The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

Blair was happy to be able to help her friend out. After all she was the only witch who knew her secret at the school they went to and promised to keep a secret as long as she remained her friend. Now some would call it black mail, but to her it wasn't. Blair watched Medusa stand up and began walking over to her when the door swung open and three girls walked in. Blair recognized one of them, it was Maka. She had heard that Maka had teamed up with a wolf girl weapon but didn't believe it till she saw Kana with her own eyes. The other girl, she didn't know at all however. The three of them bowed before their mistress as their mistress held her hand out motioning to them for Blair. Blair's ears twitched when she heard that there were two Meister's and one weapon. "If there are two Meister's, shouldn't there also be two weapons? I thought that's how it worked." Blair said as her eyes looked the three of them over nice and good. Blair knew about the black blood Medusa had been working on, after all she started it near the end of their last school year. Blair didn't know the full details behind it, but she knew that it was very important to Medusa and kept that part to herself, letting know one know of her little invention. As Medusa spoke to Maka, Kana changed into her weapon form as Maka looked at her mistress. "SOUL RESONANCE!" They both yelled out as Kana's weapon form now changed to black and both blades almost became as one as the God Hunter was formed. They did not break their soul resonance, the black blood made sure that it wouldn't break. Kana could feel the black blood was starting to burn in her again as both her's and Maka's soul was merged into one, causing the process of the black blood to infect her more. If one was to say what percent she was infected with, it would be 73% right now. Julie looked over at Maka and Kana with awe, oh how she wished she had a weapon that was suitable for her like what Maka had. Blair looked at Maka and Kana and whistled in approval. "My my... The legendary God Hunter. The forbidden technique that is the complete opposite of the Witch Hunter. Now this... This is interesting... I remember when Maka and soul would form the Witch Hunter, the same technique her mother use to use, but then again, from what you've said, the black blood turns them into, what was it, psychotic killers and sex fiends? I can feel Kana being taken over by your black blood. She isn't fully consumed like Maka and Julie, but she's getting there." Blair said as her gaze went back over to Medusa now.
"Thats why I had Maka put the collar around her neck." She grinned and looked to them form the god hunter form. "Heh...This power. I can feel it and not feel even the tiniest bit of worry as I know that the black blood will not allow them to kill me now that they have been consumed by it. Nor will the god hunter allow any damage to come to me. Maka. Break the soul resonance now." She said with the snap of her fingers. She moved over to Julie and moved behind her, hugging her from behind as she looked to Blair. "Poor Julie here is a foreigner without a weapon. Shame that she doesn't have one...right Blair?"
"Still though... A forbidden technique that slays good. I doubt anyone would question your abilities now at this point my friend." Blair said as she watched both Maka and Kana obey and broke their soul resonance. Kana's body had changed once again as she had the black blood pulsating through her entire body again as it controlled her. Maka had her crazed look on her as she pulled Kana in and held onto her as they watched their mistress walk over to Julie and moved behind her as she hugged her and looked over at Blair. "She's a foreigner eh? And she has no weapon? A Meister without a weapon now that's new. She does need a weapon if she is to be of proper use for your army you're creating. But how are we going to get her a weapon? Nyan.~" Blair asked as her eyes looked over Julie in curiosity as she began wondering what Medusa had in mind now.
"Oh...I'll figure something out sooner or later..." She said ominously before releasing Julie. "Anywho, Blair...I have already prepared a room for you. My room. It will be just like our days at the academy." She said with a grin and moved to hug Blair close, nose barely touching hers as she gazed into her eyes. "Remember, pussycat?" She kissed her nose gently before releasing her, tossing off her nurse coat and leaving her in her black coat that was hidden underneath. "For now...I must go and prepare. Blair...I want you to go and see what your friend Elizabeth Thompson has been up to recently."
"Knowing you Medusa you'll probably try to create her one." Blair said half laughingly as she watched her release the girl before walking over to her and hugged her close. Her nose was barely touching Medusa's nose as she was now looking directly into Medusa's eyes as she remembered their old room back at the academy very clearly. "Mmm... Yes I remember those days all too well. I will gather my things later and bring them back here." She replied as she blushed when Medusa kissed her nose gently before releasing her as she tossed off her nurses coat to reveal the back coat that was hidden underneath it. "I haven't seen Liz in a good while now that you mention it. But I shall go and see if all's well for her. Nyan.~" Blair replied as she looked back at Maka, Kana, and Julie with her feline grin before walking over to the door and taking her leave.

Blair got on her broom and made her way to where Liz was currently staying as she began singing her usual Pumpkin song. It was a good night tonight and she was enjoying the weather. As she flew over Death City she began pondering about what Medusa was planning and smirked slightly. "An army eh? Hmmm... I wanna see your plans work out my dear sweet friend. I've known you for so long... And I know you always get wha you want. If it is destruction of the DWMA and control over the world... Then I shall help you obtain this. Nyan, I don't mind getting my claws dirty if it is to help you out Medusa." Blair said to herself as she had stopped singing. Yes, she would go to any lengths to help Medusa out, no matter what the cost nor price was. Medusa had talked about wanting to take over the world before, but she never thought she'd get to see her friend's dream actually come true. But she'd make sure it did non the less. She had arrived at the most 'perfectly symmetrical' house on the block, Death the Kid's home where Elizabeth and Patrica Thompson lived. Her and Liz were close friends, yet she wasn't a huge fan of her younger sister and hated Kid with a burning passion. His OCD over symmetry drove her nuts. How that brat could be Lord Death's son was a complete mystery to her. Going over to the girls bedroom window she knocked gently on it and a waited for a few minutes before the curtains were moved and Liz opened the window to greet her. "As much as I am pleased to see you Blair... It's really late and I've gotta be up early in the morning to go to school with Kid." Liz said as she yawned sleepily, clearly she had woken her up. "Nyan, I just came to check up on you since it's been awhile. Would you..." Pausing for a second to glance over to Patty who was still sleeping soundlessly. "Would you like to come with me for a bit? I'd like to talk to you and catch up on a few things. You can get dressed if you'd like, I'm sure you wouldn't mind missing classes for one day. For me would ya?" Blair asked as she watched Liz begin to think it over. "Oh alright Blair, just this once." She sighed as she quietly went back inside and changed out of her pajamas and into her street cloths before returning to the window. I'll meet you downstairs, I'm gonna close this up so I'm not noticed and don't wake Patty up." She said as Blair nodded and flew down to the door while Liz closed the window and curtains. A few moments later she was outside where Blair was and smiled softly. "Hop on Liz, lets go for a ride while we chat, mkay?" Blair said as Liz nodded and got on Blair's broom as they then took off. Blair had a feeling Medusa was needing Liz for something but kept that to herself as they flew over the city and headed in the direction where Medusa was while she talked with Liz. When they finally arrived there to Medusa's place Blair lowered them to the ground. "I have someone I'd like for you to meet. Nyan.~" Blair said as she gently took Liz's hand and opened the door as she started leading her inside. "Ummm... Okay sure?" Liz answered as she willingly walked inside. Once inside Blair closed the door behind her and used her magic to prevent Liz from escaping should she try to as she called out to Medusa. "We're home!~" Blair said as she waited for Medusa or someone to come and greet them.
"Ah~! Splendid to see you have returned!" Medusa said as she came out of hte shadows with a syringe full of black blood. She grinned...and approached Liz, seeing she was immobile due to Blair's magic. "You've done good, Blair...Now then...We just need to make her a willing slave. Then when she and Patty are synced with Death the Kid...we'll corrupt both of them. Oh how fun it would be to have Death's son against him." Medusa said as she stuck the syringe into Liz's arm and injected her with the black blood. She pulled out the needle, and it burst into flames to destroy the evidence once more. "Now we need to wait until she goes into heat...then I will sit back, and watch as my three slaves help Liz to come to our side of the battle. Maka! Kana! Julie! Step in here and see your new ally!"
Blair didn't like deceiving others, but she had to in order to make sure Medusa's plans succeeded. Seeing Medusa come out of the shadows as she spoke sent a slight shiver down her spine as she saw the syringe of the black blood. She held her spell though to prevent Liz from escaping, she hated doing this but it was for the better cause for Medusa. "I had a feeling you wanted me to bring Liz here so you could infect her. And I was right. You know how I hate deceiving others, but for you I will do whatever I can to make sure your plans do not fail. No matter how I may feel I will continue to follow you to the ends of the universe." Blair said as she shifted from side to side. "Wh-What's going on here?! What the hell is going on here?! Blair explain yourself! What is the school nurse doing here and... What the hell is in that syringe!" Liz screamed even though her body was immobilized she could still talk. Medusa walked over to Liz as she spoke of her plan as Liz was now stuck with the syringe and injected with the black blood. The needle was pulled out and bursts into flames, leaving no evidence behind like normal. Hearing their names called out Maka, Kana, and Julie entered the room and noticed a familiar face, Liz. "Mmm... So we have her as our new ally?" Maka giggled as she walked over to Liz and leaned over to lick her ear seductively as she was then joined by Kana and Julie. "What will you have me do now Medusa?" Blair asked as she watched the girls form around Liz as they began toying with her now.
"Blair. Keep the spell up while they have their fun." She ordered, sitting back in a chair and crossing her legs. "Maka, Julie...Kana...Start stripping down our friend, Liz. And then until the black blood fully consumes her, I'll let you have your way with her...Do as you want. Play with her body. She's your plaything until I say so otherwise. This is my gift to you three. All the while...I am going to sit here and enjoy myself as I watch three girls defile their friend like this. Oh Blair I am so glad you will be here to see this."
Nodding Blair did as she was told and kept the spell up without breaking it for a second. She knew if she dropped the spell Liz would escape and foil everything. "As you command Mistress Medusa." The three said as they began stripping down Liz. "Get you're hands off of me! Maka why are you obeying that bitch's every words?" Liz questioned as she felt Maka push her down so they could finish stripping her completely. Looking over to Kana she could see the same crazed look in her eyes like Maka, but her hair was black now and so was her ears and tail. Just what the hell was going on here?! "What's happened to you three? What has she done to you?" Liz asked as she now knew her friends were no longer the friends she had gone to school with. "We were given freedom, but in return we serve Mistress Medusa. She gives us what we want when we obey. We belong to her and we will see her plans on destroying the DWMA come true. Soon... Soon you will be free as well Liz. But tell me... Can you hear the voices? If so... Don't fight them. Don't resist the darkness. If you resist like I did... It will only cause you a great deal of pain. Just give in and free yourself. What Mistress Medusa has done to us has made us better, stronger. Embrace it all though and it'll be a lot easier for you." Kana replied as she crawled up to where Liz's face was and licked her cheek gently. Liz couldn't believe what she was hearing. But whatever that stuff was she was injected with, these three were infected with it too. Her heart rate was starting to rise now with the fear of what was to come to her now that she too had been infected. She could feel her body was starting to react to what the girls was doing to her body. "Just give in and everything will feel all better. Your blood should be boiling right now, that just means the black blood is coursing through your veins and slowly merging with you. Just. Give. In." Kana murred softly into Liz's ear as she then licked her ear. Liz could in fact start to feel her blood was starting to boil as the black blood was now slowly working its way into her blood stream. Her body was beginning to grow very hot now as her breathing was becoming heavy. She couldn't help but resist this, to her this was all wrong and to be doing it with her fellow classmates? Let alone girls? She just didn't want to give into the madness like they did. "I don't want this though... I never asked for this... Just let me go..." Liz panted as Julie crawled up to her to face her properly. "We didn't want nor ask for this either. But despite it all, we accepted it and took our new places beside Mistress Medusa. Sure... You may not want it now, but you will want it soon." She whispered as she pressed her glasses up and leaned down to kiss Liz. Liz was having a hard time resisting now as the black blood was now starting to grab a hold of her. Liz... Give into it... Do as they say... Or it will hurt you for resisting... The voices now began speaking to Liz as she began to slowly lose control over herself. "Nnnn..." She moaned into the kiss as she could feel her body starting to give way. She wanted to stop them but even if the spell wasn't there, the black blood would keep her from running away now. She could feel herself starting to slowly give in as the pain was starting to kick in from her resisting. It was causing a massive strain on her mind now. "Argh..." Liz cried out as her head felt like it was going to split open. "See what happens when you resist? Now just give in Liz and the pain will go away." Kana whispered as she reached over and began massaging one of her breasts. Maka smirked as she got in between Liz's legs and began licking at her sweet pussy. Liz was already getting wet from all of the attention and it would only be a matter of time when she would give in and follow them. But slowly she was breaking and Blair had gone over to where Medusa was and took her place by her feet as she watched the scene play out.
Medusa was growing wet from watching Liz being abused like this from her friends. When Blair began to sit at her feet, she grinned...and moved so that her bare feet were massaging Blair's breasts through her clothes. "Still wearing skin-tight clothing I see, pussycat...I don't mind." She grinned as Blair could see the patterned designs on her toenails as Medusa played with her breasts like this. She reached down and held Blair's head up, kissing the girl with her flexible body able to lean down and kiss Blair on the lips, upside down the entire time. "Mm...Lets see who can last longer...You; or Liz..." She whispered seductively into Blair's ear.
Liz was breaking down now and she couldn't take it anymore. Even if she was let go and released now, she was infected with the black blood and there was no turning back now. She heard what Medusa said about how whenever she synced with Patty and Kid... They too would become corrupted. She didn't want that for her little sister though. But she couldn't help it anymore. "I.." She started as she looked at them. "I... Submit..." She finally said it, finally gave in as Julie grinned and leaned down to her other breast and began suckling on it while Kana was tending to the other one and Maka was busy eating her out. The pain in her head was starting to fade away as she was now accepting the darkness and letting it take over her. Liz was near orgasm now as Maka did not slow her pace down at all, causing the black blood to fully consume her once she came. Panting heavily as her body was burning up, which normally it would kill a person at this temperature, but the black blood wouldn't allow her to die. It burned and coursed through her veins as she now fully accepted it. Madness was now starting to take her over as her body began to buck. She was close, so very close.

Blair moaned softly as Medusa began massaging her breasts with her bare feet. She loved the patterned design on her nails. It always turned her on when Medusa played with her like she was. Blair moaned softly when Medusa leaned down to kiss her. She loved how Medusa used her flexible body, it was something that amazed her. "Nnnn... You know I cannot resist you... Even when we were at the academy... You know my weaknesses and you know how much I love when you toy with me. Nyan.~" Blair replied as she began removing her clothing so she could let Medusa have her way with her. "Lets see who can last longer, now shall we?" Blair asked in a seductive tone as she was now laying naked in front of Medusa.
"Heh...I don't intend for me to have any pleasure received from you. This is me teasing you for fun while I wait for everyone else to finish." She replied and stood up, pressing her toes into Blair's breasts and using them to massage her body. She grinned, wanting to hear Blair's pleasure. "Meow for me catgirl...Let me know what you feel." She said with a grin as her toes eventually trailed down her body to her pussy, slowly poking her clit with her big toe. "Oh my dear Blair...It has been so long since I've had anyone with a body like yours. I'm going to have a lot of fun...Are you ready to feel me foreplay with you until you orgasm?"
Loud moans could be heard from Liz as her body was now starting to give way. "That's it Liz... Give in... Cum for us and let the black blood consume you... Submit to it fully..." Maka called out before picking up pace. "Ahhh! Nnnn..." Liz moaned as her body was now bucking wildly as her orgasm was starting to take a hold of her, causing the black blood to awaken in her. Good girl Liz... Give in... That's it... Cum for your mistress... The voices said as Liz's body now shook badly as she finally came. Allowing herself to be fully consumed now and sealing her fate forever as Medusa's loyal slave.

Blair allowed Medusa to toy with her. "Nyan.~" She moaned as she could feel herself getting wet now. "Oh Medusa... I love this... Nnnnyan.~" Blair couldn't help herself now. She liked foreplay even though it did bother her when she didn't get much attention, but she knew she'd be getting attention soon enough. "I'll always be your faithful servant Medusa. I'll never leave your side and I'll do whatever you ask of me, no matter what. Nyan.~" She meowed as her cat tail now popped out and she began purring in pleasure.
Medusa grinned. "I know, Blair...I know." She said with a grin and leaned down to start kissing and licking her pussy while the entire scenario played out. She wanted Blair to feel good, just like old times. "I hope it feels grand, my pussycat." She moaned out as she looked up to watch Blair's reactions to how skillfully Medusa's tongue was. Blair would feel something prod her ass, and it would be Medusa's thumb, asking for entry if Blair was into something such as this. "Oh Blair...You taste just as good as I remember...~"
Blair wasn't shy of moaning around others, after all she was trained well. Medusa had taken Blair in under her wing a long time ago when they first started sharing a room together. Blair had been assigned to live with Medusa, at the time she was a shy kitty before Medusa broke her in. She had been sleeping in her cat form one night when Medusa came in late and saw her. Medusa promised to keep her true form a secret as long as she was a good kitten and obeyed her. It took her time but Blair finally gave in. Now no longer the shy kitten she once was she was stronger, but would only submit to Medusa and no one else unless she was told by Medusa otherwise. Meowing loudly as Medusa was now kissing and licking her pussy while Liz was giving into the black blood and was allowing her orgasm to take over. "Nnn... It feels so good... Nyan.~" Blair purred as Medusa skillfully used her tongue on her. She felt one of Medusa's thumb begin poking near the entrance to her ass, which caused her ass to wiggle slightly. "Nyan. My beloved wants to play with Blair's ass? You know you don't have to ask. This isn't like you, you know you can take whatever you want from me. Nyan.~" Blair finished as her body was showing Medusa that she could take it and do with as she saw fit.

Once Liz had came the girls backed off slightly as they watched and waited for the results. Liz's eyes were closed now as she was now swimming in the darkness. Where am I? What is this? Why does my body no longer react to what I tell it anymore...? Her mind was wondering all over the place as the voices continued to laugh at her. Foolish girl... You belong to Medusa now... Why do you fight it so? Why do you continue to ask all these questions? Just let go and give in... Freedom is what you will be granted... No longer a slave to the DWMA... You will be allowed any soul you desire... As long as you submit to Medusa and only her... She is your mistress... She will free you from the chains that bind you... Liz was now listening to the voices as everything had started to make sense to her now... I've desired to devour any soul I wanted... If she can grant this for me... Then... I submit to her... I will obey her and follow her... Liz answered the voices as she was now fully engulfed by the black blood as it had now fully taken over her body. Both Maka, Kana, and Julie's blood began pulsating in reaction to the black blood inside of Liz's body, clearly she had submitted and accepted her fate now. "Good girl Liz. Feeling better now?" Maka asked as she giggled when Liz's eyes started to slowly open. "I'm... Free..." Liz replied as she looked over at them, confirming she was now one of them.
"Oh dear Blair...I know that I don't have to ask. But it is fun to tease you like so." She replied and continued to lick and suck the girl's pussy lovingly, her thumb still prodding Blair's ass. Eventually, she was denied anal pleasure but given something else. Medusa's fingers began to slide into Blair's pussy, fingering her quickly and roughly as an arrow began to pierce into Blair's ass, thrusting in and out of her. "Remember that feeling, hm?" She said seductively as her fingers continued to work magic with her pussy, also overhearing Liz say that she had given in. "Maka, be a dear and have you three keep going with Liz. I don't think she's...fully accepted us yet." She teased, just wanting Maka to have more fun with Liz while Blair was being Medusa's little toy.
"Nyan.~ This is very true. Teasing is after all, one of your specialties." Blair moaned as her juices were now flowing pretty heavily where Medusa would be able to taste them very well. Even though she was denied anal pleasure, what she got however was much better. Digging her claws into the floor as Medusa was thrusting her fingers into her pussy now as a arrow roughly pierced her ass as it began thrusting in and out of her, almost sending her into an orgasm. "Yes... I do... Nyan... So good..." Blair panted as her body was enjoying the rough treatment like it use to back then. "Yes Mistress Medusa.~" Maka giggled as they went back to Liz and started playing with her again.
"Thats right baby...Meow for me." She teased as she continued to thrust her arrowed tentacle into Blair's asshole. She leaned forward and continued to start kissing and licking her pussy, her fingers now digging into the girl's pussy, wanting her to cum. The sounds of wet sloshing water within Blair could be heard as Medusa fingered her wildly; wanting to taste her pussycat's yummy orgasm for the first time in a long time. "Come on baby...Let me taste your juices..."
Blair couldn't talk right now due to her mind being lost in pure pleasure. She was meowing alright, and not quietly either as Medusa's arrowed tentacle was thrusting into her ass. Her pussy was getting full attention as well, all the kissing, licking, and fingering, it was sending her over the edge. So close. So so close. Her orgasm was about to explode now. Her body began twitching wildly now as her orgasm was now starting to take ahold of her. "I'm... I'm cumming! Nyan!~♥" Blair screamed as she reached her climax and began thrashing around. Fuck it felt so good. After her awhile her body started calming down a bit as she was still panting heavily. Looking down at Medusa she smirked slightly. "Nyan. Was that... To you're... Liking Medusa?" Blair panted as her ears twitched and tail swayed from side to side.
"Oh yes my dear, Blair...It was to my liking...Now you can release Liz. Let her go back to Death and Patty...and once Patty is corrupted, I shall take her as well..." Though Medusa had something much more sinister in mind for the three girls: Blair, Liz, and Patty. She grinned at the thought, and helped her pussycat to her feet. She looked up to the girl, she was slightly taller than Medusa. She then leaned forward and nuzzled her face into her breasts lovingly. "Oh its been far too long since we've ever made love like this, Blair...It really gets me wet to be around you."
Blair was happy to have pleased her friend like she use to back in the old days. She released the binding spell from Liz as she was helped up onto her feet. She didn't know what Medusa had planned for both her, Liz, and Patty. But not like it'd matter to her anyways she belonged to Medusa after all. Maka, Kana, and Julie helped Liz clean up before watching her get dressed. Looking at Medusa she bowed before her, showing her loyalty to her now. "I shall take my leave then Mistress Medusa. I will help my sister come to our side. It shouldn't be too hard." Liz said as she then took her leave leavin them behind for the time being. Blair moaned softly as Medusa leaned over and nuzzled her face into her breasts as she spoke to her. "And we know I cannot resist you either. Nyan mistresses body is so puuuurfect." Blair replied as she held Medusa close in her arms.

Liz's mind was still racing with what just happened and even though she had fought against the black blood, she still lost and gave in. But she was free now. Free from the laws and rules of the DWMA. Whenever she would use soul resonance with her sister and Kid her black blood would infect them and get them on Medusa's side. But Medusa was more focused on her sister Patty or now. Soon though... Soon they would be on her mistresses side, the more for Medusa's army, the better. When she got home she snuck in through the front door and quietly made her way back to her bedroom where Patty was and collapsed on the bed next to her little sister as she pulled her sister in close and held onto her tightly and fell asleep in no time. They had a mission the next day and she needed her rest if she was going to use the soul resonance with them.
The next day, Blair would awaken inside of a small plastic cage. It was small, but it was large enough for her to move around a bit and stretch, but not get out of. Medusa grinned, and she held the body of a human male in her arms and laid him atop of the cage. Next came a gauntlet; clawed for more deadly profeciency. "Oh my dear Blair...How would you like to be binded to a weapon and become Julie's weapon, hm? You are powerful as a witch, yes...but as a weapon you will be much stronger. On her right hand, the Nine Deaths; you...A weapon with strong magical capabilities. On her left hand...the Guntlet...The claws will shoot out as a repeater. She will be the deadliest of our assassins...But I need you to agree first, my dear."
It had been a long night for all of them, specially for Blair. She hadn't done this with Medusa in years and it felt good to get to be with her again. She was a heavy sleeper and didn't even notice that she had been moved into a small plastic cage, she thought she was still asleep in Medusa's arms. It was day now and Blair was slowly waking up now. "Nyan.~" She yawned as she tried to stretch out but couldn't really due to the small area she was in. Slowly opening her eyes she noticed she was in a small plastic cage that was inside of Medusa's lab. She looked over and saw Medusa as she was holding a human male in her arms and was now walking her to where she was before laying him down on top of it. Her ears twitched as she listened to Medusa's words and nodded slowly. "I will do this for you. But I thought that only humans could be turned into weapons, not animals or other non humans? But... If you can do this... Then I'll do it. I want to be of use in your plans Medusa. Besides... I love the name of the weapon name you chose for my form if your experiment works." Blair answered as she watched Medusa place the claw next to the human as she waited for a reply or for her to begin the experiment. She would do anything for Medusa, but only for her and no one else. Blair was loyal to Medusa no matter what Medusa did to her. It was just how she was. To her Medusa meant everything to her. She wanted to be apart of Medusa's plans come to life. To see the DWMA fall and be destroyed by the students within it. She was just as sadistic as Medusa when it came to those things.
Medusa grinned and held the box gently. "Don't worry, Blair...You'll still be you. Still as powerful...still with magical capabilities...only a weapon now. A witch weapon...doesn't that sound unique, indeed?" She said with a grin and began to undergo the long and forbidden ritual of forging a new weapon from scratch rather than through birth. Blair would feel her soul being torn out of her as it merged with the the human soul as it was the link between her and the weapon...and soon after many hours, Blair would be in the gauntlet. Medusa picked her up, and held her close. "Blair...Come to your human form now."
Blair watched Medusa hold the box gently as she explained it to her. She did want this, she needed to be of use in the war. This was the only way for her. Even if it meant being turned into a weapon. "It sounds more than unique. But I want this. I want to become a weapon." Blair replied as she watched Medusa get everything into position as she began the forbidden ritual. Weapons hadn't been made like this since 800 years ago, but it was being done now after so many long years. As Medusa performed the ritual she screamed out in pain as her soul was being ripped from her body and began merging with the humans soul that was linked with the gauntlet. The next fews hours had been the most painful ones in her entire life. But to her it was worth it. After the ritual was complete she was now in her new form, the gauntlet. When Medusa told her to take her human form she obeyed and changed out of her weapon form and was now back in her human form with her ears twitching as she looked at Medusa. "Wow... It actually worked. It was more than painful... But it was worth it. I can actually be more of use for you now Medusa." Blair said as she blushed slightly as she looked up at Medusa. Something like this has never been done before now, to use not only a human's soul combined with a witches soul and an inanimate weapon but also using a magical cat's soul. But even though the weapon wasn't made the normal way, it still worked and now Blair was a weapon, and maybe in time different forms of weapons will be able to be made from different means like this. Only time would tell for now.
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