The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

When they would find Medusa, they would see her masturbating and squeezing her own breast. Her fingers dug into her own pussy as her breast was being clamped on by her hand, her moans stiffened by a little rag she was biting on. She had a vial of the black blood in a container near her, so it was obvious she was done with the creation of the black blood...or rather she had some already stashed away somewhere. Her juices drizzled down her legs, and from where Kana and Maka were, they would see everything from the perfect view.
The door wasn't locked and was opened slightly, as if inviting them inside. Kana could smell the arousal coming from inside of the room as they opened it slightly more to peek inside. They saw their mistress pleasuring herself and then they saw the vial of the black blood in a container next to her. They had given her time to make more, or so they thought, they didn't know she had some stashed away. They wanted to help please their mistress and help finish what they started back in the bedroom. So they opened the door slowly and walked in. "Would it be okay if we... Helped you out mistress?" Kana asked as her tail swayed from side to side as they both bowed their heads as they waited to be acknowledged.
Medusa opened her eyes slowly, but never stopped fingering herself as she heard the two of them ask if they could help her out with their problem. She put her legs down and spread them wide for them to watch...saying nothing as she began to suck on two of her fingers before going about fingering herself again in front of them...wanting to see what they would do without any guidance on a situation concerning their mistress. Her fingers really dug deep, and the view would be quite appealing as they could see the inside of her pink pussy.
The smell of Medusa's arousal was starting to get to Kana now. They stood there and watched their Mistresses eyes open slowly but didn't reply to Kana's question as she put her legs down and spread the wide open, giving them full view of what she was doing. Juices were starting to slowly come out of Kana's pussy again as they watched Medusa take her fingers and began sucking on them before going back to fingering herself. Looking over at Kana, Maka leaned over and licked the girl's sensitive ear before she began nibbling on it. Kana's ears were very sensitive and when played with would cause her to become very aroused. "M-Maka..." Kana moaned as Maka began nibbling on her ear. "Mmm... Yes my love? You know you wanna go help me pleasure our mistress now, right?" Maka whispered into Kana's ear as she slowly led Kana over to their mistress. Kana nodded at Maka's question and followed her Meister over to their mistress as they began helping her out. Maka leaned down and began licking the insides of Medusa's legs while Kana went to her mistresses breasts and took one in her hand and the other in her mouth as she began suckling on it. They had hoped they were allowed this and wouldn't get punished for it later.
Medusa said nothing to them as they continued to please their mistress. For the rest of the night, that would be how it was. Medusa would finger herself nonstop, even after many orgasms, as they began to kiss and lick all over her body. When the next day would come, Medusa was already showered and left before they would awaken. She went to her office, having the syringe full of black blood, and sat down. She began to work now, waiting a bit into the class day before calling in Julie to come in for her physical exam. What would supposedly be a flu shot would actually be the black blood Medusa would inject into her.
Their night was enjoyable but they didn't understand why their mistress didn't speak to them the entire time. However they didn't want to press the subject so they just let it be. Kana was already back to normal as she was snuggled in Maka's arms as they slept in. Without their alarm clocks they would be running late today. Their mistress had already gotten herself cleaned up and left for the school, leaving her two new slaves asleep in her bed while she went to the school to begin setting her next plan into motion.

Julie Davidson was still new to the school even though she had been attending the DWMA for a few months now. She was a Meister but she still hadn't found her a weapon partner yet sadly. Every other Meister had a weapon except for her. She was a highly skilled martial artist even though she didn't look like it. She was trained to be able to fight without a weapon, using her own special abilities to protect her. She was very shy and was competing with the other top students in her class. She was normally found training when not in school or reading a book, which is what got her the nickname of bookworm. It was third period when she was called into the school nurses office for a physical check up. It was close to time when she needed one done so she thought nothing of it as she gathered her belongings and made her way to the school nurses office. She knocked on the door gently then she heard a voice call out for her to go in and so she did. "You asked to see me Miss Medusa for my physical check up?" Julie asked as she entered the room and closed the door behind her.
"Oh yes...Hello Julie." Medusa greeted as she walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "If you could step this way and strip down to your underwear, that would be great." She said as she moved over to her desk to get a regular check-up exam paper and then returned to Julie after she was done stripping. "Okay...So I need you to start doing some jumping jacks. Thirty of them. Have to get your heart rate up, Julie. Afterwards, use the bars on the wall for some pull ups; be sure you go as fast as you can for one minute. Then we'll check your blood pressure and heart rate."
Julie looked at Medusa nervously as the woman placed a hand on her shoulder and asked for her to strip down to her underwear. "Okay." Julie replied as she began stripping her cloths off till she was in nothing but her bra and panties. As Medusa walked back over to her she had the exam paper on the clipboard in her hand as she instructed Julie on what she needed her to do. "Alrighty I shall get started then." Julie replied as she began doing her jumping jacks. Once when she had finished with all thirty of them she walked over to the bar as Medusa pulled out a stopwatch as she began starting her pull ups. Her body moved faster than most Meister's in the academy. She was already sweating by the time she was finished and her heart was pounding heavily now. "All done now." She said as she smiled gently at Medusa.
Medusa grinned. All of this was for two reasons: The first reason was so that her heart rate would cause her blood to course through her body faster, hoping that it would increase the spread of the black blood within her body...the second was to see her breasts bounce wildly up and down with all the jumping and the gravity. Once she was done, Medusa walked over and began to feel her heart rate with a stethoscope, and soon pulled it away to write on the paper. "Seems you might have something...I'm gonna have to give you a teeny wittle shot to make you feel better. IF you could just go and sit down, I'l get everything ready."
After Julie had finished, Medusa walked over to her with a stethoscope as she placed it over her heart and began to check her heart rate. It was cold against her sweaty body but after her heart rate had been checked she watched Medusa write a few things down on the paper before turning her attention back to her. "What's wrong Miss Medusa?" She asked as she walked over to the edge of one of the beds and sat down as she waited for the nurse to get back to her. She felt fine but if the school nurse said there was something wrong then there might have been.
Medusa walked over with a tourniquet and wrapped it around her arm to let her veins pop out when the blood became constricted and limited in its flow. Once this was done, she removed the tourniquet so that way the blood she'd put into her body wouldn't be forced out due to not having room to flow through her veins. She would then take the syringe of black blood and pressed it into her major artery, injecting her and sealing her fate as a future slave. Once it was all inside of her, she removed the syringe and properly disposed of the burning it and the syringe, not wanting any traces of the black blood left behind at all. "There...That should do it. Let me know if anything feels weird anytime soon, okay? You're good to go, sweetie."
Julie hated shots but if this would help her with whatever was wrong then it wouldn't hurt too badly, would it? As Medusa walked back over to her, Julie's arm was wrapped with a tourniquet to help get her artery up there. Once when the vein was fully exposed Medusa removed the tourniquet and brought the syringe out and pressed it into her major artery as she then injected the substance into her veins, causing her to wince slightly as it went into her blood stream. After the syringe was removed Julie didn't pay much attention to Medusa as she left her and disposed of the syringe before turning back to Julie. "Ummm... Okay I'll be sure to keep you updated then if anything happens." She replied as she slowly got up. She was confused with that last part that the nurse said, but decided it would be best to just shake it off as she got dressed and gathered her things before saying goodbye to Medusa as she took her leave. It wouldn't be long now till the black blood took control over her and it was only a matter of time too.

Meanwhile both Kana and Maka woke up as they realized what time it was and started to panic. They managed to find the bathroom and took their shower together as they got cleaned up and dressed before rushing off towards the school. "Fuck Prof. Stein is going to kill us for sure Maka!" Kana yelled as they quickly made their way to the DWMA. It was their first time to ever be late to school, but they would have a good excuse to use for when they got to their classroom. As they got to the school they quickly made their way to their classroom as the bell for the next period went off as they entered the classroom. "So Maka, Kana, I'm so glad you two could come join us to class today. Now I've never seen you two late for classes before so better start talking or you'll be the next ones to get dissected." Professor Stein said as he grinned at them evilly. Keeping their calm they looked at him and began explaining everything, their made up story which was half true. "Well you see professor, Kana and I were up all night training and practicing with the Witch Hunter. We didn't even hear our alarms go off so that's why we're late. Please forgive us Professor!" Maka replied as she put her hands on her knees as both her and Kana bowed in apology. "Hmm.. Now that you mention it Lord Death did say he had you two training harder now.... Alright you two are off the hook. But please lets not have my top student be late again, okay?" He said as they nodded and told him it wouldn't happen again as they walked over and took their seats.
Once Julie had left, Medusa grinned as she began to watch the clock. "Tick tock...She's gonna come back so soon..." She whispered to herself in half amusement. She would be sure that the process to have the black blood take her over completely would be the same; simply have sex with her until she would hit an orgasm that would make the black blood take over completely. She wanted to be alone with Julie this time, however. No Maka, and no Kana...Just she and Julie. "Now I just wait...And then I'll have my fun with her."
The rest of the day dragged out for Julie. She found herself starting to have a hard time concentrating on her classes that her teacher sent her back to the nurses office during the last period. She once again gathered her things and slowly made it to the nurses room. Her body was hot and she couldn't see straight really at this point as she slowly reached out and opened the door to the nurses room, forgetting to knock as she just walked in. Though Medusa should have been waiting for her since her teacher phoned the school nurse letting her know that she was sending Julie back to her. "Sorry I didn't knock... I was told to come see you since I couldn't concentrate on my classwork." Julie said as she closed the door behind her and looked over at Medusa.

Once classes were over both Maka and Kana gathered their things as they made their way out of the classroom. "Hey wait up Maka!" A girl's voice called out, causing both Maka and Kana to look back over to where the voice came from. "What's up Tsubaki?" Maka asked as the girl smiled softly. "Well it's just we haven't gotten to spend much time with you and Kana these past few days and we kinda thought we'd have a girls night out. What do ya say?" Tsubaki replied as she smiled softly. Looking over to one another as if wondering if it'd be okay for them to do so, but decided it'd be best seeing as their mistress was probably busy right now and wasn't wanting to be bothered at the current moment. "Sure why not? It'd be nice and give Maka and me a break from training." Kana answered sweetly as her ears twitched slightly. "Awesome! Meet at the park in an hour?" Tsubaki asked as both of them nodded. "Sure sounds good to us. But don't you dare think about taking us to that place where my father is. You know I cannot stand to be around him when he's surrounded by all those women." Maka said as she took Kana's hand as Tsubaki giggled. "Trust me we won't be going there. I'll fill you in once we all meet up." Tsubaki finished as she left the room with Black Star who was complaining about the entire idea of a girls night.
"Julie?" She asked as she moved over and helped her to a bed. Laying her down, Medusa began to take her temperature. It was just the same as Maka and Kana when they were injected with the black blood. "Oh how horrible you are right now!" She cried out and put an ice pack on her head. "You must rest...Sleep here. But first, I must check your heart rate...If you don't mind, I can hear it better if it touches bare skin." She reached down and began to help Julie out of her top, shirt and bra. Once she was naked, she took her stethoscope out and pressed it directly onto her nipple, much like she had did to Maka. "Uh huh...I can barely hear a heart rate...We need to do something to get it going. Julie...this may sound weird, but I need you to go with me on this." She reached down...and nibbled at the girl's nipple now.
Medusa helped her over to one of the beds as she laid her down. She began taking her temperature and noticed that her body was burning up. "What's happening to me Miss Medusa?" Julie asked weakly as the ice pack was placed on her forehead. Julie's glasses were slightly steamed from the rapid rise of her body temperature and almost slipped off of her face before she reached up to push them back on. "Rest here... Sleep here... Okay... You can check my heart rate..." Julie replied as she was then helped out of her upper clothing. She was laying down on her back again as Medusa placed the stethoscope on her nipple as she listened to her heart beat. She couldn't reply right now as her breathing turned into slight panting as she just nodded, watching what Medusa would do next. A soft moan escaped her lips as Medusa reached down and began nibbling on her breast. Just what is she doing to me...? This isn't normal... Is it? But I'm a girl and she's a woman. Isn't the same sex... Wrong to be together like this? She thought as her body and the black blood started reacting to Medusa's touch. The voices were starting to talk to her now as if answering her own questions for her. No dear sweet innocent Julie... This is not wrong. Medusa is simply helping you out dear. Just allow her to help you and all will be better. The voices giggled as they spoke to her. Looking down at Medusa she wanted to get her off of her, but she had no strength to even move her arms. "Nnnn..." She moaned as her nipple was starting to get very hard as Medusa continued to nibble on her nipple. She didn't know what to do here, but right then and there she was completely helpless and the voices weren't making things easier for her as she tried to ignore and shut them out.
"Shh...embrace this, Julie..." Medusa whispered to her and began to poke her nipple into her breast like a button now. "Enjoy it...A woman touching you all over like this is not wrong. Love it...embrace it..." She moved between her legs and began to take off her clothes until she was naked, and now Julie would see that Medusa was wearing nothing but her nurse coat and a shirt. She would not be wearing shorts or underwear. Her own dripping wet pussy began to start rubbing against Julie's scissoring the girl now as their pussies rubbed against each other. "We need your heart rate up...and what better way to do it than this?"
Embrace this...? But... It's so embarrassing... Julie thought as her blood started boiling as her nipple was poked as if it was a button. She watched Medusa go in between her legs as she began removing her clothing that covered her lower region, which after she did that her own skirt and panties were removed as Medusa's pussy was already dripping wet as she moved into position and began rubbing her pussy against Julie's, scissoring her now. As their pussies rubbed against each other Julie's panting and moans grew slightly louder as the black blood inside of her started pulsating slightly. Julie didn't understand the nurses intentions of this, she didn't understand why having sex would help her but her mind was slowly starting to slip from her as the darkness was starting to surround her. Is this one of their many customs they have here? One of their ways of doing things in this country? She questioned herself as her body started twitching slightly from the pleasure.
Medusa grinned and continued to rub her pussy against Julie's. She loved the feeling of this foreign pussy against her own. "Oh my...It feels so good...Much like my sex slaves at home..." She said out loud and began to move harder against her, her pussy spreading its juices around and inside of Julie's. "Feels so good...So good..." She cried out as she eventually moved upward toward Julie now, kissing her lips tenderly as their breasts began to start rubbing against each other. "Embrace the darkness...Upon climax, I order you to embrace this darkness and become my eternal slave until death..."
Julie didn't know what to say, if she was able to speak, to what Medusa said about her other sex slaves? Her body was really hot now as her orgasm was nearing as Medusa's juices were spread all around and inside of her pussy. As Medusa moved up towards Julie she watched the woman carefully through her half opened eyes as her lips were kissed tenderly. As Medusa was now on top of her and their breasts were now rubbing against each other as Medusa gave her first order which caused the black blood to churn inside of her more as it was now almost fully into her entire blood stream. Closing her eyes slowly she nodded. "As you command... Mistress..." Julie replied weakly through her heavy pants as the darkness now engulfed her completely, leaving the voices in her head to grow louder as they laughed sadistically as the black blood was now almost fully awoken in her. Being a Meister with no weapon made things easier for Medusa to control the girl from the start. It was harder for her with Maka and Kana but that was because they were already partners, but Julie had no one. Thus making her the perfect target for Medusa and her black blood.
"Good...It seems that you are taking effect..." She replied and stood up, getting off of the bed. She reached down and began to finger Julie, wanting her to hit orgasm as soon as possible so that she could get home. She had made a call to one of her old friends; asking her to meet at her home so that they could discuss some business. She continued to finger Julie, crooking her fingers and going deep into her, finding her sweet spot and kept going until she would orgasm. Once she did, Medusa would pull her fingers out and wipe them away on the bed. "Good...Now go home..." She said as she began to get dressed. "Or rather...I order you to find Maka and Kana...and tell them their mistress orders you to take you 'home'." With that, she was fully dressed and left out the door to go to her house and meet the friend she had called in.
Julies eyes were closed fully now as Medusa spoke again before getting off of her as she reached down and began fingering the girl. "Ah-Ahh! Nnnn...." Julie moaned loudly as the pleasure started overcoming her. The more Medusa hit her sweet spot the more closer she got to her orgasm. Her body then arched upwards as her orgasm took a hold of her and in return, fully awoke the black blood into her system as she was now fully infected. Once she had been taken over by the black blood, which by obeying Medusa, she willingly accepted it and no longer fought it. She was able to move again as her eyes slowly opened as she heard Medusa order her to go find both Maka and Kana to bring her home. "Yes Mistress Medusa. I shouldn't have too hard of a time finding them." She replied as she got up slowly and got herself dressed. Those infected with the black blood would be able to sense where others who were infected were located at all times. Pushing her glasses back up she smirked slightly as she took her leave in search for the other two. "They're nearby." She murmured to herself as she reached one of the local clubs where both Maka and Kana were. When she walked in she looked around and spotted the two as she then walked over to them. "Maka, Kana, I need to speak with you right now." Julie said as both girls looked over to her from their conversation with Tsubaki and the others. They could feel her presence coming their way before she got there and knew their mistress had succeeded in infecting her with the black blood. They didn't understand how she was already a slave to it this quickly but just shrugged it off as they followed Julie over to one of the empty corners. "Mistress Medusa wanted me to pass this along to you two. She orders you two to take me home." Julie said as the two looked at each other and nodded. "Alright, we'll take ya home Julie. Let us go explain to the girls that we're gonna bounce then we'll take ya home. Okay?" Kana asked as Julie nodded and both girls walked back over to Tsubaki and apologized for them leaving early but they forgot they had 'promised' to help Julie with learning their culture and customs better. Tsubaki and the others wished them the best of luck as they left. "Follow us Julie and try to keep up." Maka stated as both her and Kana began rushing towards Medusa's place with Julie following closely behind them. Once they got home Maka opened the door and called out to their mistress. "We're home Mistress Medusa and we have Julie with us as you requested." Maka said as they all walked in and Maka closed the door behind them as they awaited for their mistress to greet them.

Blair had gotten a call from her friend Medusa and she got herself ready to leave the house as she didn't want to keep Medusa waiting. They had been friends for a very long time and even though she herself wasn't a witch, her friend was. They had attained the same magical school together and Medusa was the first and only person who knew her secret in what she was. Even though she had a high amount of magical powers, she was still just a cat. Grabbing her hat as she lowered it slightly she grabbed her broom and made haste to Medusa's home. Her friend wanted to discuss business with her in person, which you know as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. But in this case she needed to find out what was so urgent that she needed to be seen. As she got there she sighed and giggled happily as she knocked on the door, which was left open for her as she walked in and was greeted by Medusa. "Long time no see old friend. What sort of business are we gonna be talking about here?" She asked as she closed the door behind her before turning back to Medusa with her cat grin showing.
"Ah...Blair." Medusa said with a smile and watched her enter her household. "Tell me, Blair...How do you wish to join a cult, in a way? Or rather be my second in command for my vast army that I am currently making out of school kids." She said jokingly. "They're more young adults and dangerous...Your friend Maka Albarn is gonna help me." She moved over and stood a few feet from Blair. "I want to destroy the DWMA...and then I'm going to take my army and conquer the rest of the world, all for my own enjoyment. I was just curious as to whether or not you'd like to aid me in my struggle, hm?"
Blair's ears twitched under her hat as she listened to her friend carefully. "Hmm... It seems as if you really have been busy Medusa. I've known you for years and we've been friends for that amount of time. You know I cannot simply turn you down on your offer. And you say Maka's gonna help you? Nyan?" She asked as she then thought it over thoroughly before giving her answer. "Why the hell not? If Maka's gonna help you then count me in. Besides, you need a good strong kitty on your side if you wish to destroy the DWMA." She replied with a smirk as she didn't care how Medusa was going to play out her little plan, she just wanted to watch and make sure it didn't fall through. After all she didn't like to see her friend disappointed if her plans didn't work out. Medusa always had her way and always won, but she was the most powerful witch Blair had ever known and she followed Medusa fully.
"Its good to know I have my little pussycat to help me out with world domination." Medusa said with a grin and stood up to walk over to her. But just as soon as she would approach Blair, and before she could give her a thank-you kiss, Maka and the rest of her army began to walk into the house. "Oh...Yes...Hello Maka. Kana. Julie." Maka held her hand out to motion to them as reference for Blair. "And this is my little army so far...Two meisters and a weapon, all infused with modified black blood that makes them psychotic killers and sex fiends. For instance...Maka...Perform Soul Resonance. Show Blair, the God Killer."
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