Saving Draco Malfoy

Roshara looked at them both with wide eyes, swallowing hard to keep from panicking. Swallowing because if she didn't calm herself, she was going to start screaming. And it scared her that draco was so used to being hurt that this curse hadn't left him more hurt, even if she was glad it hadn't affected him, it scared her that he'd been hurt as a child that badly.Gently resting a hand on draco's cheek, she leaned down to kiss him."You want something to eat?"she asked,needing something to do.
Draco smiled a little at her and practically purred when she stroked his cheek. the soft touches felt so good, and Harry had to smirk. "careful roe, it works the opposite way too, you might give him a boner and then what would you do?" "fuck you potter!" Draco snapped, Harry looking pleased. Draco hadn't said that in years, it felt good to hear him say it again. "i would like something to eat, yes." Draco admitted smiling at her. "something with strawberries?" he asked hopefully Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head and left so he could go pick up more strawberries from the store, there was barley enough left to make Draco something to eat and Harry knew strawberries where Draco's comfort food. Draco needed them and so did roe.
Roshara stopped, blushing at thosoe words,"I could have gentle sex."She said looking at harry,even through her blush. It felt good to hear draco so fussy,but she didn't know what to do.Roshara said smiling as she gently cuddled into draco's side, resting her head on his chest lightly, tense as if she was waiting for him to yell in pain, relaxing slowly."You know whwat we really need?I need to know why we're on someone's shit list. It seems...weird someone's going through so much trouble to kill us."
Harry snorted a little. "Draco can't." he admitted looking amused. "the weight and movement would hurt too much, you'd have to stroke or suck him off." he teased snickering a little as he flounced away. "Piss off Potter!" Draco demanded before smiling at her. "if i pop a boner we'll just ignore it." he promised, not about to let her know he already had one starting. "there's dozens of reasons to try to kill us Roe. i made a lot of enemies in the war, my fault or not." he admitted blinking at her. "they where fine with me suffering, punishing myself but when you started helping me." he shrugged. "then i wasn't being punished anymore. someone want's me gone and you too for helping me, it's just a matter of figuring out which person wants me dead." he admitted sighing a little. "can you get me some water? i'm thirty..." he was dying of thirst, his mouth and throat paper dry. the fluids still leaking into his arm kept him from dehydrating, but it did little to keep his mouth wet.
Roshara smiled slightly closing her eyes cuddling him because it amused her that harry wasteasing them.And that if he was relaxed enough to joke, that it meant everything would be kay."Oh.Well...that makes sense."She sighed quietly ebcause it pained her to think about how much he had been punishing himself.gently touching his hair she nodded already up off the bed efore e could finish the questino, returning in a few minutes with a glass of water with a straw, sitting beside him and gently helping him sit up so he could drink."Better?"She muttered bushing her lips against his forehead.
Draco smiled at her and nodded a little. "Harry will catch this person. before it was an annoyance... now it's dangerous. they hurt me, tried to hurt you and the baby. that Harry will never let stand, ever." he promised smiling as she touched his hair, his eyes fluttering closed before making a very small sound of pain as he sat up, but once he was still again the pain was gone. he drained the cup twice before he released the straw, sighing a little. "yes, much better." he promised smiling at the kiss. "you swear you weren't hurt?" he asked softly. "you and the baby are really ok?" he asked, worried about his lover and his unborn offspring. "can i listen to the baby?" he couldn't manage the strength to move himself, she she was going to have to place his head on her belly herself.
Rooshara nodded a little.'Harry wont let anything happen."She said because she really believed that harry would manage to fix and make sure that no one would hurt tem,Wincing as he sounded like he was in pain bu setting the cup aside as she kissed him again."I promise. Neither of us are hurt."She teased sounding amused he was so worried, shifting to lay down next to him, shifting him to so he could aly on her stomach, stroking his hair as he listened to her stomach."See?we're both okay."She muttered stroking his hair, hoping that he was reassured.
he smiled at her and nodded. "that's right, Harry will protect us." he agreed softly smiling at her as she promised no one was hurt, giving her a gentle kiss, managing to hold in his sounds of pain this time as she laid him on her belly, closing his eyes as he listened. his magically enhanced hearing picking up her, and the baby's strong heartbeats and he smiled. "yes.. your both alright." he agreed, sounding relieved, so very relieved. "i love you." he whispered smiling a little. "i think almost dying... i think it fixed me..." he admitted softly. "because i'm hungry... and i want to ask you for food..." he smiled a little. "i really really want a cheeseburger..." he admitted his stomach growling loudly.
roshara smiled closing her eyes as he listened to her stomach, gently stroking is hair as he listened. Looking amused so he sounded so relieved, like he hadn't believed her until he'd heard their heartbeats."Hmm well, almost dying would make that happen."She teased, "Draco, I have to get up if I'm going to get you food.We'll send harry."She said smirking a little as she pressed a kiss to draco's hair, looking up as she looked at harry as he came in with draco's shake.Smiling softly at him, looking content and so relieved to have draco fine."Will you get us a cheeseburger?Draco wants a cheeseburger."She said sounding amused.
Draco smiled a little as she stroked his hair, closing his eyes as he laid there, perfectly content. "... it wasn't almost dying." he admitted softly. "it was realizing i might never see you again..." he admitted, voice choked with emotion. "i might never have woken up and i would never had seen your beautiful smile, or our perfect baby..." he shook his head. "i have to be healthy, for you and the baby." he murmured, sounding so pleased, glad to have something good to focus on, something healthy to be OCD over instead of punishing himself for guilt's that weren't his fault. Harry stared as he walked in, astonished that Draco wanted a cheeseburger, but left and came back with two thick greasy cheesy cheeseburgers. Draco needed help eating his, because he didn't have the strength to lift the meaty treat to his own mouth, but he sank his teeth into it eagerly, and devoured every bit of the food, and the fries that had come with it.
"Well, I've always wanted you to be happy.And be with me."she teased a little lookng amused as he looked s pleased with himself that he finally had something to live for besides punishing him for the past. Leaning down she gently kissed draco's forehead, barely a touch of lips as she gently kissed him before sitting up to help him eat. When he was done she leaned back giggling as she stroked his hair."Feel better?"She asked before nibbling no his left over fries, shifting to lay down with him before looking at harry."Are you going to jin the cuddling party to?You might as well.Its not like you have anywhere else to be tonight."She teased looking at him.
Draco smiled at her and leaned up giving her a small kiss and gently nuzzled her neck as she kissed his forehead, smiling a little as she fed him. "mm that was wonderful... it's been s long since i ate something other than pudding and Jello." he admitted smiling a little as he looked up at her and then glanced at Harry who chuckled and slid into bed next to them, not about to let his own morals get in the way of a few moments of affection.

in the end it took almost three more weeks for Draco to be able to get up and move on his own, for the pain to vanish. but he ate, and was eating and he allowed Harry to rotate and manipulate his limbs so that they didn't lock up, groaning with every movement but not complaining. finally though, Harry was making breakfast downstairs and talking to Cer as he did so about Draco's wonderful recovery. "he'll be on his feet by next week at the latest." Harry admitted grinning at Cer. "he's filling out too, i can't even see his ribs or his cheekbones anymore, once he gets better we;ll have to start getting him to exorcize or he'll get fat." "i resent that." Draco complained panting as he carefully inched his way down the steps, sore but suck and tired of being in bed, Harry looking astonished before laughing as he moved to help Draco into a chair. "how are you feeling Dray?" "tired but..." he smiled a little. "i'm healthy, i'm getting stronger, my body barley hurts now and we haven't had an attack since i was sent to the hospital... i'm feeling very good."
"I don't think malfoys get fat. They're all skinny."Roshara said yelping a lttle as draco complianed, reaching out and slipping her hand into his as he sat down."That's cause we haven't left the house."she pointed out, leaning ver to kiss his cheek, and because her and harry had been discussing it, she hated to continue,but she needed to."I have a doctor's appointment this morning."She said having been planing on not mentioning it to him until it was time to go,since he couldn't get up and move.Stroking her thumb over the skin of her hand, she smiled softly."are you feeling well enough to go?They said I need a ultrasound, we'll hear the heartbeat today."Se said smiling as she kissed his cheek.
Draco snorted a little and smiled as he settled into his chair, holding her hand happily before chuckling. "we haven't even had a paper attack though, it's like the worlds forgotten all about me." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head, Harry hesitating. "that's... not entirely true..." they had hidden the newspapers from Draco. surprisingly they where filled with pictures of him after the attack. weak and sickly, most of them asking why he was so skinny and sickly, wondering if Roshara and Harry where abusing him. Harry and Roe had been getting hate mail ever since Draco had landed in the hospital. "... son of a bitch...." Draco sighed a little before shaking his head. "... fine then, they want to play this game i'll show them just how much of a Malfoy i am!" he smiled at Roshara and nodded. "of course i'm strong enough to go with you, but i've been listening to the baby's heartbeat for a week now." he reminded her, amused. Draco refused to go to sleep unless he could listen to the baby first.
Roe winced a little, sighing softly."Aww, poor little draco, needing to protect me. I think I like this side of him."She said grinning, glad to see him getting defensive over something, because it meant that he was finding himself again, the man that hadn't been broken, starting to become himself. Grinning she kissed him, nuzzling him a little as she stood."I know. But I haven't and I want to hear it."She said pouting a little as they got up, getting ready as they apparated to the hospital. Looking worried as she pressed into draco's side, looking amused at harry standing on her other side, protecting them both, not just from their attacker who could be anyone, but from the reporters that seemed to know she had a doctor's appointment. Annoyed that someone had invaded her privacy like this, given a private moment to the public, to see if she was abusing her lover. This was just wrong, so so wrong to be put on the spot like this.
Draco snorted a little and smiled a little kissing her gently Harry snickering before looking hesitant. "oh. uhm, before i forget my girlfriend is meeting us at the hospital..." "...your WHAT!?" " girlfriend..." Harry was blushing hard, coughing into his hand. "...Harry your Gay..." "... yes i know..." Draco looked confused and Harry glared at the blond. "you just.... no jokes alright!? i really like her!" "...but your GAY!" Draco complained as he slid to his feet, curious about Harry's girlfriend and eager to see the probobly dozens of reporters. Draco looked so healthy now. weeks of good food, healthy nutrition and hydration had left him looking like a person again. he just needed a few good workout regimens and he'd be back to peek physical condition in no time. in fact the blond was practically bouncing, not that a Draco would EVER do something as goofy as that. he was just so glad to be out of bed and feeling so GOOD.
"You're bouncing."Roe said turning her face into draco's shoulder, hiding from the flashing photographs, smiling as she thought about harry's girlfriend."No jokes.Except good ones."She said grinning at harry, looking curious as she headed for the maternity ward, absently fiddling with draco's fingers as she walked.Glad to see him so healthy and good, and handling the reporters trailing after them so well."So, harry who is this girl?"she asked looking at the brunette as she signed in for her appointment, settling in draco's lap to wait for the doctr to see her. REally, she was so curious about harry's girlfriend that she might just put off the doctors until he told her.
Draco scowled at her. "i am not! i would never!" he complained with a small sniff before he grinned, kissing her just as the camera's started to flash, startling Draco so much he nearly ran her into a wall, staring at the Reporters, stunned for a moment before glaring furiously at them and starting to yell. bitching about how DARE they print crap like that and how DARE they accuse Roshara of being abusive and how DARE they ruin his and her life! they where all gaping at Draco, shocked and frankly just plain startled as they stared at him as he finally abandoned them to join Roe smirking a little. "that aught to take care of THAT." he stated smirking as he kissed her gently Harry beaming, his face going bright as he ran over to a woman who had curly brown hair and bright golden eyes. she laughed as Harry swept her up and kissed her as romantically as possible before taking her hand, the woman wearing a gorgeous sun dress. "hi there!" she chirped beaming at them. "i'm Sam!" she admitted, Draco looking confused. "but... but he's GAY!" he complained Sam and Harry both snickering. "... oh honey... don't you notice a little something missing?" Sam asked looking amused as Draco looked completely baffled. Roe would notice though... Sam had no breasts... she, was a He!!! a cross dresser. no wonder Harry had said no jokes.
Roshara said snickering a little because he was being so protective, looking amused that draco seemed so intent on making sure that everyone was aware that she was taking care of him well. Smiling as she snuggled into draco's side, smiling as she looked over the woman,"Hey."Roshara said starting to laugh at draco's reaction, "Harry, you should have warned him. Draco's going to have a heart attack now."she said pouting a little nuzzling her lver smiling happily at Sam."Its good to meet you.About time Harry settles down with someone. and even better you two can babysit sometimes.Draco doesn't trust harry alone, maybe if he had company."He said snickering loking amused because it was so draco to be so protective of a baby that wasn't even born yet.
Draco grinned at roe shaking his head before he started twitching his eye, the only indication that he was disturbed by what was happening Harry snickering as Sam giggled girlishly, Harry patting Draco on the head. "i'm sorry Dray but i couldn't help myself, Sam thought it was funny too! if you beat me up you have to beat her up too." "i can't beat up someone who looks like a girl!" Draco complained, sulking a little as Sam laughed an shook her head. "i'm not sure about settling down, but Harry IS very romantic." she admitted smiling happily as Draco huffed, the Doctor calling for Roe, Draco getting up and following her into the doctors office to listen tot he babies heartbeat with Roe. for a few minutes everything was fine, normal as the doctor, who would have guessed it, Luna Lovegood smiled and chatted with Roe about the babies development as she let the woman see the baby on the screen and listen to the heartbeat before she suddenly pulled out her wand and pressed it hard into Roshara's belly. "now, i can make you both suffer the way you made me suffer." there was a madness in Luna's eyes as she stared at Draco who went completely still. "i'll kill your wfe, i'll kill your baby, and make you watch, just like i had to watch while my family died, slaughtered by yours." she snarled, Draco swallowing thickly. "Luna... Luna please.. think about this..." "you'll rot in Azkaban for killing them too, i'll make sure they all know it was you who killed Roshara and her unborn baby." Luna snickered darkly. "i had to impirio so many people, i never imagined you'd just walk into my own hands like this..." she growled,delighted. "now how should i kill you?" she asked Roshara. "maybe i should torture you first like Lucius did to my father..." she hissed Draco making a noise in the back of his throat.

"please, Luna, it's me you want, torture me, kill me don't hurt Ro, it's not her fault, she's innocent in all of this...." he whispered, slowly standing up. "please, i won't fight you... i won't scream you can do whatever you want to me..." he pleaded, carefully settling himself in Roshara's way before he leaped onto Luna, who shrieked in fury as they started rolling around on the floor, grappling for control of the wand. "Roe! RUN!" Draco demanded, struggling with Luna, it was an unfair fight, seeing as how Draco was still very week.
Roshara's eyes went wide at the sight of the wand, staring in fear and unable to think about what she was seeing.Surely this wasn't normal, that this couldn't be happening."Luna!Stop!Stop this!"Roshara said pouncing on the fight, pulling draco away as she dropped onto luna, straddling the girl's waist as he pinned the other woman's wrist to the floor before doing what she needed to do, she screamed. Screamed that high terrified sound that was sure to bring anyone within hearing distance, and more than that-harry- to their aid."HELP!PLEASE!"She screamed fighting to hold luna down, because she was completely incapable of leaving draco, and even more not able to hold luna down. She couldn't do this alone, she needed to help needed to get luna away from draco."Draco!Get harry!GO!"She demanded glaring at her weak boyfriend, whimpering softly as she tried not to let the girl under her buck her off.
Draco was struggling against Luna when the woman punched him, hard, twice across the face knocking him off of her, only helped by Roshara as she grabbed him and practically tossed him away, the woman screaming in rage as she writhed and bucked. but the fight was a great deal more equal now as she struggled against Roshara, Draco ripping the door open, the screams suddenly spilling into the hall, the silencing spell broken once the door had been forced open, doctors, and harry spilling into the room as they pulled Roshara off of Luna, Harry quickly restraining Luna who was screaming at the top of her lungs that she was going to kill them, kill them all. Draco wasted no time at all in pulling Row under him, protecting her with his very body as Harry struggled to detain the fighting, and furious Luna. it took little time for someone to stun her, and two doctors carefully tried to reassure Draco that the danger was over, but it wasn't until Luna had left the room that he allowed them to take Roe and examine her and the baby to make sure both where still healthy and unharmed. thankfully, Luna hadn't managed to do more than give Roe a small wand shaped bruise.
Even though she wasn't harmed more then the small bruise, or that she was the stronger one nd should have protected him, roe huddled against draco's side, almost hiding from all the attention she was getting as the reporters snapped the pictures they could, and the doctor's examining her. Pressing her face against drco's shoulder she sighed softly, "Can we go home?"She asked stepping back from him,even though she still had her arms wrapped around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder,"I just want to go home.We're fine draco, you're fine. We don't need anyone else examining us."She said sounding anxious because she just wanted to be alone, and with draco.She just wanted to have their lives back and normal again, which meant the quiet and the happiness over being pregnant.
Draco held her tightly, his body shielding hers from the camera's before he finally lost his temper and chased the reporters out of the room, swinging at them with fists and magic until they fled the hospital all together with help from Harry and Sam, the cross dresser shockingly capable at scaring the piss out of people. Draco smiled as he kissed her gently watching Sam hunt down one reporter who refused to leave, Draco chuckling. "maybe we better leave before Harry's girl... boy... Merlin that's confusing." he groaned as he kissed her and apparated her away, landing in their living room where he gently laid her down and he raced off to get her a calming drought handing it to her and cuddling her even as Harry appeared with Sam, the 'girl' sulking at being denied the ability to beat up on reporters. "how are you doing darling?" Sam asked looking at Cer her head tilted. "do you need anything before i take Harry home and pound the life out of him?" "SAM! you... you can't tell people that!" "what? that your such a bitch that you bottom for a woman?" Harry went bright red but he nodded anyway, Sam snickering, looking VERY amused.
Roe smiled softly as she leaned against draco,sipping her potion as it let her relax.Closing her eyes before she smiled up at sam."I'm fine.I just wan't to rest."She said smiling before laughing softly, looking amused at sam's words."Oh no, I don't need anything except maybe draco under me."She said snickering a little, sharing a look with sam, that said they were both well in control of their men. Snickering louder at harry's look before standing up, kissing both their cheeks."Go. Have the amazing sex I'm not allowed having anymore."She said pouting a little because it wasn't so much that she was pregnant and doctors told her no sex, it was more she was pregnant and DRACO refused to have sex until she had the baby.Though she was hoping after another 6 months of no sex, he'd relax his rule a little.
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