Fake Illusions

"He bit me, even when we weren't sleeping together.He'd have a dream and nom nom on me."Cersei said pouting a little looking amused as she snickered."I'll let you have your dillusions then."She teased smiling, "He did not. Snape would never find something like that fascinating."She said giggling a little. rolling her eyes at him."I did not. You made it impossible to go a day without knowing that you were there."Se said snickering because it was a adorable cuteness to know that he'd done something his father had found girly, and did it for her.

"Me?!I didn't get in trouble!That was you."She said snickering a little, leaning over to kiss him slowly,"You were always a sneaky little ferret."She teased before growing serious."I know. And it does. But as much as it was painful, maybe it was good to know just how much I needed you....and needed to stand on my own."She said because she'd failed so badly at being able to survive witout him, that it had nearly crippled her to be with out. Pouting at the warning."But draco,I want to change."She pouted before laughing as the panda chewed on his hair swallowing hard as she looked his face over as he pulled his hair back. Witout the hair, he looked even more delicate."Yes. Let's go.And maybe I'll change into a panda where they can't see me.I could be your pet for the day....unless you want to be a ferret."
Draco had to snort at that. "now that is one thing i have never heard anyone ever say about Potter." he admitted with a laugh and a shake of his head. "and he did! he found it incredibly amazing that you could fold a little piece of paper into something so intricate." he admitted snickering a little. "besides, you insulted me, to my face, i HAD to make you mine." he teased remembering the insult still. 'you rat faced, pale assed, son of a bitching prick!' it was the first time anyone had ever dared to call him such a thing in a crowd of people, she had left him stunned and unable to think of something to shoot back. "i NEVER got into trouble that you didn't talk me into first!" he protested smirking at her.

he smiled a little and gently set his hand on hers. "if i hadn't needed to survive the streets, i doubt i would have handled it any better than you did... i probobly would have been worse." he admitted. "but i was too cold, too hungry, and too tired to dwell on anything but survival... in a way... it was easier." he admitted shaking his head before smirking a little. "you can't change in the Zoo, someone will think i'm trying to steal you." he complained shaking his head a little. "and as funny as you think it would be, i'd end up in jail and that is NOT a fun place." he admitted shuddering violently before smiling at her a little. "you wanna change into animals and sneak into the tiger pen?" he asked with a smirk. he claimed she was the one who got him into trouble, but they both knew it was a lie, Draco was just a natural born troublemaker.
"You'd never believe what he's like behind closed doors."She said laughing shaking her head at the idea of snape."we'll have to agree to disagree."She said sounding amused, blushing as she remembered the insult. It was adorable that he'd fallen in love with a woman who'd never wanted to see him again after that."Oh, you got in lots of trouble. You just want to blame me for your own shortcomings."

"It sounds....weird.But easier."She agreed, leaning against him as she cuddled him, sighing softly as she tried not to think about what he had been like then.That was painful to think about, that draco had been so cold and hungry that nothing else had mattered. She wanted to save him from that,even if things weren't like that for him anymore. Looking startled, her jaw dropping a little.Looking worried for him at the idea of him in jail, hugging him tightly before stepping back."Yes. Lets go see the tigers."She said amused heading for the door, dragging him with her. WAlking to the tigers pen she looked around, tying to find the perfect spot to change."Draco, you go change first...I'll make sure n one sees you."She said nodding towards the slightly dense walkway of bushes that was perfect for changing.
Draco smiled a little. "your right... i really don't know anything about Harry." he admitted shaking his head. "i have no shortcomings, i do everything perfectly, even getting in trouble." he stated with a bright smirk and a smugness in his voice that only a Draco could manage. even Lucius could not manage that level of pure self adornment. the only person Draco talked better of was roe, and occasionally Harry depending on the topic. he smiled a little as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, kissing her forehead as they left the Red Panda enclosure, chuckling wickedly as he led the way, settling into the bushes, checking to make sure no one saw before chattering at her, leaping around her feet to let her know he'd changed an that it was her turn, that he'd watch to make sure no one saw them. as soon as she changed he grinned impishly at her and playfully nipped at her ear. it was hard not to be happy in ferret form, since ferrets where perpetually happy.

he raced along the ground, leading the way to the tiger pen, weaving through the feet of the crowds, laughing a little in his ferret form as people shrieked and squealed as they saw the 'zoo animals' free, Draco bounding around as he climbed up a woman's leg, the muggle shrieking in absolute terror as he jumped off of her and walked along a fence, chattering at Piper playfully, clearly enjoying himself very very much. Draco had always loved tormenting people, nothing bad or dangerous, just playful teasing. he chattered at her and continued on to the tiger pens, leading the way right to the barred fence and slipping inside. the Tigers where well fed, it was doubtful they would attack two quick darty creatures like draco and Cersei.
Cersei rolled her eyes at that, becuase only draco could sound so self loving. It was adorable, and nice because she knew he had his moments of talking aout her in the same way. Cersei laughed softly as he wrapped around her feet, before changing herself, pouncing on the small ferret before rolling off again.Chattering happily as she followed after him, enjoying the playful teasing. Smiling as she followed him inside before chattering at the tiger who had come to investigate the small animals. "Tara!Leave the panda alone."The zoo keeper scowled as she crossed the room, scooping up the small red panda before cersei could get away heading for the door to put her in the small cage so she could get her back to her own cage. Thinking she'd escaped. Cersei squeaking asshe was taken from draco, whimpering when she was taken back to the cage to wait one of the panda keepers to come get her.
Draco grinned at her a little his head tilted as he watched her roll her eyes. "don't you mock me." he whined sulking at her, looking so much like the child he had once been, the hardness in him that she had seen since she had seen him had vanished for a moment, as if just by being with her it made all the many hurts and pains of his life go away. he chattered at her happily as he leaped and ran around in ferret form chittering and chattering before freezing as he watched the man take her away, shrieking and squealing in fury before following him silently. he was going to have to rescue Cersei after the Zoo closed. he was glad he came here often and knew the schedule perfectly. he followed the man into the back rooms and to the panda cage, and then shrieked in terror as he was lifted up in firm hands. "damn Don! one of the Ferrets got loose too!" oh god NO! she was going to take him to the petting Zoo! noooo. he did the only thing he could think to do, he bit her, she shrieked and dropped him and he felt a sickening pain as he hit the ground, the woman gasping. "oh my god! i think i broke him! the poor thing..." she didn't care that he'd bit her, he had to respect that. "i'll take the poor thing to the vet... should we take the panda too? she might have picked up an injury walking around the Zoo..." yes! yes they had to take them to the vet! he made high pitched pained noises, not that it was hard to do, and he stared at Piper in the cage, urging her to do the same.
Cersei shrieked in her panicked, so scared and panicked that she'd given herself over to her instincts, the panda shrieking as don picked her up, even if she didn't fight them, she sounded scared, chattering, trying to get to draco."Shh pretty girl,shhh..."Don muttered stroking her head, holding the small chattering panda close,"Morgan, how's the ferret?"He asked as they walked into the vet's. smiling a little."Hey Nina. We caught these two wandering the zoo." "Awww...poor guys.Come on, put them up here. I'll look at the ferret first, it looks like its hurt."the vet said smiling a little as she gestured to the exam table, stroking the soft white fur."Your a pretty boy"she said smiling a little as he stroked the small animals head, trying to calm the two panicking animals.
Draco was pleased when he was taken to the Vets, there where no video camera's in there. only cages, and he had mastered the art of wandless magic long ago. he could unlock his cage, broken ribs be damned, change, get Piper out, change again, and they'd slink out completely unnoticed... hopefully. "he's hurt..." Morgan admitted looking terribly guilty for dropping him. "the poor thing, i scare him to death and then i drop him..." Draco squealed as he was carefully set on the exam table and snapped at the doctors hand when she reached his sore, broken ribs. nothing that Harry couldn't fix, they where going to hurt like a bitch until they could get home, but he relaxed at the head stroking and the information that he was pretty. hey, if his body hurt he might as well have his ego soothed. he was given a massive painkiller, perfect for a damaged ferret, and before he knew it, he was out cold. he jerked awake, blinking stupidly at the dark, so dark vets office. they had closed while he had been sleeping. he stood up, careful of his bandaged, and oh so very sore ribs, and peeked out, chattering, hoping to hear piper, the latch of his cage swinging open effortlessly, but the drop was way too high for him, way, way to high. how was he going to get down? the cage was too small to change in, the drop too high to fall from, and there was no brooms or ladders to summon to him... this was crap.
Cersei squueked as she tried to get to the talble as they tried to put draco to slep, whining quietly as she realized that she couldn't get down.Relacing as she was drugged to. offering a sleepy squeak when she heard draco squeak to.Moving to the edge of the cage she looke across the way panick showing on her furry face and eyes as she looked at draco,trying to figure out how to get down.Chattering softlyshe reached out a paw for him in that frightened way that said that draco could fix anything.Draco was her hero, always had been. When she couldn't fix things, she always knew draco could. Which had been one of the worst things about him being gone, that he couldn't help her find things, couldn't help her function,, couldn't help her fix the things that needed to be fixed.
Draco chirped at her as she watched him and tried to find a way to get down, scowling a little as he paced back and forth, shattering to himself before he glanced at her and tried to convey to her to not freak out as he gripped the door of his cage and swung outwards, squealing in pain as he slammed against the side of another cage, the bang jarring his poor broken ribs. he carefully moved upwards, climbing up to the top row of cages and stalking from one end to the other, trying to find a way down, chattering and cursing as he finally slid down, so very carefully down a line of pipes, landing on the ground after a full hour and a half of careful, so very careful climbing and a massive amount of pain as he forced himself into human form, gasping hard as he crawled over to her cage, unlocked it and lifted her out, setting her on the ground before moving, slowly, carefully to the door. "your... going to have to... carry me..." Draco wheezed as he looked at her. "do you... remember.. the way... home?" he asked waiting for confirmation as he forced himself back into Ferret form, limp on the floor, simply panting hard, too hurt to manage any more. all she had to do was walk out of the zoo in her Panda form, it wouldn't be hard, there was a fence right behind the Vets office, turn into a human, and walk home. so long as none of the doctors came in, and none of the guards caught them, they would be fine.
Cersei chattered worriedly as she watched him climb and slide, whining softly as she realized he was extremely hurt, nodding that she remembered home, maybe.Maybe she could do this. Looking around she looked worried before she shifted back, rushing to the medical cabinet she could see, searching frantically for what she needed. Filling the small syringe like she'd see the doctor do, she filled it a little, not wanting to overdose him as she walked over and picked him up, drugging him with a pain killer that would also put him to sleep, because she knew it was going to hurt to carry him, opening the door before she changed back,settling him on her back as she snuck around the building, going outside. Looking so happy to realize that the building and zoo where closed,which meant no one was there. Getting outside of the zoo she changed back,shrugging out of her jacket and wrapping the hurt ferret up in it, heading in the direction of home.So upset that while she got home, it was only nearby, only close. After two hours of searching she settled on one of the benches, remembering stupidly she had a cell phone. dialing harry with shaking ingers she tried to calm her sniffling, holding draco wrapped in her jacket close and gently against her chest."Harry!I need help!I got lost. I can't find home."She cried as soon as he picked up, lost not only because she was so upset,but at night the streets and area loked so different from during the day.
he watched her as she filled the needle up, hoping she knew what she was doing with that. not that it was hard to tell which medicine bottle it was, it had painkillers written right on the front.he squeaked a little as she drugged him and he gave her a small ferret smile, thanking her and reassuring her as he closed his eyes and went to sleep, laying still on her back and then still in her arms as she walked around. Harry answered the phone almost frantically, sounding utterly relieved when he heard her voice. "oh Cer thank GOD i was SO worried!" he admitted. "when you never came to get me for dinner i got worried." he always got worried when she let him work uninterrupted through more than two meals. because it usually meant that something was wrong. "where are you!? are you ok!?" he demanded to know, that was Harry, important things first, information about what happened once they where all safe. he appeared suddenly, running down the street and taking her into a careful, gentle hug in case she was hurt and looked around. "where's Draco!?" he blinked as Draco let out a small pained whimper, the drugs already wearing off, Harry carefully unwrapping him from the jacket, his eyes widened. "he's hurt... come on, we need to get to the house." Harry stated carefully, so carefully picking Draco up and cradling him in one arm before taking her hand and leading her home and up the stairs, carefully laying Draco on the couch, stroking his fur. "i can't do anything until he turns back into a human, i can't heal animals..."
"I don't know!I'm near home. I just can't find home."Cersei cried, rubbing er face as she tried to think, smiling happily as she cried when she saw him, wrapping her arms around him as he took drac, holding onto his hand as they walked."We'll just have to wait then.He's starting to wake up."She said sitting on the floor next to the couch, laying her head on the couch as she gently stroked draco's fur, leaning back against harry as she sniffled."We went to the zoo. And... draco took me to see the pandas.We used to love seeing the pandas."She muttered crying because she'd been so scared, and even though she was home she was on that verge of hysteria that usually left her catatonic for days, a result of losing draco. Well,she'd always had panic attacks, draco's 'death' had just intensitied her reactions."We started running around..."She blushed a little looking up at him."you know, as a ferret and panda....and they thought we escaped from the zoo.So they caught us and put us in cages.But he figured out how to get out, then I couldn't even figure out how to get ome on my own...I failed him,He needed me to help,and I couldn't do it."She muttered rubbing her face.
Harry smiled as he held her, kissing her gently. "he's a strong little rodent, he'll be fine." he promised smiling at her as he listened to her explain, smiling at her. "shhh love shhh." he ordered pulling her into a tight hug and rocking her back and forth. "shhh, you didn't fail him. look, he's here, right here. you carried him out of the Zoo, and you found a way to call me even though you where panicking. this is an area your not used to, of course you'd get lost... you used to get lost in Hogwarts for crying out loud." he teased smiling at her. "you brought Dray home safe and sound, that's a win, that's a success, never a failure." he promised smiling at her as he gently nuzzled her. "do you need a calming drought my dear? i'm sure Draco has some around here..." he admitted, pausing as Draco whimpered, tiny little ferret eyes opening, and then wincing as he changed back into human form, gasping a little. "broken... ribs..." he groaned swallowing thickly before smiling at Cersei. "thank...you..." "stop trying to talk... i think you punctured a lung." Harry admitted. "you can thank Cersei for saving your ass after i've finished healing you."
Cersei giggled a little as she kissed him back, giggling through her tears as she rubbed her cheek against harry's shoulder."He is strong.And a ferret not a rat!"She smiled poking harry in the side as she nuzzled him,struggling to be calm, letting harry sooth her even if she was freaking out still."I did get lost in hogwarts.But so did you."She said giggling, laughing softly as she nodded,swallowing hard."Heal him first. Then find me a potion."She said, swallowing hard as she stroked draco's hair as he laid down on the couch, resting her forehead against his, because it was the only thing keeping her from freaking out."See?You never did know when to shut up, draco."She said a little giggly in her panic, struggling to be calm because she didn't want to make him feel even worse about leaving her.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "i said rodent, rodents are rats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, ferrets, rabbits, things like that." Harry pointed out smirking at her before shaking his head. "only through first year!" he complained pouting at her before smiling a little as Draco smiled weakly, gently taking her hand in his, kissing her fingertips as he had once one anytime she started panicking about anything. even a 'bad' grade while in school. he smiled as Harry gently set his hands on Draco's ribs, hissing as the bones shifted and set, Draco's lungs healing, allowing him to take a full breath, the blond panting softly. "thanks Harry." he muttered smiling at the brunette before kissing Cersei's fingertips again. "my hero." he purred happily as Harry chuckled and shook his head. "go to sleep Draco, Cersei won't leave." he promised, helping the girl sit down so Draco could use her lap as a pillow. "love you." Draco mumbled as he drifted off, Harry smiling as he fixed Cer a cup of hot tea and got a calming drought. "drink them both Cer." Harry ordered firmly.
"And a few times after that."Cersei said teasing harry as he pouted, looking amused, a she rested her fingers against draco's lips, the action doing more to relax her then anything else.Closing her eyes she let out a relieved breath when draco was healed, smiling as she stroked draco's hair as he slept in her lap."I'm going to."She teased taking the potin and tea, sipping them both, tugging him down to sit next to her. Shifting to use him as a pillow to,laying sideways across him, using his chest as a pillow, as she relaxed enough to sleep. In the morning cersei whined, squrming a little against harry as she started waking, er fingers tangled in draco's hair as she yawned,frowning at the ceiling as she woke."Time to get up. Draco. You have to get to work."She yawned nudging the blond, looking worried for him to because it worried her to know he'd been hurt the day before.
Harry sulked but smiled as she relaxed, chuckling a little as she took the tea and drank them obediently. Harry knew very well if he hadn't told her to she would have ignored them both. he smiled as he settled onto the couch, enjoying being employed as a pillow as he slept, groaning in the morning as she started squirming, Draco groaning. "it's Sunday." he whined unhappily. "no work today... go back to sleep..." he complained sighing a little as he snuggled into her Harry groaning as well. "agreed... Sunday... no work..." he mumbled sluggishly as he tried desperately not to wake up, yawning loudly as his stomach growled. "i second that motion... potter make breakfast." Draco ordered, Harry huffing a little. "why do i have to!?" "cus your belly started it." "... but i can't cook..." he whined pathetically Draco whining but sitting up and staggering to the kitchen to make some oatmeal, Harry chuckling a little.
Cersei snickered as she shifted slipping to sit in harry's lap, straddling his waist as she curled her body against his, nuzzling his neck."Hmm him cooking means we can have some alone time. See, its a good thing you cant cook."She teased kissing him slowly, looking amused because it was usually her job to take care of harry, and she was wondering what draco would do if he found them making out on the couch.She needed to know just how much their tolerance of their three way relationship was, needing to know what was okay and what wasn't."Good morning."She purred rocking her hips int his a little as she kissed him slowly.
Harry grinned a little as he was suddenly straddled, sighing happily as he smirked at her, kissing her back, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and kissing her back with a sound of pleasure. "mmm it certainly is a good morning." Harry purred grinning at her. "you have no idea how long i've wanted to wake up with a kiss from you." he purred softly kissing her again, rocking his morning wood into her back, blinking as Draco came back in with three bowls of oatmeal, the blond looking a little annoyed. "oh i see how it is. i leave tyo make YOU breakfast and you can't even wait for me." he complained, using his best 'i'm a diva voice' to show he was kissing, Harry laughing as he shook his head. "shot up Ferret and feed me." Harry demanded, Draco snorting. "didn't you end up with a face full of oatmeal the last time you said that to me?" Harry paused, considering that. "... you'd get oatmeal all over your nice clean bed but just in case. feed me please." Draco snorted bit crawled into bed giving Cersei a slow morning kiss before giving Harry one, Harry yelping as Draco pinched his nipple. punishing him.
"I-I didn't know."Cersei said blushing as she squirmed in his lap, sighing softly as she pressed against harry, resting her head on harry's shoulder as draco walked in, relaxing even more when draco didn't throw a fit.Smiling as she closed her eyes, shifting to look at draco."besides, you would get me covered in atmeal, then what'd you do?"She muttered wrapping her hands in draco's hair kissing him,pouting a little when he pulled away. Whining as she shifted squirming as she started to eat."So.Ferret, how do you feel today?"She asked gently stroking his blond hair out of his face, looking worried about despite knowing that he was healed.
Harry chuckled a little and smirked as he shook his head. "of course you never knew, i felt bad enough loving you, i wasn't about to let you cheat on Dray.' he teased smiling as he stroked her hair, smirking as Draco walked in, the blond smirking wickedly. "if i got oatmeal on you Cer, i'd just lick it off." he teased wiggling his tongue at her. "i'm feeling alright." he admitted smiling a little. "i'm a little sore yet but that's just because of strained muscles from the healing." he admitted smiling at her as he kissed her gently again, Harry scarfing down his oatmeal. "so i have the first new book done." Harry admitted smirking a little. "aren't you pleased?" he teased smirking a little. "you can't read it yet."
Cersei smiled as she laid back on the bed, nibbling on her food even as she shifted, resting her head on draco's chest, "Hmmm you just want to lick me."She teased shifting, running her tongue over his bare chest, snickering as she rested her head on draco's shoulder, smiling slightly."I am pleased,but why can't I read it?You hid things from me, I should be able to read it."She said pouting about it as she ran her fingers through harry's hair, pouting because she wanted to read the book and she never got to."You're dating me!you should let me read."She pouted leaning over to kiss harry slowly
he snickered a little and nodded, moaning as he was licked and teased, biting her lips a little as he smiled. "i do want to lick you, i want to lick you aaaalll over." he growled with a chuckle as Harry snickered. "you can't read it. not yet." he teased smirking a little as he purred at the hair touch. Harry's head was very sensitive. "maybe next week." of course that's when the deadline was, sometimes Harry was such a dick. "i hold no such powers over you, just because we're dating, bah." he complained smirking as Draco rolled his eyes and finished his breakfast, banishing it tot he kitchen sink. "you know Cer, we could always tease it out of him." Draco commented licking his fingers, looking sly and mischievous. "i bet if we tease him enough, he'll give us whatever we want." he murmured happily Harry shuddering a little. the idea a pleasing one, not that he would ever admit that out loud. "i will never let you read it, never!" Harry complained trying to slither down the be to safety, Draco snickering as he caught harry in a behind bear hug, nuzzling his neck. "now Harry... you don't want us to torture you for the information do you?"
Cersei smirked a little, "Next week is when its due!"She howled in protest laughing as she shifted to snuggle against draco smirking as she pouted."We could tease it out of him."She said smirking, knowing something that would bother harry more then anything else. Smirking as she shifted, nuzzling harry as she wrapped her hands in draco's, pulling him away."Hmmm we'll tease him."She said casting silently, smirking a little when handcuffs appeared and tied harry to the bed, drawing draco into a kiss."You know what bothers harry more then anything else?"She asked nuzzling the blond."Watching and not being allowed to touch."She said settling in the man's lap, smirking a little as he kissed the other slowly.
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