The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

After a few moments and when their wounds were now fully healed, their eyes slowly opened as they started to slowly wake up. They were grunting in frustration as the heat in their bodies grew hotter by the second. When they fully opened their eyes they looked around the room for a bit before their eyes landed on Medusa. The voices in her heads told them she was who that their needed to be sated by her and that they knew what to do. Slowly getting off the beds they walked over to Medusa and began removing their cloths as they started licking each side of Medusa's cheeks as their hands wet up her cloths under her lab coat as they began rubbing up and down her body and even squeezing Medusa's marvelous melons. They both moaned as they both were now starting to get wet.

Meanwhile Maka and the others had finally reached the location where the object was supposed to be and noticed an entire group of kishin where there, guarding the place. Maka turned to Kana and they both nodded. "We must sync together. We passed it a few weeks ago when Prof. Stein gave us that lesson. We can do it." Maka said as she held her hand out and Kana turned into her weapon form. "Are you sure it's wise for us to?" Kid asked as both Liz and Patty turned into their weapon forms. "I agree with Maka! Lets do this shit! Tsubaki lets go!" Black Star yelled as Tsubaki smiled and nodded as she transformed. They then closed their eyes and began to all soul resonance at once. "Soul Resonance!" They all yelled and then they started to link with one another and the black blood inside of Maka, Kana, and Liz activated in them it was starting to infect those who weren't already infected. The longer they stayed connected the more they'd be consumed and infected with the black blood. After they were all linked Maka and the other two kept themselves from showing signs of the madness as Maka pointed towards the kishin and yelled out. "Attack!"
As the two girls slowly awakened, Medusa grinned and watched the two of them as they approached her...not seeing any hostility in their presence but made certain to be on guard the entire time anyway. She watched as the two of them began to strip down as they approached her, and allowed them to start licking at and playing with Medusa's body. Medusa was growing wet from the feeling of being used like this, but she was all the while being sated in the matter from feeling like this. She was still silent, and let them do whatever she wanted. However, she began to strip down as well...first her shoes. Then her socks. Coat. Then shirt and shorts...Then underwear. Now she was totally naked in front of them...letting them take a full view of their mistress's naked body.
As they fondled their new mistress they could feel their blood starting to boil as the black blood was pulsating through their bodies. After a while their mistress began stripping down slowly as they watched her in silence, glancing at one another from time to time as they both thought the same thing. Their abilities were quiet unique, they shared telepathy together and that is why they were a perfect match as Meister and Weapon. As they stared at their now naked mistress they began taking over by moving their hands across Medusa's naked body. Junko made her way down towards their mistresses pussy as she licked the entire way down. Miria leaned down to one of Medusa's breasts as she began licking at the nipple before pulling it into her mouth to start suckling on it while her hand reached over to massage the other one. They were both moaning at this point as they continued to pleasure their new mistress.
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