Fake Illusions

Harry snickered wickedly at Cersei's protests struggling against draco, already pitching a tent at the thought of being fucked into submission. for a moment he couldn't move when she pulled Draco away from him, startled, and then he whimpered as he was handcuffed. "oh..oh no... Cer please..." he pleaded, shaking his head. "Cer please! please don't..." he pleaded, straining against the cuffs, wanting to touch, and be touched already as Draco smirked, running his fingers through Cersei's hair, kissing and sucking at her neck as he watched Harry closely. "mmm i'm gonna fuck her good Harry, and your just going to have to lay there like a naughty little boy." he tsked, shaking his head as Harry whimpered again, draco slowly pulling Cersei's shirt over her head and attaching his lips to a nipple, sucking and teasing the little mound as Harry squirmed and whimpered again, shaking his head. "no no... please... i wanna touch, lemme touch..."
cersei moaned as draco sucked at her nipple, shivering as she wrapped her fingers in his hair, already squirming, wanting more attention then what he was giving her. "ahhh we can't do that Harry.you know what we want."she purred hooking a leg around draco's hips drawing him tight against her, pressing her crotch against his, already teasing herself as much as she was teasing Harry."please draco..."she muttered Seemingly ignoring the pleading man laying so close yet so far away
Draco moaned, smirking as he kissed and sucked his way down her body, ignoring Harry completely the man whimpering and whining as he tried to get free, but Cersei's magic cuffs where one of the few things that harry couldn't break free of. "please, please!" he whined Draco snickering as he drove his tongue, deep into Cersei's mouth, kissing her intently as he humped her crotch, grinding their sexes together with eager moans, groans, pants and hisses before sliding down her body, driving his tongue into her cunt much like he had her mouth, teasing her flesh happily as Harry whined loudly. "ok! ok you can read the book PLEASE!" he pleaded, his hips thrusting into the air, wanting attention as well, wanting to touch and be touched. Harry was a Nympho, he saw sex, and he had to have sex too, to be denied was cruel and unusual punishment.
By the time draco was kissing down her body, cersei was squirming and demanding with silent little noises, whimpering as she squirmed, her hips shifting a little as she wrapped her hands in draco's hair,moaning as she turned her head, grinning at the man's plead."Hmmm I think we should reward him."She muttered smirking as she squirmed away from draco, sliding down sit in harry's lap, smirking as she lowered herself onto him, shivering as she felt him so long and hard in her, closing her eyes as she moaned, leaving the handcuffs in place. Having every intention of leaving the handcuffs in place to tease harry, because draco could touch him, and not be touched. It was going to be such a amusing torture for harry.
he snickered a little and kissed and teased as she tangled her fingers in his hair, grunting a little as she squirmed away, smirking at her as he shook his head. "i think we should punish him some more." he admitted snickering as Harry moaned loudly, thrusting up into her as he struggled pitifully against the handcuffs, mewling as Draco started sucking and biting across Harry's chest, licking him all over until Harry was gibberish with need rocking into Cersei with eager whimpers, Draco snickering as he nibbled on Harry's ear. "you want me to fuck you potter?" Draco asked playfully, Harry crying out as Draco slid fingers deep inside. "yes! yes inside! want you inside! want you fucking me... pleeease..."
Cersei smirked a little turning her head to nuzzle draco even asshe rode harry,smirking a little."Hmm he is going to be punished by not touching."She said laughing as harry was reduced to mindless wordless noises, turning her head to nuzzle the man she was sitting on, smirking as she shifted back,"Do you want me to move?WE're going to have to change positions."She purred a little shifting to kiss draco as she rocked her hips into harry's, raising her head to look at harry."Well, do you want me to stop, and him to fuck you?"She purred leaning down to kiss harry.
Harry whined loudly as he was touched, stroked, fucked, teased, gasping eagerly as he stammered and stuttered for more, his hips thrusting upwards, Draco snickering a little as Harry tried to understand what Cersei was saying, Draco shaking his head. "he's too gone love, too mindless." he teased smirking as he kissed her neck. "finish him, and then i'll fuck him into oblivion." he purred. "and then, i'll fuck you into oblivion." he teased his fingers stroking Harry's tight entrance, the brunette crying out in delight as he jerked and squirmed, keening high eager noises as he neared his orgasm as Draco's mouth settled onto a nipple, his free hand stroking and teasing the other, driving her towards her own orgasm as Harry's cock swelled, and released, cumming, hard, the man unleashing eager, happy noises as he jerked and writhed.
Cersei moaned shivering as she came back arching hands gripping at the blond and brunette under her, screaming softly as she slumped into draco's arms, shivering in her afterglow."Oh...that was fun..."She muttered slumping to the side, smirking as she turned her head to look up at draco,"Your turn."She teased kissing him as she wrapped her arms around draco,snuggling him."Are you sure your up for screwing us both?"She teased absently running her hands over his skin, cupping him in her hand stroking him slowly.
Harry howled in pleasure as he felt her come above him, clamping tight around him, trembling and shuddering as Draco chuckled as he kissed her intently, smirking at him. "of course it was fun, and of course i can." he teased licking her chin before bending to Harry, doing something with his mouth to his ass, driving his tongue deep enough that Harry squealed and arched hard, tossing his head back as he squirmed, Draco moaning as he felt her hand on his crotch, shuddering eagerly. "uuuhn yeeeah... you wanna go first my darling?" he asked smirking at her. "or do you want to watch Harry get fucked?" he teased smirking at her. one way, Harry was tormented, the other way... harry was still tormented. a win win. "please... please please please please..." Harry whimpered loudly.
Cersei smirked slowly, her head pillowed on harry's shoulder as she reached out, pulling draco down for a kiss."Me first.I haven't had sex since you left."She pouted a little nuzzling her first lover, because no one had compared to draco, she hadn't even tought about having sex since he'd left.Cuddling against the blond her smirked, squirming into draco's lap as she kissed him slowly, strawberry blond hair falling around her shoulders as she pressed against him."Fuck me."She demanded squirming in his lap. "We'll torment him, I want you in me, now."She whined nuzzling her lover,clinging to him,because she was touch starved, at least for draco's touch.She'd always touched harry even when they weren't having sex,but now she just wanted to be closer against draco, as close as she could get.
Draco growled eagerly as he kissed her intently, spilling her onto the bed as he growled eagerly kissing her again, running his tongue along her mouth before nibbling at her lips. "mmmm not so fast." he growled. "it's been so long, i want to savor it." he purred touching her, all of her, kissing her all over, teasing nipples, clit, ankles, everything he knew about her was used against her, bringing her to an orgasm without ever lingering on any part of her for more than a minute, Harry making loud keening noises the entire time as Draco finally, finally slid inside of her with an eager shudder, laying down the protection spells as he started to move inside of her in ways that she had never seen him move. his time as a whore, had really improved his style, he rolled inside of her, his cock rubbing all those wonderful places as he moved as if dancing on top of her, wriggling and writhing as he fucked her, long, tormenting her as he took his pleasure, and hers to levels so high it was almost a torture. then they where both cumming, Draco crying out in delight as he drove her to the brink of insanity and back with his body.
Cersei whimpered, squirming as he teased and stroked her. The world going wide edged as she clung to draco as he moved in her pressing her face against his shoulder as she shuddered in the throes of passion, slumping to the bed, blacking out for a moment before patting draco's shoulder."....my head hurts..."She muttered nuzzlign him, because it'd been a pleasure so fierece that it'd become pain, and despite the orgasms, or because of them, it'd given her a headache. whimpering as she nuzzled him,sighing softly."Dracoo...."She whined yawning softly as she turned her head to look at harry."Think he's had enough?"She muttered nuzzling her lover.
Draco growled in delight as he made her cum before looking worried as she told him her head hurt. "sorry love." he whispered gently kissing her forehead. "i didn't mean to be rough." he didn't realize it was from over pleasuring her, he thought he'd gripped, or thrust too hard. he smiled at her as he nuzzled her back before looking at Harry, growling again. "oh no, i am topping his ass, he fucked me using dirty tricks so now it's my turn." he purred kissing her gently and carefully propping her up in the bed and tucking her in so that she was comfortable and could watch if she wanted to, Harry pleading, begging for attention and then begging for more as Draco fucked him. like he did with poor Cersei, Draco took his time, driving Harry insane as he came, again and again, laying limp on the bed, panting soft, his eyes barley open when Draco finally finished with him, the blond smug, pleased and sleepy as he carefully untied Harry and tucked him in next to Cersei, the brunette mumbling as he snuggled into the woman, Draco chuckling as he left and came back with painkillers for all of them, well aware that they where going to need them in the morning, himself particularly. he'd used muscles he hadn't used since the strip club, he was sore. "mmm goodnight Cersei." he murmured snuggling into the woman with a small grin. "i love you." "mmm love you too Cer.." Harry mumbled softly as he kissed the woman's neck, struggling to stay awake.
Cersei shuddered as the two cuddled against her, sighing softly as they cuddled into her."love you two....."She muttered alredy drifting off as the other two snuggled into her. Sometime early in the morning, almost dawn she muttered to herself, whining, panting. Starting to panic as she dreamed about the zoo, starting to cry in her sleep as she thought about losing draco again. Panting as she panicked because even though she knew that she had gotten them out, and home. Her dream wouldn't allow her to believe that, making her think she left draco behind."Please....draco..."She whimpered panting before jolting awake, twisting to look down at them, sighing softly, pleased to see that they were safe, that she had indeed gotten them home.Sighing as she leaned back against the headboard she closed her eyes for a moment, realizing that she wouldn't be able to sleep anymore, because usually when she dreamed about draco, she couldn't sleep for days after.
Harry and Draco both shifted to cradle her as she had her nightmare, both of them waking, as they always had when she had nightmares, trying to comfort her. "Cer?" Harry asked his voice thick with sleep. "you alright?" he asked softly gently stroking her tears away with his thumb as Draco slowly staggered to his feet and headed for the kitchen. "Harry, snuggle Cer, i'll get Cocoa." he ordered sluggishly, Harry smiling as he cradled her, holding her tight while Draco magically made Cocoa and brought three large steaming mugs into the bedroom, handing Cersei a cup and kissing her forehead. "it's alright love. we're here." he promised smiling sleepily at her. "drink your Cocoa and calm down, and if we can't sleep i'll do that surprise i was going to do tonight." he teased smirking a little as he rubbed his eyes a little and smiled a little as Harry made an eager noise. "i like surprises, do the surprise, we'll drink and party and Draco will do what he wants to do and then we'll make him give us lap dances and we'll stuff dollars down his thong." Draco had to laugh. "why Harry! have you been visiting muggle strip clubs?" "no, but that's what they do on the telly." Draco had to laugh again, amused by Harry's sudden naivety.
Cersei smiled slightly when they comforted her, snuggling against harry with a sigh as she took her cup.Giving him wide eyes struggling to not to give into the panic, letting their hands comfort her, sighing softly as she sipped her cocoa. Laughing softly at draco's words, raising a eyebrow."Oh?A party?At 4 in the morning?"She muttered sounding sleepy but interested. Snickering at the other's words."I think I've been letting you watch to much tv. You shouldn't be seeing that stuff."She said blushing hard herself, just a naive, trying to not think about what she wanted to do, and stuff dollars down draco's thong. That was just interesting to think about. Smiling softly as she thought about it.
they both smiled and kissed a temple each as they cuddled and comforted her before laughing at her comment. "yes, a party at four in the morning, we'll wake Angel and Tommy and make them come over too." he teased snickering a little as he shook his head. "Harry probobly watched for one of his books." "how did you know?" Harry asked grinning a little as he shook his head. "yes i did watch for one of my books." he admitted grinning a little. "and because i was curious." Draco laughed as he shook his head and got up. "i'll be right back, i have to set up a few things he admitted with a small little grin as he skipped off, Harry lifting an eyebrow. "why do i suddenly feel afraid?" he asked looking down at Cer before taking a drink of his cocoa. "...afraid yet slightly aroused..." he shook his head. "Draco's up to something naughty i'm sure of it..." he admitted smirking a little as Draco ordered them into the living room. it was pitch black in there and Draco smirked as two little lights appeared, guiding Harry and Cer to their seats.

once they where settled a up beat song started, and Draco appeared on a small stage he had made from the couch... wearing Cercei's blue bikini.... he made it look amazingly wonderful. he really did... wasn't it an ego blow that the man looked better in the bikini than the woman did? there was no time to think about it as Draco started to move, he was teasing them on stage, wrapping himself around a pole, moving his body in the most seductive of ways, arching and writhing and crawling on the stage and Harry swallowed thickly. "...oh my god... he's... he's..." he was a sex Demon on that stage, every pore of his being screamed that he was all sex, that he would drive you insane with your body, steal your soul, and make you love every minute of eternal damnation. it was no wonder Draco had been an exotic dancer, he was pure sex and stimulation once he got up on that stage, and then he crawled off of it, and settled onto Cercei's lap, smirking wickedly. "now, the first rule of getting a lap dance, is that your not allowed to touch the dancer, so no touching!" he ordered playfully as he wriggled and rolled all over her, teasing her and making her want him, Harry was making noises in his throat as he watched, so aroused, so arousing... but Draco bet neither harry nor Cer was worried about the nightmare anymore.
"Its to early to be bothering other people."Cersei muttered smiling a little as she leaned against the boys, sighing softly."You know, that actually makes it a little better. Though not much."He said snickering as she nuzzled harry's shoulder sighing sotly as he looked up at the other."...It is a little frightening."He said snickering as she followed the other into the living room, looking curious and also aroused. "he....he looks better then me."Cersei said pouting a little as she looked at the blond in her bikini, swallowing hard as she watched, a low eager sound in her voice as she watched draco.Sighing softly as settled onto her lap, looking up at her."Draco!"She whined squirming as she fisted her hands in the couch cushion to keep from touching draco, turning her head to look at harry, leaning over to kiss him."Kiss me. Now."She demanded needing distracted before she laid hands on draco and made him stop dancing.
he laughed a little and shook his head a little. "hey, it was better than going to an actual strip club." he teased laughing a little before smirking a little as he watched Draco appear int he Bikini. "he only looks better because he's trained to look good in shit like that." he admitted smiling a little. "you look so much better in everything else so let Draco have the skanky things." he suggested grinning at her as he kissed her gently before watching eagerly as Draco danced, panting softly as he watched Draco dance on her lap, kissing her deeply as Draco laughed wildly as he rolled his hips along her crotch, growling at her, his eyes wickedly amused. "my my, so much self control." he teased snickering a little as he ran his hands down her sides carefully as Harry whined a little as he nuzzled her neck. "oh god... Draco... please..." Draco snickered a little. "yes? what do you want?" "wanna touch! please we wanna touch you!" Draco smirked a little. "well, alright, go ahead." he purred, smirking a little. "you can touch me now." he promised taking her hands and settling them onto his hips, letting her touch.
Cersei moaned as the man pressed against her, moaning shuddering as she kissed harry, leaning into him as he nuzzled her. "Please..."She begged softly, swallowing hard as draco said she could touch, hands finding his hips, pulling him tightly against her. Whimpering as she leaned up to kiss him swallowing hard as she shifted, whimpering because she realized this position wouldnt' work."Drracco!"She whimpered, eyes widening as she came shuddering under him as she slumped, looking so pleasantly satisfied with him just pressing against her that it was amazing. It was amazing just how much draoc pleased her, by just being with her and doing things like this. Even without sex, it was amazing.
Draco smirked, pleased as she begged, Harry whimpering and moaning just as much as she was, Draco looking astonished as he watched her cum, laughing a little. "oh god, Cer i'm sorry i didn't realize i was teasing you THAT much." he admitted smiling at her. "are you alright?" he asked grinning before gasping as Harry yanked him off of Cercei and threw him onto the floor, Draco moaning happily as Harry mounted him, and started humping. it wasn't fucking, there where too many clothes in the way, but Harry was so desperate he didn't care. "you little mutt." Draco groaned as he was humped. "if you get cum on my brand new Bikini i'm gonna be pissed..."
Cersei pouted looking at at draco with those softly eyes."I'm fine."She muttered shifting to lay out on the couch and watch, basking in her afterglow as she studied the two, grinning at the humping. It was amusing to see draco the victim of his own teasing."Your own fault. He's so going to cum on you."She said snickering as she watched, before leaning over the edge of the couch to kiss draco slowly, passionately as harry humped him.
Draco chuckled a little as he smiled at her before groaning as Harry took advantage of the situation, Harry groaning eagerly as he humped, Draco sulking at Draco. "hey, i was just trying to make him feel better." he complained gasping and arching as a finger found it's way into his ass, moaning as he kissed Cersei just as passionately as she kissed him, panting softly. "nnng, Cer... he's gonna fuck me..." he groaned as a second finger joined the first. "tell him to stop, he'll listen to you.." but with how hard draco was, and how he was bucking back into the fingers it was pretty clear that Draco didn't really want Harry to stop. "nnng feels... so good... aaah... Cer..." he didn't want to leave Cer out of the fun, but Harry was making it damn hard to concentrate on finding a way to get her in on it too.
cersei snickered looking down at him, moving down to the floor, settling draco's head in her lap as she gently stroked the blond's hair."Oh, I don't think you want him to stop do you?Look how hard you are."She teased a little trailing a hand down his body, cupping his arousal in her hand before leaving it alone, pressing a hand against draco's chest, sighing softly as she felt the pounding of his heart.More then anything else, their kind words, draco's act, the fact she could feel the steady pounding of his heart under her fingers reassured her more then anything else would or could.
Draco groaned a little as he looked at her panting eagerly arching again as Harry teased him, groaning eagerly. "a..aaah..." he gasped, bucking into her pant, shuddering eagerly. "no... don't want him to stop..." he moaned shuddering eagerly. "more... please..Cer..." he groaned shuddering again as Harry nuzzled Draco's neck the blond mewling eagerly as Harry's teeth settled into pale flesh as he thrust, once, and buried himself completely into Draco, the Brunette smirking at Cer. "he's such a cute little bitch." he purred happily. "after i'm done punishing him for tying me to the bed last night." he smirked wickedly. "i'll have to punish you." he teased smirking a little. "such naughty naughty lovers."
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