Saving Draco Malfoy

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "why bother? he's playing 'booty call' to almost fiver different men already." he admitted simply smiling as he nuzzled her. "no..." he admitted softly. "i'm too tired to be happy." he admitted with a small chuckle. "but i love you, and soon i will get better... and then we will both live happily ever after with three children and... and a puppy... i've always wanted a puppy." he admitted softly kissing her neck. "don't worry about the reporters... Harry will handle them." he muttered softly smiling a little.
"Hmm but he needs someone.other then just sex."She said smiling a little tensing when he said no, before relaxing, resting her head against his."we'll get a puppy."She smiled relaxing cuddling against him as she relaxed. Starting to fall asleep now that she was safe and happy."Okay.Harry'll take care of things."She muttered.

nearly a week later Roshara sighed softly as she pulled on her jacket, looking at draoc."Are you sure about this?"She asked looking at draco worriedly.Despite it being draco's idea to go to diagon alley to get baby things, she worried about him being out in public. She wasn't sure that he was ready for this, but she trusted him to tell her if he was overwhelmed."You promise to come home if its to much?"She said wrapping her arms around him, leaning against him, taking comfort in his arms.
Draco snorted a little and smiled. "Harry likes sex, and he doesn't like the emotional baggage involved in a relationship... that's what he claims anyway." he admitted chuckling a little. "Harry will take care of everything, i promise." he muttered nuzzling her. a week later he was looking very nervous as he pulled on his own jacket and fidgeted with his hair and shirt, trying to correct imperfections that weren't there. "no i... i'm not sure...." he admitted swallowing thickly. "but i have to do this sometime... and the sooner the better or i'll loose my nerve and be a coward forever." he admitted shaking his head. "as soon as i get too overwhelmed i promise i'll leave and come home." he promised taking her hand and letting her take him to Diagon alley. it was a slow time of the day, but Draco shuddered and pressed himself against the other for comfort as the world seamed to stop and stare at Draco, shocked to see him after so long.
Roshara frowned at him, hating that she was allowing him to do this. She hated that she agreed with him,even wanted him to go out in public. But it hurt her heart to see him fiddling and scared. She hated this, she so didn't want to,but he refused to even consider allowing her to shop alone."Okay."She said swallowing hard."And harry's coming to, so it wont be so bad."She said wrapping her arms around his waist, huddling against him as much as he was cuddling against her. She was scared to, of the world. Of the reporter harry still had't caught. So..."There."She said nodding towards the baby shop, smiling as she stepped in. Before wincing."Damn.The world's going to love that we're having a baby..."She muttered dislikig the idea of everyone knowing their personal life. Smiling though, as she started looking at the cute things.There was just so much to get for a baby.
Draco swallowed just as hard as she did and nodded. "yeah, Harry will be here soon." he agreed his eyes darting around nervously before he smiled at her. "i think it will be nice for the world to know how much i love you." he admitted gently kissing her forehead. "it's annoying, and a little dangerous right now, but at least i won't be flocked with love letters when everyone realizes i'm alive..." he admitted softly, nearly shrieking when Harry suddenly slung his arm, around Draco's shoulder. "hey, you guys actually ventured outside. i wasn't expecting you." Harry teased them playfully, smiling as he glanced at the baby store. "you sure you guys are ready for this? i did promise that i could get anything you needed. even the baby stuff." he admitted blinking at them both, Draco shaking his head. "i need to do this... i can't hide anymore..."
"Not as much as I love you.And you're going to get love letters no matter what"She smiled leaning into him, nearly shrieking to when harry grabbed draco smiling a little as she looked up at harry."...I know...but we need to get our own things. You'd have like stupid little dolls and things on the babies room.We need to have some style in the babies room."Roshara said smiling even as she cuddled against dracos chest, not wanting to be there,but needing to be there just as much. "Come on.We better find our things, then we can go home."She said pulling away, already starting to look at baby cribs and things.
he smiled a little and nodded. "i have my doubts, we still have the wards up the Owls can't get in." he pointed out with a small snicker, shaking his head as Harry sulked. "i would not! i would get nice soft baby blankets and one of those cute wooden rocking horses, maybe a china doll for decoration, tons of super soft plushies for her to snuggle into while sleeping, music of course, music makes babies smart and with Dray as a father she's going to need all the help she can get." "and if it's a boy?" Draco demanded lifting an eyebrow as Harry paused before shaking his head. "it's a girl, i can feel it." Harry admitted grinning a little. "but we'll get boy and girl colors, yellow, soft greens, baby purples." he decided grinning a little. "a little bit if pink and blue to tie everything together."
"uh-huh."Roshara said sounding amused because it would be interesting to see what harry would decorate.Perking up a little."Well, why don't you pick things out for the malfoy manor?Since we're splitting ouor time between the soliel estate and the malfoy manor, then we'll need to rooms."He said reasonablely leaning against draco, before looking up at him."You think my kids going to be dumb?"She teased looking amused at harry's words before paling a little as she looked towards the doorway. Swallowing hard as she went back to looking at the crib, trying to figure out how to draw the boys attention to the reporter without tipping off her attacker that she'd seen him.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "why don't you guys just move into one place and use the other as a vacation home or something?" Harry asked lifting an eyebrow, Draco hesitating. "well i... i was..." he looked at Roshara. "i was... thinking of selling Malfoy Manor." he admitted swallowing hard. "it's got nothing but bad memories and dust.." he admitted. "i was hoping that i.. i could move in with you?" he was speaking in a whisper as Harry muttered something almost under his breath, taking notice of the reporter. the one that he hadn't caught. "i'll be right back." he whispered softly. "do nothing if he comes near. let me take him down." Harry ordered softly, Draco barley nodding as Harry declared loudly and pathetically that he had to pee and that they'd better not pick out anything cute without him, the reporter carefully vanishing from line of sight, clearly planning something stupid.
"Because draco's draco and never lef-"Roshara said before turning to look at draco, looking shocked as she looked at draco. Before smiling a little,"Well.I dunno, you know how difficult sharing space is?Its not like you actually leave my bed as it is."she teased shifting to lean against draco as he looked at the crib with her, turning her head to kiss him."Move in. It'll be fun."She sid smiling as she tensed a little, nodding absently to roshara. Snickering as harry left to 'go to the bathroom,' wrapping her arms around draco, seemingly oblvious to anything but cudling her boyfriend in the store."Can you still see him?"She muttered trying not to look around frantically as she lost sight of the reporter.
Draco smiled sheepishly and shrugged a little, swallowing thickly. "i..i'm sorry?" he asked looking a little baffled at her teasing. it was still a little beyond him at the moment. he smiled as she ordered him to move in and nodded, kissing her happily and snuggling her as they examined a crib, making sure he was in front of the danger at all times, his body shielding hers from danger. "no." he muttered softly. "but he's up to something, i can feel i... AAARGH!" he cried out in pain, a flash of white had Draco arching before falling to the floor in a frenzy of jerks and screams, people screaming as they noticed someone was being attacked, the reporter standing there, a sadistic smirk on his face as he held Draco under a much stronger form of the Crucio, Harry coming out of nowhere and slamming into the man, the spell ending as Harry smashed the reporters head into he floor, not on purpose of course, no need to get fired for misconduct. Draco went still, completely still, not moving even a twitch, just...laying there like he was dead.
Roshara screamed as draco falling pushed her aside, stumbling hard as she swallowed hard, twisting to see what was happening. Crawling over to draco she fisted her hands in his shirt, looking down at him despertely."Draco?!Draco what-draco are you okay!?"She whined looking so scared as she shook him little, looking up at harry,"Harry!Whats wrong?!"She said starting to ry, for once not even seeing the people crowding her, teh people crowding aroudn them to see what was going on.
Draco lay still and silent, his heart beating strong when Harry fell for it, his breathing normal, he just wasn't waking up. "YOU! call the Aurors!" Harry demanded of a spectator who raced off to do as he ordered, Harry gently lifting Draco into his lap, listening for the heartbeat and breath to make sure he was alright. soon aurors where swarming the place, they took the reporter away, and transported Draco to the hospital where Harry and Roe here informed that he was in a coma created from over stimulation from the massive Crucio that had been used on him. there was a risk that draco would not only never wake up, but that if he did he would be mad like Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom. he looked so week and pale laying on the hospital bed, hooked up to so many different magical machines keeping track of brain patterns and constantly feeding him the nutrients he needed to live. the reporter, as it turned out, was being held under impirio like all the rest, and came often to talk to Draco, apologizing over and over, Harry always in with the man in case he was overtaken again. "i hate to say this roe... but i can't tell if this person who's putting impirio on people is after you, or Draco." Harry admitted after a week of watching Draco lay there on the table. "it's impossible to tell." Harry admitted watching her with Draco, biting his lip a little. "whoever it is... has knowledge about you and Dray... when he wakes up, i'm taking you to a home i have." he admitted. "it's in the middle of nowhere, heavily guarded... no one will be able to get to you there." but he didn't say where they where going. if someone had a way of listening in on them, or following them, Harry didn't want them to know where they where headed.
Roshara meanwile, looked so upset curled up in her chair by the bed, though she was so almost on the bed that she might as well not be in the chair.Cuddling against her lover she looked up at harry, tears trailing downher face, for once not even aware she was crying as she rested her head against draco's side, seallowing as she listened to harry.But for once, she was... she was disconnected to things, and she couldnt think beyond that draco wasn't waking up."OKay...Are you staying with us?"She asked anxious because she didn't want to be alone, not with draco so still and lifeless. She was so scared that she was going to be alone with her bby and life, that she couldn't even think that draco wouldn't wake. Standing she rubbed a hand over his face."Let's go.can he be moved now?"She asked looking dow at draco."Whoever's doing this, is going to pay..."She muttered looking up angrily before sighing, her anger breaking under her grief.
Harry smiled a little as he gently stroked the tears away from her face. "shh Roe, he will wake, there is no need to cry." he whispered softly. "he will wake up, and of course i'm coming with." he promised smiling at her a little. "i can't have you destroying my house after all." he admitted gently kissing her forehead. "he can be moved, i've just gotten permission." he admitted smiling as he gently started unhooking Draco. "i have everything we need to keep him healthy already at the house." he admitted gently kissing Draco's forehead before carefully lifting him, cradling the man like he was a small child. "uf... he's a little heavier." he admitted heading for the apparation point. "we will get them Roe. they will not go unpunished for this." he promised looking at her. "come on, you have to touch my hand, i have anti tracing wards up and my house has so many wards up that you have to be taken in by me." he admitted smiling at her. "it is the safest place in the world." he admitted smiling at her.
Roshara giggled a little as she followed after harry, looking like a small child herself."He's been eating. Like you wanted him to."She teased before wrapping her hand around harry's, relaxing as she realized they would be safe. When they arrived she sighed softly as she looked around the house, looking small and so terrified, watching harry hook draco up again before she said anything." promise he'll be fine?"She asked looking so desperate to get draco back, worried because she didn't know what she'd do if she had to raise their child alone.
he smiled a little. "you wanted him to eat too remember?" he teased smiling at her as he apparated them to a two room cottage out on the top of a mountain, there was green grass everywhere and soft wooden furniture everywhere, Harry smiling a little as he carefully started clipping Draco back to the life support, kissing her forehead. "i can't promise." he admitted softly. "but i will do anything to make sure he will be fine." he promised smiling at her, nearly jumping out of his skin when Draco made a noise, gaping at the blond who had gone still again. " god... he's waking up." Harry whispered turning to Roshara with bright glee. "he's waking up! he's going to be fine!"
Roshara jumped at the sound, nearly jumping into harry's arms as draco made a noise. Siling as she rested her head on harry's chest,holding him tight, because even if he was waking up, she was worried about what damage had been done."He is."She said smiling because she couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. Smiling as she moved way, sitting on draco's bed watching him like he was the most fascinating thing in the world as she waited for him to come back to her.
Harry smiled a little as he looked down at her, her head tilted a little. "i'll go and get him a strawberry shake." he decided smiling a little. by the time Draco woke though, it was starting to spoil. he made many noises, and shifted and moved, but it took another two days for him to actually wake up, his silver eyes fluttering open as he groaned and blinked stupidly at Roshara. "...Roe?" he asked sleepily. "... what happened?... did we remember to get diapers?" he asked rubbing his head, Harry nearly laughing. Draco had been so frantic about getting just the right diapers. Draco wanted cloth ones, they where supposed to be better for the babies.
Roshara looked startled at that before started to laugh in relief to ear him sound so normal."No. We didn't get the diapers yet.I knew you wanted to get them."She said leaning over to kiss his head, gently running her hands through his hair as she leaned her head on his chest, sighing softly as she cuddled him, tears splashing onto his chest asshe started to cry in relief."How do you feel?"She asked sitting up to look at him, rubbing at her eyes as she looked at him.
he nodded a little. "good... good we have to get just the right kind." he stated calmly, closing his eyes. "the soft cotton diapers... not that crappy fake plastic shit that the muggles use... it has to be the white cotton... it absorbs the best, and won't give rashes..." he muttered softly, frowning as she started to cry. "roe?... i'm sorry we don't have to get the cotton diapers if your so upset about it.." he muttered looking baffled as he stroked her hair. "i feel fine... real tired... and i have a hell of a headache but i'm fine... did i get sick or something?"
Roshara sniffled looking startled."No, we can get your diapers."She said snickering a little as she sat up, rubbing at her eyes before she shifted, resting her head on his chest nodding."We went shopping remember?And got attacked by the were in a coma for nearly a week....I was afraid you were going to leave me alone."She muttered hugging him tightly, though more amused abut draco's fussing over the diapers then she was upset, because she was so happy about him being awake, she couldn't worry about what damage could have been done to her lover.
he smiled a little at the other his head tilted a little. "we where attacked? where you hurt!?...." he paused, shocked as he realized he had been sleeping for almost a week, staring at her in shock. "i would never leave you." he promised holding her tightly, swallowing thickly as he blinked stupidly, wincing as she hugged him, his body suddenly awash in pain. it wasn't so bad laying completely still but once he moved he felt the pain, like all his nerves had been fried at the tips. he couldn't stop the startled sound of pain from falling from his lips, and Harry came in shortly after with painkillers and a milkshake, strawberry of course. "..Draco! your awake!" Harry breathed, looking relieved. "i was worried..." he admitted carefully nudging Roe away from Draco. "roe, your hurting him you have to let go..."
"N-no I wasn't hurt. You protected me."She said before jumping back as he reacted to the pain, looking worried as she sat up, looking so scared."Draco?"She whispered, hesitating as she gently touched his hair, almost afraid to hurt him more. Looking up at harry, as if Harry would have the answers to everything. Harry was always a hero, he would know how to help draco."What can I do?"She asked looking at draco, "Drco?"She swallowed hard, that long born, hidden panic starting to color her words.
Draco sighed, relieved that she was alright, Harry smiling as Draco leaned into the hair touch. "shh Roe, i'm fine." Draco promised taking her hand. "it doesn't hurt so long as i lay still." he promised smiling a little as Harry moved over and gently picked up one of Draco's hands, gently massaging the fingers. "nerve damage from the Superior Crucio." it was the highest level of Crucio a person could get, normally it caused death and insanity after only a few moments, but draco had been deadened by so many normal crucio that it had barley affected him. yes he was damaged, but he was neither dead nor mad and that was saying something. "he's going to be very touch sensitive for a while." Harry informed roe. "keep you touches as gentle as possible and he'll be fine."
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