The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

"Oh my. I've never seen this side of you before, Blair." She said with surprise in her tone of voice...though she was not worried. Her grin just widened as she thrusted her hips up upon feeling the dildo slip into her, causing her to cry out loud in pleasure, forcing her clit to be meshed into her big toe. Her body twitched and throbbed, feeling her body being abused once more. She bit her lips and felt everything that Blair was doing to her, and her pussy would just get that much wetter. She cried out in surprise, but was enduring an orgasm. "Go on, pussycat...Show me what you got..."
Yes she had grown a bit softer over the past few years, but in time she'd be back to her old self as long as she stayed by Medusa's side. Blair got off of Medusa after a few moments of this and then let her body float slightly so that her feet would be above her beloveds breasts as she began massaging them with her feet now. She moved her finger as the dildo started going faster inside of Medusa, thrusting in and out rapidly while spinning and wiggling wildly in her. A small smirk can be seen on her face if one was to focus there at the moment.
Medusa moaned out as she felt Blair's soft feet land onto her breasts and massage them. She cried out as the dildo went deeper into her, making her writhe in pleasuring agony. Anyone else in the house would hear them the entire time; Medusa calling out Blair's name as they had made love to one another. The dildo was so agile inside of her and did things that no one was able to do to her. "Oh Blair...I'm so hot right body feels so hot...! More...More!"
Blair chuckled slightly as she looked down at Medusa and moved her toes around to make sure that even Medusa's nipples were getting full attention. Her purple ears twitched as she twirled her finger again as she chanted the previous spell, conjuring another dildo like the one stuffed inside of Medusa. Since they weren't that big, two would be able to fit inside of Medusa with no problems. Twirling her finger she sent it right inside of Medusa, thus joining the other dildo as they were both going in and out of her. Where one went out the other went in, they both wiggled and twirled inside of her. Her long and slick tail was running over Medusa's stomach as she continued to pleasure her beloved witch below her.

Granted Maka and Kana had arrived home not too long ago and could hear their mistresses screams of pleasure as they looked at one another, knowing she was with her kitty at the current moment. They wouldn't intrude on their mistress for fear of getting punished again, even though it wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. There in the living room is where they'd wait to be allowed into the bedroom, if they were allowed when Medusa and Blair were done. Julie had joined them and looked over to the two. "Did you honestly think that with the restraints off we'd kill our own mistress?" Maka asked calmly as she could clearly read Julie's thoughts. "I was scared... Yes. When you and Kana arrived there we could tell you had that crazed blood lust in both of your eyes. But the moment you saw our mistress it was as if something changed." She replied as she shifted from side to side on her feet. "Dear, we cannot kill our mistress no matter if the restraints are on or off. It doesn't matter anymore, with the restraints she has more control over how we act out. This black blood she has gifted us with makes it to where we cannot kill her, we have no reason to kill her. She isn't our enemy, Death and his academy however... They are the enemies and whoever stands in our mistresses way will suffer greatly." Kana spoke as her black ears twitched. She was now fully consumed by the black blood now since she hadn't reverted back to original form. That form was now long gone and it didn't even bother her. "Well that's a relief to know at least. I would hate to attack our mistress after everything she's done for us. And I personally cannot afford to allow anyone to kill her off. Yes Death and his academy are our enemies, but if we can bring more to our side we should be able to bring down the walls of that wretched place." Julie sighed as she sat down next to Kana and smiled softly at her.
Medusa moaned out as she felt the second dildo begin to enter her body. It made her cry and want to scream out as loud as she could from the pleasure that she was feeling. She felt Medusa's toes playing with her nipple and the two dildos as they moved around inside of her as if they had a mind of their own. She was losing her mind to the pleasure that Blair knew how to inflict upon someone. "I'm gonna cum! Oh Blair...I'm gonna cum!"
Looking down at her beloved she smirked as she let her toes pinched Medusa's nipples as she twirled her finger again, increasing the speed of the dildos inside of her. Blair knew how to bring pure pleasure to her beloved Medusa, she was after all, taught well. She enjoyed being able to bring pure pleasure to Medusa and knew that with her magic, she was more than capable of achieving such goals. Hearing Medusa cry out stating she was about to cum made Blair moan slightly as she made the dildos go even faster as she tried to simulate the pleasure for Medusa, trying to help her be pushed over the edge. Oh how she longer to hear her scream out in pleasure as her orgasm would soon take hold.
Medusa eventually cried out, her nips being pinched by Blair's toes and her hips thrust forward violently as she spasmed in her orgasm, squirting for the first time in her life as the dildos continued to ravage the girl. She cried out, wiggling and spasming. "No more! Oh god no more! I'm going to become dry! Oh my god~!" She cried out as she continued to buck violently in an attempt to stop the pleasure.
Blair smirked when Medusa cried out as her orgasm was now consuming her. She was, however impressed to see that Medusa was actually squirting for the first time in Blair's entire life, which pleased her. She managed to accomplish this. "Mmm... My my... This is a new sight to see. It seems as if I have gotten better and pleasing you my love.~" Blair purred as she then twirled her finger one last time causing the dildos to vanish as she lowered herself back down and laid down next to Medusa and cuddled next to her. "Did you enjoy yourself? I know I sure did." Blair said softly as she licked Medusa's cheek and wrapped her arms around her as she was now calming down and was just wanting to snuggle with her beloved.
"You can stop being your dominant self and get over here to love me." She ordered, wrapping her arms around the woman gently as she kissed Blair's lips tenderly. "I love you Blair...You've always been my favorite and soon we will have an army on our hands and rule the does that sound? Complete and total domination, with you as my second in command." She grinned and kissed Blair once more, feeling her pussy juices rub against Blair's leg from the way that Medusa was holding her. "But for now...we must rest and gain more followers from the DWMA...And once we take over the DWMA...We'll be nigh unstoppable. Even the other witches would dare not cross our path."
Blair was now back to her submissive loving self as she cuddled up next to Medusa and snuggled her in her arms as she kissed her back. "And I love you Medusa. I am very glad that I still remain as your favorite and with our army, no one will stand in our way. As for me being your second in command... I am deeply honored that you have given me this position. I will not fail you, I promise. Nyan." She mewed happily as she blushed when feeling Medusa's juices rubbing against her leg from the position Medusa was holding her in. "I know you are exhausted from all the fun today my love, and we will gain more followers from the DWMA. This I can assure you of. If those witches wish to go against us... They will pay. Even that silly frog Eruka will pay if she gets in our way. I've noticed she's been following you around with that mouse Mizune. I'm sure you've noticed those two snooping around, trying to figure out what you're up to. If they keep this up I'll deal with them if needed." She yawned as she could feel her eyes starting to grow heavy from her own exhaustion.
"Mizune had always been my favorite out of the two...Eruka was simply my pawn." She grinned and held her close. "Bring in Mizune...I shall make her a deal to be my third in command...She's well developed and almost as sexy as my beautiful Blair...Almost." She said with a grin. "Eruka will be Maka and Kana's bitch...I will make certain of this. A tadpole wizard. What kind of sorcery is that? Such a weakling will never do to even polish my toenails."
Snuggling in Medusa's arms she still had her eyes closed as she listened to her beloved. "But what if they do not see things our way? I know that frog will be against this and since Mizune is always clinging to Eruka it might make it a bit tricky to convince them to join us." She sighed as she nuzzled Medusa's neck. She had a feeling if they refused her she would have to use force. The snakes Medusa controlled inside of her body normally always made others submit to her should she have to go that route. Those snakes where the only thing that truly terrified her, she saw Medusa kill someone who defied her by putting her snakes inside their body before and watched as the snakes tore and destroyed them from the inside out. It was how she was though, one of the best ways to strike fear into one's heart. "I will bring Mizune to you though my love. And we will see how she reacts to this as well as with Eruka and her new position as Maka and Kana's bitch. We will see how they react and go from there. But I will admit though... Eruka does make a nice squishy foot rest..." Blair replied sleepily as she continued to stay awake in case Medusa spoke more.
Medusa grinned and held Blair close. "Silly girl...seems you've not noticed that Eruka has been here this entire time...forced to be a toad for her own good. She's been my slave from the beginning, but I keep her locked in her own little tank until I need her. It is Mizune I need you to find, to truly make me happier." She kissed Blair gently and rubbed up her body, but was not interested in sex. Just teasing her. "I want Mizune so that I can watch my cat and my mouse have fun with one another...It will be grand...and then we attack the DWMA. Our forces should be more than capable."
Blair was a bit confused when she heard Medusa's words about Eruka but simply nodded as she snuggled up to Medusa. "I guess I have became a bit blind and for that I apologize. We will need to use Eruka soon, this I know. But I will find Mizune for you, for I wish to see you happy." She answered as she kissed Medusa back as she felt her lovers body rubbing against hers in a teasing way. She was able to ignore the reactions her body was producing from the touch as she grinned slightly at the thought. "There will be plenty of time for that. The DWMA can enjoy their final week of freedom and prosperity. With Maka, Kana, Julie, Liz, and myself, we should be able to corrupt the students and turn them against Lord Death." She said with a soft chuckle as she began imagining it.
"I've just had a splendid idea...why not wait for the graduation ceremony? All the students celebrating will be there, and all of our corrupted slaves are graduating...Why not get a few more and then have them attack from within the DWMA while any witches we can convert destroy it from the outside? They won't even know what kind of plan slithered out and took them by surprise. The DWMA has already been bitten...its time for our poison to slowly kill it until it falls prey to us, Blair."
"The graduation ceremony is three weeks away. But it would actually give us more time to build our army." She paused as she thought about it for a minute before continuing. "There will be a witches meeting here in the next few days and we were all supposed to attend, maybe we can use that opportunity to see if we sway some of them over to our side. This way when the time is right, Death City and the DWMA will have a full attack on not just the inside from our student. Seeing as... In many ways they aren't or won't be Lord Death's for very long. But what we could do is have the witches start the attack from the outside to cause a distraction then when Lord Death least expects it, have the students attack from the inside. I honestly think that this will work out well my love." She purred as a small evil grin was now showing on her face.
"Oh've become so evil ever since the black blood has taken you over. We'll definitely gather a few witches to join us and have our fun with the attack first before I order all of our puppets to fight them when they least expect it. Oh how I love this...If only Stein would stay oblivious to everything, then all will go according to plan." She mused with a large grin on her face. "Now then, my pussycat...Let us slumber for in the morning, you shall fetch Mizune while I go out to find another weapon/meister combo...or rather...wait for one to come to me in my office."
Blair couldn't help but blush at Medusa's words as she smirked from the mere thought of how this was all going to play out. "Stein's been snooping around more lately hasn't he? He will need to be dealt with soon or else he could ruin everything you've worked so hard to accomplish. And with that damn zombie of his, Sid, if he starts snooping around here... Everything up to this point will be for naught. We will need to find a way to distract them from us, a diversion to say the least, just to keep them off our trail till the time is right. I'm sure we can gather enough witches to help us out, after all, they hate Lord Death and the DWMA with a burning passion, so convincing them shouldn't be too hard. Right?" She purred as she held onto Medusa and nodded. "Yes... Let us rest for now together and I will go find Mizune for you. I know her sisters will follow us wherever she goes so there won't be any problems at all. And I am sure you will find another new combo soon, if not tomorrow then the next day. But someone's always getting injured and with you being the only school nurse, you're the only one they have to go to for medical help. Nyan.~" She whispered as she closed her eyes once more and this time drifted off to sleep in Medusa's arms.
Medusa smiled and kept Blair in her arms for the rest of the night. Upon morning time, Medusa had awoke before Blair...and gently crawled out from under her as she began to get dressed, showered, and grabbed a bite to eat. She went to Eruka, and grinned as she pulled the toad out of her cage and removed a ribbon that was tied around her head to force her to stay as a toad. "Eruka...I want you to go with Maka and Kana...I want you to be my eyes and ears for when they are not around me. I fear that they may eventually break from the Black Blood's grasp...and more importantly, my own." Eruka stayed as a frog, and simply nodded for fear that the snakes within her would kill her. Medusa tossed her out the window...and Eruka would go out to the school, still a frog, and Medusa soon arrived to the nurse's office and waited for her next victim to arrive.
As Blair had slept on she didn't even notice Medusa had left her to get ready for school. Granted she needed her rest for the trip ahead of her so it was best she got some rest before heading out to find Mizune.

Once Maka, Kana, and Julie had left for school with Eruka still in her frog form resting in Maka's pocket of her trench coat. It didn't take them long to the school when they heard people whispering about how Kid and Black Star had gotten into an argument earlier over Black Star destroying part of the school like normal and making it non-symmetrical. Maka sighed when she walked through the doors and she could hear more whispering when Kana walked with her. "Did she dye her body to look like that?" One of the Meisters asked the other as they both stared at Kana. Kana's eye and ears twitched as she heard them talking about and then turned to them. "Actually no, I didn't dye my body like this. It's common for this to happen when a anthro reaches a certain stage in his or her life." She said as they then shut up and backed away slowly. "Now anyone else have anymore remarks to make about my fur color?" Kana shot at the others who were still whispering and watched them all back up shaking their heads. "Good." She finished as she followed Maka to their class. "You really should be careful Kana. We cannot have you getting your blood boiling right now." Maka whispered to Kana as they entered their classroom. "I cannot help it Maka, those people were really getting on my nerves. I won't lose control though, so don't worry Maka." Kana whispered back as they took their seats. Julie was already seated in her usual spot in the back as they waited for Stein to enter.

Maka didn't understand why they had to take this witch with them but knew better than to question their mistress. So instead she kept her in her pocket and lifted her head when she heard the sound of wheeling throughout the hallway, indicating Stein was about to enter the room. No sooner had she thought about that his chair wheeled in there and like normal, fell over backwards. "Hmm... Looks like I still don't have it right." He mumbled as he began tweaking with the screw in his head before standing up and fixing his chair. "Oh well... Looks like everyone's here but lets take roll to make sure." He said as he grabbed his clipboard and started taking roll. Once that had completed he began teaching his class, which today they would be dissecting a unusual rabbit. "Uhhh... Professor are you sure we should be dissecting that? Doesn't look a bit... Ummm... Rare?" Oxford asked as he looked at the rabbit nervously. "So? What's the point in not finding out anything about this creature if we don't dissect it first?" Stein asked with a wicked grin on his face as he wheeled over to the rabbit. Just then the door burst open and Spirit was standing there panting slightly. "Lord Death wishes to see both Maka and Kana. Says he's got a mission for them." Spirit said as he then looked at Maka with a small glint in his eyes. "Why must papa always look at me like that?" Maka whispered as someone stood up and threw something at Spirit. "Will ya knock it off you damn pervert?" A boy's voice called out which caused Maka to look up to notice it was Soul. "Who are you calling a pervert you no good failure of a weapon?!" Spirit shot back as Maka sighed and got up with Kana and they walked down the stairs and left the room before the argument got worse. It was normal, yet she was still surprised that Soul was still standing up for her even though he had abandoned her.

As they walked through the halls of the school and made their way to Lord Death's room they kept their talking to a bare minimum in case someone was to overhear them. Once they entered they were greeted by Lord Death and they noticed Kid was there with Liz and Patty too along with Black Star and Tsubaki. "What's up Lord Death?" Maka asked as she approached them. "I'm glad you asked, we've been waiting for you to come before we began our discussion." Lord Death started as Maka and Kana now stood next to Liz. "Now there is a item I need you all to get me. It's heavily guarded by a army of Kishin and we believe that this item might be very useful to the academy. We must retrieve it at all costs! And with you all being my top students, I need you all to do this mission for me. Can I trust you all to complete this mission WITHOUT the item getting destroyed in the process?" He finished and they nodded. "So we just gotta kill the kishin there and retrieve the item? Sounds easy enough! Lets go Tsubaki! These slowpokes will catch up sooner or later." Black Star laughed as both him and Tsubaki left, which Tsubaki turned around and bowed apologetically before catching back up to Black Star. The others then followed after getting the directions from Lord Death and then took their leave.

As they were leaving the med team was rushing in with a meister and her weapon. They overheard them mention that they had almost been killed by a group of Kishin, causing the group to look at one another. Maka and Kana knew where they were taking the two and knew Medusa would be infecting them next. The two was Miria Honosaki and her weapon Junko Kurobashi and soon to be Medusa's next victims. But they had to follow and obey the orders Lord Death gave them so that their cover wouldn't be blown. Liz was nervous but noticed Maka shaking her head and she nodded. No sooner had they all left and was now making their way to the designated location.

As the med team rushed the two girls in they laid them down on two of the empty beds before taking their leave. Both the girls were severely injured and near death. Their breathing was very shallow and were in need of serious care. Which Medusa would be able to save these two from death's door.
Upon seeing the two girls enter her infirmary clinic, Medusa mentally grinned as she stood up and walked over to the girls, placing them on two different beds as she ordered the others out of the room. Once it was just the three of them, Medusa went over and locked the door so that no one else would be able to come in. Returning to Miria and Junko, Medusa did what she normally did...and pulled out two syringes of black blood, injected the two of them with the mind-controlling poison, and burned the syringes to mere ash to hide any and all evidence. "Now I must wait..."
The two girls had been out cold and both barely clinging onto life as it was. They didn't even know what had happened after they had fallen unconscious just that their dreams were now turning into nightmares and their bodies were burning from their blood being fully infected with the black blood. Their wounds were starting to heal rather quickly as it was now starting to show from the grunts and moans of pain. Their bodies moved from side to side as the voices were now beginning to speak to them. It would only be a matter of time before they would wake up needing to find out what was wrong with them.
Medusa grinned, watching the two girls begin to writhe and ache in pain as their bodies slowly accept, or possibly failed to reject, the black blood that was now coursing through their veins. She walked over to Miria and placed a hand on the girl's breast, massaging it gently as she looked to Junko to see her reactions to the blood now. Eventually, Medusa leaned down to whisper into Miria's ear. "Accept the blood and your weapon will follow suit...Do not reject, for it will kill you. Embrace the darkness...For it shall heal you, and make you far stronger than anyone would possibly have imagined for the two of you...Embrace..."
Their bodies shook in pain as they tried to reject the foreign blood that was trying to infect everyone of their cells, which it was succeeding to a degree. When Miria heard the voice to accept the blood and to not reject it or it would kill them. She felt she had no other choice but to give in and let it fully consume her. "I.... Give in.... I embrace it...." She mumbled as she could now feel the blood fully infecting every last one of her cells as was the same being done to her partner now. Their wounds internally and outside of their bodies fully healed as both their bodies temperature was now starting to rise from the heat. Soon they would awaken but when they would, their needs would soon need to be sated.
Seeing the effects of the black blood begin to take effect on them and heal their wounds, Medusa grinned as she watched them begin to feel the effects of the blood until they'd awaken. Medusa simply stayed in her seat, watching the two girls...not even saying a word when they would come conscious. She wanted to see what the black blood would do to them naturally and what their first instincts would be without immediate guidance or sating their needs.
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