Fake Illusions

"He'd make a very good woman."Cersei teased snickering as harry got elbows, shivering as draco nuzzled her. "Oh, we're a proper couple now?Since when have we ever done anything proper?"She said laughing as she got washed off, taking her time cleaning them all up before washing the soap off, heading and turning off the shower."Come on.Time to get ready for our date."She said knowing that a date would distract draco even further from the incident that had ruined his day.
Draco offered her a pouty glare for her comment but rinsed off when Harry laughed and shook his head. "technically we're not a couple." he teased smirking a little. "a couple means two people... we'd be a..." he paused, blinking then. "a trio? a... a threesome?" Harry blinked again then. "i don't know what the word would be...." he admitted Draco snorting a little as he stepped out of the shower, using magic to dry and style his hair, letting it grow out to his shoulders. "there, happy!?" he demanded smirking at them all as Harry tangled his finger into Draco's hair, gripping close to the scalp and yanking his head back and kissing him furiously. "yes, happy." Harry growled playfully as Draco blinked, a little stunned as Harry released him and started getting dressed. "you messed up my hair!" Draco finally complained, using magic to straighten it.
Cersei smiled a little as she looked at drao's hair, running her ingers in the soft length."A menge de trois."She teased a little nuzzling draco as he complained, laughing as she headed to the bathroom to get dressed. The soft purple dress hugging a body a touh to thin, but not as sickly as she'd been even a month before. Even before she'd known draco was alive, she'd been gaining pieces of herself back but now that she was with him again...she was becoming even more herself, regaining the weight and sanity that she'd lost."So, where are we going to eat?"

Draco smiled as she ran her hands through his length and he gave her a small kiss. "yes, a Menage De Trois." he agreed Harry scowling. "no fair! i don't speak Spanish..." "that was French you idiot." "i don't speak that either!" Harry whined sulking as Draco laughed and got dressed in a suit, same as he always did, Harry dressing in a pair of black slacks and a button up shirt, the fabric a nice blue green that made his eyes shine perfectly. "there's a nice Five Star restaurant down the road." Harry suggested. "they have a classical pianist there." he admitted smiling a little. that was one of the things all three of them shared, they loved classical piano and fancy food. "i haven't had five star food in a long time." Draco admitted wistfully. "i would love to go to a five tar restaurant."
Cersei perked up at that, grinning."Really?"She said sounding excited before grinning, slipping a arm through draco's, tilting her head a little."And how did you know this?You don't live here normally potter."Seh teased trying to figure out if he'd been really writing or looking for places to take them. Smiling as they headed down the street to the resturant.
Harry smiled a little. "i used the internet to look up something nice." he admitted with a small laugh. "i knew Draco was going to want to go out at some point so i looked up some places." he admitted straightening himself out, grinning at her. "i'm halfway done with the next book before you start looking at me all accusatory." he complained rolling his eyes a little. he chuckled a little and led the way to the five star restaurant, flashing his name an his bright smile the muggle waiter was all a twitter to have the world famous author at his establishment. they got one of the best private tables, and they where waited on with proper flair, something Draco greatly missed.
“I would never accuse you of neglecing work in favor of goofing off.I know better.”She said snickering a little smirking slightly because she knew harry did sometimes, usually when she needed him to, so she cou;dn’t complain to much. Snikering at the woman’s fluttering, rolling her eyes as she settled in her seat.”I feel so underloved. I don’t get that kind of reactions from women because of my name.”She said pouting as she looked over the menu, smirking a little at draco, amused that he looked so pleased to be among the elite again.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head. "i can't help being OCD! You and Dray are too!" he whined pouting at them playfully, grinning a little as he ignored the waitress, smirking at Cer. "you wouldn't want that kind of reaction." he teased lounging back in the nice circle booth. Cer in the middle and the boys on either side. "not from Women anyway." he teased snickering as Draco chuckled, looking over the Menu. "order for me Draco, i can't read french." Harry stated simply. Draco knew Harry well enough to know what the man would and wouldn't like. "shall we order some wine?" Draco mused, well aware Harry was going to be paying for all of this, his own store did well, but not well enough for a place like this... Cer might make a good amount of money being that she got a portion of all of Harry's earnings, but Harry always insisted on paying so Harry paid. "i think so, yes." Harry agreed smiling as he examined the wine selection, scowling a little. "... Cer... you and Draco decide i still can't read this." Draco laughed and glanced at Cer. "i think a nice dry white wine?" he mused blinking at her. "it will go with everything we decide to order."
“We are not. Not nearly as bad as you. wellexcept about germs.”She said snickering, tickling draco a little before shrugging.”It wouldn’t be so ad. You could have your fantasy played out after all.”She teased as draco ordered harry some food, because she remembered the time harry had drunkenly told her he sometimes wished shed kiss hermione, just to see the prettiest two girls he knew kissing. Nodding at the choice of wine she ordered her duck and lasgana looking over at draco.”Get a little bit of everything. We’ll eat off each others plates.”
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "Draco is more OCD about his appearance than i am about my writing." he pointed out, watching Draco pluck a thread out of his shirt, a thread only he would ever, ever notice. "and your obsessive about Draco." Harry teased smirking a little. "we're all OCD." he stated Draco chuckling. "i think he might be right." the blond admitted as the Waitress came back, and he spoke to her in fluent, perfect French, the woman responding, looking delighted as she took their orders. Draco ordering a very expensive Manicotti stuffed with lobster meat and laid with shrimp with a side of frogs legs, ordering Harry Pheasant under glass with a side of Escargot and some Caviar. Harry was blushing hard as Cer reminded him of his fantasy and hid his face in the Menu as the Waiter grinned, amused as Draco ordered a white wine, Draco smirking a little. "Harry, you need to give the Waiter your menu." "no...i'm hiding..." Harry complained, but handed the Waiter the Menu with a sulky 'thank you' the Waiter chuckling as he left to get their orders in.
“I am not obessessive about draco.”She said sulking a little before smiling, snickering as she sipped her wine.”why are you hiding?”Cersei teased resting her cheek agianst draco’s shoulder as she studied her other boyfriend, for once looking at peace with everything and everyone.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "you so are, and i'm hiding because my face is as red as a beat thanks to you, i'd forgotten about that." he admitted Draco snickering a little. "god Harry are you really that much of a pervert?" "yes, yes i am... you do realize i was sleeping my way through ravenclaw when you two started dating? of course i was a pervert." "was?" "yes yes fine, i AM a pervert." he complained Draco snickering as Harry smirked. "at least i'm not crawling under the table to give Cer some Oral." Draco sputtered, horrified by the very thought and Harry laughed. "would you be so horrified if i offered YOU a blowjob?" Draco looked even MORE horrified by that and he went bright red in horror. "Harry Stop IT! we are in a five star restaurant!" Draco hissed, annoyed by Harry's behavior in such a classy place, Harry snorting, amused.
“Hey we weren’t exclusive.We could have slept around to. Just because we’re better behaved doesn’t mean we’re not perverts.”She said laughing softly grinning as draco went red.”I think he would like it. It should be a blow job worth five stars.”She mused as she sipped her wine, raising a eyebrow at her blond boyfriend.
Harry snickered a little and shook his head a little. "Draco is a private pervert." Harry teased smirking a little as the blond shook his head. "Harry, would you behave!?" he demanded, scowling at the brunette. "god, it's like eating with a child." "i am a child." Harry stated with a bright grin. "but i'll behave a little more to protect your delicate sensibilities." he promised with a small snicker as he sipped his own wine, savoring the taste. "this is very good wine, what year?" "nineteen fifty." Draco stated glancing at the Bottle. "very good year."
Cersei snickered sipping her wine, curling up between teh two of them as she started to eat her food when the waitress brought it back, flushing a litlte as the girl flirted with her boys, frowning as she looked around. Nudging harry a little so he could see the woman across the resturant, hoping that draco would not see allison, because that would just ruin a day she had already ruined once.
Harry chuckled as he flirted shamelessly with the Waitress, but made sure not to make any motions towards actually being interested in taking the woman home. which was a first, normally Harry would bed anything that moved if it looked at him with interest but even when he flirted his attention was on Cer. he paused when he noticed Allison however, the woman not noticing him yet, not noticing them as she bitched at a Waiter for not having the best Table, the table that Harry and Draco had. "oh shit..." Harry muttered as Draco's eyes widened when he saw the woman and tensed violently against Cer. "...shit..." Draco muttered as Allison looked over at them and gasped, shocked, a moment of utter fury crossing her face before it dissolved into an almost smile. "Draco, Darling! how wonderful to see you again!" she glared at Cer and looked confused at Harry, Draco grimacing a little but. "Miss Allison, i would like you to meet Harry Potter and Cersei (i forgot her last name) My Lovers." he explained, Allison's eye twitching a little.

"Draco you CANNOT be serious!" Allison protested, Draco smiling a little as he shook his head. "Cersei and Harry have held my heart for years... but due to some... complications we couldn't be together." he admitted, hoping to be rid of her sooner, the Woman sniffing in fury. "how can you be in love with a Harlot!?" she demanded, Harry's fist hitting the Table as he stood up, towering over Allison. "don't you EVER talk about Cersei like that again you bitch!" Allison gasped in horror at Harry's words, outraged and horrified. "Cersei is more of a woman than you will EVER be and Draco will never love an ice cold heartless monster like you. now why don't you find another establishment to eat at before i have the fine young Managers here have you thrown out!?" "you can do no such thing you little peasant!" "i am Harry James Potter!" Harry growled Darkly. "i have more status in the entire WORLD than you have in this filthy city." Harry growled making Allison hesitate, looking uncertain. "Waiter!" Harry stated loudly, a waiter appearing instantly. "my evening is being ruined by this annoying fan who just WONT leave us alone! would you have her escorted out?" the waiter hesitated and then bowed to Harry.

"of course Sir, Miss Delruth i'm sorry but i must ask you to leave." Allison gaped at the waiter, astonished as she was practically forced out the door, Harry looking smug. "...my GOD that was fun! no WONDER you Malfoys have such fat heads." Draco was pale, but he was snickering a little as he shook his head. "i am going to regret this... she's going to ruin me..." "she's worthless." Harry stated with a small grin. "i'm Harry Potter! i'm James Evans! the world famous Author!" he admitted with a smirk. "people will DIE to get their hair cut by you." he admitted smirking a little as he kissed Draco over the table gently. "now just relax while we wait for our food, have some more wine."
Cersei swallowed hard when she realized draco’d noticed llison. Nuzzling draco a little she slid her hand into his hand, holding tightly looking up at allison, but letting harry talk to her because it was easier. Cersei cringed, eyes widening, tears brimming on the edge of her eyelashses.Lucius malfoy had managed to not harm her physically, but the eldest malfoy had managed to damage her self image, crippled her sense of self. And in doing so, convinced her that she wasn’t worthy of draco, or that she wasn’t a whore. Something that not even draco or harry had realized had happened, and she had no plans on telling either of them.

Cersei giggled a little,pressing her cheek against draco’s shoulder.”He does have a fat head doesnt he?”She said snickering before sighing.”And they’ll want to get their hair cut where harry’s getting his hair cut. You’ll be fine.”She said sipping her wine.
Harry glared as he watched Allison be forced out of the establishment, smirking a little as he glanced at Cer, Draco gently, carefully kissing each corner of her eye, kissing away the tears before Harry noticed. "he does have a fat head, and i don't think i want him cutting my hair he'll do weird things to it, he'll make it funny colors or something." he complained wrinkling his nose as Draco laughed. "i would never! not even on that rat nest you call a head." he stated smugly as Harry sulked. "i LIKE My Hair!" "i bet you' like it even more when under control." Harry paused, blinking at Draco. "... you honestly think you can tame this? i've had people who only do hair for MOVIE STARS do my hair and give up!" Draco smirked as he shook his head. "they have never cut a child's hair, trust me, i can make that spiky mop controllable." "fifteen Galleons says you cant." Draco looked smug as he shook Harry's hand. "deal." they where such children. they where silenced by the arrival of their dinners, and Harry took the time to table a frogs leg, having never had one before. "mm, not bad, i thought it would be more slimy." he admitted grinning a little. "tastes like chicken."
Cersei sighed softly as draco kissed the tears away leaning into him for a moment before snickering.”You two are such children.”She muttered rolling her eyes amused as she started to eat before sighing sofly.”So, does this mean I’m on my own when we get ome, while you do harry’s hair?”She teased a little looking over at them, letting the confrontation with allison go for the moment, focusing on enjoying the dinner, even if she knew draco’d be asking after it later. Draco could be like a dog with a bone sometimes, when he sensed something had upset her that he didn’t know why.
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