Fake Illusions

Draco smiled a little as she laughed and watched her make the orange juice. "i've missed your cooking." he admitted grinning a little. they where both good at cooking different things, so Draco was probobly missing her juices and her fruit salads, all her wonderful desserts and steaks. he finished slicing the fruit and checked on the oatmeal, giving it a stir before pouring it into three bowls adding the fruit and a little sugar like he always did before handing her the strawberry bowl. "i'll go get Harry, you eat." he ordered, looking so relieved that she would be coming back. "and of course we'll take you to the play, and i'll even let you have a spa day downstairs whenever you want." he promised grinning at her, his head tilted before he went up and got Harry, getting him dressed and ready while he stumbled around half asleep like Cersei usually did, sitting him down and pouring him a cup of coffee so loaded with milk and sugar it wasn't even coffee anymore.

Harry woke up as Slowly as always while Draco grabbed handfuls of harry's hair with small twitters and snorts of disbeleife. "Harry, don't move." Draco ordered grabbing a pair of scissors while Harry was too tired to protest. and started trimming and cutting like the master he was. soon Harry looked even more handsome than ever especially as Draco styled his hair and then trimmed his stumble and shaved certain places to make it less messy and more on purpose. "there!" Draco stated using his magic to clean up all the hair, smirking at Cer. "doesn't he look so much better?" he asked grinning as Harry grumbled and ate his oatmeal, blinking as Draco handed him a Mirror. "you can thank me when your drowning in ladies." Draco teased, Harry snorting as he studied himself. "alright i have to admit, you do good work." he agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. "we're going to be late." he admitted glancing at his watch as he got to his feet and smirked at Draco. "see you in a few hours." "yeah, i have to open my shop so i'll probobly be working when you get back, i have three appointments today but i should be done by three." he promised already cleaning up breakfast as he headed downstairs, two of his hairdressers already there.

one of them was a woman and the other was a man so gay he was wearing a skirt and lipstick. Harry nearly laughed at the sight of the man sulking at Draco, complaining that Draco was getting laid and he wasn't and that just wasn't FAIR! he left before Draco could explain that he and Cer where friends, not bed mates and snickered all the way to the book signing before he spent a long three hours signing books and accepting kisses. he was exaughsted by the time they headed back to Draco's. where the man was giving a woman a fancy up due, the woman clearly rich with a prada purse and a little furry dog in her lap, chattering away as she watched Draco work in the mirror. "...ugh." Harry complained quietly to Cersei with a smirk. "no matter where Draco goes, he attracts twits." he teased snickering a little as he took her upstairs before Draco noticed them and was distracted and ruined the woman's hair or something.
"I've missed you making me things to."she said smiling at him as he gave her the strawberry oameal, starting to eat."i'd like that."Cersei said grinning because she wasn't used to spoiling herself, and a spa day would be perfect for her. Smirking a lttle as she leaned against the doorway, smirking as harry got his hair cut."He's going to kill you when he wakes up."Cersei pointed out snickering a little as she watched draco cut hary's hair. "He does look better."she said reaching out and ruffling harry's ewly cut hair, looking amused as she stertched. Already dressed in her good jeans and a nice t-shirt.

When they got back to the salon cersei snickered a little at the idea of the twittering woman smiling softl as she looked t harry."ARe you calling me a twit?"She grumbled looking at him before walking back down the stairs, though she hid at the bottom, careful to stay out of draco's sight, but she wanted to be with him. Now that she'd found him again, she didn't want to leave him.Even if he wasn't aware of her presence, she wanted to stay with him. Looking at harry as he sat down next to her, she rested her head on his shoulder,"...I want to stay harry.Even if we don't stay here, I want to stay in the city....I can't...I can't leave."she said resting her head against harry's shoulder,closing her eyes before looking up smiling gently at the sight of draco talking and chattering away with his client even if he didn't care for the woman, or cared what she was talking about, he appeared to. And it had always been that way.

Even when they had first met, draco had a singular focus, so focused on listening to her that it made her feel like the nly person that existed for her. It hurt her to think that she'd been gone so long without him, that draco had had someone else to give his attention to. Even if he hadnt dated anyone she felt...jealous of the women that he saw in the salon all day, beause they got that single minded focus.
he smiled a little. "you just miss my fruity cocktails, you and your freinds used to get SO drunk on my strawberry martini's and banana daiquiris." he teased with a snicker, shaking his head. "he won't kill me, he'll like it." he promised grinning a little. "his hair used to bother the hell out of me when we where in school, it stuck up in every direction no matter what i did to it." he complained with a small scowl as she ruffled the newly perfect hair, taking the time to straighten it out. Harry looked so handsome, so sexy in his tight leather pants and soft silk shirt and new hairdo, how could any woman resist him? he was annoyed when he woke up to find his hair cut and his 'not a beard' trimmed. but decided he liked it when the women nearly threw themselves at him in their passion. he was practically covered in lipstick by the time they where done.

he snickered at her complaint and he smirked at her. "only sometimes." he teased with a shake of his head. "only sometimes." he kissed her forehead as she settled down to watch Draco work. he sat next to her and smiled a little. "we can stay, i don't need to be in London to write." he promised chuckling a little. "i'll even look for a house here unless Draco doesn't mind us living with him indefinitely." he teased smiling at her his head tilted a little as he watched Draco chattering with the woman about her husband. Draco was so focused, he didn't even notice when the dog pissed on his shoe, or he was just so used to it that he wasn't bothered by it anymore. suddenly he was finished, he offered the woman a smile, the dog a dark Scowl, and all of his attention moved to Cercei and Harry, offering them a smile that only Cersei had ever gotten. most of Draco's smiles where firm, polite, serious, but the one he always gave Cersei was soft, calm, gentle, loving. all his focus was on her and he brushed the woman down so she wouldn't track hair all over and bade her a good day, but you could feel Draco's attention was on Cersei, even the woman had noticed and she beamed at Cersei, as if glad that Draco had someone to devote his attention to.

"hey, how did the book sign... Harry is that lipstick all over your face?" Draco asked, looking astonished as Harry smirked. "i got more tongue today than i did seventh year." Harry had slept with EVERYONE, naming him The Golden Whore', not to his face of course, never to his face. people respected him too much to care that he was fucking everything he could, he deserved it considering he spent the first seventeen years dodging death. he'd mellowed of course but he still had his moments where he sort of lost control of himself, he always felt sort of guilty after, but Harry couldn't really help it, he'd seen a therapist about it and everything, it was an intense craving for affection and when Harry was feeling upset he'd take any affection he could get. even if it was tongue kissing complete strangers. "...well at least you know your fans love your books." draco teased chuckling a little. "i have an hour before my next appointment, shall i make lunch?" he asked his head tilted, Harry smirking. "i've heard that you make the BEST Garlic stuffed ravioli's..." "...i do. yes." Draco purred happily pleased as he headed upstairs to make Harry some Garlic stuffed Ravioli, Harry following happily, Draco turning to Cersei. "any requests?" he asked with a small smile, the one that only she got to see, and occasionally Harry.
"That's true.They were so good."She smiled thinking about how those drunke nights usually ended."But it was kinda cute, all over the place."She said snickering as draco straightened out harry's hair. the sight of him with lipstick everwhere just made her laugh and look at him amused.

Cersei blushed a little, smiling as she closed her eyes. Relaxing as she realized that harry was okay with staying here. She could live with this..."Yes. We're going to need a house.Even if he wants us to stay."She said not about to move back in with draco, not when he'd just announced he was still alive. It hurt to consider just accepting him back into her life as if nothing had changed. But two years worth of pain and grief stood between them, not matter how much she wanted to forgive him.them. "That dog just pissed on him."Cersei said shocked giggling a little when he didn't notice until he was all done. At the smile Cersei blushed, turning her head a little, pressing her cheek against harry's shoulder, as if hiding. And she was because she was scared of letting herself love him that much again.

"Oh yea. He's wearaing more lipstick the brittany spears."Cersei said looking amused as she looked at harry, leaning up to kiss his cheek, making sure he gt oa slight blush of her lipstick pressed on the curve of his cheek, the only lipstick there. looking amused as she studied harry for a minute, loking worried about him. More then draco, well no she didn't worry about anyone mre then she did draco,but she worriedjust as much about harry and his need to screw everything."Oh, I don't think it's the books.I think its he's just oh so sexy."Cersei said as she stood, arylic nails sliding down harry's spine just the way she knew he liked it. Looking amused as she followed draco upstairs, smiling just as gently back."No.Ravioli's fine."She said slipping past him, turning her head like she was going to kiss him before she caught herself, turning away from him as she sat back at the table, watching the boys as they started cooking.She knew better then to offer to help, she was completely helpless at cooking like actually food which meant they wouldn't let er."I thought that one girl was going to undo your pants harry.She was half in your lap."She teased, her words slightly colored with jealousy but mostly teasing, remembering the almst teenaged girl that had climbed in his lap as if she was going to screw him right there in the bookstore.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "i'll find a place tomorrow then." he agreed smiling as he gently kissed her forehead, chuckling a little. "somewhere a ways away so Draco has to walk further, the exercise will do him good." Harry chirped playfully chuckling a little. "something tells me that that dog always pee's on him." he admitted with a small snicker. he smiled as she hid from Draco, chuckling as he nuzzled her gently. "hell, i'm even wearing it better." Harry admitted with a small snicker as he rubbed his lips where most of the lipstick was. "i AM sexy." Harry purred, pleased with this statement, more so because it came from Cersei than anything else. Harry shuddered, a sharp gasp falling from his lips as she ran her nails up his back and Draco lifted an eyebrow, looking ever so amused. "really potter? that's all it takes." "shut up Malfoy, you got that thing about your neck and i got the spine thing." he grumbled Draco snorting. though it was true, nuzzle his neck just the right way and he was putty.

he blinked as she pulled away from him though and sighed, putting Harry to work by peeling the garlic. Draco used only the freshest ingredients, and that meant cloves, not pre minced. hell he was even making his own noodles. "yeah she wishes." Harry admitted sounding a little disgusted. "her mother just sat there all jealous, it was gross." Draco lifted an eyebrow. "... not into hot teens?" "not into children of any sort. especially the kind that dress like whores." Harry admitted simply. Harry had a steadfast honor that he never broke, no one unwilling, always wear protection, no one under the age of eighteen... other various rules that really only made sense to him... "ok, the garlic is peeled now what?" "now you get out of my way potter before you burn something." Draco stated with a grin, Harry shrugging as he sat down. Harry could only do simple things like eggs, and occasionally a boxed meal, but he didn't have the attention span to actually cook anything. it was a good thing Draco was such a marvelous cook. "i think we should have some wine with lunch." he decided smiling a little. "white, red, apple, or strawberry?"
"Good.Draco needs the exercise."She muttered ;aughing softly, before nodding."It probably does."She said smiling a little.cersei smirked as she watched them both before the smirk grew wider as she watched draco make food."Not teens, just their mothers....cousins.... best friends...."Cersei teased looking amused because she found his code of honor so cute and endearing."strawberry, of course. You know that."Cersei said smirking as she got up, smirking at harry as she stepped up behind draco resting her hands on her hips as she leaned aginst his back,gently nuzzling draco's neck,just how she knew he liked it. He could give harry a hard time, well she'd just give him a hard on."Hmmm you smell good."She muttered smirking a little."And I want you to cut my hair tomorrow. Then I''ll have a whoe spa day after."She said amused before she pulled away, not even giving him time t responde to the nuzzle, looking at harry as she sat down in his lap, needing her own cuddles now.She'd forgotten what teasing draco did to her, and now she felt...off balance and wanting comfort at that soft smile on draco's face.

Resting her head on harry's shoulder as she cuddled against him she sighed quietly."You should write a book about a dead man coming back to life. Even make him blond. You put me in the last book, its drac's turn."She said sulking a little at the memory. While she had recognized herself in the small broken heroine in his last book, she knew him well enough to know he'd disguised it well, and probably only draco and harry had realized just who the inspiration for the single, lonely vampiress had been
Harry chuckled and shook his head a little. "as long as they looked over Eighteen and could prove it, i was more than happy to kiss them." Harry agreed Draco snorting a little. "you whore." he teased Harry smirking a little. "you know, you could get proper affection if you just found someone to date you." "and who would date me? most want Harry Potter the boy who lived, or James Evens the book writers... who would just love me for me?" he asked softly Draco hesitating a little before shaking his head. "i don't know..." he admitted sighing a little. who would date Harry just for Harry? he was famous in both words now, and not even on purpose. the first book had been an accident, a case of the wrong person getting their hands on a copy, it got published entirely by chance. Harry had just gone with the flow and sent more in, fascinated by the thought that someone out in the world might be reading what he wrote. then the world caught onto James Evens writings. now, Harry would never have peace, and never have love.

Draco chuckled at the order for strawberry wine, pulling it carefully out of it's hiding place. Draco made his own wine as a hobby, strawberry was all three of their favorites, so he had a lot of strawberry wine. Draco gasped as he felt her nose on his neck and he shuddered, his legs nearly giving out on him, letting off a small groan as she pulled away, Harry carefully not watching the interaction. "sure, i'll be glad to cut your hair tomorrow." Draco promised, carefully regaining control over himself as he started boiling the newly made ravioli's and got started on the meaty tomato sauce, ignoring how she crawled into Harry's lap, the man smiling as he wrapped her arms around her shoulders. "oh, i have an idea for my next few books." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i should have the first one done in two months." he promised. "well ahead of deadline." of course he wouldn't let her read it until the deadline of three months started rearing it's head. then Harry got creative, sometimes he took vacations and 'forgot' to tell her, or he'd hide the book and make her look for it. at least life with Harry was never boring.

Draco soon had their meals ready and he carefully plated each one as he poured the strawberry wine, grinning as he settled then all at the table, Cersei at the head of the table and Harry and Draco on the sides as they ate, Harry practically moaning at the wonderful food and even better wine. "i might even get started on that book tonight, we packed my Laptop didn't we?" Harry asked his head tilted as he licked his lips, Draco lifting an eyebrow. "is Cersei going to be in this one?" "yes, she was introduced in the most recent one as the new heroine after Annibeth got sick. Alissa is Annabeth's long lost daughter." he explained grinning a little. "you haven't read it yet?" "no, i haven't been able to get a copy everywhere is sold out." Draco admitted with a sulky little scowl Harry laughing a little. "i'll get you a copy." he promised chuckling a little as he shook his head. "i'm going to go get my laptop." once Harry had an idea in his head, all he could think of was that, he would spend the next several hours on his computer typing away and snapping at anyone who dared to try to interrupt him. save Cersei, she was the only one who had ever safely been able to interrupt him when he was writing.

Harry vanished and Draco blinked a little looking at Cersei. "... he does that often?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at her, smiling a little as he glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed. "my next appointment is coming up." he admitted getting to his feet and scarfing down the last of his food. "please, help yourself to anything in my house." he offered smiling at her before he sighed as someone knocked on the door. "Draco! Allison is here and she's demanding to be seen early since your CLEARLY not busy." the gay man's voice was VERY annoyed. "god dammit Allison, you might be the richest bitch in the city but a polished turd is still a turd." Draco growled as he smiled at Cersei. "i'm sorry, i'll be back in about an hour." he promised grinning at her. "i'd blow her off but she could have me ruined in a day if i do." he admitted a dark scowl crossing his face before it vanished into a forced happy grin as he walked down the stairs to his shop. Draco did NOT like being bullied, least of all by some rich bitch, but he could handle it. for now. it was only once a month after all.
"Ah, but then he'd have to give up all his kisses."Cersei said amused because she knew harry wanted love, wanted love."I do."Cersei said amused before sighing a little, knowing it wasn't what harry wanted.Because she didn't know that she had indeed fallen in love with the man holding her.'Good.I've been waiting to cut my hair, but I can never find anyone I actually want to cut it."She said blushing a little because she wasn't about to tell draco that she hadn't gotten her haircut in almost two years because she couldn't stand for someone else to cut it. whining a little as she looked at him, making a face."No more vacations. You're not allowed to."She grumbled more amused then angry that he sometimes ran away from her. It was adorable, in a annoying sort of way.

"Of course we packed hte laptop. you like made me double check, like five times."Cersei teased rolling her eyes as she dug into the food. Nearly moaning in happiness at finding herself eating draco's food again."Well, at least we know its selling, even if poor draco can't get a copy"She teased before laughing."I packed my copy.You can burrow it."Cersei offered smiling a lttle. Watching harry leave she nodded absently in response to dracos question."All the time. Sometimes I'm lucky if I can get him to stop long enough to eat."She said smiling amused.Cersei giggled a little as he was demanded downstairs looking worried about him but interested in just spending time in his apartment. really, she didn't want to see the richest woman in the city.....okay, yes she did. Waiting nearly a hour, and after making sure harry was busy writing she headed downstairs swinging into the salon with a shy smile. "Hello."she said to the gay man that had yelled for draco, smiling a little as she looked at him, resting her cheek on her hand, waving off his question of if she needed anything, looking across the salon."No.I just wanted to see who this woman was that could boss around draco m...draco."She said correcting herself, not sure if draco was using his real name or not. STudying the dark haired woman draco was working on made her stomach tighten a little, feelig self conscious because this woman was beautiful, more beautiful then cersei even on her best day. Cersei knew she was pretty, but this woman was stopping traffic beautiful, and it was enough to make her feel that draco needed someone like that, someone that would fit in with the malfoy line instead of a small dark haired muggleborn.
Harry snickered a little. "i like my kisses thank you very much." he stated with a small snicker as draco nodded. "it's hard to find a good hairdresser. most people are idiots and they don't cut the hair right." he admitted scowling a little before laughing as Harry pouted. "... but i need rest after i write my books!" he complained smirking a little, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "oh alright, i won't leave the country this time." he complained rolling his eyes, Draco snorting. "Potter your cruel sometimes." he teased his best friend shaking his head as Harry snickered and nodded. "i sure am!" he admitted smirking a little. "remember when i used to hide her candy? oooh she'd get SO mad!" Harry admitted with a laugh as Draco grinned. "and then send me to kick your ass potter, don't think i'll stop that little habit." Draco warned smirking a little. "i can't get a copy because i'm just a hairdresser." he admitted smirking a little. "that and i missed the deadline for holding a copy." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. "some months are busier than others." he admitted shaking his head again as Harry vanished.

"well at least he eats, you're going to have to go drag him off his computer come dinner time aren't you?" he asked with a small grin. "i would like to borrow the book though, i've been dying to find out who stole the Heart Amulet... don't tell Harry but i'm totally addicted to his books." he admitted shaking his head. the gay man smiled as Cersei walked down. "why hello darling, i'm Timmy." he informed her grinning happily at her, watching her watching Allison. "ugh, she is SUCH a hag." Timmy complained sulking a little before blinking at her. "who is Draco little darling? certainly you can't be talking about Richard?" he asked blinking at the blond who was barley keeping a grin on his face as the woman bitched about things. "ugh, i don't know how he can STAND to touch her in ANY way." Timmy complained. "out of everyone here i think he hates her the most, reminds him of someone he once said." Timmy admitted shaking his head as Draco finished the woman's hair and watched her leave, struggling not to snarl at someone as he walked into the back room.

"i wouldn't follow him little darling, he'll be throwing things." Tinny admitted as he moved to sweep up the hair. "that woman pisses him off so badly that if he didn't break things i think he'd slit her throat." Timmy hesitated and then. "was that Jame's Even's you where with?" of course the gay man would know Harry. "is he staying here long?... do you think i could get his autograph?" Timmy asked hopefully as a loud shrill scream filled the air from the back room, Timmy grimacing. "oh dear... she must have insulted him this time, she's good at that..." Timmy muttered with thin worried lips which dissipated as Draco came back out, calm once more. "Cersei? Timmy your not spreading Rumors about me again are you?" "only good things boss, i swear." Timmy teased smirking a little as Draco rolled his eyes. "i'm so sure." the blond complained Timmy smirking. "well i could tell her about the time that man dyed your hair pink. or about the time you accidentally shaved that woman completely bald, or that time you tried to give that straight man a lap dance for his cheeseburger, or.." "alright! Timmy..." Draco grumbled. "and it wasn't MY fault that man was straight!... and i DID get the cheeseburger thank you very much!" "only because he ran away screaming." "if you weren't my best friend i'd fire you." Draco whined, sulking.
"Your hair looks fine."Cersei said snickering a little as she looked at harry's hair before pouting."You can leave. Just tell me this time."Cersei said scowling at him a little before sighing,giving the two a look."I don't eat candy anymore you two. Thanks."She said sulking a little because she'd stopped eating candy because they tended to hide it on her when she did ind something she wanted to eat."Ohhhh Draco Malfoy missed a deadline?Amazing."She teased laughing softly as she nodded."Of course I'm going to have to drag him away. Have you met him?Its harry potter, boy savior, he couldn't take care of himself if the world depended on him doing it."She smirked a little kissing his cheek as he left."I'm sure he's already aware of the addiction."

Cersei winced having forgotten about that, swallowing hard."Yea, richard. Sorry was thinking of someone else."She said smiling a little as she watched the two, smirking a little."I'm surprised he can stand to let any woman touch him.if I didn't know for a fact he was straight, I'd swear he was gay."she said amused as she watched draco leave, not about to follow him in there. She was well aware he was throwing things, and it was usually followed by cussing at lucius. So it wasn't nothing new....just the first time she'd seen it without lucius being involved."She does remind me of luc, even if she's female."She mused before grinning, "It was. And he's moving here. At least for awhile.I'll see what I can do about getting a autograph."She said looking amused as she glanced towards the door, amused that draco'd been screaming.

"Oh, are youo so sure it's him spreading rumors?I could have been telling him things."She said smiling as she looked up at the blond. Her mouth falling open a little as she tried to figure out where the usually cool and very self contained draco had gone. The draco she'd known would have never considered letting his hair be pink, or messing upenough to shave smoeone.Sadness showed in her eyes for a mment as she considered, maybe she didn't know him as well as she thought.And her heart hurt at the idea. Lowering her eyes so he couldn't see the tears starting she smiled, swallowing hard before she looked up at timmy, once again in control."I bet you have the best stories to tell, timmy. I'm sure if you tell jamie, he'd be more then happy to get a autograph for you."She said pleased at her idea.It'd give harry a excuse to get away from the computer, to hear stories while they ate
Harry snickered a little. "what fun is that?!" he asked smirking a little at her as Draco sulked. "it wasn't MY fault i missed the deadline!" he wasn't sure who's fault it was, but it was THEIR fault dammit! Draco smirked a little though as he shook his head. "Harry doesn't even know i read his books, until today he didn't even know i knew he was an author." he pointed out chuckling a little. "all my best books in my collection are hidden away so that my gay freinds who come in without invitation can't take off with them the greedy little grubbers." he growled his eyes narrowed at the door, clearly scowling at his freinds even though they weren't there. but it was an affectionate scowl that Draco always had when annoying freinds where involved. "i'm still missing my copy of The Pride and Prejudice." he grumbled before offering her that soft little smile as she kissed him on the cheek.

Timmy blinked a little his head tilted a little. "you don't know do you?" he asked looking shocked. "Darling Richard isn't straight, he's bi sexual, he likes men and women, though he prefers men." he admitted. "said once that only one woman would ever hold his heart." Timmy admitted grinning at her. "i used to think he was talkin bout his mama, but now i'm not so sure." he admitted grinning a little before pausing. "who is Luc? he used to have nightmares, about a Lucius... same guy? him and some weirdo named Voldemort. poor Richard would wake up screaming, sobbing even, begging them not to kill 'her'." Timmy admitted shaking his head a little. "that woman is nothin but a bitch. it's her way or no way and if you choose no way she destroys everything you've ever built. this place is all Richard has anymore, that he really cares about anyway... i think he lost someone very close to him and he's been afraid to love, or truly care about someone since... sure he's nice to me, and the fella's but... well he doesn't smile much, he never touches, not that i want to fuck him mind you but most people touch, hug, stroke, lean against each other... he's so distant i used to think he wasn't human."

Timmy actually squealed like a little girl at the promise of an autograph though and he practically vibrated before laughing at Draco. "One.. it took me THREE DAYS to wash out that hair dye you DICK!" Draco growled, Timmy snickering. "two! i thought, she was a MAN........ i have no excuses for the cheeseburger thing..." Timmy was just snickering and then he clapped his hands. "oooh i could TALK to him!?" Timmy asked his eyes shining, Draco snorting a little. "Timmy, Jame's doesn't do relationships." he stated simply. "the most your going to get out of him is a few kisses, a few dozen laughs, and an empty bed in the morning." "... you should know me better than that Draco." Timmy pouted. "i want to tie him up and hide him in my closet not uck him." "... i'm so sure." Draco rolled his eyes and then snickered. "oh alright you pathetic moron." he stated as Timmy pouted and begged him with his eyes. "you can stay for dinner and meet James." he decided patting Timmy on the head, the boy squealing eagerly as he bounced around and beamed at Cersei. "Your my new best friend for bringing James here!" he chirped happily. "i have to go brag!" "brag AFTER dinner!" Draco ordered shaking his head. "i am so glad your the only person who reads those stupid books." "their not stupid! their AMAZING!"
"Yes, its someone else's fault."Cersei said snickering a little as she looked at harry. "uh-huh, poor draco. People keep stealing your books. Do I have to defend them for you?"She teased looking amused at the affectionate scowl. It touched her heart to realize that he'd found a life here, to realize he hadn't been miserable. And...she wasn't sure if it hurt or was okay."I'll just buy one for you."She teased.

Cersei looked startled at that tilting her head a little, loking unsure before smiling."Hmm his mama is something interesting."She said amused because despite her bastard of a husband, narcissa malfoy was a sweetheart, and a ballbuster. If she hadn't been totally terrified of her husband, cersei had no doubt that narcissa would have been someone to be feared."Yes. Lucius is...very pretty."Cersei said not even going to touch the idea of voldemort. She so didn't want to think about that. She couldn't unthink anything, and she wanted to know exactly what draco dreamed of. But more then anything, she wanted to wrap her arms around draco and hold him,because they needed each other, both had been nearly crippled. Draco by his father and voldemort, and her by draco's 'death.' "He never was affectionate. Even when he was younger."Cersei said swallowing hard beause it hurt to think that him leaving had broken something inside him. Well...it wasn't exactly bad, because she was glad to see that she hadn't been the only one affected by him leaving, but it hurt to think about him that upset."He's very much human, even if he doesn't like to think he is."

"He'd probably let you tie him up, though it's only my bed he warms all night."Cersei said, letting both men assume what they wanted about that, not about to share harry with a man she'd just met. Not when she wasn't sure if timmy would be good for him or not. Smirking a little as she loked at draco, tilting her head."You think I can drag him away from the computer?"He asked looking amused at the idea. "Stay richard's best friend, I already have one."She said amused raising a hesitating for a moment before touching draco's cheek, "Stop pretending you don't know they're amazing."She teased patting his cheek as if teasing him.And she was. Because she didn't know what to think about what timmy had told her.
Draco smirked a little. "yes, yes you do need to defend my books." he teased. after all if she was defending his books then she couldn't leave... right? of course right. Timmy looked startled when she mentioned his mama, looking shocked. "... you knew Richard before he got kicked to the curb didn't you?" he asked looking shocked. "i've never met someone who knew Richard before the streets." he admitted clearly contemplating whether or not to ask about it before deciding it was an invasion of privacy that Draco wouldn't forgive. "i wouldn't go handing out too much information about his past miss." Timmy admitted smiling rather sadly. "he get's angry, he goes in that little back room and screams... and cries sometimes if you try to get information out of him... whatever is in his past... it should stay that way." Timmy admitted smiling at her. "did you know he's pretty when he cries? it's really quite amazing. most people go all blotchy or pale or start sucking snot but he almost makes it an art form. he used to cry on stage, he was a glorious actor, i though he should be in movies, but he was hiding from someone, a lot of people i guess and once your in the movies almost anyone can find you." he admitted looking at her.

"he must have had such a terrible life." not affection even as a kid? even as a child? of course, Lucius had never had time for hugs, and if he caught Narcissa 'coddling' the boy she got in trouble. even the time Draco had broken his arms and had sobbed wildly, Lucius had only said 'buck up son and stop that baby crying, your fine.' Narcissa had to take him to the healers in secrete to fix his arm. "i always thought he was an Elf." Timmy admitted with a grin. "their supposed to be so pretty and aloof, it fits don't you think? though he;d have to have a better name than Richard." he complained wrinkling his nose. "i think he should change that name... it's not pretty enough for him." Timmy complained sulking. "sure it's a good business man name, Richard is veeeery serious." he admitted rolling his eyes. "you know he won't even go out drinking with us unless we beg him to designate? it's almost sad..." he admitted sulking again before grinning brightly.

"ah darling i don't tie people up, i GET tied up." he teased chuckling a little. "i'm a super bottom, that mean's i bottom for the bottoms." he admitted snickering a little before he sulked at her. "aaaw i was so SURE James was gay!" "he is." Draco stated simply smacking Timmy upside the head. "and so are you, stop filling Cersei's head with unnecessary things and get me the hand sanitizer, my fingers still burn from touching that bitches hair." Timmy snorted but handed the hand sanitizer to Draco from his pocket. "i'm sure you'll be able to drag him away from the computer at a promise of Timmy's special white chocolate cheesecake." "... you'd let me use your kitchen?" Timmy asked looking shocked Draco hesitating. "... this once." he decided. "for James since i know you've loved him for forever." Draco grumbled. "make a mess of my kitchen and you will never step foot in my house again." Timmy snorted ad shook his head. "of course Rich." "it's Richard Tim now stop flirting with Cersei and get your ass up there and make me cheesecake." "i thought it was for James." "it's for me, i'm just letting you claim it's for James.... make two." "your so bossy!" Timmy whined but skipped up the stairs to make the cheesecakes Draco desired. "Timmy makes the most amazing cheesecake." cheesecake was one of the things neither Draco nor Cersei had been able to manage. first attempts had been drank with a straw, or broken apart with a hammer and chisel. "i know i love the books." Draco stated with a smug little grin once Timmy was gone. "but as far as Timmy and the rest of the world knows, i don't even know what they are." he teased chuckling a little. "you go get Harry while i keep Timmy from breaking into my wine collection."
Cersei winced a little before sighing."I did.And don't ask, he might forgive me for something, but not the person who asked me."She said before shrugging. Knowing why draco didn't want anyone to know about his past."He does cry prettily doesn't he?"She said amused at the idea because it was true. "Don't ask, I wont tell you who he's hiding from."She said sighing quietly because it hurt tothink draco wasn't allowed doing something that he was good at, because his father was going to kill him. That was just sad, and disheartening. "He did. But then lots have."She said not about to tell him just how badly the malfoy home life had been. She only knew the rumors, and the few hints draco had said. She wasn't aware of everything, and even the hints made her want to cry.

"No, not a elf.He's human."She said sounding amused at the idea. Because it did fit draco, to be a elf. Coldly aloof, even after you got close. Aviding the question about dracos name she knew that even to whisper his real name was a chance to get lucius to know his son's location. "Draco was never good at having fun."She said even as she said the words a dark blush went over her face, because she remembered just how much fun draco's could be, just never in public.

"Are you sure about that?He was kissing alot of girls today."Cersei said smiling at draco, amused at their talk."Poor poor draco."She teased hesitating before she wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning against him as he stood next to her chair."Oh no, the cheescakes for me, he's just going to pretend he's keeping it from me. He steals kisses like that."She teased looking amused that timmy had been so shocked to be allowed in his kitchen."Do we have to break out the straws?"Cersei reminded him snickering as she looked up at him."Okay, no books. This will be interesting."She teased amused as she followed draco upstairs. Heading for the guest room where she knew harry was, walking up behind him, leaningagainst his back as she read over his shoulder."Harry, come on.Time to eat."She said already reaching past his shoulders to take his hands off the keyboard. pulling him away she pressed a kiss to his forehead."Come on lovely, we need food. And I wont eat unless you do."
he smiled a little and nodded. "i won't ask." he promised simply. "it's not my place to ask him something he clearly wishes to keep hidden." Timmy admitted smiling at her. "Richard and i have been through a great deal together. i would never do anything to break that trust." he promised. "all i know, is that secrete or not, i would kill to protect him, even if i die in the process. i love Richard, he's my family. the only Family i have." Timmy admitted smiling at Cersei. "a lot of us have bad lives... but not everyone wakes up screaming from their past." he admitted. "sometimes he even still has nightmares..." Timmy admitted softly. "he won't admit it of course but i know he's had nightmares when he calls me at three in the morning." he admitted shaking his head a little.

Richard smirked a little. "i have my doubts about that." Timmy teased. "especially considering that blush you got going there." he teased snickering a little. "he's just a private person, he's pretty fun when it's just me him and Angel, he even laughs once and a while." he admitted grinning a little. "i think he's just a private person who pretends to be a macho serious business man, but is really just shy and scared." he admitted grinning as he watched Draco come over. "James is Bi." Draco stated simply. "it wasn't just women he screwed through seventh year Cersei." Draco teased smiling a little down at her, blinking slowly, affectionate, all his attention on her as she held him, his head tilted as if waiting to listen to her speak. Draco chuckled as he shook his head. "for the banana strawberry smoothies maybe." he stated calmly, chuckling a little as he went to help Timmy make dinner, the both of them talking quietly as they worked, musing about what to make for dinner.

Harry was so focused on writing that he didn't notice at first that Cersei was there. Harry got so into his work that sometimes he drowned out everything else, to the point where he could have been on fire and he wouldn't have noticed. he blinked when his hands where stalled and he blinked slowly, like he was trying to wake up and he blinked at Cersei. "huh?" he asked, confused. normally she didn't bother him for twelve, or fifteen hours, usually it was to make him shower, eat, and then sleep. "food?" Harry asked blinking a little, his stomach growling. "oh... sure... food." he agreed standing up, saving his work and closing the laptop, smiling at her. "what's for dinner?" had she been anyone else he would have been bitching that he didn't need food and that they'd ruined the flow of his book, but it was Cersei, only she and Draco had ever gotten away with disturbing Harry once he was writing. "who's that?" Harry asked as he blinked at Timmy who was whispering something in Draco's ear, making the blond blush furiously and sputter. "Timmy you PERVERT!" Draco protested. "i would NEVER!.... well..." Draco hesitated and then a small grin lifted his lips. "ok maybe i would." he agreed laughing a little as Timmy snickered, both of them going beat red at the sight of Cersei and Harry.
"It is good he has family."Cersei said smiling at him,glad that draco had found someone that would take care of him.Cersei looked startled at the admittance of dreams before nodding a little, because she could take careof draco if he needed it. in love with him enough to want to, even if it would hurt to see him like that."I'm not blushing....well not much."Cersei smiling a little,"A private person who's just shy.Yea, thats about right."She said watching draco.

"Yes,but I try very hard to not think about that. His novels are enough for fantasies. I don't want to think about what else he does."She said smiling up at him, blushing a little as she remembered what her and timmy had been talking about, and also slightly uncomfortable with being the center of his attention.Looking amused as she watched the two cook for a moment before going in search of harry.

"Food."She said smiling wider as she looked down at him, amused at his look,because it always made her wonder what he was like with sex if he was this totally focused on writing. That single minded focus would be nice for things. Like draco,harry could be erriely singleminded about things."I'm not sure. Draco and timmy are cooking.Timmy works downstairs and is draco's best friend."She said kissing his cheek as they walked out of the room. Raising a eyebrow as she studied draco, "Wouldn't do what?"she asked, smirking a little as she crossed the rom leaning against draco's back as she looked to see what he was cooking, wrapping her arms around his waist. Now that she had allowed herself to touch him, she couldn't seem to stop. Though she'd probably deny the urge, or yell at herself later for the need, she was being herself, cuddling draco when she felt the need to do it."What are you talking about?"She said turning her head,breath ghosting over his neck, and inches from nuzzling him.It was mean to do this to him,but dammit, he'd left her. He needed punished somehow....the fact that she wanted to touch him, was just something she was ignoring for now.
Timmy chuckled a little and nodded. "it is good to have Family." he agreed smiling a little. "you are Family too i think, Draco's Family at least." he admitted smiling. "it's been so long since i have seen him smile so freely." he admitted smiling a little. "you hold a very special place in Richards heart. you and James both." he admitted smiling a little before laughing. "you ARE blushing." he teased snickering a little as he shook his head as Draco chuckled a little. "i have a bad feeling James is actually rather bland in bed." Draco admitted. "all love and passion but no kink." "...really? you think so?" Timmy asked pouting a little. "but he writes with such passion in the bed scenes, he's had to have tried SOME of it!" "i wouldn't know i don't read them." Draco stated simply. "and i've never fucked James so honestly, i really wouldn't know." he admitted chuckling a little as he smiled at Cersei.

Harry grinned a little and nodded a little. "oh, Draco has freinds?" Harry asked looking startled. ".. Draco's freinds name is Timmy? seriously? oh THIS i have to see." Harry purred, delighting in the idea of getting to make fun of Draco for a little while. Draco went beat, bright red as Cersei asked him what he wouldn't do and he just shook his head, well and truly mortified as Timmy laughed. "my god! i think i struck him dumb!" the man admitted giggling wickedly as Draco scowled at him, but didn't try to talk, well and truly struck dumb. he relaxed a little as she wrapped her arms around him and he sighed with a small shudder as she ran her nose against his neck, a strange noise falling from his lips. "...we where... talking about sex poses.." Draco managed to strangle out, as always, when she touched him just right, he could deny her nothing, not even the answer to a question. Timmy was gaping, shocked and Harry smirked a little. "Cersei's always had a way of getting D.. Richard to do whatever she wanted." he admitted leaning over Timmy, the gay man flaring a bright red as he came face to face with his idol, making a strange choked sound as Harry reached around him and stole a bite of their meal. it looked like noodles and shrimp but Harry knew Draco better than to think it was just some cheep meal.

"y..y..y..your j..j..James Evans!" Timmy practically squealed once Harry backed away enough to where Timmy wasn't fully aware of every inch of his body, Harry lifting an eyebrow. "yes, yes i am." Harry admitted looking amused. "oh god!!! please! an autograph!? please!?" Timmy pleaded looking around frantically for the book he had only read thirteen times already. Harry chuckled and signed the book while Timmy gushed over him, Draco rolling his eyes. "good God Timmy are you going to lift you leg and piss on his shoes too you little yapper?!" "better than being a bitch like you!" Timmy shot back, looking a little embarrassed at his actions, before beaming as Harry tossed his head back and laughed. shocked that someone would dare call Draco Malfoy a bitch. shockingly, draco was laughing too as he stirred the shrimp and leaned back, gently brushing a kiss across Cersei's forehead. "your being mean." he complained softly to her, pouting at her as he often had when she'd refused to share something, or help him with his homework, denied him anything really. it was a sweet pout, one that only she had ever seen.
"I am."Cersei said softly, realizing that despite everything, it was true. she was draco's family. "Don't look at me.I don't know what he's like."She said blushing hard as she looked at the two amused at the idea of harry being boring.

"Yes,yes draco has friends. And a friend named timmy."She said rolling her eyes amused at harry's overeager need to make fun of draco."Not you, never you timmy."Cersei teased looking at the other, smiling softly as she leaned against draco,amused because she found it odd and weird that she still had such a affet on draco."Oh, wht kind of sex poses?"She muttered laughing as harry stole a bite of food. Looking between the three, cuddled against draco's back as she watched them all. It was amusing to see someone jump on harry so much. "He's not a bitch.Though he does whine and moan like one."Cersei said snickering because it was so amusing to watch the three men together. "I'm being mean?"She raised a eyebrow looking at him,pausing to make sure the other boys weren't watching, and because really, she wanted to touch skin.Sliding a hand down she slid a hand up his shirt, hand resting on the smooth expanse of his stomach."You've been working out."She said startled, because before he'd left she never saw draco malfoy work out.

Shifting her attention she drew away, not wanting to touch him anymore, not when she was still mad at him. Moving to the table she sat downcurling up in her seat as she sighed softly, watching the three men."Timmy, calm down.He's not going to go missing if you stay calm for five minutes.Draco, finish the food. I'm hungry."She said trying very hard to not think about how much she wanted to snuggle draco.Wantedto feel pale smooth naked skin against hers. She was so not wanting to consider the desperate need.
Timmy pouted a little. "but you share a bed with him, how can you not know?" Draco snorted a little. "not everyone is a whore like you Tim, just because she's sleeping with him doesn't mean she's having sex with him." he pointed out, Timmy just looking confused, as if he didn't understand the concept of 'just sleeping'. Timmy snickered as Draco went even more red. "... multiple partner poses..." Draco muttered shamefully, Harry snickering a little. "oh yeah? you looking for some good old fashioned fucking Dray?" he asked the name slipping out, Timmy looking confused but shrugging it off. it wasn't his place. "he's a bitch." Harry and Timmy stated simply, smirking at each other as Draco rolled his eyes. as soon as the two where distracted by getting autographs, Draco was distracted by a firm hand, uttering a short little gasp as he shuddered, his firm six pack twitching under her fingers. "... Martial arts." he whispered softly. "aftr i got off the streets i swore i'd never be a victim again..." he admitted softly. "i practice every morning..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i go tothe gym three days a week for weight training." he admitted staring at her. "and yes... being mean... because i don't dare touch back." he admitted, his voice wavering, the only sign he gave of how very hard it was not to stroke her, hold her, touch her like he used to.

Timmy pouted but calmed down, Harry chuckling as he sat next to Cersei, Timmy on Harry's other side, running his hand up and down Harry's thigh, Harry smirking a little, but not saying a thing, enjoying the attention like he always did, glancing at Cersei. "you are being cruel today aren't you?" he asked smiling a little. "i'm just glad your not pissed at me, i'd be in hell right now otherwise hmm?" he asked smiling at her. "don't punish him for too long ok? his self control was never very good when it came to you." he reminded her as Draco put down the plates of food. crab stuffed meatballs and shrimp fettachini with a bottle of strawberry wine. the meal was, as always, delicious but Draco was silent through the meal, feeling bitter that Harry was getting touch and affection and he was getting cruel torment. he pushed it off as bitterness anyway, not in the least bit aware that it was jealousy and a desire to have Harry for himself, instead of Timmy having him. it was stupid.. he knew it, but he still felt it, which made him feel guilty as well, because he was supposed to be in love with Cer, not Harry....
"Hmmm poor draco."Cersei muttered sighing softly amused at timmy's confusion on just sleeping with someone."You're no one's victim."She muttered pressing a kiss to his neck, wincing as she realized they were both having problems.Moving away she sighed, because it was so hard to not give in, to not touch him.'I would never be cruel."Cersei said sighing softly before laughing softly."I'm still mad t you, I just enjoy sleeping next to you more then I want to be mad at you."She said before going quiet, starting to eat before sighing. Realizing harry was right, she couldn't keep teasing draco, not if she was going t stay mad at him. cersei looked at draco, sensing someting was wrong, and pain showing in her eyes as she realized maybe she had gone to far. Not realizing it wasn't her that was bothering draco.

By the time they finished dinner and moved to the living room to talk, the stressed out woman was yawning, blinking sleepily as she struggled to stay awake to talk to everyone.Curling up on the couch between harry and draco, but using draco as her pillow she sighed softly."We should go to bed...you have work tomorrow..."She muttered rubbing her cheek against draco's shoulder, the sleepier she got, the more touch oriented she got. Shifting she wrapped her arms around his waist, cuddling against him."your warm."she muttered more then anything, at that moment she wanted to cuddle up against him in bed skin to skinand get comforted as much as she wanted comfort. As much as she enjoyed sleeping next to harry, loved sleeping next to him, it was draco she needed, draco's who's touch made her burn.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "i spent the first Twenty years of my life as someone Else's victim Cersei." he admitted softly. "not all these scars are from the streets." Lucius had enjoyed beating his son, for any reason he could find. who knew what Voldemort had done to Draco. it was lucky Draco hadn't been killed, it really was. "your always cruel." he teased flashing her a playful grin to show her that he was only teasing. "i know your still mad at me." he admitted smiling at her. "i'm mad at me too." he admitted softly as he finished the meals, struggling not to growl at Timmy. Timmy was Timmy, the man even tried to seduce Draco once and a while he couldn't help himself, the muggle term was Nymphomaniac. a person addicted to sex, that was Timmy to a T. and Harry too fr that matter though Harry was just trying to replace the gaping loveless hole in his heart with sex and fake affection. he would say nothing, Harry wasn't his anyway, and Harry would only resent him for it. so he watched as Harry and Timmy flirted all through Dinner, flashing each other lustful grins. it was clear they both understood this was going to be a one time, maybe two or three time thing if the sex was good enough. in the end both of them would be dissatisfied with the sex and would remain freinds. that was how it always went.

Draco smiled as he was cuddled into and he hesitantly cuddled her back, smiling at her. "me? your the one who's barley awake." he teased softly gently stroking her hair. "i'm always warm." even when he came in from playing in the snow he was warm, Draco and Harry where both 'furnace people' they where always warm and comfortably so. if she where to snuggle in-between the Harry and Draco she would never be cold, ever. "come on Cersei." he ordered gently scooping her up, glancing at Timmy and Harry, offering them both a glare. "behave!" he ordered before he walked into the bedroom, gently tucking Cersei in, nearly choking when he realized her hands where around him and she was NOT going to let go. he could easily get free, but it was the excuse he was looking for, and gently slid into bed with her, fully clothed. didn't want her to be angry with him in the morning after all. after an hour he heard Harry and Timmy giggling as they headed into the other room, and the sounds of passionate torment filled the air. Harry was a teaser, he liked to make people feel so good they cried. Draco couldn't help but listen, but was too jealous to react 'down below'. he was glad when they finally stopped and went to sleep, tucking his head against Cersei, resisting the urge to cry and held Cersei tightly through the night, finally falling asleep when Dawn started to creep in through the windows.
Cersei growled low in her throat, anger in that one sound.Anger at a man who had abused his son so. Relaxing when he smiled at her, glad to knowthat he wasn't angry at her. Even more amused as he tried not to grow at timmy, while it amused her, she wondered why it bothered draco so much to see it happening. "I'm awake..."She muttered sighing softly."I'm not sleepy."She muttered but she let draco carry her to bed, because she really did want to be snuggled up against him when she was sleeping.

When she woke up, Cersei frowned at the cieling, sighing softly in pleasure as she felt the gently fingers groping her, it was a strange feeling to be groped after so long of not doing it."..."She frowned harder before turning her head, starting when she realized it was draco and not harry.Harry groped her sometimes in his sleep,but she hadn't...no.Raising her head enough to look down at her body, she sighed in relief to see that they were dressed, "I swear to god malfoy, if your awake I'm going to beat your head in."She muttered before easing away from him, sitting up slowly. "Draco.Get up."She growled standing up, walking to the suitcase to get clothes, before returning to the bed, leaning across it to poke draco."Wake up.I want to get my hair cut."She growled sounding grouchy, angry with him because he'd reminded her of better days, days that they'd woken up in a tangle of sheets nd skin, and she didn't want to think about that.She wanted him, but she couldn't allow her heart to get entangled again. She couldn't.She wouldn't allow herself to fall in love with draco again.
Draco wasn't awake, lucky him as his hand slid along her body, stroked her here and there as he nuzzled her neck as he once did every morning. he whined as she pulled away but gripped the pillow instead, snuggling into it as she ordered him to get up, blatantly refusing to head her orders. he whined as she prodded him and groaned a little. "Timmy i dun't... have point'ment yet...wunna sleep." Draco ordered waving her away before frowning. "Timmy why you sounds like Cersei?" he asked blinking stupidly at Cersei. "why you look like Cersei?" he was so cute when he was mostly asleep, cute and stupid. he blinked a little and then sat up, rubbing his eyes as he slumped towards the shower as the sounds of giggles filled the hall. "shh... shhh your going to wake them up." "you shhh, your the one that's giggling." "shhh." Harry and Timmy where up and they where giggling wildly, they where only partially dressed. cute pink lace panties for Timmy and a pair of boxer briefs for harry, it was VERY clear what they had been doing last night with all the hickies all over each of them. "shh... Draco will use the bathroom in his room, we'll shower int he hall shower." Timmy whispered to Harry, sucking on the man's ear, making them both snicker and head into the shower. they where clearly going to have another round of sex.

both showers started, but Draco was done in a few minutes and walked back out looking awake and perfectly pristine as he smiled at Cersei. "ready for your Spa day?" he asked smiling at her his head tilted a little. "Harry and Timmy are screwing again aren't they?" he asked seeing the look on her face, sighing a little. "they had better damn well clean my sheets." he growled simply as he gently took her arm, like the proper gentleman he was and led her down stairs where he rinsed out her hair, lathered it up, rinsed it again, and then settled her in front of a mirror, his eyes focused only on her as he worked, a small smile on his lips as he snipped and trimmed and carefully cut his way around her hair, cropping her hair just the way she liked it before looking for the blow dryer as Timmy skipped down, fully dressed and fully ready to do Cersei's toes and fingers. he was a nail specialist, and damn good at it too. Draco dried her hair, making her hair shine elegantly in the light of the shop as he smiled at her and carefully swept the hair off her shoulders and back with a giant soft paintbrush and then carefully removed the hair tarp. "there you go, how does that look?" Draco asked smiling at her. "if you'll go have a seet with Timmy he'll get your face and nails."

and Timmy sure did. his fingers where gently massaging her as a cool refreshing rejuvenating masque was applied, leaving her face green but cool and tingly. her fingers and toes where dipped in soft warm water and left to soak for a few minutes while she relaxed. then he was back, massaging each hand before he got started on the nails, engaging her in polite relaxing small talk as he buffed and shaped her pretty nails, finally asking her if she wanted a paint job or a clear coat or a fancy design, letting her see all the colors and all the picture options for the nail designs.
"Oh bloody hell draco."Cersei scowled because it was the only way to be angry with him in the face of such adorableness. "I'm not timmy."She whined leaning down to kiss his forehead laughing softly as she looked towards the door. She so didn't want to think of that. Jelously made her stomach roll,but she sighed shaking her head as she got ready for her day. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she smiled up at draco,"Yes I am. And they are."She said giggling a little at the idea of harry doing his own laundry."I looks great draco.Really."She said touching his cheek as she moved past him, looking so happy to be taken care of, and have the nearly ass long hair short again.

By the time timmy finished and everything else had happened, it was early afternoon and it made cersei grin as she kissed timmy's cheek."Thanks.I'll see you later."She said grinning as she headed back upstairs to see what draco and harry were doing, wanting to show just how pretty she was looking now that she had had a nice long relaxing day."Drac-"She stopped as she pushed open the door, staring at the sight in front of her. Pain filled her eyes as she looked at the two men kissing in front of her, and she wasn't sure what to think.She loved them both, was it really so odd they found each other pleasing?Sighing softly at the sight she moved past them,having every intent of getting food then locking herself in the bedroom so that she could be alone.Though it was half tempting to stay and watch the two. It was... interesting to see them both kissing each other.
Draco grinned at her giving her hair a small tug as Timmy took over. he gave her everything, face and scalp massage, foot and hand massage, calf massages, back massage, a long luxurious dip in the hot tub, he waxed anything she wanted him to and gave her all the attention she wanted, he even gave her makeup a few touch ups after he washed the masque off her face. never had she been so relaxed and pampered, it was no wonder all the rich folks wanted to come to Draco's place. it was amazing. Timmy grinned at her and winked at her. "glad you enjoyed your time, i'll have to talk to Richard and see if we can't give you a free spa day every week." he teased laughing a little as the first customer walked in, Timmy moving over to help her into a seat as Cersei headed upstairs.

once she got up there she would see Harry and Draco pinned on the floor, kissing each other intently, grinding against each other, groaning as they made out. there was a heavy smell of Alcohol in the air and Draco growled, yanking Harry's head back. "your MINE potter." Draco growled. "not Timmy's, not Neville's, MINE!...and Cersei's... maybe... if your worthy of her..." Draco decided his voice a Slur, Harry whining, trying to move against Draco, wanting more attention, Draco resuming the kissing, neither of them aware of Cersei as the shirts started to come off, pants and moans filling the air. "yes... yours... all yours... you n Cersei." Harry moaned eagerly as Draco's skilled hands teased Harry's body, making high keening noises of need. "that's right." Draco growled. "mine and Cersei's." he hissed softly as he started yanking Harry's pants down. they where going to fuck right there on the kitchen floor, where Cersei could watch unhindered if she so desired. when they where declairing they belonged to each other, and her, how could she resist?
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