To get the girl I like, I got to get her family (Fancy & Me)

Alvin's mouth began a rough sucking motion, for a few moments. As he let go there was a slight red mark on her breast from it. His face went closer to her ear again. "That's just a excuse and you know it. Deep down your just a slut, getting turned on by a younger man. You get turned on by the idea of having sex with someone your sister has, don't you?" Alvin teased her, he was enjoying it. Soon he found his hands reaching in as deep as it could making like a circular motion rubbing every where it could. The moment she began to really scream he would know where to focus. Using his free hand he pinched her nipple pulling softly. His mouth went to the free one, returning to it's work. It was not long before he touched ever so lightly the special spot, and that moment was what he wanted. The music he wished to hear was going to soon start.
Amber groaned softly as he was starting to roughly suck on her nipple. She noticed the red mark he left as he pulled away, feeling it numb just a little. Each time he came to whisper in her ear, it gave her a little shiver. "I-it's not an excuse! I'm telling you how it is!" She grumbled at his teasing, knowing that he was getting quite a kick out of it. Her little arguments slowly turned back to her cute little moans. His fingers were reaching so deep inside her, finding her most sensitive spots. He had been searching for that one spot that would just drive her crazy, and he was getting closer...closer... His fingers managed to gently move over that special spot, causing her to gasp softly, a louder moan escaping her lips. She blushed a bit deeper, turning her face away again. If that was the kind of reaction by brushing it gently, he could only imagine how she'd react if he really focused on that spot.
He loved how she would argue that she wasn't but it quickly returned to a moan. It was clear that she could argue effectively. As soon as that moan came he knew he had found it. His eyes grew evil, in a good way. His body rushed, he quickly removed his fingers from her. Quickly undoing her pants he quickly too her pants and panties off, almost ripping them off. He grabbed her rear pulling quickly making her fall onto her back. Her prize was now near his face, with a grin upon his face. "Lets see just how spicy you are." He spoke before his teeth lightly bit down onto her clit, his tongue running over it a few times fore he let go. His tongue penetrated her, he could feel her gripping onto it. His tongue reached in just enough to press against that spot. He moved her knees to his shoulders so he no longer had to hold her. His hands snaking down her body, to roughly grabbed her breasts, squeezing rather roughly. His tongue wiggled around inside of her, the roughness rubbing all of her curves inside.
Amber had tried her best to hide that last moan of hers, but to no avail. She could see that look in his eyes, not knowing what he had in store for her. He had removed his fingers, moving to pull off her pants and panties. She could hear a little rip with how roughly he pulled them off. She was about to say something, but she soon found herself laying on her back with his face between her legs. she figured his comment was meant to tease her a bit. Of course, if he remembered, she had a great fondness for anything spicy. "Enough with the jokes already..." she muttered, followed by another little gasp when he took her clit in his teeth, gently biting on the sensitive nub. Her body squirmed with delight, her fingers digging lightly into the dirt as his tongue slipped inside of her. He had managed to find that special spot of her's again, filling the air with her cute little moans. "Ah..Alvin.." While it wasn't too important, this was actually one of those rare times she had called him by his name, if not the first. with all that tension between them, she felt no need to use it. They were going to be releasing a lot of that tension now though. Her moans grew louder as his tongue wiggled around inside her, touching that particular spot. It was amazing! She began to buck her hips a bit against his face, wanting to have his tongue slip even deeper. "W-wait, i-it's just my body doing that on its own. It feels good and all, but I'm not some slut..." she thought. It was clear that his words from earlier were still running around in her head. Surely he was kidding around with her since it was so easy to do so, but she was dwelling on those words a bit longer than she thought.
Oh, he wasn't joking around he was going to see how, 'spicy' she was. He did indeed remember her enjoyment of spicy foods. She was surprisingly a bit spicy though, but that was supposed trait of fire types. He had remember Eliane taste it was quite sour. He never believed that the taste thing was real, but with this he was starring to. As she squirmed he only went at her more, drinking any juice he could. He wanted to taste all of her if he could. Her moans where so cute, compared to how she had been before in such a short time she had changed. When he heard his name he was a bit surprised, but he was not daunted. Rather he began focusing more on her special spot massaging it with his tongue. She was indeed enjoying this, he could tell that by how her body moved. He was dead set on giving her, her first orgasm before he took her cherry. So she could at least have one as a untouched girl.
Amber wasn't aware that she tasted 'spicy' to him, though she had heard somewhere that it was the case with her type. Then again, she wasn't one to think about that stuff until now. She could hear him eagerly lapping up her fluids, feeling his tongue brushing against every little spot inside her. It was rather odd seeing her like this, considering how cold and tough she acted. She was the typical 'tsundere', acting so tough all the time, but in a situation like this, she couldn't help moaning. He began focusing on her special spot, getting some good results from her. Her moans grew louder in response to his endeavors. She was bucking her hips harder against him, wanting him to please her even more. Her body was warm all over, and she was actually feeling her climax coming up already. All that she was experiencing was too much for her at the moment.
He could feel her squirm under his assault. This made him double his efforts. He did enjoy being the cause of such a character change. It wasn't often that someone would go from tough to squirming under you like this. Using his fingers he pinched and rolled her clit. Doing all he could to make her cum. His tongue squirmed as fast as it could.
Amber's cries of pleasures grew ever louder, echoing loudly in the area. There was no way shed be able to hold it back any longer like this. His tongue was still moving against that special spot inside her, making her squirm and shiver under him. His treatment of her clit only drove her closer to her climax. "Ah..! I'm gonna...cum!" she whined. Soon, she had tensed up, crying out softly as she spilled her warm fluids into his awaiting maw. Not too long after she came, she could feel a warm sensation on the back of her neck. While she couldn't see it, it was forming the same seal that was present on Alvin's hand.
Alvin happily took in her juices, slowing down he began pulling his tongue out. He chuckled a little to himself lowering her body down onto his lap. He pulled her up so they were face to face. "Sweet and spicy, not bad I must say." Alvin spoke softly before he kissed Amber. A soft and gentle kiss, that was fleeting. It was soon broken with him turning her around. Now sitting with her back to him. He pushed her roughly making her upper body topple forward. Grabbing her legs he got to his knees. "All make sure to fuck you lots, your body will never need to be lonely. All be sure to make you scream more. â?¥" Alvin spoke as he positioned himself at her entrance. Rubbing against it softly, he teased her a little. Slowly at a very deliberate pase he penetrated her. Slowly he entered her, expanding every fold. Shattering what made her a virgin he was making her into a full fledged woman, by the standards of now days.

He pushed himself to the base, he moved not a inch once in. He wanted her to adjust to the feel, unlike with Jenna he was aware. His desire, though he knew she could take it, was a rather painless taming. From where he was he could see the mark, in between her hair. He would have to make her grow her hair out more to hide it. It was something he did want to hide.
Amber groaned softly as Alvin's tongue lapped up her fluids. She was panting softly from her climax, her chest rising ad falling with each breath. She was then pulled up onto his lap, face to face with him. He could see that she was still a bit flustered from it all, but she did enjoy it. "Do you really have to say stuff like that?" she muttered, talking about his 'sweet and spicy' comment. She got another opportunity as he kissed her again. It lasted a little longer, a soft moan coming from her. He had then pulled back, turning her around so she was on her stomach. She tried to get as comfortable as possible, looking back to him as he positioned himself at her entrance. She whined softly as he rubbed against her entrance, gasping as he suddenly penetrated her. Her virginity had been claimed, and her body was slowly adjusting to him. She gritted her teeth slightly as he continued to move his member into her, getting his entire member inside her. She took a few deep breaths, still getting adjusted to his member inside her.
Alvin hadn't answered her question, there was no need. Though she complained about it, he knew deep down she enjoyed his teasing. After all that was perhaps one of the things that drew her to him. After all only someone who could fight and win against her had the right to tease her. He could feel her gripping down tightly against his invading member. He didn't move for a time, before slowly beginning to thrust. He hoped pleasure would over ride pain soon. he could feel her blood running down his leg, due to there position. He moved with seeming care, his body slowly began to resist his control. His thrusts began to grow in speed, his body wanting more, eagerly wanting more of her body.
She pouted a bit at his teasing, but at the same time she was enjoying it. If it was with him, she didn't seem to mind it as much now. She still had that fondness for him since he was the only one that was able to beat her. She was still gripping tightly to his member, and she felt him start to thrust gently into her. She gritted her teeth lightly, feeling the blood trickle down her thigh. However, the pain was slowly starting to change to pleasure. Her grunts were slowly changing to soft moans. He was starting to pick up speed inside her, making her breasts bounce wildly. "Ah...Alvin! It good." she whined. She didn't feel at all embarrassed to say it now. She was going to go through with the taming like she requested.
"You said that.... Rather easy didn't you?" Alvin spoke as he heard her wine in pleasure. Her cute little moans where returning. This mean only one thing, he loosened his grip on his body. Allowing it to move in and out of her even more. Her bouncing breasts were mesmerizing, quite the lovely view. If he wasn't holding her up he would of snatched them up. She was clearly not hesitating on what she was feeling. He could tell, and feel she was fully accepting this. "You really are... A little slut Amber... But that's alright, all treat you will and quell any cravings you might get." Alvin spoke thrusting forward as hard as he could, before he returned to his previous speed of thrusting. He really wanted to tease her more and more. It was fun, and in this kind of situation, it came in talking dirty to her.
Amber grumbled softly at his comment. "Is there something wrong with saying what I feel huh?" She had just managed to get those words out before another little moan came from her mouth. She couldn't help what her body was feeling after all. His next little comment got to her a little. "W-what? I can't help it if it feels good, but that's a bit much..." Her words were drowned out by her next few moans. She whined softly as he still thrust into her tight body. She had caught his last few words, blushing a bit. "T-thank you. I hope I can still come to you if I need to release..."
"There's nothing wrong with it." Alvin replied giving a soft grunt. His body moved harder against her the longer they went. He didn't think it was too much, she just didn't think what he could mean my it. She did indeed catch her blush, rather cute to tell the truth. For some odd reason she seemed so much cuter, submissive like this. Alvin moved his knees under her belly, then dropped his rear to the ground. Pulling her down he pulled her upper body up over his knees, making her sitting on his lap again. Her lovely chest now against his knees he moved his knees slightly to rub against them. "You can always come to me if you need a release.... And cum for me." Alvin spoke leaning forward, nibbling on her ear, he used his hips to push into her. Trying to get her started herself, in this position she had more control of the speed they went.
Her moans continued to grow louder as she was clearly not holding back any longer. She couldn't help acting the way she was now, even if it was so unlike her. It just felt too good, and she wondered how she had gone all her life without experiencing it. She allowed him to change their position, having her in his lap facing away from him. She was laying forward on his knees, now in a position where she could be more in control. "A-all right...thanks." His thrusts were enough to get her started of course, as she started to pick up the speed a little. She had wrapped her arms tightly around his knees as she thrust against him at a quicker pace, getting some more cute moans from her. Of course like this, her tail would probably be in his way, but for the most part, she was able to keep it out of his face. Of course, both Jenna and her had the hide them when they were in the city.
He could tell she no longer restrained herself when it came to her voice. It grew louder and louder, such a pleasant sound. He would have never thought he would be in this situation, nore in a situation where he was the object of desire of not one but two women. Most of all he never expected to be taming someone like her or Jenna for that matter. Two beautiful and potentially rare girls. He grinned at her, as she thanked him, it was kinda odd with the situation, saying something so simple. Alvin leaned his head forward next to her ear. "Amber your feeling it now aren't you? Amber you can be as slutty as you want from now on. Just be a slut only for me." Alvin teased, he wasn't being all that serious. Using one hand he turned her head to him. He was a bit off balance but his lips connected to hers. He refused to let her speak, in complaint. He felt her tail against his stomach, getting a odd idea, his hand clasped onto it. Softly stroking the fur covered tail, as all girls there tails were supposed to be sensitive. Perhaps this would give her some measure of pleasure.
Of course, Amber was also a bit surprised to be in this situation herself. She had also had some tension with tamers, but she felt a lot more comfortable around Alvin, even offering herself to him. She caught his grin, knowing he might be looking to tease her some more. She listened as he spoke in her ear, teasing her again. Of course, she did not consider herself a slut, but the idea of being one only for him intrigued her. At the same time, it did bug her a little. Before she could say anything to him, her lips were pressed against his in another (oddly positioned this time) kiss. She moaned softly into the kiss, pressing her tongue against his lips, seeking entrance. She knew that her tail was darting over his stomach, but she did not expect him to grab it. Of course, her tail was very sensitive, and this was a rare time that anyone had touched it. Her eyes widened a bit at the sensation, a surprised moan escaping her lips. "N-not there too..." she thought. It added to the amount of bliss she was already experiencing, encouraging her to pick up the pace a little more.
Alvin didn't know what she thought about what he had said. But if he knew he might enjoy it, the thought that she might like it, was amusing in it's own. Never the less he didn't think too much on it. Despite the odd position he let her tongue enter. Just as hers entered his mouth, his entered hers. His tongue dancing along hers, his hand continued. He had no idea she was overly sensitive when it came to her tail. Figuring being a fighter she would of build a use to it being pulled and such. It was a weakness of girls, after all. But it was apparent she hadn't had such occurrences. Her eyes, and moan pleased him even more. As she moved faster, so did his hand, knowing it felt good made him want to do it more. It did give him ideas for teasing her later. He began to find himself grunting, the feeling was getting to him. He could feel himself softly beginning to twitch inside of her.
She felt a little uncomfortable kissing him like this, but she had adjusted slightly to ease it a little. Her tongue wrestled a bit with his, as if in another little competition. Her tail twitched and swayed as he continued to stroke it, sending more sensations through her body. Her pace was now even quicker, and she was starting to feel the familiar warmth inside her. She was close to her climax as well, but she wanted to hang on as long as she could with this experience. She whined and squirmed as she came closer to her climax, finally breaking away as she cried out in pure bliss. She came all over his member, getting her fluids over his member. She rested against his knees, panting hard as she tried to catch her breath again. She felt as though she had run for a long time, and she was feeling a little drowsy after that. She turned to face him, giving him a weak smile.
He was amused by her trying to compeat with him even during a kiss. It was kind of hard to take her seriously why he was throbbing inside of her. All it could be taken for is she was being playful, even that was a amusing thing. He could feel it inside, and even how her tail reacted, she was getting closer. He could feel himself ready to blow, but he was damn set not to blow before she did. When she broke away, crying out in bliss, he enjoyed the feeling. As she turned to him smiling he held it no longer. His cum poured into her, the warm sensation filling her belly. He came in quite the force expending a large amount into her. His arm gave out under him making him plop back onto his back. Like her he panted, he wasn't as drained as she was, but he could use a nap after that. He chuckled a little smiling up at her, giving her tail one last stroke before he let go.
Shortly after her climax, she felt him release his load deep into her belly, filling her up with his warm seed. Her tail still squirmed and twitched after they climaxed, but it was able to sway free after he let go. She took a little while longer to catch her breath, shifting so that she was laying on top of him, face to face. "I must say...that felt a lot better than I expected." Her tail swayed gently behind her. for the first time that Alvin had been with her, she seemed to be playing around with him. She had to have enjoyed their little romp no doubt. "Eh...I hope you don't mind if I just rest here for the night?" she asked.
He felt her shift on top of him, soon finding himself face to face with her. He had to admit her chest against his was a wonderful feeling. "Heh, im glad it did, look on the bright side, you can feel it often." Alvin spoke kissing her forehead softly. He could tell by how she acted she enjoyed it. When she asked about resting here he knew it was a bad idea for two reasons it would be that much harder to find there way back. Not to mention Jenna would royally flip out more then she had. "You can rest but at least get dressed, all carry you back. After all I doubt you can stand very well right now." Alvin teased her, he was being serious though. Carrying her back was the best option it would take more out of him but it was there best option. This way they didn't have to worry about her, or listen to her freak out on them.
"Well, if that's the case, I'll be sure to take full advantage of that offer." She smiled a bit as he kissed her forehead. She listened to his words, knowing it would probably be the best idea. Her main concern was with Jenna, knowing she'd freak out if she saw them like this. That was the last thing she wanted right now. "Hmph, I have enough strength in me to at least get dressed." she said, playfully sticking her tongue out at him. She slowly moved off of him, moving to get her clothes. She pulled them on, finding they were a bit looser as a result of him pulling them off so rough. "Next time, it wouldn't hurt to be a little gentler would it?" she asked with a little grin. She had pulled on her shirt then, remembering his comment earlier. "And I meant it when I didn't have a bra. That one I had before is in horrible condition though..."
Alvin laughed at her comment he had no doubt that she would take advantage of it. If she wanted something she would go for it. He figured she had enough strength to get dressed. Just not enough to make the trek back. Alvin snapped almost biting down on her tongue playfully when she stuck it out. When she asked him to be a little gentler he couldn't help himself. "Not a chance~! Your a big girl know you can take it a little rough~! â?¥" Alvin teased her, though she would most likely enjoy that comment. Alvin got himself dressed again quicker then she did. Her comment about her bra, he grinned. "Right, right." Alvin chuckled, as he moved over to her. Kneeling down in front of her. He reached his arms back. He was going to give her a piggy back ride. "Assume the position~! â?¥" Alvin spoke, making it sound as sexual as he could. He did it to keep the mood, after all he wound have her body pressed up against him again. Even though she would no doubt fall asleep as they walked.
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