The black blood consumes all [HimekoxJugger82]

Maka and Kana was so close to the DWMA that they could almost feel Medusa nearby. "There she is Kana! Her soul will be yours soon my precious weapon!" Maka laughed sadistically as she watched Medusa step back into her room before coming back out to face them. She was wearing her black coat now instead of her white one as the hood was pulled down low to hide her face. They were now on the ground facing Medusa as Maka began swinging Kana around wildly. "You're soul! I need a human soul!" Kana cried out as Maka rushed towards Medusa as the black blood once again began coating Kana's weaponized body. The two didn't know that Medusa wasn't a human, but they were about to find out very soon.
She waited for Maka and Kana to get close, watching as they swung wildly as they approached her...and once she was close enough, Maka would suddenly feel her body become entangled in arrows that sprung up from the ground. The arrows wrapped around her body and tied her arms together, and Medusa would float up to look at the two of them. "How dare you come at me like this! I had offered you power beyond what you could have obtained alone! You dare turn on me?" She grinned sadistacally and approached Maka, licking her cheek gently as she held a hand to her chin. "I'll be certain to give you a good thrashing...for you see...I am not a simple human...But a witch." She grinned and slammed Maka down hard into the ground with the arrows. Then she raised her up into the air and then proceeded to bringing her down hard against the ground once more. "Submit defeat and release this soul resonance now!"
Maka and Kana got closer to Medusa as she was about to slash at Medusa arrows wrapped around her body, pinning her in place and preventing her from harming Medusa. Her eyes followed Medusa as she was now floating above them and started yelling at them. Maka's blood was still boiling as Medusa licked her cheek before letting the both of them know of her secret. Maka's body was slammed into the ground by the arrows before being lifted again just to be brought down hard onto the ground. Obeying they released their soul resonance as Maka laid there on the ground. She was still laughing as Kana was on the ground next to Maka. She smirked at Medusa as her Meister continued to laugh. They didn't know what was next to come but the next few moments would clear everything soon enough for them.
Medusa watched Maka and Kana begin to just giggle and laugh at her. Her arrows kept onto Maka, but some more grabbed onto Kana as well this time. "Time for a relocation for now...Before people arrive." And with that, Maka, Kana, and Medusa were flown off into the distance to a hidden little lab that Medusa kept hidden away. It was also where she began to produce and test samples of the black blood. Once inside, Maka and Kana were tossed into the house, breaking through the door as Medusa walked in seductively and put her bare foot on Maka's chest, her gaze sadistic and evil. "You're going to pay for thinking you could just come and decide to start attacking me...Maka. You won't remember any of this when you wake up from your state...but I'm going to make certain that you suffer."
If they hadn't been overcome with madness they wouldn't be laughing like they were, let alone acting like they were. But it was one of the major side effects that came with the black blood. Both Maka and Kana were lifted up into the air as the three of them flew towards Medusa's lab. Once they arrived there they were both thrown inside of the house as they broke through a door. As Medusa put her bare foot on Maka's chest as she gazed at Maka with her sadistic and evil eyes. "But you tried to take my weapon away from me." Maka pouted as she looked over at Kana who was now breathing heavily as the black blood was starting to work its way more into her blood system. Kana was now at 50% corruption from the black blood. Tonight with them using their soul resonance not once, but twice and holding it together for a long period of time, really took a toll on Kana's mind and body. "Maka we've been bad. We shouldn't have attacked Medusa like we did. We should have just turned to the city and got me my human souls that way." Kana chuckled as her wild eyes looked over at Maka and Medusa.
Medusa kept her foot on Maka and glared at the two of them. "Silence you fools! If you go about and start attacking humans, you will ruin my plans." Her foot removed itself from Maka's chest and she picked her up to her feet. "If you want human souls...then you must control yourself. I have a plan, my dear Maka...If you simply do as I say, you can have all the souls you want...think about it. Any human soul you come into. Any demon soul. Any witch soul. Anyone's...But you must stay calm and not kill without my permission, and never use soul resonance without my permission. Do you understand?"
Maka and Kana both fell silent as they were told to be silent. Obedience was now starting to kick in with the black blood as they looked at Medusa and nodded. The foot that held Maka down was now removed as she was then brought to her feet. Maka looked at Medusa and nodded. "As you command my mistress. I apologized for our outburst. And we are sorry for attacking you. We honestly did not know you wasn't human." Maka replied as she tried to calm herself down as she was beginning to know her place, after all those lovely little voices in her head were telling her all she needed to know and that both of them had to obey Medusa now without questioning anything. Kana was still breathing heavily as she looked up at Maka as her ears twitched when she heard her call Medusa 'mistress'. Kana wasn't fully under Medusa's control, but she was under Maka's control so for now that would have to suffice. "I will not attack anyone nor use our soul resonance without your permission ever again Mistress Medusa." Maka said as she kneeled down and lowered her head to Medusa showing that she was under her complete control now.
"At least I know that you two can perfectly sync up, even after an ordeal that I purposely put you through to test your syncing." Medusa admitted and moved to rummage through her things. Eventually, she came back with an obedience collar, and handed it to Maka. "I want you to put this on Kana when you think she deserves it...As a reward for you two perfectly syncing up, I have this collar for you to give her. It will be her mark that she is your one and true weapon..." Medusa grinned and leaned in, handing the collar to Maka as she kissed the girl tenderly on the lips. "Now then...We must lie low for a day so as we do not draw suspicion. We will return to school tomorrow. Understood?"
Even now as both Maka and Kana were slowly reverting back to their original selves, they knew everything and they knew that they belonged to Medusa and no one else. "Just... Just what did you do to us?" Kana asked calmly as she slowly got up. Not like it mattered anymore if they knew or not, they were hers and no longer Lord Death's minions. Kana watched as Medusa moved over to an area with miscellaneous things before bringing back what looked like a collar. Maka lifted her head as she was handed the obedience collar and was told what to do with it. Maka blushed when Medusa kissed her lips as she spoke once again. "Would it be okay if we stayed with you tonight mistress?" Maka asked as she held onto the collar in her hands before looking over to Kana as the motioned with her eyes for Kana to go to her, which she did.
"Yes...Stay with me for as long as you would like, my loves." Medusa said with a grin and pulled them both close to her, each one snuggled into one of her breasts as she looked to them, her purple fingernails slowly trailing up and down their skin. "I've injected modified black blood into your bodies after you were brought in, nearly dead...and now it seems that the experiment works. I want both of you to stay obedient to me...forever. Now then...Strip down and go upstairs to the only bedroom you'll find. Wait for me there...and we can have a night of fun."
Seeing as they couldn't simply go back to their old lives and needed to stay close to Medusa. Both of them were pulled close to Medusa as she had each one of them snuggled into her breasts as she looked down at them, letting her purple fingernails slowly trail up and down their skin as she explained what she had done with them. So this would explain how Maka recovered as quickly as she did. She didn't know anything of the black blood, but from what Kana could tell, it is what saved her Meister's life. They were bound to Medusa and now that they were given their orders, their commands, they couldn't turn on Medusa ever again. "We wish to live with you Mistress Medusa. To stay close to you and protect you." Maka said as she got up and held her hand out to Kana while the other hand held onto the collar. Kana nodded as she took Maka's hand and stood up as they both looked at Medusa. "We will go and wait for you in your room." Kana spoke as they both began stripping their cloths off before heading upstairs to the only bedroom as they waited for Medusa to enter. While they were alone Maka looked at the collar in her hands before turning to Kana. "Kana?" Maka asked her weapon quietly. Kana looked at Maka then at the collar then back to her. "You may put it on me Maka." Kana replied as Maka nodded and undid the collar and fastened it around Kana's neck. A loud *CLICK* sound was heard as the collar permanently attached to Kana's neck now. Part of a chain hung from the center of the collar as Maka looked over Kana to see just how she looked with it on. Which she looked perfect in it!♥ They didn't know what the full extent of the collar would do to Kana but at the current moment, didn't question it as their mistress entered the bedroom, not giving them a chance TO question it.
When Medusa would arrive into her room, she would be naked. Her body would glisten in the candlelight as she swayed her hips while she walked toward the bed, and laid in the dead center of it. There was enough room for one person on both sides of her, and she grinned, holding her hand out and motioning for the two of them to come to her by crooking her index finger seductively. "Come, my little slaves..." She laid down at an angle, back against the headboard and her legs crossed barely. "Come and lick your mistress all over. I would like a cat bath."
As Medusa walked into the room both girls turned to face their mistress as both their faces turned red as the candlelight made her look more sexy and seducing than ever. As she laid down in the center of the bed she motioned for them to go over to her. Maka and Kana slowly crawled over to their mistress as they began to do as they were told. Maka started licking Medusa's feet while Kana made her way to Medusa's legs and began licking and suckling there. Maka then slowly licked her way up to Medusa's stomach as she let her tongue trail up to one of her plump breast and began licking and suckling on it. Kana could smell the arousal coming from Medusa's pussy, as if calling her to begin licking there, which she did. Licking her way into Medusa's inner thighs she then reached her mistresses pussy and began licking and suckling on the clit, allowing her tongue to enter Medusa's pussy from time to time to lick up any juices that came from it. Looking up from the breast she was working on she looked deeply into Medusa's eyes. "Are we doing good Mistress Medusa?" Maka asked as she had hoped they were pleasing her and cleaning her well enough.
"You are doing good, indeed, Maka." She replied as her hand cupped the girl's chin gently and began to rub her there, letting her feel her soft hands touch her bare skin. "Kana is doing just as good, licking me and pleasing me down there...but...she did cheat on you, with me...Let us have some payback with her, yes?" She stood up and began to bend over, letting her nice round ass be viewed to them as she reached under a shelf and began to pull out another assortment of toys and rope. She tossed Maka the rope, and grinned. "Tie up your weapon. We'll have fun with her. No foreplay. No sex. But just teasing her with our toys and bodies. But do not allow her to have an orgasm without my approval. Understood?"
The black blood was still controlling them and they wouldn't be reverting to their old selves anytime soon. Maka's chin was held in Medusa's hand as she bean rubbing her there, which Maka enjoyed the feeling of her soft hands against her bare skin. "Mmmm... I like this idea. She shouldn't have cheated on me like she did. And payback is the best way to get even.~♥" Maka replied as the sadistic look came back into her eyes. She had herself in control right now since she wasn't fighting. It seemed that her psychotic side took over when they fought, that was when they lost control and would go on a blood thirsty frenzy. But with special training from Medusa they'd be able to stay in control even when their psychotic sides took over. Both Maka and Kana watched as their mistress got up and began pulling more toys and rope out from a shelf as she tossed Maka the rope with a grin on her face and gave her her orders. Maka took the rope as she then turned her sadistic gaze to Kana and began tying up her weapon. As Maka tied Kana up soft giggles could be heard as she was trying to keep herself from going into a full on laughing rampage as before. "I understand fully Mistress." She said as she grinned evilly at her mistress who knew she was looking forward to this.
Medusa grinned as she stood on top of the bed and looked to Kana, grinning as she saw how helpless she looked. Her gaze then shifted over to the giggling Maka, and pointed to her. "Get something out and start teasing her with it. But no penetrations. No insertions. Just teasing." She ordered and then looked down to Kana, grinning as she lifted one of her feet and placed it onto Kana's breast, massaging it with her toes as she teased her. "Kana, my dear. This is for your own good. You've decided to betray Maka by sleeping with now you must pay the price; especially for beign the tool of war that you were acting when Maka came at me." Maka would then feel an arrow, more curved however, suddenly fling into her pussy and begin to start thrusting into her nonstop. "And this is your punishment for trying to assassinate me, Maka."
Kana looked up at Medusa as her mistress was standing above her and was grinning at just how helpless she was now that she was bound. Hearing the order given to her Maka went over to the toys and began looking through all the toys. A soft moan escaped Kana's throat as Medusa was now massaging her breast with one of her feet as she spoke to her. Lowering her ears she nodded to her mistress. "I accept my punishment... I'm sorry mistress for attacking you..." Kana whimpered as she looked back over to where Maka was, watching her as she selected a few things before she began walking back over to them before suddenly stopping dead in her tracks as one of Medusa's arrows flung into her pussy as it began thrusting into her without stopping. Which caused her to start breathing heavily as moans were escaping her throat. "I.. I accept my punishment as well Mi-Mistress Medusa..." Maka moaned as she steadied herself and made her way back over to her mistress and her weapon. She laid the objects onto the bed and walked over to Kana as she held breasts clamps in her hands. Leaning down she began working with Kana's other breast, making sure to get her nipple nice and hard before clamping it onto her nipple as her pussy was starting to drip from the juices that flowed. Maka was letting her hand reach over to grab a dildo and placed it against Kana's clit, turning it on and not putting it into her pussy. She wouldn't allow Kana to cum not till she was allowed to.
"Good...I love my two slaves being so nice and obedient like little sadistic and masochist puppies." She said with a grin and soon straddled Kana's head, forcing her head to start licking and sucking on her pussy. "Feels good Kana...Start licking me. Suck on my pussy...Let me know just how sorry you are." Her hand reached down to start rubbing her cheek gently. "Go on baby...I want to feel good. Make your mistress feel good...and she just may let you cum. I promise you this." She said lovingly and then looked back to Maka. A grin escaped her lips, and Medusa began to start bending backwards. Her pussy was still on Kana's mouth but her body stretched backward so that her mouth was wide open, her tongue licking her lips in slow circles as she massaged her own breasts with her hands. "Sit on me, Maka...Let me taste you. And be sure to play with my exposed breasts."
They were enjoying being Medusa's little sadistic and masochistic slaves. Then again the black blood gave them no choice in the matter. Medusa began straddling Kana's face after she told her to begin proving how sorry she was by licking her mistresses pussy. Kana let her tongue out as she began eating Medusa out while Medusa rubbed her cheek gently before going on her back but keeping her pussy in place to where Kana could continue to lick and eat her out while Medusa looked over to Maka. Maka watched her mistress lick her lips as she massaged her own breasts while she told Maka to sit on her so she could be tasted and for her to play with her breasts. Getting up Maka stood over Medusa as she lowered her pussy onto her face and began massaging her mistresses breasts as her juices were now starting to flow into her mistresses mouth.
Medusa moaned loudly into Maka's pussy as she enjoyed the sensation of Kana's lips and mouth on her pussy. Maka tasted so good and fruitful as Medusa ate her out, her tongue sliding inside of her while her lips began to dance on her pussy lips. She reached forward and grabbed Maka's hands, putting them on Medusa's breasts as she ate her out. "So good...Keep going, my dear slave..." She said out to Kana as her hands went back to holding her up in the position she was in. Her body glistened as it was covered in their saliva, and her breasts ached to be touched more. She could feel no pleasure better than the moment she was feeling right then and there.
Kana continued to pleasure her mistress as her juices continued to drip onto the bed. She worked her tongue in and out of her mistresses pussy while making sure to nibble on her clit every now and then. Maka moaned loudly as Medusa began eating her out, causing her juices to flow more freely into her mistresses awaiting mouth. Maka's hands massaged her mistresses breasts and she made sure to pinch her nipples to keep them nice and hard, as well as to send more pleasure down Medusa's spine. Maka was panting heavily now as she continued to eat her out, which she did not complain nor would she. Kana wanted her pussy to get attention too, but she was still being punished for what she did and she knew she deserved it. That night was going to be a nice and long one for the two slaves and their mistress. Now that Medusa had them under her control, the DWMA would soon fall seeing as they were the most powerful weapon and Meister now.
Medusa moaned out as she felt her nipples being pinched. Her juices seemed to practically drizzle down her leg as the sexual tension heated up for everyone. She cried out into Maka's pussy, moaning hard into her and using her tongue to please the woman as best as she could. She loved having two little sex slaves...but like any human, Medusa wanted more. Who else could she contaminate? She wanted more slaves...And she did not know who was capable of doing this for her. "Maka dear..." Medusa said finally as she moved her mouth away from her pussy. "Who else should I infect with the black blood? Be she weapon or meister, witch or demon...I want more slaves. A stronger army..."
Kana lapped up all the juices that flowed out of her mistresses pussy and enjoyed the taste of it all. Maka's moans where very loud as Medusa continued to moan into Maka's pussy, which sent vibrations into her pussy and was bringing her near her own orgasm. As Medusa moved her mouth away from Maka she began asking her a question. Maka listened and thought for a few moments, which she had a few people in mind. "I know of some people who I can infect... We have students at the DWMA that would be perfect for your army my mistress. I do not know of any other witches other than you and no demons. But I can help you with infecting the students. No one would suspect Kana nor me to be the one in doing this, nor would they suspect you. There's a Meister who goes by the name of Julie, she's a transfer student from the states and she is lacking friends. She doesn't have a weapon yet given the fact that the academy is lacking weapons. But I can work my way into getting her to trust me. My question is, is do you want me to lure her to you or infect her myself?" Maka replied through her heavy panting as her juices leaked out onto her mistresses cheek.
"She sounds like the perfect prey to fall to my clutches..." Medusa said with a grin, and looked to the two of them. "Go on and finish each other up...I order this of you two. For me...I am going to produce some more black blood so that I may take it to the school tomorrow, then call Julie in for her physical check up." A laugh escaped her lips, evil and corrupt. Her back turned to the two on the bed and her naked form left to go and work in her lab, still naked. Should one of them decide to come down later and finish off Medusa, would be up to them. But Medusa has a plan that was set in motion and she couldn't let sexual pleasure get in her way of destroying the DWMA.
"She is not use to customs here yet still. But she will be easy to manipulate, she's a sweet girl but very naive. She'll be perfect for you Mistress Medusa." Maka replied with a sadistic grin on her face as their mistress got up and ordered for them to finish each other up. "As you wish my mistress." Maka giggled as she turned her gaze back down to Kana who was still tied up and began rubbing her clit as she kissed Kana deeply, taking in the taste of Medusa's juices into her mouth while she continued to toy with Kana. They would stay in the bedroom to sate their urges while they let their mistress do what she needed to down in her lab, they didn't want to interrupt her just yet. A few hours had passed and the two had finally started to calm down a bit as Maka had now unbound Kana. "Should we go and see if Mistress Medusa needs any help with anything?" Maka asked Kana as Kana's black ears twitched. "We can... I just hope we don't get into trouble though..." Kana replied as Maka got up and took Kana's hand as they made their way down to Medusa's lab to see if they could help her out with anything.
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