Saving Draco Malfoy

he groaned as she ordered him to wake up and just tightened his hold on her nuzzling the back of her neck. "mm no." he whined, not wanting to wake up. but at least he'd shifted enough that her hair was free, not that she could get out of bed with both arms wrapped tightly around her waist.
Roshara tensed even more, smiling a little as she got hr hair free though. Tensing because she didn't know what he wanted with her so close to him.And she kinda felt sick.Not about to throw up on him she growled slightly, squirming around to face him."Draco, I need you to let me go."She muttered smiling as she gently brushed her fingers through his hair.
he groaned as she wanted free and shook his head. "no... your soft 'n warm." he complained snuggling her. "jus five more minutes?" he pleaded before sighing as he slipped back into sleep, his tight grip loosening, allowing her to squirm free, enjoying the 'petting'. as soon as she started throwing up though he was awake and gently holding her hair back out of her face, looking worried. "roe? do you need me to go get Harry? did you eat something bad?"

nighty night^^ see you in the morning.)
Roshara sighed softly smiling as he held her hair back, amused at his sweetness even if she was feeling bad for puking."No...I dont think so.I just don't feel good."She said leaning back, wiping her mouth as she lookedd up at him, shifting to lean against his leg as he held her hair back. "Well...maybe you should.You're already sick enough for the both of us. I don't need to be sick either."She teased him a little, because he was sick, just not physically. Smiling up at him to let him know she was just teasing.Looking pale and shakey with that white blond hair framing her face.Almost as pale and sickely looking as her hair was.
Draco smiled at her and nodded a little. "i'll go get him." he promised rushing out of the room, not realizing that she was joking, Harry returning ten minutes later looking amused. 'caught the flu didn't you?" he asked smiling at her as he gently helped her stand up. "figures, Draco looks positively radiant for once and for once you look awful." he teased gently laying her out on the bed. "you should stay in bed today, Draco's already trying to cook again." he admitted rolling his eyes as he ran his wand along her body before pausing, frowning a little. "well your not physically ill as far as i can tell, but i'm not much of a healer. just rest as much as you can for the next couple of days and don't eat too much junk food." he ordered simply.

Draco was downstairs when Harry finally came down, his face buried in a cookbook as he tried to make chicken soup, Harry snorting a little as he shook his head. "Draco.. your burning her pot..." Harry complained carefully removing the metal pot off of the far too hot stove, the blond blinking. "... sorry... i just can't cook..." he complained sulking a little. "it's not fair.." "i know you want to help her draco but poisoning her with your cooking isn't going to help, try and find something else to do for her... make potions or something."
"I was just kidding. I really didn't think he'd go get you."She snickered shaking her head but she cuddled down into the bed with the intention of sleeping."And don't let him destroy my kitchen.I do enjoy cookng once in awhile."She said amused and relaxed because she was pretty sure she wasn't sicker then just the flu."Draco's eating all my junk food. I don't have to worry about that."She said snickering before snuggling down into the bd with a sigh. When she did venture down about a hour later she paused in the doorway, snickering a little at the sight of harry cooking soup and things, and draco making what looked like a anti-nausea potion."Draco...did you destroy any of my pots?"She teased moving over to stand next to him, leaning over his shoulder to look at the potion he was making.
Harry smiled a little as he looked up at her. "Draco doesn't understand jokes." he explained simply. "he doesn't understand Humor, he's never had a chance to." he admitted shaking his head. "i'll show you later." he promised chuckling a little. "you probobly just have the flu, i'll make you some soup." he promised standing up and heading back tot he kitchen so she could sleep, looking up at her when she walked in, having been explaining the concept of a knock knock joke to Draco. Draco went slightly pink at the question of ruined pots and averted his eyes. "" clearly lying and Harry snickered a little. "it's ok Roe, i fixed it." he promised calmly. "hey Draco, Knock Knock." Draco sighed but nodded. "who's there?" "Owls." "Owls Who?" "that's right, Owl's whoo." Harry chirped blinking a little as Draco stared at him. "... i don't get it." Draco stated before turning his attention to the potion again, Harry chuckling a little as he glanced at her with his eyebrow raised. "you try telling a joke." he ordered simply.
Roshara smiled softly as she looked at the blushing blond, smiling as she sat down net to him, shifting to rest her head on his shoulder as she watched him do his potion. Despite feeling a little better, her head still hurt, and she figured she might as well cuddle him since he seemd to want to take care of her. He'd just have to live with it. Laughing quietly at Draco's not getting the joke she smiled, thinking for a moment."Okay, this is bad but its the only one my mom ever told me that I actually remember."Roshara said blushing hard, smiling softly."What four animals does a woman like to have in her house?"She looked at them, before blushing harder."A tiger in bed, a mink in the closest, a jaguar in her garage, and a jackass who pays for it all."She sighed when they just stared at her."I don't know many jokes!"She whined blushing

hahah that was adorableXDD)
Draco just rolled his eyes and let the woman cuddle him, he figured it would be ok... since she didn't feel well after all. he could handle being touched for a little while right? just a little while... at the joke Harry did laugh, he thought it was funny because it was SO true but Draco just stared at her and blinked stupidly. "... i don't get it..." he complained frowning a little. "let's not tell jokes.." he complained sullenly, Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head. " "alright Draco, no more jokes." he agreed smiling a little. "lunch is almost ready anyway, how's that potion?" "done. it just needs to simmer for a few hours now." he admitted calmly sitting down at the table and letting Harry serve him some soup, but Draco wouldn't eat it. soup was one of the things Draco just couldn't stand.
Roshara smiled shifting to sit up, brushing a kiss over draco's cheek as she did so."Thanks. You make me feel better.At least not as sick."She said smiling slightly as she smiled at harry, starting to eat her soup,"thanks harry.Better then being posioned with draco's."She teased looking at the blond."It always amazes me potion masters make the worst cooks."She teased looking at him, nudging him a little."Draco, eat."She ordered softly. "We'll watch TV after if you do."She promised looking amused.
Draco grumbled as he poked at his soup before he shoved it away. "i can't... not soup..." he muttered softly Harry smiling a little. "i'll make you something else hows that?" "... something sweet?" Draco asked, looking skittish, as if he expected to be slapped for demanding something other than soup, Harry grinning. "how about another milkshake, you liked the first one, even if i did drink most of it." "... yes, that sounds alright." the blond agreed smiling a little, relaxing now that he realized no one was angry with him. "i still get Tv." he grumbled sulking at Roshara as Harry whipped up a large strawberry shake and slid it over to Draco, lacing it with a nutrient potion like he did all of Draco's food. Draco obediently sipped on it, Harry smiling a little as he nudged Roshara playfully, bribing Draco with TV to eat, how mischievous.
Roshara smiled softly as she realized that Draco was upset about the soup, not the fact that he was eating."Okay, if you must watch tv."she said amused as she ate both her bowl of sop and his. Nudging harry back with a smile, amused because it was the most perfect thing to bribe him with.Sighing as she finished eating she rubbed her hands over her face as she stood up, feeling sleepy now that she was full."Come on, lets go watch tv. Since draco has drank his shake."She teased before frowning at the owl knocking on her window. Walking over she took the letter from it, reading before sighing."Harry?Can you stay here for awhile?"She asked, she so did not want to go out. But like helping draco, she had other patients that needed her help to.So she'd go out,even if she was feeling horrible.
he smirked a little. "i must." he stated simply, only drinking half of his shake before abandoning it. complaining that his stomach didn't feel good, moving to lay on the couch and watch TV while Harry chuckled and shook her head a little. "... sure i can stay here with Dray but.. where are you going?" he asked frowning, worried his head tilted. "you shouldn't be going out, your ill... you should be sleeping and resting." he complained gently tucking her hair behind her ear, glancing at Draco who was sleeping instead of watching Tv. "... i think Draco's got what you do." not likely.
Roshara smiled a little watching Draco walk out of the room looking worried about him before shaking her head."I have a patient who's been working with the weasley's to get used to crowds again.But she wants to see me, and I should go in case she's freaking out."she said looking worried because morgan usually only needed to talk to her when she was upset."Maybe.Just watch him."She said smiling as she kissed his cheek,"Thanks Harry."She muttered before leaving.

A hour later, Medi-wizard Thomas stepped into the mansion, pausing in the kitchen."Mr. Potter?Your boss said you were here."He said looking worried bcause he didn't want to tell him. So didn't want to admit that a reporter had caught Roshara Soliel of all the paranoid people, unaware. Seeing the small, slight, sickly looking woman loking even worse had been hard on all her friends at St. Mungo's.
Harry hesitated and then nodded a little. "alright, i'll stay here with Draco and watch him then." he promised. "he's going to sulk all day anyway and bitch that the milkshake gave him a belly ache." he admitted smiling as he kissed her forehead and moved to gently tuck Draco in. he blinked when Thomas, the same mediwizard that had helped heal Draco, walked into the house and he frowned a little. "what's happened?" he demanded. "has someone been raped again?" he asked, Draco, lookign as pale and sickly, though better to Thomas than he had before moved into the room. "... Roshara?" Draco asked softly, his head tilted. "where is she? did she leave?" he asked sluggish and sleepy Harry smiling at Draco. "she just had to go out and help another patient, she'll be back." Harry promised, Draco scowling but nodding as he walked away to enjoy some more television.
Thomas winced a littl at that, shaking his head a little."No she's not.At least,not yet."He said softly looking worriedly after draco because she had no idea how to tell dracp what was going on."That reporter....the one that did draco's story....he...he pretended to be a patient."He muttered because it was going to kill Draco to know that she had protected him,even if it nearly killed her."The reporter wanted to know what draco was doing, and beat her when she didn't tell him.It's...bad."He said looking so worried because he never wanted to see her like that again, so beaten that blood had stained her white blond hair a soft pink even after they'd washed it.
Harry stared at Thomas with wide eyes for a moment before he glanced at Draco and moved deeper into the kitchen, swallowing thickly. "how badly is she hurt?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly and fidgeting a little, looking so worried. "where is the reporter?" he demanded, a murderous rage growing in his eyes as he cracked his knuckles. "don't let dray find out." he ordered softly before moving into the other room to tell draco that he had to go to the hospital to deal with a work problem and Draco just nodded and waved him off, his eyes fixed on the Television, Harry rolling his eyes a little as he headed into the Hospital, moving over to Roe and gently taking her hand, feeling fury boiling deep inside of him as he gently stroked her hair out of her face. "Roe? can you hear me?"
"Not as badly as it looks. Most of the damage was surface damage. The only real worrying injury is he gave her a concussion.And the reporter got away. The people that got her away from him was more worried about her then him.By the time the aurors got there he was go."Thomas said softly before looking at draco, sitting down next to him to watch tv, knowing Roshara would never forgive him for leaving him alone. When Roshara blinked up at him, blinking stupidly."...harry..."She muttered her voice sounding small and hurt. She so wanted to just go to sleep. It would be nice,but roshara knew she had a concussion, she'd have to be woken up every few minutes to make sure she wouldn't not wake up. Because the head injury was making her want tto sleep, which was never a good sign.
Harry nodded a little feeling so furious for a moment he thought he was going to literally explode. he swallowed thickly and turned to leave, Draco watching Harry leave with an unreadable expression, waiting a few moments before turning to Thomas. "sorry." he stated simply, but before Thomas could ask why Draco was sorry, Draco had cast the spell, Thomas slumping to the ground. he would ake on his own in an hour or two, groggy but perfectly unharmed, and worse, Draco would be gone when he did.

Harry smiled at Roe and gently shook his head. "i'm so glad your alright." he whispered before grimacing. "well... not alright, but not dead either..." he admitted softly, gently stroking her hair out of her face. "i talked to the doctors, they said you would make a full recovery in two or three days." he admitted smiling at her. "you brave stupid girl... did you get a look at the man who did this to you?" he asked softly. "if i have a face... then i can find him and bring him to justice..." he promised softly, stroking her cheek. "can you remember?"
Roshara smiled a little before sighing."If I saw him again...maybe."She said sitting up slowly rubbing a hand over her face, careful not to over do it."I want to go home." "Roe!Lay back down. Neither you or the baby are up for leaving yet."the doctor scolded as she walked into the room looking at the two before looking at roe, giving her that look that one would a misbehaving child."I know you hate being here, but Harry's here now. Surely you can stay." "But-Drac-" "If draco cares for you, he would want you to stay."the woman said looking between the two, trying to figure out which one was the one that got roe pregnant, harry or draco. Rosara hadn't said, or she hadn't been aware enough of things to be able to realize that she was pregnant, even when she heard them say baby.
Harry nodded. "i'll see about gettign clues." he promised smiling a little at her. "i promise, i'll find out who did this to yo..." he turned and gaped at the doctor, his mouth open, his eyes wide. ".... excuse me but did you... just... say baby!?" he demanded, shocked and startled before looking at Roe. "... your pregnant!?" he demanded looking amazed. "d..did you know this!? does DRACO know this!?" he demanded turning to look at the doctor. "how long has she been pregnant!?" he demanded looking shocked. with magic, they could tell if a person was pregnant days after conception, because wizards did not have the same pregnancy problems as the muggles did. magical babies where notoriously difficult to damage. "...oh my god." Harry groaned suddenly realizing that the reporter had nearly damaged an unborn child even. "i am going to SLAUGHTER that reporter! he's down for attempted murder now the son of a bitch!"
The doctor looked surprised, before loking at a dopey looking Roshara, who looked just as confused."You two didn't know?"She said before sighing softly."About three days."Se said studying the two. Roshara paled, oh yea draco was not going to be happy about this. Sitting up she sighed, rubbing a hand over her stomach. Well, at least she knew what had been making her sick. Smiling slightly as Harry yelled she sighed as the words made her head pound. It was to loud. Sighing a little she laughed,"Harry.I want to go home. To draco.We'll let draco fuss, its not like we can't do anything the doctor's are."She said, the fear of a caged animal in her eyes. She hated being trapped her, trapped stuck, here in this room.
Harry shook his head. "no. none of us even suspected." Harry admitted shaking his head a little as he gently helped her to stand up. "we have a Healer at home who can take care of her." he admitted softly smiling at the healer as he carefully helped Roe out tot he apparation point, taking them straight to Draco's house, Harry frowning as he saw Thomas slumped on the floor. "...Roe.. wait here." he ordered softly bending down and gently waking Thomas with a spell. Thomas? you alright?" he asked looking worried. "...what happened? where's Draco!?" he demanded, worried that someone had gotten in and taken Draco... Draco being as traumatized might have gone with the kidnapper just to keep from breaking Roshara's house.
Roshara leaned against the wall, frowning as she watched Thomas wake. "I'm fine."The mediwizard winced standing slowly,"Draco happened.He said I'm sory, then all went dark."He said before looking at Roshara, scowling a little."You should be resting.Its not good for either you or the baby to be up." "I need to take care of draco."She said shoving away from the wall slowly, swallowing hard as the world spun around her."Harry...we need to check his house. He would have gone there."she said wincing as she looked so worried about him."You can't go roe. You need sleep.And rest."Thomas scowled annoyed with her.
Harry growled a little. "he must have knocked you out so he could escape.. damn him! he makes this so fucking difficult." he grumbled shaking his head a little. "Thomas is right Roe, your hurt, you need to rest." he ordered. "Draco left because he feels bad that he got you hurt.. i know, i know it's not his fault but that's how he sees it." Harry explained calmly, shaking his head a little. "i need you to rest and recover, and then if i haven't talked Draco back here then you can try, ok?" he ordered smiling at her. "i'm going to leave it up to you to tell him about the baby though, alright?" he stated calmly as he gently picked her up and carried her up tot he bedroom gently laying her down before vanishing to go and find Draco, returning five hours looking a little frazzled. "i'd forgotten how many houses he had." Harry admitted shaking his head. "he ran away to France the little coward." he grumbled.
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