The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

She stroked Blair's hair gently as she gazed into the cat girl's eyes. "My dear Blair...You've always been useful to me, more than anyone else. I've just made you more useful to Julie...and in doing so...making her much more useful to me. Without a weapon, she is useless other than a pretty face." She replied and soon released the girl. "Now we must wait a should be enough time for the black blood to consume all that we have corrupted, meister and weapons alike...and then we will have our little army. I will have to do away with Death the Kid, I see him as no use to us. I will lock him away...and change Patty and Liz to become something much more powerful and useful to Julie...but I must find the weapon suitable for such a thing. In due time though! One step at a time...for now, my dear Blair...What say you and I have a nice little cat nap?"
Blair purred and nuzzled Medusa's hand as her hair was stoked as she listened to Medusa. -I'm glad I am. It means so much to be able to help you Medusa. At least Julie will be of use, she is after all one of the most skilled Meisters without a weapon. But she will be the most deadly assassin on our side. And with weapons... She will be unstoppable. The black blood inside of them will protect them and keep them from dying. Lord Death won't know what hit him nyan.~" Blair replied as she blushed heavily now. Oh how she was loving this, the thought of seeing the DWMA fall was pure pleasure to her. She hated Lord Death and his organization. Hated how they hunted witches and her kind, but most of all, the rules. Sure Medusa had her own rules, but those were easy to follow and obey. Lord Deaths rules however.. Made her sick. Blair almost pouted when she was released but continued to listen to Medusa non the less and smirked when she heard of the next phase of the plan. "Whenever those students use their soul resonance with each other it will slowly spread through the school like wild fire. Our army will be great and Lord Death... Well... He won't even know what hit him. Stein hasn't even suspected anything yet, which is good. What you're doing is very dangerous but you're using all the safe precautions that can possibly be made. As for Kid... You could use the black blood to control him into finishing his father off for us. What a fitting end wouldn't you think Medusa? As for Liz and Patty, what do you plan on doing with them? I'm just curious you know. I am still a cat and it cannot be helped nyan. But... A little cat nap with you sounds lovely..." Blair yawned as she snuggled up to Medusa and began purring in her arms.
(So like I was playing Tomb Raider at work today and I remembered something...the Goddess that is in Tomb Raider is the same one as your username is: Himiko. Only with an I and and not an e.)

She grinned and held her in her arms. "Oh...I plan to have Liz and Patty used. I have an idea for Liz; to remorph her into a Guntlet...She'll be just like you, except she'll be a clawed gauntlet that is able to shoot out her pretty little sharp claws to help retain her. As for Patty..." She grinned and gripped Blair's breasts. "She'll make a nice pillow...I've seen her before and her breasts are quite large...I'll be having much fun with them when I sleep. But for now, I will have no other pair but yours." She grinned and removed herself from Blair and headed upstairs, calling for Blair with her finger seductively curling as if motioning for her to come with her so that they could rest. In about a week...her plan would be ready.
[Interesting. o.0 Never played the games before really, tried the old PS1 game and didn't care for it sadly. u.u;;]

Blair tilted her head to the side as she began imagining Liz's new form and Patty being turned into a pillow. It almost made her chuckle at the mere thought of Patty being made into a giant fluffy pillow. "Mmm... It looks like our little foreigner will be one of the most deadliest of assassins the DWMA has ever seen yet once she's fully armed. And Patty does have some nice tits... I can only imagine what she'd look like as a giant fluffy pillow for you my love." She moaned as Medusa gripped her breasts in her hands as if demonstrating something. "I just hope she doesn't replace me, nyan.~" She replied as she watched Medusa get up and head over to the door as she looked back over to Blair and motioned with her finger curling in a seductive way. Blair knew what that meant and she got up and followed happily behind Medusa upstairs. Soon the DWMA would fall, soon Medusa's plans will succeed. And soon Lord Death will fall. It was the perfect plan and one that would not fail.
"No one could ever replace my pussycat..." She said with a grin and held Blair closely as they lay together in the bed. "I did not truly mean that I would turn her into a pillow...but she would often sleep with of us sharing one of her breasts as the three of us snuggle together on the castle we'll build out of the remains of the DWMA...Oh how wonderful it will be. And once the DWMA...We'll move on to the destruction of all the witches who dare oppose me...and enslave them before I conduct tests on devil souls merging into weapons...Oh how this year is going to play out. I am going to love this."
"I'd hate to have to claw them up if they tried to replace me." Blair said jokingly as she giggled and snuggled up to Medusa. "I know this, but you gotta admit... It's funny to picture, ya know? But she'd make the perfect pillow for us. That I can assure you of. You'll have the best castle in the entire universe once we destroy the DWMA, this I can already see. But I know how the other witches have looked down upon you for years, and they will pay. They will however, make perfect test subjects for you though. Since you've turned me into a weapon, there's no limits to what all you can make into weapons now. And this... Intrigues me. I can't wait to see this world bowing before you. Nyan~" Blair replied as she leaned over and licked Medusa's cheek and began purring happily.
She grinned and began to finger her breast gently as she held Blair close. "I can imagine many of my minions consumed by the black blood...Oh yes...but I have to fear that eventually there may be an uprising. My power can only reach out to so many and have full control at once...I will need an emitter once I take over the DWMA. Any survivors will be killed, enslaved, or brought into my army...with or without the black blood. It depends on how interesting or powerful they are." She grinned and kissed Blair's lips gently. "Any suggestions, my dear?"
Blushing as Medusa began to finger her breast she listened and thought for a moment as she found herself questioning some of the teachers at the school. "Well, there is that pesky Dr. Stein, he's powerful too powerful for your average Meister and could prove of some use. But there's also two death scythes that are also powerful and don't even have a Meister of their own but they can match their own wavelengths with any Meister. Marie Mjolnir is a light headed woman, but she's got spirit however she doubts herself all the time, which would make her prefect choice for your army. Then there's the other death scythe, Azusa Yumi, she's a dominate woman and a force to be reckoned with, but she is highly intelligent. I've watched the students from a distance and I've seen a lot of transfer students coming into the DWMA, many show potential, but many don't. You might however, want to look into some of the students who've transferred from Japan and the states. Those might prove to be the most powerful ones. You will need to have someone help you lead this army of yours and help make sure they stay in check, but in due time... In due time."
"Hm..." Medusa began to wonder...what would happen if she was ever beaten? Or worse...what if her army, even as small as it was now, had turned against her? What would she do then? She wouldn't be able to defeat all of her army by herself, especially when they are infused with black blood to increase their skills greatly. "Blair...I have need of you tomorrow for an experiment I am going to do with Maka and Kana...I want them to use the black blood without restrictions...Meaning they can do whatever they want; kill anyone or overpower anyone. I will be certain I am their first target, but I want you and Julie to await in the shadows before rushing to my aid, as I do not wish to fight Maka and Kana alone."
Blair didn't know what was running through Medusa's mind as she watched her lost in thought. But waiting till she was done thinking she then heard Medusa speak. Blair was a little shocked with this but simply nodded. "I'll stick with Julie tomorrow and we'll hide in the shadows as we watch those two. I can tell those two are more powerful than any other student from the DWMA and they may or may not attack you. But we will stand back and watch over you should they attack you. But if the black blood works like it should, it shouldn't matter if you let them lose, you're their mistress and they shouldn't be able to attack you. But we will see." Blair answered as she nuzzled Medusa's cheek gently.
"Hmph. They've attacked me before and tried to kill me. But they were easily defeated...they had not fully completed their synchonization with the black blood and they still managed to break my will when they first were infected." She replied and hugged Blair close. She sighed, and held the girl close to her. "I trust you Blair...I want you to protect me. But only attack Maka and Kana if I give the signal...You'll know it when you see it. But do not kill them at all. Just make certain that they do not end my life at all, or all of this will be for nothing and the black blood within all of you will consume you without any limit...even you, my dear Blair...when you synchronize with Julie for the first time."
"Oh? Now this is news to me. I didn't know they attacked you. But then again you did just say that they did when first infected. Kana's almost fully consumed and Maka's already fully consumed. Maybe it takes time for the obedience to fully kick in once infected?" Blair hugged Medusa back and blushed when she was now held close to the woman. "I will protect you with my life Medusa. And I will not kill those two should they attack you, I will just immobilize them and keep them at bay. I cannot afford you lose you... You're the only one who kept my secret when we were at the academy and the only one to ever truly love me. I will never betray you Medusa, you know this. I'll always be loyal and faithful to you no matter what. I do not wish to be consumed by the black blood and not have you near me, the very thought scares me... But we shall see. I will watch and wait for the signal should you need to use it."
"Yes yes Blair..." He replied and sighed deeply. "You don't have to keep repeating me of your loyalty. I believe you..." He smiled and kissed her nose gently. "As for now...We will rest. In due time, we'll have nice...fleshy pillows to lay on." Medusa closed her eyes...and eventually fell asleep, not even waking up if Blair were to do anything to her in her sleep. She'd eventually wake up and see that she had sleep-walked into her lab. "What happened last night..." She murmured, looking at the notes and scribbles she had been working on. "Oh god if all of that was a dream...I'm going to be pissed the HELL OFF!" She said angrily and began to go through the notes to see what she had written down...and it seemed that none of it was a dream and that all of it happened. "Seems I must be a workaholic...anywho...Its about time..." She snapped her fingers...releasing the restrictions to both Maka and Kana's black blood temporarily. She had hoped they'd go after her, knowing that Medusa would be the reason that they'd be enslaved again.
"I just like announcing my loyalties to you is all..." She purred as she watched Medusa close her eyes before passing out. Blair knew Medusa had been overstressed and over worked these past few days and knew she needed some relief for tomorrow. When Medusa slept, she was a very heavy sleeper and normally wouldn't wake up to just anything. Taking advantage of this moment she began to have her fun and way with her beloved as she purred and rolled Medusa over onto her back and started fingering her. After a hour or so had passed she then passed out and didn't even notice that Medusa had gotten up and walked back down to her lab in her sleep.

Maka and Kana had been training when they felt the surge of insanity start to take over them as the black blood began boiling in their bodies. Kana turned into her Kuro [black] form as Maka held her hands out and commanded Kana to change into her weapon form. They wanted to hunt and kill down any human, but what Maka wanted more than anything right now was to play and toy with Medusa like she had done to them. "I hear what you want Maka. And I say lets pay our mistress a visit! Lets have a little fun with her before we tear the town next to here apart!" Kana cackled as Maka began rushing towards where Medusa's place was now. As they ran and jumped from building to building mad laughter could be heard throughout the entire city as they made their way quickly to their destination.
"They are here." She replied and walked outside, wearing nothing but the black coat that she always wore and she floated on top of her broom, looking down and watching them as they ran toward her house. She hoped that Blair and Julie would be ready...and then suddenly. Maka and Kana would get stopped as Medusa fell down and slammed into the ground below in front of them. She grinned, looking up at them and pulling them towards her with her finger, toying with them with the motion of her finger that she was doing. "I've released you for an hour! Now do what you want! You want to kill me for your freedom? Now is your chance to do so!"
Blair and Julie were ready for when Maka and Kana came there. Staying hidden in the shadows they made sure that the two crazed fiends didn't see them. As Medusa fell Maka smirked as she went over to the woman and placed her foot on her chest. Despite the fact that they had been released, they couldn't find it in themselves to kill her. The voices were telling them that killing her would pretty much end their lives, but they could have their way with her body as she had with theirs several times. "There's no point in killing you my mistress. However... Hehehe... We will have what we want from you..." Maka bit her lip as she looked down at Medusa and giggled sadistically as Kana returned to her normal form and was now on all fours next to Medusa. "Lets strip her and fuck her Maka! I wanna see if she can squirm and whimper." Kana smirked as she began stripping the black coat off of their mistress. Once Medusa was nude Maka removed her cloths and Kana followed suit as Maka then went down and pinned Medusa to the ground, preventing her from moving as Kana leaned down and nipped at Medusa's ear slightly. The fun was just beginning and they had an hour to do as they pleased with Medusa. They couldn't kill her, free or not free, they couldn't. Kana was already fully consumed by this point and her kuro form was now permanent. Blair and Julie watched and was in shock to hear the two didn't wish to kill her, as if even being freed still made them obedient to not kill their mistress. Which was proving to be rather good in many ways.
Upon feeling Maka's foot get pressed onto her body, she whimpered out a bit, unable to get up as she tried to. This was just a facade for now...she was wondering how far they'd be willing to go knowing that they had full control over Medusa now. She whimpered more, feeling her body being stripped and slightly teased by both Kana and Maka, grunting as she tried to get up, but to no avail. "Maka! Kana! Don't you dare hold back, or I will punish you severely! This is a test of your true power! If I even sense that you're holding back at all, I swear I will give you the worst punishment ever: Sexual Absence. I will make certain that no one will ever touch you...not even yourselves or each other. Understood?"
Maka laughed at Medusa as she whimpered when they took over. This was their chance to dominate their own mistress and they would do just that. "Hold back? You think we'll hold back on you now that we are free? You've got to be kidding me!" Maka cackled as she looked over to Kana and nodded. Their minds were linked and they could hear each others thoughts now. Kana's claws grew out a bit as she then took one of her hands and began letting her nails trail down one of Medusa's tattooed arms, letting her feel just how sharp they were now. Letting her nails now go over Medusa's stomach she applied pressure and felt the skin beneath her nails cut open slightly, leaving a small trail of blood behind as they reached her naval area now. Maka moved one of her hands around Medusa's neck and pushed down slightly as to show her dominance over her mistress now. Kana was now down I'm between medusa's legs as she looked up and sniffed the air, smelling Blair and Julie was nearby. "You two! Go get the box from the bedroom now!" Kana demanded as she smirked and knew just how this was gonna play out now. They were the ones in charge of Medusa and to them it felt good. "How did she...? Oh wait... She's a wolf girl and her nose is better than anything now. But as long as Medusa is safe this should be okay... Julie go get the box from Medusa's room while I stay here and watch over her. Hurry now!" Blair said as she bit down on her lip and watched Julie nod her head before rushing up to the bedroom.
Medusa whined as she felt blood being drawn from her by Kana's nails. It made her angry, blistering angry that Kana would cause blood to shed from her own body! She watched as Julie ran off to get the box in her room, and then she glared at Maka. "I know I said that you have no limits...but keep in mind that I swear once this hour is over with, I am going to punish you two severely. Do keep that in mind, understood?" She said coldly, motioning for the two of them to look behind them...And when they did, they'd see two arrows, sharp as glass, pointed directly at them...ready to pierce into them if they decide to try anything funny. It would not kill them, but it would surely stop them from causing more harm.
Julie made haste to get the box, fearing she'd face punishment should she not obey. Grabbing the box she rushed back down and then slowly walked over to Maka and Kana who was having way too much fun with this now. "H-Here..." Julie said as she bit her lower lip nervously as she laid the box down and backed away over to where Blair was. "Mmm... But we're only playing dear mistress.~ If we wished to hurt you greatly we would. But you did tell us to not hold back... I guess even if we don't hold back we still face punishment. So either way... It doesn't matter what we do, facing punishment no matter what so we'll just continue to have our fun and face whatever punishment comes our way.~" Kana murred as she took the box and began pulling out some of the objects in there. They both looked behind them when Medusa motioned them and saw the arrows waiting to attack them should they cause her more pain. Taking the rope out of the box Maka tied Medusa's hands behind her back as Kana took out the nipple clamps and smirked at Medusa. "It is nice to be able to have our way with you though Mistress..." She said as she leaned over and began suckling on her nipple to get it ready for the clamp. "Now Mistress... If you wish to kill us afterwards, you are free to do so. But we'll enjoy our fun for now.~" Maka said softly as she leaned down and kissed Medusa on the lips before standing up and moving her pussy over Medusa's face. It felt good to be in control, if even for a small amount of time.
(I'm so sorry. I'm gonna start replying now...I think things are getting back in order for me now so I can start replying when I get a chance to, which should be at least once everyday. Now please put those two creepy pics back in your sig cause I miss them now. :[ And plus it makes me feel guilty? :[ )

Medusa cried out as she felt her nipples get clamped by the nipple clamps. She bit her lips, her body writhing in pure bliss from the sensations sent through her body from the pressuring pinch on both of her nipples. She stayed silent, unable to move or speak properly from the pleasure she was feeling...her own mind began to dwindle from the pleasure. When Maka put her pussy on Medusa's face, she obediently began to start licking and sucking on the girl's pussy...growing wet herself...wanting pleasure, but wanting to give pleasure. Her inner conscious told her to severely punish the two of them for this...but to enjoy it for now, as it felt good to be dominated in such a way.
[Meh shit happens. Been bored lately and so been playing around on GaiaOnline and watching anime. Also been drawing my ass off lately as well. ^^;;]

Kana murred happily as she made her way in between Medusa's legs and began licking at her inner thighs as her tail began wagging in the air. Maka moaned slightly when Medusa began licking and sucking her pussy obediently. Leaning more down she began licking Medusa's pussy as Kana began licking up to Medusa's pussy to help Maka out. Oh how the two was enjoying their fun with Medusa for now. Kana straddled Medusa's leg and began rubbing her pussy against it, letting Medusa know she was very wet already and she let out a slight moan, which sent vibrations into her mistresses pussy.
(You should contact more people for RPs rather than wait for them to come to you. Just a suggestion. :] And those weren't the crazy people I had in mind but it will do.)

Medusa crooked her knee up somewhat so that Kana could use that as the grinding point for her while she licked at her own pussy. She whined and whimpered, the nipple clamps still sending pleasure through her body as she licked and ate out Maka's pussy. Her own pussy was so wet, especially from Kana licking and eating her out as well...And soon Medusa would cry out as she began to orgasm, her juices splashing slightly and getting her even more wet as she felt her first orgasm for this little threeway.
[Thing is I have recently and we got a plot worked up and whatnot, then they just lost interest before they even made their first post... I made the thread and they lost interest... I might try again but I don't know at this point. u.u;; Also, I'm still tweaking with the picture, but wanted to put something Corpse Party in it. Might just put Seiko in my sig with Naomi. Now there's an idea. Lol.]

Using Medusa's knee Kana began rubbing her pussy against it more to try and help drive her over the edge as both her and Maka were eating their mistress out. Maka moaned loudly as she reached over to one of the nipple clamps to give it a slight tug to send more pleasure to Medusa as her own juices were now flowing rapidly from her pussy. Medusa's knee was covered in Kana's juices as she continued to rub her pussy against her knee more and more, and each time she moaned she'd be sending more and more vibrations into Medusa's pussy. Soon they heard Medusa cry out as her orgasm had finally reached its peak, causing both girls to fight over the cum that flowed out of Medusa's pussy. Both of them enjoying the taste of their mistress as their own orgasm was quickly building up now.
(Have your partners start up then rather than you.)

Medusa remained quiet, watching them as she felt her juices slowly leak out, only to get lapped up and rubbed by the two girls that were working her. She bit her lip, and tried not to moan out. As they tried more and more to fight over her pussy, it only made Medusa more aroused as she began to grab the nipple clamps and tug on them more, wanting more pleasure... "More..." She moaned out, wanting more stuff to be done to her. "Tools...use the tools..."
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