Fake Illusions

Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "not NEARLY as much as I did!" he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head a little. "i mean for Merlin's sake it's one thing to lose, it's one thing to loose because the only player who could PLAY Broke his arm!" he complained, slumping, still sulking about it. he shook his head a little. "i still can't beleive he was more abused than i was." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "mother and father where distant, and i was an emotionless whelp because of it... but they never struck me." it had been very hard to hide bruises from the very observant Cer, Ron and Hermione never bothered asking, they'd always known he had bruises, they'd assumed it was from rough play at home or muggle sports, but Cer had realized, very quickly, that Harry's uncle was striking him. an they weren't soft blows either. he smirked at the woman, pressing his nose to her neck before suddenly lifting up his pants leg, showing her a glittering Anklet, the first one she'd ever given him. it was still golden and shining with the little silver hearts dangling off of it. "i never take it off." he admitted smiling a little. "not even in the bath..." he admitted sighing a little. "it was the only thing i could take with me." he admitted shaking his head. "Father burned everything else..." he admitted. "but i was wearing it when he burned all of the things i got from you, and he didn't know about it... i left that night..." he shook his head. "and i never took it off after that..." he admitted smiling at him.
Cersei giggled a little,"Slytherin just didn't breed good quidditch players."She said snickering because it was so amusing he was still sulking about it."You weren't that emotionless. You chased after me like a dog panting after a bitch."She teased snickering a little as she shuddered as he nuzzled against her, closing her eyes with a sigh. Leaning down to look at the anklet, blushing as she realized what it ws. "...its so girly..."She muttered a little embarassed her teenaged self had bought it for him, snickering a little as she lked over at him,looking sad that his father was just a bastard."I'm sorry draco."She muttered nuzzling him a little."I still have clothes of yours."She muttered snickering because it was true, she had everything he'd left at her house. "Your father tried to force me to give him your things....harry kicked his ass and made him go away. I think.I actually don't remember talking to him, I just remember him being there."she said having been so catatonic that reality and days had blurred together for her, leaving er unable to remember certain things.
Draco shook his head. "i was so emotionally stunted that until you came along i only knew rage, annoyance and pain." he admitted simply as he sighed a little. "i chased after you at first, because you where pretty, and i wanted you." he admitted, though he had admitted this before on multiple occasions. "but... then i looked around and i couldn't stand the thought of not sitting next to you in class, even if you where sitting by other girls... i was lonely in my common room and breakfast was an ordeal of patience to wait for you to walk through the door." he snorted. "i didn't even realize i was in love until you confessed your love to me." he admitted looking down at her. "and then part of me kept waiting for you to smack me around like mother and father did." he admitted looking amused. "can you imagine?" he asked with a playful grin before kissing her forehead. "you don't need to be sorry love, it was my father who was the bastard not you." he admitted softly. "he made my life hell from Day one, said i was too pretty. said he was going to beat the Gay right out of me... it only half worked." he admitted with a small chuckle. that she hadn't known, Lucius had never struck him, but he'd made certain that Draco suffered.

he smiled at her as she admitted to still having clothes of his, chuckling as he gently stroked the sweater, shaking his head. "Harry never would have allowed such a thing." he admitted smiling a little. "and Harry was one of the only people who was never afraid of Father... i still remember Father raging at the end of Second year." he admitted with a small smirk. "he raged for WEEKS." he admitted shaking his head as he looked at her. "Harry either knocked him head over Ass, or he quoted Law to him." he admitted shaking his head. "i still can't beleive he gave up being a Lawyer to be a book writer." Harry had studied for years on law, court, and everything required to be a Wizarding Lawyer, but after Draco 'died' he gave it up to take care of Cer, and during that time he had found his joy in writing, and would write books for Cer and would read them to her, to give her something to listen to.
"I was lonely to, though I knew why I was sulking over not being with you."Seh said snickering a little because it was adorable to think about draco not knowing what being in love had felt like. "I would never hurt you."He muttered nuzzling him a little, sighing softly."You are pretty. And not gay.Just bi."She muttered snickering a little as she rubbed her cheek against the other's shoulder, sighing softly as she thought. Looking sad for a moment."He gave it up because it was the only thing he could do and be at home with me for."she said looking pained a little, because it hurt to think about. Hurt because harry really had been a brilliant lawyer, and despite being able to write, loving to write, sometimes Cersei was worried he was only writing because it's what she needed from him, to keep from being a mess.
he smiled a little as he shook his head. "really, you should have told me sooner." he complained pouting at her a little before chuckling and kissing her gently. "i know that now, but i didn't know that then." he admitted smiling at her. "all i knew was that the only two people i loved hurt me... if i loved you then you had to be about to hurt me too... it took me forever to realize you where more afraid of me loosing my temper at you, then i was of you striking me." he snorted a little. "i was SO shocked when Harry told me that! i really was." he admitted looking amused again as he smiled at her, giving her a small kiss. "Harry Gave it up, because he loved you, more than he loved being a Lawyer." he corrected. "he gave it up, because he couldn't stand the thought of you being in a hospital somewhere." he admitted smiling at her. "when you got better, he could have gone back, but he didn't, because he loves you, and loves writing more." he admitted smiling at her. "he told me so."
"Well, I thought you knew!"Cersei pouted looking at him before blushing ever so slightly, pressing her face against his shoulder, kissing him bak."I wasn't afraid of you losing your temper. Harry lies."She muttered because she didn't want him to feel bad for hitting her once. It'd been only once, but it'd sayed with the already emotionally unstable woman. Wincing a little at that sighing softly, "I guess."She muttered disliking that idea, but knowing draco was right. She might not have been perfect, but she'd been getting better later, so he could have come back."Well, I guess he tried to tell me a few times to.."
Draco laughed a little and shook his head as he kissed her forehead. "yes you where..." he muttered softly. "i never forgave myself for hitting you, you know..." he admitted shaking his head. it was just after Lucius had written the second time, informing Draco that he was going to pull the blond out of school and force him to marry Astoria. (i think that's who he married at the end of the seventh book anyway XP) he had gotten so worked up that he'd struck Cersei before he fully realized who she was, he'd felt so guilty after that he'd locked himself in the Room of Requirement and refused to come out until his father had come and gone. he smirked at her though when she admitted to Harry trying to tell her. "you and Harry are very alike, your too oblivious for hints and when you try to use them your both completely oblivious." he teased chuckling a little as he kissed her gently. "you and Harry just need to be Blunt and it will solve everything." he teased with a small grin at her.
"I know. You apologized enough."She muttered sighing softly because she knew his father had wanted him to marry asotria(yes) and had refused. She'd known she shouldn't have approached him,but she'd been to worried to heed common sense."Besides, harry wnet and got you. You had to listen to him and come out of the room.Even if you idn't want to."She said snickering more as she looked over at him, kissing him again."Well its a good thing he gave you a blunt hint isn't it?"She muttered snickering because it amused her that they'd had sex because they were drunk.
Draco smiled and shook his head as he kissed her forehead. "Harry didn't talk me out of the damn room he RAGED me out of it." he complained, amused as he smirked at her. "i left nail marks on the floor." he admitted with a small chuckle. "an that wasn't MY Fault!" he complained sulking at her. "Harry attacked ME..." he whined smiling at her. "besides..." he shrugged, looking amused again. "it ended up working out, now didn't it?" he asked grinning a little. "we're all three of us a couple. we all love each other and no one can take that away this time."
"Harry did not attack you. You kissed him first."She said snickering as she nuzzled him grinning as she stood."WE do. And no one can. Not even your father."She muttered bending to kiss him before smirking, looking towards the darkened sky, "Swim with me?"She said tilting her head towards the pond, remembering so many times going swimming in the lake at hogwarts.
Draco snorted. "Harry dared me to, i HAD to!" he complained grinning at her a little his head tilted. "not even Astoria." he agreed, well aware that when the crazy bitch found out he was still alive she was going to do everything in her power to 'nab' him. he hesitated at the mention of swimming though and bit his lip. Draco was a little afraid of water, he always had been, even in school, and he always stayed in the shallows of the pond at Hogwarts. "i still can't swim..." he admitted glancing at her. "you'll protect me?" the same words as every day back in school, every time they went swimming Draco asked her to protect him, and only after she promised would he brave the water. it was the most human, childlike thing that Draco ever did.
'You still haven't learnedto swim?"She asked raisinga eyebrow before smilingat his words,walking tohis side, wrapping her armsaround hiswaist."I'll protect you. Though there's no giant squid this time."She teased leaning up to kiss himnudging him gently towards the water's edge."We'll stay in the shallow.You'll be able to touch bottom. I proomise."She said slipping her fingers through his.She found his fear almost adorable, because it made her not feel like the only one that ever had fear related issues.
he grimaced a little and then shook his head, pouting at her as much as he would allow himself to, but smiled when she promised to protect hm, stripping down to his boxers, which he turned into swim trunks so that he wouldn't ruin his clothes hesitating at the edge of the water. "it's true i guess... no giant squid..." but it wasn't the squid he was afraid of, it was just the over the head water. he'd almost drowned, a few times, when he was a child, and had been terrified of the water ever since. he waded into the water, feeling like a coward as he clutched her hand, stopping once he was waist deep and slowly sitting down, relaxing in the water while she dove and splashed like always, smiling a little. he wouldn't put his head under, but without her there he wouldn't have gotten in at all so he was being rather brave considering the water, sitting down, was nearly to his neck. "the waters kind of warm. i never thought it would be warm." he admitted with a small chuckle.
"It is new york in summer. Of course it's warm."She teased crawling back up to the edge of the water, straddling his legs as she settled in his lap, nuzzling him a little before sighing.Yelping when she saw harry coming through the park, hiding her face against draco's shoulder."I think we're about to get yelled at for being out late."She muttered nuzzling draco with a nervous smile, wondering if harry was just worried or angry to.
he chuckled a little and shook his head flushing as she settled into his lap, sitting up a little straighter so his head wouldn't go under if she kissed him, blinking when she yelped and looked over at Harry, who looked relieved to see them. "hey." Harry chirped looking a little puzzled. "i thought you where afraid of the water?" "i'm not Afraid!" Draco protested vehemently before flushing hard. "and it's fine so long as Cer is here and i can touch the bottom..." Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "... you two are aware your not supposed to swim in the pond right?" he asked looking amused. "i mean... can you imagine how..." he paused suddenly. "Many fish there are in there?" he had been about to say how filthy the water was, but Draco would have freaked out, so he said fish instead because Draco didn't mind fish.... backwards, but true.
Cersei snickered at draco's protest tonot being afraid, smiling slightly because it amused her draco trusted her to keep her safe. Nuzzling draco a little she scrambled up, getting out of the water."Harry!You didn't have to say that!There's fish crap in there!That's not cool."She pouted drying and cleaning herself off with magic, having not managed to not think about the fishes, she'd forgotten that it wasn't dirty, at least until harry pointed it out.
Draco went pale at the mention of fish Crap and Apparated with a POP, Harry wincing. "Cer!... dammit i was trying to KEEP him from freaking out." he complained rolling his eyes as he shook his head. "he'll be in the shower at home." he stated with a small sigh. "you know you really should tell me when you leave." he complained frowning at her. "i got worried when i couldn't find you... i thought you got into trouble again." he admitted hesitantly taking her hand in his. he'd never had a real relationship before, and was a little unsure how he was supposed to act now that he was in one. Cersei was going to have to train him, again.
"I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't told me about the fish!"She scowled pouting. Smiling ever so gently as she nodded."I'd like a shower myself."She said before starting to walk back towards the house, wrapping her fingers around harry's, smiling ever so gently at him,because she knew he'd never had a real relationship so this was going to be fun."Draco freaked out when a custmoer yelled at him, and you were writing...I really hadn't meant to stay out so long. We got to talking and..."She shrugged a little smiling a little.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "yeah adding fish wasn't my brightest move..." he agreed looking amused as he smiled at her, his head tilted a little as he considered that. "Draco freaked because a customer yelled at him?... that doesn't sound much like Draco..." he admitted scowling a little as he considered that before shaking his head. "well, i won't question him on it." he promised. "if it was enough to freak him out then i have no business bringing it back up." he agreed grinning at her. "ah i see, and what where you talking about?" he asked smirking. "me i hope?" he teased as he led her back to the Salon, where the shower was in fact running, and Draco was scrubbing himself furiously to get clean. "... i can't imagine what he did when he was living on the streets..." he muttered shaking his head. "he's so OCD Germaphobic, really...."
"Well. okay. She got in my face, which is what draco didn't like, and didn't leave him alone when he said no to going to a party."She shrugged a little looking a little worried as she considered what draco was upset about. "Oh, some of you. mostly what we used to be like."She said blushing a little before snickering as she looked towars the bathroom."i'm amazed he didn't ommit suicide to get rid of the germs."She said laughing as she pushed open the bathroom door stikcing her head in."Draco!What are you doing?"She teased
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "that blond bimbo from before?" he asked his head tilted a little. "she reminds me entirely too much of Lucius." he admitted with a shudder, remembering her from the first time Draco had to cut her hair. he smiled as he grinned at her. "hey? speaking of old times, remember that time me and Draco broke ourselves while flying?" he asked grinning. he and Draco where entirely too much alike sometimes. "why is Draco afraid of the water anyway?" he asked his head tilted. "he never swims unless your there with him..." Cer wouldn't know, Draco had never even admitted to being afraid, though it was obvious, and he never talked about it, ever, so she wouldn't know. Draco looked at her when she opened the door, blinking at her, so covered in suds and soap you could barley see his skin. "... i'm washing off the germs." he stated simply before gong right back to scrubbing, Harry smirking. "maybe we aught to help him mm Cer?" Harry asked grinning a little. "we'll all get wet, slippery, and soapy together."
"exactly. Which is why she disturbed us enough to need to take a walk."she said glad he understood what had driven them both out of the salon without telling him they were going."i dont know, he never says anything, nd because i think the answer will have me going to malfoy manor, i dont ask."she muttered before grinning at draco's suddy body, already starting to strip when harry said something."ah i think it is time to help him. He needs clraned up."she said grinning as she climbed in the shower with him.
Harry smiled and nodded a little. "i'm glad you where with him." he admitted glancing at her. "he needs you, emotionally." he admitted smiling at her. "he always has." he admitted shaking his head a little as he considered why Draco was so afraid of deep water, smirking as he watched Cer strip, shedding his own clothes as Draco went a slight pink color. he'd never bathed with another person, it was a very big no no while at Hogwarts. he slid out of the way and let Harry take the shampoo, sighing softly as Harry started washing those long silver locks. "i love your hair Dray, i really do." Harry admitted with a small grin as Draco shrugged and tugged Cer under the water so he could soak her hair, glad that he had a massive shower so they could all wash one another as he started massaging her head and washing her hair, feeling more calm, and more at peace right then and there than he ever had.
Cersei blushed a little giving him a look because the two of them were so emotionally reliate on each other, most doctors had tried to convince them to break up, because it was unhealthy. "I love his hair to."Cersei muttered moaning softly as draco started washing her hair, sighing softly as she leaned into him. Content in his arms, so content. It felt so good, to be doing this. For the first time in a long time, really at ease with her life and everything in it.
Harry smirked a little, remembering exactly what Draco had told that particular doctor. Harry didn't think it was unhealthy, they needed each other because they'd never had anyone else, and Harry was there to stabilize them... the three of them had always been intimately close, even if they'd never dated each other. Harry was only new to the relationship, he wasn't new to he friendship, he knew exactly the roles they played with one another. was it unhealthy, maybe, but did they care? not even a little. "i think Draco should grow it longer." Harry admitted, grinning a little. "so we can take turns braiding it." Draco had to laugh at that. "i'd look like a woman! no way!" he protested Harry snickering. "but Dray! your already my bitch...ooof..." he got a strong elbow into his gut for that one. Draco smiled as he nuzzled Cer's neck as he washed her hair, humming happily as Harry washed his head. "we should all go out and do something." Draco decided. "go on a date, the three of us like a proper couple."
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