Fake Illusions

"Oh I'm sure richard would agree to that."Cersei said grinning as she disappeared upstairs. Cersei stared, because it was the only thing to do.REally, this was odd and she had no idea what to think of the two having sex and belonging to her. biting her lip as she smirked a little, settling down in the kitchen chair with her food, to watch.Really it was going to be interesting.And she so couldn't wait till they sobered up enough to realized what they had done. Smiling as she settled back to watch.

When things were done, and they were napping a little,basking in the afterglow, cersei smirked a little as she reached out with her food, nudging draco with her foot."Whatever do you think you're doing?"She teased becauase she was so not going to let them know that she had wtched. There was only so many embarassments she could handle, and them knowing she'd watched was just to much."Sex in the kitchen is unsanitary."She said standing up and crouching down next to the two of them, gently stroking her fingers through draco's hair.Gently touching him because she couldn't stop touching him, and she was pretty sure he wouldn't remember her touching him later, so it was good. She could pretend to be mad at him later,but seeing him there on the floor, naked and panting with exhaustion, she couldn't help it.She wanted him, flushed herself as she looked at them.They made her want them,but she couldn't let herself want them. Not when she was so scared of being hurt again.
they where like wild Animals, each trying to dominate the other, it ended up with Harry on top screwing Draco mercilessly, their firm bodies pressing and moving against each other in hot heavy moans as they kissed and groped each other, crying out in passion as they fucked each other on the floor, kissing each other both of them arching, crying out in delight as they came, flooding the floor, and each other with long streams of seed and cum before they fell to the floor, panting hard, enjoying the sleepy pleasure of the after glow of sex. they both blinked sleepily, drunkenly at her, Draco smiling as he leaned into her touch, Harry whining, he wanted attention too, nudging her with his foot to get her attention, pouting at her. "'m i yours? i w'nna be yours." he admitted grinning as he wrapped her in a tight hug. "Draco's got a real tight bum." he whispered as if sharing a secrete Draco making his soft satisfied noises as he curled up on the floor and prepared to sleep right then and there, Harry giggling a little. "sleep with us Cer." he ordered even as he let her go and snuggled into the floor, some part of him realizing she wasn't going to want to sleep with two naked men.

they woke two hours later and flared bright red as they looked at each other. "well that was... uh..." "you never told me you wanted me." Harry accused looking confused Draco flushing hard and looking down. "...it's not right... to love two people..." Draco protested softly as he hid his face in his hands. "oh god Cersei saw us... she must hate us..." he whispered Harry grimacing a little. "shit..." Harry muttered shaking his head. "i'd hate us too..." he mused softly, sighing a little. "still i... i don't want this to be just another one night stand Draco... not with you..." he admitted biting his lip hard. "... i don't want it to be either Harry but things are so complicated right now..." "...yeah." Harry agreed sighing a little as he closed his eyes. "come on... lets get dressed...."
"okay okay."Cersei smiled shifting to lean into harry's hug, laughing softly at the words."Hmm I'm sure he does."She said amused as she laid between them, but he was right. And after they fell asleep she got up and headed to bed.

Cersei looked up when the two walked into the room, before going back to doing up her boots. She needed movement, needed to do something. Because while she knew they wanted her to, she didn't understand this, and didn't understand what she was feeling.So she was going to go for a walk, and hopefully she'd figure something out.Though she was pretty sure one of them would demnd to go with her, and...she guessed that was okay.But she needed to do something."...you two need to clean the kitchen before I even consider eating in there."she said mildly, though there was anger and confusion in the words.Angry because she didn't know how to feel and anger was the best way to deal with it.She...felt betrayed by ahrry, who had wanted draco, and draco who'd never wnted harry.She was jealous nd angry t them for doing this. Sighing she refused to look at either of them as she shrugged into her jacket, zipping up the soft leather jacket, tucking her newly cut hair back out of her face before heading for the door though she paused, because leaving would have meant walking past them."I'm going for a walk
they where dressing when she came back down and they blushed hard and avoided her gave and each others, coughing nervously. "i'll have Timmy clean it." Draco decided sourly. "this whole mess is his fault anyway..." he grumbled, sulking, both of them wincing at the anger in her words. "i'll go with you." Harry decided, putting up his usual Glamor, looking like a red headed blue eyed man so that no one would bother them. he glanced at Draco who was reaching for another bottle of wine to drown his guilt. "Draco that's not going to help!" Harry hissed before following Cersei out into the world, silent for a long ten minutes before finally. "i'm sorry Cer..." Harry stated suddenly. "we never should have done that but..." he sighed a little. "pretending it didn't happen won't change a thing... i love you, Draco loves you... but we love each other too." he admitted sighing a little. "not as much as we love you, but..." he shook his head, swallowing thickly.

"i feel happy, when i'm with you and Draco, i feel safe, like all the nightmares have gone away... and you can't deny that you don't feel the same." Harry muttered looking at her, taking her hand gently. "we lied to you... there's no denying that but... we did it out of love... we did it to keep you safe, protect you... do you think it was easy for us? easy for me? i've loved you since seventh year." he admitted shaking his head. "i've loved Draco since then too..." he sighed a little. "Draco can blame Timmy for this all he wants but it's my fault really." he admitted shoving his hands into his pockets, glancing at her. "i know your upset... me and Draco are too... Draco cut himself off from everything he ever knew for you Cer... i hid my love for you for years... we gave up almost as much as you did to keep you safe and alive." he admitted looking at her intently. "we could be happy together... all three of us.." he admitted softly. "but your the only one who can decide what happens now... we enjoy life all three of us. you choose between me and Draco and we all stay freinds... or you stay mad, and we wallow in the pain of bad decisions... think about it ok?" he asked softly, hesitating before turning and walking back to the Salon. he'd said what he wanted to say, now he had to stop Draco from getting Drunk again.
Cersei smiled softly as she huddled in her jacket, the half smile hidden by the collar of her jacket. Quiet as he talked, almst ignoring him but not really as they walked to the park. Heading into the silent, wintery landscape she was quiet before she sighed. "I never asked you to pretend."She grumbled huddling because she didn't know what to do. Didn't know how to fix this. "You two have alwys been able to make me forget how bad things are."She said curling her fingers around harry's as he took her hand. "You made it seem so goddamn easy. You just hid everything, and never told me something was wrong."Cersei said softly, refusing to look at him, because that's what really bothered her. That even as he had held her while he cried, had watched her lose her mind for two years, she had never gotten a hint he'd been hiding this from her. Something this big.And that hurt. Hurt because she had thought they had shared everything, and this was nearly crippling."I didn't ask you to give it up!"She yelled her anger more at herself then them, and the self hatred coming through her words as she shoved him away from her. Sighing softly as she watched him go, sitting on a bench, just needing the time as she watched him g.

By the time she returned to the salon it was late, almost dusk as she walked up the stairs, leaning against the closed doors. Closing her eyes as she tried to think of things.Shivering a little as she fought to control the tears that had started when harry'd left her in the park. She cuddled go in, she couldn't force herself to open the door.Not when she was scared of choosing, because despite everything, she wanted both.God help her. shivering as she closed her eyes, crying softly, yelping as the door opened stumbling a step as draco caught her, burying her face against his chest to keep him from seeing that she had been crying."Hey.I thought you'd be drunk by now."She muttered still refusing to look up.
Harry smiled as she held his hand and he shook his head. "it wasn't easy for me, watching you break down..." he admitted. "i even told you once, that Draco was still alive once all the people had stopped watching the house but i got my head bashed in for the effort... i forget what you hit me with..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i spent more time in tears than you did Cer, you just never saw them." he admitted softly. he paused to look back at her when she yelled at him and he shook his head. "i would give up anything for you!" he admitted, offering her a pained smile. "even my life." he admitted before walking away, letting her think. by the time she came home Draco looked terrified. "CER! oh thank GOD your alright!" he whispered pulling her into a tight hug. "you where gone for SO long... i was so worried!" he admitted before smiling a little sheepishly. "Harry charmed the wine.. i can't get the bottles open...." he admitted gently pulling her inside. "harry left two hours ago to go look for you." he admitted. "i was terrified someone had taken you.. this is a bad town Cer! i though some... some big ass bastard had you and was.. was.." Draco shuddered and for the first time in his life, he sobbed in front of her, gut wrenching shoulder shaking sobs that wracked his entire body. "oh god Cer this is all messed up." he admitted, distraught, confused, upset, alone.... Draco was sobbing in front of her, because he knew seducing Harry, had made her leave him forever. "i know... you can.. never forgive me... but please... please don't leave me..." he pleaded, hanging his head. "i can't be alone anymore please! i won't seduce you... i wont remind you of the past.. it'll just be as freinds.. and you and Harry can be happy... get married and ha..have k...kids..." he was sobbing again. as long as Harry made her happy, Draco would give her up. he would do anything to see her smile, even if he wasn't the one who put it there. "please..." he pleaded, blinking at her. "please... i can't stand to loose you again..."
Cersei laughed softly,"I hit you with a lot of things that first year."She said just watching him go, because she didn't know what to say to his confession.Because it pained her to think thats what she wanted.And she didn't. She just wanted them to be happy.And she didn't know how to do that aymore.

Cersei laughed softly leaning against draco,letting him hold her."I'm fine."She muttered before laughing."Yu should have known harry wouldn't let you drink."She sid sighing softly as she held."Harry left me in the park.He should have known I was okay."She said softly, quietly. because she no longer knew what any of them believed, she just knew that she needed them."Shh I'm fine."She mttered looking so startled at seeing him cry she had no idea what to think.Stepping back she pulled him down onto the couch, wrapping her arms around him."shh draco,shh."she muttered stroking his hair,crying to get him to calm,because she didn't know what to do with him so upset. Draco had so long been her rock, her touching stone to make sure she was okay, that she didn't know whwat to do with him crying.Curling up against him, resting her head on his back as he cried she held him,"I'm not going anywhere."She promised, holding him because she couldn't. Harry's words had cut her deep, not because he had been angry with her, but because it scared her. Scared because harry had scared her, scared her into not knowing what to do. For once she was...she didn't know what to do."Don't.Don't give up."She whispered holding him,because even if she was scared, she knew beyond anything else, she didn't want to lose draco. Not like that.Hiccuping she was crying so hard she laughed softly, "Harry's going to think we're insane sitting here..."She muttered tightening her hold on him,so hard it was probably bruising,but she couldn't let him go. Not even if he wated her to, she eneded to hold him because she'd lived two years without knowing he was alive.And it was almost like she was scared he'd leave if she let go. And she was...because it scared her to think he might want harry now, truthfully, if she was thruthful with herself, more then anything that was what scared her. To lose them both.
draco shook his head. "we never expected you to be gone so long... he left to check the park and panicked when he couldn't fine you..." Draco explained shaking his head as he sobbed into her arms. breaking down for the first time in his life, it felt awful, and wonderful all at the same time. he swallowed thickly as she promised to stay and he shook his head. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry." he whispered, though what he was apologizing for it was impossible to tell, everything maybe? he chuckled at the comment that Harry was going to think they where insane. "he already thinks that." he teased slowly pulling away from her and wiping his eyes. "i'm sorry... i don't know where that came from i've never done that before..." he admitted swallowing thickly. Timmy was right, Draco looked so gorgeous when he was crying. the tears clung to his lashes and cheeks like glittering jewels and he smiled at her before dropping his eyes. "i'm sorry..." he admitted softly. "there's no excuses for the thing i've done..." he admitted sighing a little. "would you forgive me if i told you i only did it because i was drunk?" he asked smiling a little sheepishly before sighing a little.

"i really am sorry Cer i... i guess i was just so lonely, and Harry was too... we where afraid you where never going to forgive us and we both loved you so deeply in school and out..." he shook his head. "it won't happen again." he promised wiping his eyes a little. "it doesn't matter who you choose." he promised smiling a little at the other. "Harry and i will always love you, and always be here for you." he promised. "i know... that doesn't mean much after i disappeared... but i will do anything i can to make it up to you." he promised swallowing thickly. "even if i have to let you go, so you can be happy with Harry."
"I hadn't...is it really that late?"she muttered having not realized that she'd be gone so long.She'd been thinking so hard that she hadn't realized she'd allowed hours and hours to pass."True,but lets not give ihm more ammo to get us locked up."She muttered rubbing her face against his shoulders to get rid of her own tears, looking amused as she sighed."A good cry makes everyone feel better.I've cried alot these last few years."She muttered pouting as she looked at him, he was just to pretty. Damned if he wasn't pretty. No one should be that pretty crying.She wasn't. Her face was already getting blotchy, her eyes red as se held him, holding him because she couldn't let him go."Maybe.Though I to admit he's good looking.I've been sleeping wit him remember?"She teased looking amused at draco's excuse. Sighing quietly because it hurt to think she'd made them so lonely that they'd turned to each other, because she hadn't cleared her head enough.

"I'm sorry....I've..."She swallowed closing her eyes, wrapping her arms around him, clinging because she didn't want to let him go."You know even when I was mad, I could never stay that way.With both of you...I always forgive you.Eventually."She muttered sighing softly. Her head hurt at the idea that they'd been so worried that she wouldn't forgive them, that they'd had sex with each other. And her heart hurt because while she wanted to believe, draco had broken her trust hard enough that even when he said that he'd be there, she held doubt, whe once she'd have believed it."I don't...I love you both."She whispered softly, quietly.Because it was the first time she'd ever admitted to loving someone besides draco. "I..I dont know what to do..."She whispered hunching over her legs, starting to cry harder, because she didn't know what to do.This confused her so much.
he nodded a little. "you've been gone almost six hours." he admitted gently stroking her hair, smiling a little. as he gently nuzzled the top of her head, gently as if afraid he might break her. he smiled a little. "Harry is handsome." he admitted snorting a little. "pisses me off that i ended up on bottom." he admitted with a pouty little scowl. "my ass hurts." he complained, trying to get a giggle out of her as he nuzzled her again, enjoying the small cuddles he was getting. "there's no reason for YOU to be sorry Cer. you never did anything wrong, not a damn thing." he promised gently wiping her tears away. he smiled a little at her, glad that someday she would forgive him...someday.

he smiled a little and shook his head a little. "it's enough to know that i'm loved." he promised kissing her forehead. "there's no need to worry Cer. Harry and i, we can wait for as long as you need." he promised stroking her hair gently. "we'll be patient, and let you decide what you want to do in your own time." he promised smiling a little. "in the meantime, you need to rest." he decided standing up and gently picking her uphe carried her into the bedroom, laying her down and tucking her in gently brushing his lips over her forehead as the door downstairs slammed open. "i'll go calm Harry down... do you want to be alone tonight?" he asked softly, waiting for her answer before turning and heading downstairs to calm Harry down, the brunette was in an utter panic that he couldn't find Cera anywhere.
Cersei smiled a little, giggling through her tears.Sounding amused at that,"Well, you do look like a girl.You deserve to be fucked."She teased kissing his cheek before swallowing, because it hurt to think they thought she didn't owe them a apologiy.She did,but she wasn't sure if she could make them understand she was sorry for beign a nasty, bitchy pain in the ass. If she admited to herself, she'd already forgiven him, them.She just couldn't say it. "You are."She muttered resting her head on his chest, whimpering in pleasure as he stroked her hair. "You need rest to."She whined yelping a little as she heard the door slam open. Wincing as she snuggled down into the bed,"No...I dont want to be alone.Come back...both of you.Hold me."She whispered snuggling down into the bed because she was blushing, she didn't want to admit that she wanted to wrap herself up between them both and forget everything. She'd been raised that good girls noly loved oen man, only wanted one. So, loving them both, wanting to touch them both was something that embarassed her, and yet...she wanted to sleep between them, protected by both of them.
Draco snorted a little. "i do not!" he complained pouting at her. "i look like perfection." he stated flipping his hair like the Prima Donna he was. "and i DO deserve to be fucked." he agreed blushing hard. "... especially when Harry made it feel so goddamn good." he admitted looking utterly mortified. "he wouldn't stop until i came at least three times." not realizing she had seen Harry's 'cruelty'. not that Draco had been complaining at the time, he'd been too busy making cute feminine noises of pleasure. he smiled at her. "i'll rest, don't worry." he promised softly smiling a little as he gently tucked her in, nodding at her. "we'll both come up." he promised smiling at her. "we'll hold you, tight and safe all night, and never let go." he promised softly as he headed downstairs to calm Harry down, the boy so hysterical that he was nearly in tears, certain that Cersei had been kidnapped. finally though they both headed upstairs, Harry leaping onto the bed and pulling Cer into a hug, kissing her all over the face, muttering that he had been so worried, Draco rolling his eyes as he slid effortlessly into bed as Harry finally calmed down now that he saw for himself that cer was safe. both boys falling asleep fairly quickly with soft whispers that they loved her.

in the morning they where both still in bed with her, but the sound of the shower was running in the Hall. someone was in Draco's house, Draco himself was starting to stir and he blinked a little as he turned to the sound of the shower, sighing a little. "mmm Angel's here... his bitch must have kicked him out again." he muttered softly snuggling more firmly into Cersei. "he looks a little strange, but he's a very good friend of mine." he admitted yawning a little, Harry grumbling a little. "he better be freaking pretty because i'm still tired..." "oh... yeah he's pretty damn pretty alright." Draco admitted with a small grin as he slowly got out of bed, groaning a little as he rubbed his eyes. "i'll go get breakfast started."
"You look like a perfet girl."She muttered teasing because it was amusing to see him looking mrtified, laughing at the man's words. it was cute to see him complaning about something that he should be just enjoying."Good.REst is good."She muttered yelping as harry jumped on her. Snuggling into them botu as they got into the bed, curling up against harry's back, even as draco spooned her, the three fitting perfectly together like three puzzle pieces. Content to sleep in their arms.

"...angel?"Cersei whined stirring a little as she rested her head on draco's chest, snuggling against harry. Refusing to be woken up, because she felt so good sleeping between the two."Sleeping...tell him to go away...don't care ow pretty he is."Cersei whined before cracking a eye to look at draco as he got out of the bed, smiling slghtly."I want oatmeal. And strawberries.And tell him to be quieter.Your girlfriend's trying to sleep.He's a friend, he should respect other people's need to sleep."She grumbled, to tried to really think about that they weren't dating, not really. She wanted more then anything, to keep sleeping because waking up meant that the peaceful sleeping arrangements and peaceful holding them both would prbably end.
Draco smirked a little. "i am not!" he complained shaking his head as they all snuggled together, Harry chuckling a little as she yelped, all of them happily snuggling together in the bed. Draco chuckled at her whining and he smiled a little. "Angel is going to be pretty stunned actually, aside from him and Timmy i've never had company over before." he admitted simply as he groaned. "and of course oatmeal." he promised grinning as he watched her, looking startled at the girlfriend comment before brushing it off as her being sleepy, Harry whining as he tried to ignore them all and go back to sleep, Draco grinning as he headed out into the world to make breakfast and tell Angel to stop singing int he damn shower before they all went deaf. by the time Cersei woke up the person, Angel, was out of the shower and fully dressed. if Harry had been awake he would have popped a boner at the sight of the man.

Angel, was gorgeous, even more so than Draco. he was glad in black leather from head to two, red lipstick on his lips and black eyeliner framed his gorgeous baby blue eyes. his hair was a perfect honey blond that curled around his face which was a perfect mix of masculine and feminine that anyone would love to watch him. "Cer, this is Angel, he's the one who found me and got me a job stripping." Draco admitted smiling a little. "he's still stripping though, he didn't want a job working hair." Draco admitted, Angel giving her a sly, seductive smile as he nodded his head to her. "it is a pleasure to meet you Cersei. i have never seen Richard bring someone home with him before, you must be a very special lady inde..." he paused, blinking at Harry as the man stumbled into the kitchen, whining that they had all abandoned him, Draco nearly choking at the look of shock and bafflement on Angel's face. "Angel this is Harry, my other friend who is staying with me." "... Richard you are such a dick sometimes." Angel complained sighing a little before examining Harry smirking a little. "he's cute." "he's mine." Draco growled, Angel sighing, and then pouting. "are you sure? i can't even have a taste?" "he doesn't want a taste of you Angel, i'm serious, touch either of them and i'll hand you your balls on a platter." "mmm sounds delicious, but very well i will not attempt to seduce them." he had not acted that way when Timmy had seduced harry, what sort of person was this Angel?
cersei, while she could apperciate the loveliness of their guest, she was so not a morning person, and she had draco to stare at all day. That and she was so not awake enough to really feel attracted to anyone but draco, who she always found attractive.Biting her lip she decided something that she'd been debating.He'd said treat im like she treated harry, so she would. Walking over to draco she sat down in his lap as he finished their oatmeal, starting to eat with dainty little bites, cuddling against draco's chest."You shuld strip for me. do housework naked again.That was funny."Cersei said not even really aware of admitting that she wanted to see him naked again."Doing housework naked is better then stripping."She muttered before frowning at harry's arrive. "D-richard's not a dick.He's pretty and he HAS a dick."Cersei mused snickering a little before looking at harry, tugging him into his seat, kissing him lightly, just a brushing kiss."I'm sorry. You wouldn't wake up though."

Frowning when she heard draco's growl she tensed a little, not sure if she was jealous f draco's possession, or if she found it endearing. At 24, it was a interesting innocence the woman had. Eyeing the man sitting next to her she tilted her head at angel, frowning a little."He hardly ever forbids anyone frm flirting with me, because the sex is better when he's jealous. Why is he telling you to not?"she said. Direct because she wanted to know, and draco had taught her sometimes you only got the real answers if you shocked someone by answering.
Angel smirked a little as he watched Draco grin brightly at being cuddled, brushing a kiss over her forehead before smirking. "yeah, you want me to strip for you?" he asked grinning a little. "i'll put on a private viewing for you and Harry." he decided chuckling a little. "besides, i can't do housework naked anymore, Angel and Timmy can't restrain themselves well enough for me to do that." Draco admitted chuckling a little as he remembered having to clean the house for a week naked. in fact he couldn't get dressed unless he was leaving the house, he even had to answer the door in the nude. it had been awful, and amusing. the LOOKS people gave you when you came to the door naked. "he is pretty." Angel agreed licking his lips as he watched Harry come down, smiling sleepily at Cersei as he enjoyed the soft kiss, Draco grinning a little. "i'm always asleep." he muttered playfully.

Angel smirked a little at Draco's growling and ordering as he glanced at her. "mmm that's because most people won't carve you up with knives." he admitted chuckling a little. "i'm a Sadomasochist." Angel explained. "i don't do rape so you don't have to worry about that, and i always stop when my partner tells me to but i like blood and i like pain." he admitted Draco nodding. "he's not human either so he can take more damage than normal, he has a tendency to forget us 'mere human's' can get hurt a lot more easily than he can." "... not human?" "incubus." Angel admitted pulling a cigarette out of his pocket and setting it to his lips, but didn't light it, more out of habit than anything else, Draco rolling his eyes. as long as Angel didn't actually light the cigarette he didn't care. "i wouldn't carve up one of Draco's pretties though." Angel admitted smiling a little. "Draco would kill me." Harry was staring at the man. "hell if your an incubus you could carve us up and we wouldn't feel anything but pleasure.... if you wanted." "if i wanted." Angel admitted with a smirk. "but again, i don't take unwilling victims, and i don't want people who won't have me unless i use my Allure. i want willing people who like pain just as much as i do."
"Hmm I do."She muttered laughing quietly before laughing."aww well tell them to restrain themselves. You with a feather duster was awesome."She teased blushing a little as she remembered what he'd done to get revenge for making him do housecleaning naked. Being forced to be led around naked on a collar and a pair of handcuffs would make anyone apperciate what it meant to be at soeone's beck and call."He is.And he's mine."Cersei said amused as she sighed softly, resting her head on harry's shoulder. Cersei tensed at tat, swallowing hard as she thought about being hurt like that. While she did enjoy being hurt sometimes, having her skin carved up was a little to squicky.

"....I think I'll stick to my handcuffs. Draco looks so pretty in them."She muttered shivering a little because she was trying really hard to not think to hard. As a former slytherin, draco wasn't the only one who had bad memories from voldemort.She actually had a small line of scars along her arms where fenrir greyback had sliced up her arm with his claws, thankfully he'd not bit her and infected her. So, she was well aware of how unpleasant it could be. Resting her head on harry's shoulder, nuzzling him a little as she forced herself to be calm."We should get ready for work.Harry's writing today, but I thought I'd go downstairs and help out if you didn't mind..."Cersei said blushing a little as she looked slightly worried that draco wouldn't want her downstairs, wouldn't want to be wit her all day.She knew it in her heart to be riddiclous, but her head had a worm of doubt.
Draco snickered a little shaking his head. "and you wearing a collar and calling me 'sir' was too." he teased smirking a little. "at least i didn't let anyone else see you, you cruel vixen." he complained playfully as he kissed her ear before grimacing at the look on her face, Angel smiling a little. "don't feel bad, Draco's disgusted by me too." Angel promised chuckling a little. "draco does look pretty in handcuffs though, he's so pretty covered in hickies." Draco snorted a little. "i still can't beleive i let you talk me into being tied up on stage and letting people touch me for a minute each as long as they paid enough." "true, but it was that money that you bought this place with... well that ad Thoms loan." angel agreed smiling a little as Draco pondered and then nodded. "that's true." he admitted smiling at Cersei. "Angel won't hurt you Cer." he promised gently taking her hand. "i wouldn't risk my freinds ship with Draco. i won't even touch you." he promised smiling at Cer before glancing at his watch.

"i should go to sleep though... i'll have to find an apartment." "you can stay on the couch if you want?" Draco offered his head tilted Angel chuckling a little. "thanks Richard but i know better." he teased smirking a little as he glanced at his watch again. "Isabelle will forgive me like she always does, i'll only be in a hotel for two or three days." he blinked at Harry. "is he ok?" Harry was eating slowly, eyes glossy as he thought about the books he was writing, Draco snorting. "just ignore him he's fine, crazy but fine." he admitted Angel grinning a little as he skipped out kissing all three of them a kiss. "i'll come back after work tomorrow, i have the whipping scene for the BDSM day so..." "i'll heal you when your done yes." Draco grumbled, Angel beaming as he skipped off. "he's sick in the head i know..." he muttered smiling at Cer. "but he's my friend." he admitted shrugging his shoulder as he watched Harry walk up the stairs to start writing before he grinned at her. "i'd love to have some help. the hair tends to pile up because me and angel are usually too busy to sweep it up." he admitted shaking his head. "harry will be ok by himself right?"
"mm you but you enjoyed answering the door naked."She muttered nuzzling him, leanng back to look at draco. A posseive growl escping before she swallowed it. Se'd known draco'd let others touch him, had had sex, but it was a different idea to know for sure. Relaxing as she laced her fingers through draco's, nodding a little."Okay.Just...no touching."She said giving him a lok before looking at harry."You either. At least not draco.He's mine."She growled, wondering just how long it would last.She was ging to drive them both insane, and enjoy it the whole time. "He's not the only one."She teased twisting in his lap to wrap her arms around his chest, "HArry's a big boy.He doesn't need a babysitter."She said smilng as she leaned in hesitating for a momet before kissing him slowly, one of those deep longing kisses that just made you want more, and wondered what else she'd be capable of kissing like that. Smirking as she pulled away,"Come on. Time for work."She grinned skipping downstairs.

"Timmy!"Cersei grinned happily as she walked into the salon, kissing the man's cheek as she past him, settling at the front desk, intending on while not sweeping, to be greeting the customers as they came in."So, do we have any...interesting customers like allison today?"She asked as she unlocked the front door, settling into her chair as she set about tidying up the desk. A neat freak enough that even the slight mess made her want to clean up.
Draco smiled a little at her shaking his head. "Cer... are you alright?" he asked noticing the look on her face his head tilted smiling a little as he took her hand gently kissing her knuckles before chuckling as Harry sulked. "not even a kiss?" he asked pouting a little but it was an amused pout teasing her as he kissed her knuckles as well. "anything you say." he promised smiling at her, his head tilted a little before he vanished to work, Draco chuckling as he wrapped his arms around her. "so can i kiss Harry then?" he asked with a grin before kissing her back, moaning eagerly before blinking a little as she pulled away, making him blink stupidly. "huh? work" he asked before shaking his head. "oh, yes... work." he agreed smiling as he followed her, Timmy beaming as he saw Cersei. "Cersei! are you working here now?" he asked grinning a little as he blinked at her, Draco chuckling a little as he shook his head. "no she's not working for me." he promised smiling a little. "she's entertaining herself and i'm buying her anything she wants." he teased chuckling a little. "and no, no whore bitches like Allison, though we do have that hippie coming in today." he admitted grinning a little. "and there's that woman with the six kids who like to dress exactly the same." he admitted chuckling as he watched her straightening up.

the day was short, a hippie man walked in shortly after, dressed in vibrant colors and got his beard trimmed then the woman with her six kids, all girls, all dressed in pink dresses, all of them beaming as they crawled all over Timmy while Draco cut the woman's hair, the poor woman looked so exaughsted and Draco took his time so she could sit for a while while Timmy entertained the many girls. "that's the only appointment we have for today." Draco admitted with a small grin as he glanced at Cersei. "slow day hmm?" he asked stretching a little. "Timmy, you wanna take the rest of the day off?" he asked Timmy smirking a little. "yeah, there's a sale at that store." "... i know, you've been looking at the clock all morning you little twit, go on... and get me one of those..." "yeah yeah i know." Timmy muttered flapping his hand as he vanished, Draco snorting. "impatient little dick." he complained affectionately as he started sweeping up the hair with a broom... Draco... was sweeping... like a muggle... it was so strange.
"I'm fine."She smiled laughing as harry pouted."I'll kiss you to."she teased kissing te brunette as she pulled watching him go."Hmm if you want."She muttered smirking whe she'd realized the kiss had left him stupid."I agree. Richard's going to buy whatever I want. Including but not limited to lingirie and jewelry."She smirked blushing ever so sligtly, looking amused as she watched the hippe. It was...a interesting experience. It was odd. Smiling as she helped timmy entertain the girls she smirked as she looked at timmy. "Go shop.Get me things.What is he getting?"Cersei smirked a little as she walked over to draco, starting to help him sweep up. It was a surreal moment, to be doig maual labor, with draco, in a room where they were private enough they could just use magic. Glancing over at him she smirked, "While this is entertaining, its not as iteresting as you doing it naked."She said putting the broom away whe she was done, leaning on the edge of the counter as he fiished.

Even though she was causally wathcing him, there was a heat in her eyes, desire to watch him doing this naked. Or anything naked."so is there a reason you sent timmy away?"She asked putting enough of that sultry slur into her words to see what he would do, that soft breathless voice that promised so many things behind closed doors. And she was glad that while not blacked out, te front windows weren't clear, ust tinted. Amused because she was wondering wht he would do.
Richard smirked a little. "i'll buy you any jewelry you want." he agreed chuckling a little. "but i get to pick the Lingerie." he demanded smirking a little as he shook his head. "you shouldn't ask him to pick you up things without being specific you never know what he's going to bring back." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head as he swept. "i could do it naked but the people who walk past the windows might have something to say about it." he teased smirking a little as he turned looking over at her, propping the broom up against the wall as he leaned back against the counter, staring at her. "yeah, he looked at the clock ten times in the last ten minutes it was pissing me off." he admitted with a small chuckle. "that and i... i wanted to... ask you something." he admitted licking his lips. "have you... ever considered maybe... the three of us?" he asked smiling at her a little. "i'm just saying, it's an option." he promised a little at her as he blinked at Harry who was beaming as he came down the stairs. "i need to go research something." Harry admitted grinning a little. "how about the three of us go to a night club tonight?" he offered his head tilted a little before pausing as he looked between Draco and Cer. "...sorry did i interrupt something?"
"Hmm but you'll enjoy what he brings back."Cersei said laughing softly as she watched him, laughing softly as she studied him."The windows are dark enough you can do it naked."She teased before laughing harder as she stepped closer,touching his cheek,"hmm you're so easily pissed off. It would be so nice."She purred quietly before dropping her hand, shuddering at a remembered angry fight that had turned into a night of angry sex. While he wasn't as hot tempered as she was, they did have their moments.Looking startled at his question, opening her mouth to answer him,before looking at harry."I-I a night club would be fun."She said nodding to quickly because harry had tripped her up, made her unstead."No. just go. And get back in time to go out."She said smiling, waving him away before looking at draco."We better go get ready."She said before bolting upstairs because harry interruting hard broken her nerve for the moment, and the sexy vixen had turned into a shy old lover.

That night Cersei blushed as she looked at herself in the mirror, glad draco had left her alone long enough that she'd apparated home long enough to get clubbing clotes. Blushing softly as she studied herself in the mirror. The skin tight black top begged someone to run a hand over the smooth skin of the top, and the slightly muscled stomach, the skirt begged a hand to run under it, and the bootsthat went with it added a few inchest to her already towering height to be just as tall as the boys. Swallowing hard as she looked at herself again she shook her head, bracing herself.Because not even harry knew that hermione had taken her shopping, and a spur of the moment trip had turned up this outfit. Nearly jumping out of her skin when the door opened, nearly falling out of her heels as she twisted to see the boys walking in.
Draco snickered a little and nodded. "he always get's me a special something when he hits this specific store." he was offering her absolutely no information at all, he was so cruel sometimes. "besides the windows aren't dark enough, i'll walk around naked upstairs hows that sound?" he offered playfully chuckling a little as he shook his head, leaning into her touch. "i'm not always angry anymore." he admitted smiling a little. "finally realized that being angry at everything only wasted energy." he grinned a little. "i still have my little triggers though." like being called a bitch, Draco had never stood for that, and the one time she had called him it she'd ended up with a draco hand shaped bruise on her cheek. he felt terrible afterwords of course, but when it had happened there had been nothing but fury in Draco's eyes, blind with fury. it was one of the few times that he let her do as she pleased to him. she'd tied him up, completely helpless and had her way with him, still angry about the mark on her cheek, and horrifically, Draco had enjoyed every bit of it.

Draco looked elegant and pretty when he walked in, smiling as he examined her outfit, he was dressed in black slacks and a silk shirt, posh as always looking more like a rich businessman than anything else.. it was Harry who looked like a hooker, he was covered in leather straps, his torso barley hidden at all save for leather and silver buckles, grinning a little as he he ran a hand down his pants, so tight they where a second skin, wearing black eyeliner and black lipstick Harry looked like the prince of death. "god Cer..." Draco growled softly as he swallowed thickly, Harry nodding dumbly in agreement as he grinned. "oh this is going to be a GREAT night." he purred stepping forward and gently kissing her, Draco waiting his turn and then kissing her as well, both of them offering her their arms. "let's go get drunk and experience the night life!" Harry chirped Draco chuckling a little. "Harry... are you dragging us all out to get drunk?" "no i'm dragging ME out to get drunk, i've never been drunk before, i need to find out what it feels like so i can appropriately portray the new character." Harry admitted smirking a little as Draco lifted an eyebrow. "i'll play as Designated driver then." Draco decided shaking hi head as he looked at Cer. "is he always like this when it comes to those books?" yes, Harry had even made himself taste blood, try marijuana, and go cliff diving for his books.
Cersei pouted, frowing at him. That wasn't helpful. She wanted t know what he was getting. "Hmm okay. Upstairs cleaning is fine naked."She said laughing a little,stopping herself from flinching back from his touch, because she remembered the incidently to. Smiling as she kissed him lightly before turning away.

"hmm your not looking so bad yourself."Cersei said smiling softly as she crossed the room, amused to see them dressed up so. It was so them, that it didn't actually bother her to see draco and harry at such opposites. Sliding her arms through theirs, she smiled as she let the other two lead her downstairs. Looking amused as they headed for the club."oh yes.He's done everything in the books and usually drags me with him"She teased smiling a little. Shivering as they walked in the slightly cold night. "Come on then.Let's go."She said turning her head to steal kisses as she grinned.

After awhile in the club Cersei smirked as she looked at the two, draco sipping his scotch, and harry on a rash course to getting drunk.Smirking as she watched the two get hit on, she squeezed into the small space between them, a deep breath making her breats brus against their arms as she leaned back against the bar."Come on you two.Time to dance. you've sampled the drinks enough, time to indulge me."She sid wrpping her arms around theirs, dragging them off their bar stools and weaving her way to the dance floor, smiling as she slid between them, sadwiched her thin frame between them,wrapping her arms around drco as she kissed him."So.Are you going to tell me what timmy bought for you?"She muttered nuzzling his neck, pressing a open mouthed kiss to the pulse point, having every intention of driving them both insane, feeling harry standing behind her, shiffting so her ass pressed up against his front.
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