girls continued along the way, basically talking about all that had happened while Jenna, Amber, and Alvin were away. "And Eva's just been constantly asking about you all too. It's me that has to try and reassure everyone you know." Jenna let out a soft chuckle. "Ah...sorry about all this." Luna gave her a playful smack on the back of her head. "Don't worry about it. All that matters is that you're all okay. I imagine Amber's still in one piece, and if all you've said about him is true, he should be fine as well." She had been told about Alvin's strange power and all that Jenna had witnessed with him. In that sense, she had learned of the situation she was in during the taming. the sound of footsteps filled their ears, and before they knew it, the girl had buried her head into Jenna's breasts, knocking her back out of Luna's grip. She landed with a pained grunt as she hit the ground, finding the familiar Pikachu variant buried in her chest. "Riki..." she muttered, raising her fist to pop her on the head. This was a very common thing for them, riki running into her and all. Ironically enough, it was having her buried in her breasts or in some other odd predicament.

While Jenna was trying to pry Riki off of her, Kira had appeared. The girls had always been intrigued by her fondness for sweets, seeing as most fire-types like Amber adored spicy food. Like Eva, she was a bit childish and naive, and they got along very well. When it came to Jenna and Riki, it was a rather odd relationship. Jenna got some relief as Kira tackled her sister. She caught her comment, shaking her head slightly. "No no, nothing like that. Don't worry about it, I'll be just fine." she said with a weak smile. Luna sighed as she helped Jenna up again. "You too may need to be a bit more cautious around her while she heals up all right?" she asked with a calm but stern tone. "Wait a second." Jenna said. "If you two are here then..." Luna nodded. "Yup, the village is a very short walk away."
The two girls listened attentively confused by how they were talking. Of course the the village was a short distance away. These two never went far away from it. This was perhaps the worst thing she could of done. She caught the twos interest, and if anything this was the only time the worked together well. A secret smile came over there faces. Though it wasn't hard to guess that they would be close behind. These two were always like that, if you wanted dirt, they most likely had it. Always wanting more and more information. The two waited till after Luna and Jenna had left before they said anything else.

Kira was the first of the two to speak. "Interesting she didn't remember where the village was. Shes all beat up but not from Amber either. What do you say we investigate Riki?" Kira spoke giggling softly the devilish little side of her coming out. She really wanted to know this, she felt something was off with her. Her fascination would bring about interesting chain of events. Yet she didn't get off her sister, trying to think of what she had forgotten. Then it hit her, her candy, glaring down at Riki. "But before that, Gimme!" Kira spoke squeezing her thighs more, applying pressure to Riki. She knew that Riki would give, only because she knew that Kira wouldn't let go until she did. Once Kira caught someone like this there was few ways to escape.

Riki herself couldn't help but agree with Kira. This was juicy stuff, "Yes and Luna seemed in a odd mood. Normally she isn't that talkative with us. I agree we need to investigate but could you get up?" Riki spoke, he face rather blank looking still. Though that smile did add emotion to it but still she was still rather bland. She had hoped the Kira had forgotten about the sweets. Yet knowing this girls one tract mind she hadn't. Whining as her sister squeezed her tighter, feeling as though she was going to crush her ribs. Opening her palm revealing a handful of rock candy. She put it in Kira's pocket, which caused the girl to release her. Taking deep pained breaths.

The girls both bickered with each other for a few moments before scampering off following Jenna and Luna in secret.
Luna and Jenna weren't aware that the sisters had been listening in our their conversation. Of course, knowing those two, they would probably try to pry them for more information. Luna wasn't looking to discuss it very much with them around. Knowing the circumstances, Jenna, Amber and Alvin were still in a great deal of trouble. Since they had been separated, they would most likely be looking for the village as well. "Vanessa should at least have you inside to rest up. Of course, Eva will just be thrilled to see you. I suppose you should brace yourself for that." she said with a light chuckle. Knowing Eva, she'd probably be all over Jenna in no time, at the same time causing her a bit of pain with the injuries she sustained.

In the meantime, Amber had been supporting Alvin as she headed down the path. She had to get them somewhere to rest up. There was a good chance that their pursuers would be on their trail. "Geez...wake up already will you?" she muttered, knowing he probably wouldn't hear it. Every now and then she had to stop and lean against a nearby tree to rest her legs and catch her breath, then it was back to walking. She wasn't all too sure about where she was going, but for some reason, it felt like the right way to go to the village. Hopefully her instincts would pull through for her in this situation. She took a quick glance at Alvin's sleeping face, a little sigh escaping her lips. "Still managing to hang in there huh?" It made her think back to when they first ran into each other, with the Hitmoncham girl. She hadn't seen that odd ability just yet. So far, she had only been exposed to his hand to hand combat skills.
The world was dark shrouded in shadows. The scent of Sakura filled his nostrils as he awoke he found himself garbed once again as if he were a samurai missing his blades. Alvin felt the sting of pain from his side, yet no wound was there. Looking up the tree he spotted the shadow staring down at him. Yet this time it had a more clear figure, and it's sharp eyes, they were the same color as his. Alvin merely groaned at it looking into the darkness. "Never give up do you...? Let me guess your the only thing keeping me alive?" Alvin spoke to the shadow above him. He expected the shadow to speak full of confidence that it was. Not like he would believe it, yet nothing came from it. Much rather something else spoke, in it's place. 'As if, your life is your own, that thing has no control on you or what you can become.' one voice spoke, it was a cocky and young tone. Seemingly in it's teens. Then another voice came into play.

'For once the child is right, your life is saved by yourself.' The second voice was calm, and cool to the point of being cold. The two voices began to bicker with one another. None of it could be heard by Alvin.
"Who are you?" Alvin spoke looking around trying to find where the voices came from. It took several minutes before two shapes began to form. One was of a teen that greatly resembled Muramasa in his younger years. Alvin was astonished by this, he had only seen him like this in pictures. As the other formed it took a much different appearance. One in which he had never seen. A slim man, with snow white hair, he looked like he was only in his early twenty's, yet the color of his hair made one think he was by far older then he was. Alvin braced himself for anything to happen. If they wanted to fight then he would fight. 'Whoa calm down there, don't want to open that wound of yous do you?'

The Younger of the two commented a grin on his face.
Alvin was confused then he felt the warm pain of blood flowing out, the wound appeared on his stomach. Groaning he fell back gripping his wound in pain. He glared at them his eyes growing sharp, like blades themselves. 'Oooo Great eyes! I knew I liked you! A beast within! Hehehe ironic statement don't you think ______?' The Younger of the two spoke laughing at Alvin. He truly seemed to like Alvin's eyes. 'He cannot hear _____ Name yet, the shadows are still surrounding it. The time seems to be drawing near though. Never the less shall we get down to why we came here?' The seemingly older of the two spoke, his tone frosty to a chill. It seemed to bite into his companion who turned away in great annoyance. 'Yeah, yeah, might as well, don't know when we will come out again but fine, well do it your way pops. Oi, Kid, you asked our names right? The name's Santsu Rokumon! How did it feel when I stabbed ya?' Santsu spoke a wicked grin on his face. His name was the same as Muramasa's blade, or rather they were two in the same. 'And I am Kasaneru Tsumi, it is a pleasure to meet you. From here I will talk for the both of us. For Santsu Rokumon you killed his master, leaving him a weapon without a user. He doesn't do well with that, so he has come here, claiming to desire the one who had the strength to slay his master should be his master. I am here because you took ahold of me, and your still alive. You are the first to survive taking me in your grasp. I wish to continue to watch and see where your path leads you. Weather it be the path of a Warrior, or a demon, or perhaps even the a path all your own. If you will have us then we will follow you.' Kasaneru bowed slightly as he spoke, he seemed sincere there was no essence of lying in his tone. If what they had said was true, then what Alvin was experiencing was the Spirits of the Blades coming to him. A rare even among swordsmen where blades themselves chose there master. Alvin was unsure if he should trust there words, yet the more he thought about it.

It wasn't all that surprising, both cursed blade, one for generation, the other of his recently deceased master. Both had came into impotent events, Alvin found himself grinning. "Fine! All let you tag along, just make sure neater of you dull, stay sharp to cut down anyone who stands against me, no matter who it is even myself." Alvin spoke a grin on his face. Back in the world of reality, his body pulsated softly, a hollowed heartbeat coming from his body before stopping without warning. The world of shadows shaddered as his eyes slowly began to open. Groaning he began to return to Concious thought. "W...Where am I now....? Damn.... Feels like im walking back to the hospital again....." Alvin groaned as he became more aware of his surroundings finding Amber was currying him. Slowly shaking his head he tried to get a better hold on himself.
Amber could hear him as he stirred, turning to face him again. "Huh, finally woken up have you? Looks like you'll be staying alive for just a bit longer." she said with a pained grin. After all, she'd be carrying him all this way, sustaining a good deal of injuries herself. Then again, with the shape he was in, she had to. " be honest, I'm not all that sure where we are. I'd like to think I'm heading right for the village though." With each step, she let out a pained grunt, managing to stay on her feet the entire time. "So..." she muttered. "You miss Eva that much huh?" She had remembered him calling her Eva just a while ago, catching that bit about his promise to her. "So this promise of yours, was just to see her again?" she asked. "Well, if we ever do make it back, she'll be thrilled. Can't say we're going in looking that great, but it's better than nothing right?" She was wondering if Eva would have a similar reaction to seeing Amber again. Amber wasn't exactly the best 'big sisterly' type to any of her sisters. She let out a soft sigh as she continued on, taking a rest against a tree again. "Gah...don't know how much further we have to go, but it seems like the right way."

After a little while longer, the girls had come up to the special spot they had been trying to reach all this time. Jenna seemed to remember it then, remembering how she confronted Alvin that fateful night. Who knew she would return under these circumstances. Luna placed her up against a tree to rest. Luna stood up, stretching her arms a bit. "Hey, do you mind waiting here just a bit?" she asked. Jenna looked up to her with a confused look. "Uh...okay." With that, Luna had headed up towards the village, leaving Jenna to rest from the trip for now. She rested her head back against the tree, thinking about that fight she had with Alvin here. That had been so long ago, but this was where she was tamed also. "It's been that long huh?" The event was still fresh in her head though. She couldn't forget anything that happened that night. Her reminiscing was soon interrupted by... "Jenna! Jenna! You're back!" As she looked up, she felt someone collide into her, making her gasp softly. Her face was soon visible, and even after all that time away, she didn't look much different. Maybe her hair was a little longer though. "Eva..." Eva tightly gripped onto her older sister, clearly tearing up. "I was so worried! I didn't know what to think!" she cried, burying her face in her chest. Jenna let out a soft sigh as she patted Eva's head gently. "Well...I'm here now right?" she said, giving her a weak smile.
Alvin chuckled painfully at here comment. 'I suppose I will... Even if it is just a bit longer...' Alvin thought to himself, he could feel a soft weight on the opposite side of Amber. Two blades both of which he knew full well. So they spoke the truth, a grin formed on his face, his former blades whom rejected him were no longer with him. Yet he was fine with this, they remained with those they should. He remained silent though her words of where they were heading. He hoped the same as her, wanting to be heading the right way. When she spoke of Eva, his eyes down cast. He seemed rather reluctant to speak, yet she deserved to know that much at least. "When I was kicked out... I returned a locket... A locket my father had... Or rather that I had... I promised that I would return... I can't do that if I am dead right...?" Alvin laughed at the thought, they were both worse for ware. It was at that moment he smelt something. Something that was not common to this area of the world. Sakura, such a lovely aroma, it seemed to call to him. "T...That way... Go that way...." Alvin pointed to her left, his desire clear, there was something there. Something impotent, from deep down he felt as that was where they needed to go. The only image in his mind was that of Eva, he didn't know why, but there she was.
In the midst of all this, Amber had paid no attention to the blades that had found their way onto his side. After her little rest was over, she pushed off the tree, starting to walk again. Their conversations were short, with strange moments of silence to fill the gaps. She turned to face him, hearing him speak about the locket. "Locket...? Hmm, I see." She was aware of Vanessa's locket. How it had gotten in the hands of Alvin's father...she'd rather not think of that for right now. "That's true. But I doubt you'll be dying off anytime soon." He seemed to be acting a bit odd as she continued. Apparently something had caught his attention. "Eh? What's that?" she asked, not catching what he said right away. She turned to look in the direction he was pointing. "Uh...that way? Are you sure?" She was wondering if he was perhaps hallucinating again, but he seemed to be holding it together pretty well. "Well, if you say so, I suppose we'll give it a try." She started to head in the direction he pointed out. His guess was better than hers after all.

Despite the pain she was in, Jenna did nothing to move Eva off of her. She figured that she wouldn't get anything accomplished even if she tried. After sobbing up a storm, Eva had finally pulled back from Jenna, wiping off the last few tears from her eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay." she said with a little chuckle. "But what happened to you?" she asked, noting the numerous injuries on Jenna's body. Jenna shifted a bit to sit up properly again. "Well, let's just say we ran into a rather rough group. Don't worry though, I'm sure Amber and Alvin are just fine." Eva beamed as she heard their names. "Ah, but you got separated? That's not good. And Luna told me that you guys forgot. Seriously, how could you forget the way home?" she asked, almost scolding Jenna herself. Jenna chuckled softly to herself. "I'm still wondering about that myself really. There's a lot for us to talk about, but I don't think you should hear it all from me."
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