Fake Illusions

cersei smirked a little, leaning across draco's body to kiss harry even as she stroked draco's cock."Oh, you think you can punish me?"She asked raising a eyebrow nuzzling harry as he pounded into draco,looking down with a amused smile at draco."Hmm mhe is adorable."He teased leaning down to kiss draco."Hmm your getting punished lovely."
Harry smirked as he kissed her, thrusting slowly in Draco who maned and groaned, shuddering as Cersei stroked him. "oh... oh M..Merlin... Cer your, ah... supposed to help.. ME, not... nnng Harry..." he groaned as Harry snickered. "of course i can punish you my Lady Lover." Harry teased kissing her nose. "but maybe i'll wait." he teased winking at her. "since you are helping me." he decided laughing as Draco kissed her desperately. "i... nnng realize this.." Draco moaned. "he... won't... hit my... prostate!" Draco whined, Harry snickering wickedly. "feels good... so good... i need more...please.. Harry i need more!" "mmm i want to see you cry with need first, you cry so pretty." Harry teased with a small snicker.
Cersei smiled a little as she leaned down, rubbing her nose against draco's cheek in a butterfly kiss as she stroked her hand over his cock she smirked."Oh he does cry prettily doesn't he?Maybe this will make him cry..."She muttered moving to her knees, leaning over draco, almost touching as she kissed her way down his body, purposefully avoiding going to where he would want her.
Draco whimpered as he realized they where ganging up on him, jsut as he and she had ganged up on Harry, so unfair! he mewled as her hand stroked his cock again and he bucked, shuddering eagerly with loud eager cries of delight as she kissed along his body, Harry thrusting faster, still missing that spot and now Draco sobbed. "please! please i NEED!" he pleaded, tears slowly starting to trick down his face just from need. "pleeease please, please, please, please!!!" "aaaw he's crying." Harry purred happily. "what do you think Love? shall we give him release?"
Cersei grinned raising her head, smiling gently as she looked at draco, leaning down, trailing her lips through the tears, gently kissing them away before leaning across to kiss harry."Yes."She muttered kissing him hard before leaning back down,swallowing draco whole, taking her time sucking him off. It was so great, to have draco back, to be able to drive him so insane.
Draco moaned and groaned as he was teased and tormented, pleads fell constantly from his mouth, broken only by sobs as he shuddered and struggled, squealing gleefully as Cersei swallowed him whole, Harry grunting as he came deep inside of Draco and started pounding against his prostate, the blond screaming as he arched, cumming hard and without warning, flooding Cersei's mouth because he didn't have the time or the sense to warn her. "ah!! aaah ye...yessss." Draco moaned. "thank you... oooh thank you... thank you.. nnng..."
Cersei choked as she raised off his cock, choking as she struggled to swallow. While she usually swallowed when she gave blow jobs, she did like some warning.Sighing softly as she wiped her mouth she leaned down to kiss him gently before kissing harry, yawning sleepily now that things were dne, she wanted to sleep and make up for waking up and screaming bloody murder."Your welcome...come on you two, time to sleep."She muttered yawning again.
Draco was panting hard, hanging limply in Harry's arms, too tired to even move as Harry very gently removed himself from Draco and picked the blond up, who mumbled that they where sadistic bastards and aught to rot in the recesses of hell... not that the blond meant it he was just pissed they'd ganged up on him. Harry silenced him with a kiss and then turned and kissed Cersei happily before following her to bed, snickering a little. "poor Draco... we WHERE kind of cruel to him." Harry admitted as he laid the sleeping Draco on the bed next to Cer, so they could both cuddle her. "goodnight Cer... we love you."
'we were cruel,but he deserved it."Cersei snickered curling up in bed content with them as she nuzzled against them.In the morning cersei yawned, stretching, frowning at the cieling as she realized just how late it was. Shoving at draco's shoulder she swallowed hard,"Draco!get up!you're late for work."She said sounding anxious about him missing out on the money he needed.She hated not being able to help out more with the bills, so itd always made her anxious to help him get to things on time.
Draco groaned as he was shaken awake, blinking sluggishly as he looked at the clock and cursed, rushing out of bed, using Magic to clean himself and make himself look presentable as he yanked on his clothes, offering her, and then Harry a kiss before he vanished down the stairs to the Barber shop where his customers where waiting, some amused, others not so much as Draco apologized profusely for sleeping in, glaring at Tommy who was giggling as he trimmed a little girls hair. Harry just chuckled a little as he shook his head and got up at a much slower pace, giving her a lingering kiss. "mmm i'm thinking of working on the next book this morning." he admitted handing her something. "i beleive i promised you this." he muttered kissing her again. "love you." he purred, smiling at her as he wandered off, leaving her with the newest book, and it had Draco in it. both men fought over the female vampires affections, and she dangled her heart on a string for them to fight over. in the end chapters of the book, both men nearly died, and she realized she honestly loved them both, and the book ended with both men on life support, and the would be murderer slaughtered by her hands. it was exciting and exhilarating, Harry's best book yet.
Cersei was fascinated as she read eventually wandering downstairs with the book in hand, intending on gathering draco for lunch. Walking and reading as she walked, jumping a little when she walked into someone, paling a little as she looked up at the bitch queen, her heart pained when she saw draco's least favorite customer."S-sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going."She said looking worried before starting to walk around the woman, intending on asking draco to go out to lunch with her.
the woman stared down at her, her eyes as icy cold as Lucius's himself and she offered Cer a vicious sneer. "watch where you are going you little Harlot." she ordered her voice just as icy cold as the rest of her was, her eyes narrowed viciously. "you do not belong here with Him." she spat, Draco moving over with a bright, forced grin on his lips. "ah, welcome back. i wasn't expecting you for another week..." he stated shaking her hand and letting her kiss his cheek with a hidden Grimace. "ah yes yes i am not here for a hair doing." she admitted handing him something. "i want to invite you to a party!" "... thank you but, like always... i don't... party." Draco stated with a bare wrinkle of his nose. "please, let me walk you to the door." he suggested as the woman began to pout and moan that he was being terribly unfair. it took him almost a half an hour to get rid of her and once he did he shuddered, hiding his eyes for a moment so he could gather his strength back. that woman reminded him entirely too much of his Father.
"I beong where ever he wants me."Cersei spat back, glaring just as cold at the woman. Even if she wasn't as good or as unfeeling as lucius, when angered she did resmbled the blond in the vicious temper tantrum. Frowning at the invite to the party she tilted her head a little, frowning slightly."Draco?"She muttered as se approached slowly, having learned early that after dealing with his father, he tended to lash out at whoever was trying to help him. And the woman was entirely to much like lucius for cersei to just approach him without getting reassurance he knew who was approching him.
the woman offered Cer another sneer before leaving in a huff, Draco tensing as he heard his name, his magic flaring a little, warning Cersei off for a moment before he relaxed with a small, emotion filled sigh and he looked up at her, smiling softly. "sorry... sorry..." he muttered softly. "i'm alright i think..." Angel was hovering further away, he'd felt the attack Draco could give when he was like that, and he didn't want to feel it again. "why don't you go back up and relax Richard?" Angel asked from a distance. "i'll cover the shop." he promised smiling at Draco who smiled at Angel and nodded. "thanks Angel." he muttered patting the man on the shoulder as he gently kissed Cersei, to ease the sting of him trying to chase her away from him. "sorry love... for a second there i thought you where my mother." he admitted, explaining why he had nearly attacked her.
Cersei tensed a little looking worried, swallowing hard before relaxing a little. Not wanting to get closer, but sighing softly as she kissed him back.Snickering a little as she nuzzled him, sighing ever so softly."I'm not tall nor arrogant enough to be your mother."She muttered teasing him even as she nuzzled her face against his shoulder, tugging him towards hte stairs."Come on. You heard the man. We'll change clothes, then go for a walk. You'll feel better."She said nowing the man usually did take walks when he was stressed, same as she did.
Draco smiled at her and shook his head. "no it wasn't that." he promised kissing her forehead. "i was just caught up in a memory." he promised softly. "you could never be anything like that bitch." she admitted calmly smiling at her as he kissed her gently before nodding. "Harry's writing again is he?" he asked smiling a little his head tilted at her. "should we take him out for a walk too? he could probobly use one." he admitted shaking his head a little as he headed upstairs with her and changed out of his half dress clothes and into blue jeans and a button up shirt, because T-shirts just aggravated him. he always had to look classy, it was just who he was.
"He is.But he'll yell at me if I interrupted when he was writing and it didn't involve food or sex."she said snickering a little as she changed her own clothes, coming back down in the form fitting jeans and one of his old hoodies, the one she never traveled without. The soft green material so worn out at the cuffs that they had holes in them. But, she wanted her shirt, and hadn't thought about him not knowing just how ocd she'd been while he was gone, having kept everything of his, wearing it until it was more rags then clothes."ready?"She said grinning as they headed back downstairs to leave.
he chuckled a little. "yeah that's true." he agreed shaking his head. "Harry is so obsessive." he complained rolling his eyes, looking startled at the green slytherin Hoody, smiling a little. "i remember that, it was the first thing i ever gave you." he admitted softly. they'd gone for a walk, him and his crew and found her out at the lake, shivering because she'd forgotten her own sweater, but she didn't want to go back in because the other girls had been teasing her. he'd given her the sweater, and had stopped the teasing right then and there by giving all of the girls a detention with McGonagall. that old crow had been so shocked he'd punished his own house before she realized why, a grl of course. he snickered a little, remembering that. "i thought Pansy had swallowed a fish." he admitted snickering again as he held her hand as they headed outside, taking a deep breath of the cool air. feeling better already.
"it was."Cersei said smiling a little, blushing a little at the idea, looking amused as they headed outside. Blushing at the memory of how she'd ended up with it, slipping her hand into his as they walked,"I think mcgonagal was ready to die of shock when she realized not only did you give your own house detention,but because of a gryffindor girl. I know harry died laughing to hear about it."She muttered blushing even after so long, shifting, cuddling into draco's side wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed into the park
he snickered a little and shook his head. "Harry just about came down himself to kick my ass." he admitted smirking a little. "he thought i was up to something." he admitted with a small chuckle. "no one seamed to take me seriously until i kicked Zabini's ass for trying to grab you." actually he'd tried to drunkenly rape her, but Draco had been doing rounds and had cursed him so badly that for a few days the teachers had considered expelling him. in the end Harry had convinced them to let Draco stay. after that no one touched, looked at, or thought about Cersei in a bad or lustful manner again. he smiled as he kissed her forehead, pausing to sit down on a bench in front of the peaceful lake, smiling a little. "i used to come here all the time... it made me think about Hogwarts and how safe it was." he admitted looking at the Lake. "makes me remember the first date we had... that picnic out on the lake remember?" he asked grinning a little. "it rained and you started screaming because t ruined those wonderful sandwiches you made. you where so furious." he admitted with a wide grin. "i honestly thought you where going to try and hex the gods you where screaming at."
"you were up to something remember? Trying to get into my pants. Or at least a date."she teased paling a little as she thought about zabini, sitting down next to him, legs curled up under her indian style as she watched the lake."I still go to hogwars...to think about you. Because..."she trailed off shrugging. Because itd been the only place lucius hadnt made into a living hell for the two. Laughing at the reminder of their first date she snickered."i would have settled for hexing you and your stupid luck"she said looking amused, tilting her head a little."it turned out okay though. Well, at least you seemed to enjoy drying me off after."she teased because draco, being draco, had forgotten about magic and rushed her back inside, towel drying his soaking girl before remembering that he could have used a drying spell.
he laughed a little and nodded. "that is all too true." he admitted with a small snicker as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, letting her snuggle into him, kissing her forehead gently. "because it's the only place that Lucius couldn't ruin." he agreed smiling a little as he laughed. "i dd bring a lot of bad luck, remember the time you me and Harry went for a flight and i broke my arm in three places?" Harry and Draco had been trying to upstage each other and Draco had fallen off. "and i DID enjoy drying you off... up until i remembered i was supposed to be a pureblood and supposed to use magic." he admitted chuckling a little. "remember when Harry started choking on that sausage when i left the Slytherin table and sat next to you?" he asked smirking a little. it had taken both Ron and Hermione to get Harry to cough up that Sausage while Draco laughed at him, only stopping because Cer had glared at him. after that it was common to see Draco join Cer at the Griffindor table, much to Snape, and Lucius's utter Fury.
Cersei smiled resting her head on his shoulder, nodding a little. Because it was true, lucius couldn't ruin hogwarts for her. He just couldn't. Giggling a little as she nodded, "Taht wasn't my fault!You idiots kept trying to outfly each other."she said sulking because it'd upset her so much to see them both hurt. "Hey, I preferred the hands on toweling."She teased nuzzling him before starting to laugh."I thought he was going to die when you did."She said snickering because she remembered ron's look when draco had taken to sitting with her, which concidently put him next to the red head."Your father was furious. Remember that howler?"She muttered, though it wasn't actually a howler, it was more of a strongly worded letter abusing him for his choice, which would have been better if it'd been a howler then a letter cersei had to have eventually hide from draco so he'd stop reading it.
he snickered a little and shook his head as he smirked at her. "well, at least Harry only broke his leg!" Harry had tried to catch Draco mid fall and had slammed into the ground. Harry's leg had been healed in an instant, but Draco's arm had to be bandaged for three days, and he'd had to miss a quidditch game because of it, Draco had sulked for WEEKS. he snickered a little and shook his head. "the color Ronald turned was VERY worth it." he admitted snickering before his grin faltered at the Howler. it was the first disappointment he had ever gotten from his father. the letter had, in so many words, said he was neither a proper slytherin, man, or Malfoy and that Lucius would disinherit his son if he continued. Draco had fretted over the letter for almost a month until Cer took the letter away and Harry promised to take care of Draco if his father did disown him. he chuckled then. "i thought i was going to piss myself when Harry promised i could go and live with him if my father did disinherit me." he admitted snickering a little. "it was shocking to say the least! i hadn't even realized he was as rich as my father was! he always dressed in those nasty clothes..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i suppose he's got even more money from his books now doesn't he?" he asked with a small grin.
"And he didn't sulk that oyu missed the first slytherin-gryffindor match of the year."She said rolling her eyes a little before snickering calming as she leaned into him, closing her eyes as she thought."He is. And he only dressed like that cause it was easier then keeping the fact he had money away from his family."She said before sighing softly, grinning."He is even more now. Granted, he still dressed like a street urchin,but he makes sure the only clothes I have with holes in them are yours."she said before she'd realized what she said, blushing hard as she hid her face against his chest. It was always embarassing to her to admit to just how much draco had managed to affect her, managed to keep her from functioning without some reassurance that he'd existed in her life.
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