Saving Draco Malfoy

"Draco makes everything difficult."She said panting a little with the effort to stay on her feet. Glaring at the man as he ordered her to rest. She didn't want to sleep. She wanted togo take care of draco.Sighing softly as she nodded."Okay. Okay."She muttered snuggling down into the bed to sleep. Blinking stupidly as he returned."Then there's nothing to do, until I can go get him."She said knowing draco wouldn't be coming back until she could go drag him back.

It indeed took her longer then expected to recover, th two weeks that it took was sheer hll for the woman who wanted to go after draco.And espite on ordered bed rest because the baby was making her recovery time even longer, she still tried to sneak out every day to go after him. After the two weeks though she was declared fit, and she growled at harry."Let's go. I need to see draco."She said and she did. It was like a addiction, she needed to see draco, and the more firmly she realized that she was indeed carrying his son, she needed to see him.
Harry was a little frustrated with her and he kept threatening to tie her to the bed. eventually Thomas actually did, but she was mostly fine now, so Harry sighed and nodded. "yeah, your right... there's no way i can keep you here anymore." he complained scowling at her. "but i'm still punishing you for the hell you put me through sneaking away so many times." he complained as he stood up and apparated her to France, stepping through the wards, carefully forcing a hole through them since Draco kept trying to lock him out, not that it was working. "he's probobly in the bedroom." Harry admitted. "i have to warn you he's... he's in bad shape..." Harry admitted glancing at her. "he.. won't eat... or sleep... i have to force him to eat and sleep so he won't be happy to see me." he admitted smiling sheepishly at her. when they went up to the bedroom Draco was far too thin, and he had dark bags under his eyes, he was just laying there and when Harry walked in he tensed violently, as if he was preparing for a fight, he probobly was.
"It wasn't so bad. It kept you on your toes."she said sulking at being tied up. She hated being stuck. It'd been bad. Shivering as they arrived in france, looking sad because after so much work with Draco, it had all come undone. "Thanks."She said sighing, glad for the warning as she stepped into the bedroom, looking pained to see him like this." were doing so well."She muttered as she crossed the bedroom, tensing a little before easing herself onto the bed, sitting next to him, looking at him. Raising a hand to touch his hair before stopping, dropping it to rest again, lookig down at Draco.'Oh draco, you look so sick."She said softly looking down at him.
Harry snorted a little. "between taking care of you and taking care of Draco I'M the one that needs bed rest now." he complained heading up with her, watching Draco, so pale and sickly gettign ready to fight Harry off yet again. he didn't relax when he heard Roe's voice, he just tensed even more and curled up into a little ball, not saying anything, not reacting to her crawling into bed with him. "i deserve it." he whispered softly as she touched his limp, grimy hair. that was the most troubling thing, Draco, who showered usually twice a day had stopped showering, he just laid in bed all day.
"Thats okay. We'll make sure you get your beauty sleep Harry."She teased a little, sitting down, gently touhcing draco's face, frowning at the sight of his greasy grimy hair.Muttering a quiet cleaning charm she sighed shifting, laying down next to him, "I need you draco. Please. Don't do this."She muttered wrapping her arms around him, curling up against his back as he curled up"Draco please.I have something to tell you."She muttered looking so upset tears clinging to her eyelashes because she didn't know how to fix this.
Draco just closed his eyes as he touched her cheek, grimacing a little as she cleaned him, appreciating it, but not wanting it anyway. "you don't need me... i just get people hurt... killed... you don't need me... i'm bad." he whispered closing his eyes again and swallowing thickly before turning to blink at her, tears in those silver gray orbs. "i got you hurt..." he whispered. "your all that matters to me and i got you hurt..." he protested laying his head on her chest. "i don't want to get you hurt..."
Roshar sighed softly, sighing in relief as he rested his head on her chest, closing her eyes as she gently pressed her lips to his forehead, gently wiping the tears away. "Your not bad draco. And I need you."She muttered reachingn out, getly cupping his hnd in hers, lowering it to rest on her lower stomach, shifting to meet his eyes."We need you draco."She muttered tears filling her eye sas she realized how close she'd come to never being able to tell him she carried his son."I'm pregnant, and I need you."She said softly looking at him frightened that he would be even more sucidial knowing he'd gotten her pregnant.
Draco shook his head a little. "i'm bad." he whispered softly shaking his head a little before blinking a little as he found his hand on her belly, scowling a little. "...p...pregnant?" he asked, his voice strange, a mix between horror and joy as tears formed in his eyes. "oh god... Roe i'm so sorry i... i didn't mean to i'm so Sorry!" he wailed pressing his face into her shoulder pulling her into a tight hug. "i swear... i... i'll take care of it... i'll raise it... by myself if you don't want to please... please let me keep it Draco wanted the baby? that was shocking, but considering his own terrible life and family, all the death, it was probobly not shocking to see him not wanting to loose his child. he had always wanted a family after all.
Roshara looked startled at the sudden movement, before shifting, pressing her face against his chest, arms tight around him, as tears soaked the shirt, her face damp as she snuggled against him."I want to raise it. With you..."She stopped sounding shy, worried." you want to raise it with me?"She asked, softly shy.Suddenly realizing while he might wat the child, he might not want her. Feeling heartsore and confused enough about her past that it was hard for her to trust."I know you didn't mean to.But it happened, and it's okay."She muttered cuddling him.
he sniffled a little as he leaned down and nuzzled her belly gently, swallowing thickly. "r..raise it... with you?" he asked looking astonished blinking at her, biting his lip as he studied her. "you... want me?" he asked softly, looking confused, so very very confused as he blinked at her. "it's really ok?" he asked swallowing thickly as he laid his head on her belly. "... i want the baby... i want you." he admitted softly. "i... i want... to be... better." he admitted starting to cry again. "i want to be better for you..."
Roshara looked startled, smiling a little as he nuzzled her. Startled because she had never considered not raising it with him."I do want you."she said leaning down to gently run her fingers through his hair, smiling as she stroked his head as he laid on her."we'll be better together okay?"she said shifting to wrap her arms around him, cuddling him."Sleep Draco.we both need it."She muttered having exhausted the very little strength she'd gained in the enforced bed rest.
she smiled a little as she told him she did want him, gently nuzzling her hand, closing his eyes. "... i love you..." he whispered softly. "i don't want to sleep...." he protested softly, "i have nightmares..." he admitted, laying there with his head resting on her belly, he looked almost broken. but he was so tired, and nightmares or not he was falling asleep with his arms around her hips, comforted by her presence.
Roshara smiled softly as she fell asleep, content in his arms. In the morning when she woke she yawned, frowning as she tried to figure out how to get up without waking up draco. Smiling a little when she saw harry."You can come in.We're-well, I'm not asleep."She said softly shiting to slide out of draco's arms, wanting to get some breakfast and see what the newspapers were saying. Harry had refused to allow her to see what the papers were printing about her and draco while she'd been on bed rest but now she was up and moving, and she wanted to know
Harry smiled as he walked in with a tray of breakfast, his head tilted a little as he watched Draco, who wasn't waking up for anything, tightening his arms around her waist, allowing her to sit up, but not pull away as Harry smiled a little shaking his head. "he's not going to be letting you go or waking up anytime soon... he crashed hard last night." he admitted carefully settling the tray so that Draco wouldn't knock it over if he moved in his sleep, a newspaper waiting on the tray for her. "there's no hiding it anymore." he admitted biting his lip as he watched her. somehow the news that she was pregnant with Draco's baby had leaked out. people where thinking many things, that she was taking advantage of Draco, that draco was taking advantage of her, worst of all the man who had imperio'd people to get information, was still doing it, because now every last bit of Roshara's information was out as well, her terrible horrible past for all the world to see. Harry was waiting for a reaction, he hoped it wasn't going to be a bad one.
Roshara smiled a little stroking draco's hair for a moment as she started to eat."He needs it."She muttered before paling as she read the paper."Bloody hell."Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the paper.While her past wasn't a magical torture like draco's had been, it had involved a religous cult that she had grown up in,one so twisted that the only scars that had stayed with her was where the leader had tried t oskin her alive for refusing to marry him at 15. She'd run the day as soon as she could move. Juddling around herself she started to cry, great gut wretching sobs rocking her whole body, the pregnant woman having a even more emotional reaction because of hormones and stress
Harry nodded a little before gently taking her hand, swallowing thickly. "Draco hasn't seen it yet..." he promised. "i thought if you wanted him to know, you should be the one to tell him." he admitted. "Draco won't find out unless you want him to know." he promised softly smiling a little as Draco nuzzled into her with a small whimper before pulling her into his arms, only half awake but comforting her as best as he could, holding her close and kissing her forehead as Harry took the newspaper and left Draco to calm her down. the blond rocking her gently. "Roe? what is it?" Draco asked softly. "did Harry do something?... do i need to kill someone?" he asked, worried that someone had hurt her.
roshara laughed softly, choked and tear filled, pressing her face against draco's neck. hiding because she wasn't ready to say anything yet. closing her eyes as she sighed, shivering as she tried to calm down.the sobs going quiet, just crying quietly as she clung to him." Harry just brought me the newspaper.Seems the reporter decided to add to your story, by adding mine."She shuddered going quiet as she trie to figure out how to tell him. Because she knew tht she couldn't keep him from him.not when he'd eventually red the paper." adopted father tried to skin me alive....for not wanting to be his 2nd wife."she said, it was a dumbed down version of the horror, but it was the only way she could tell him without totally breaking down in tears again.
he held her, letting her hide as he shook his head a little before tensing viciously, a dark snarl falling from his lips. "... and this... so called father of yours... is he still alive?" Draco hoped so, you could hear it in his voice... he wanted to murder the man himself. he really and truly did. "i wont let anyone hurt you ever again." he promised gently kissing her forehead. "i won't let anyone ever touch you again." he whispered softly, gently nuzzling her neck. "come on... you need some nice calming tea." he muttered softly, calmly urging her to her feet because he was too weak to carry her. he didn't bother yelling at Harry to make anything, he knew Harry was already making breakfast and some nice jasmine and chamomile tea with a calming drought in it.
"No.He died in prison, a victim of a prisoner who knew what he had done."She said smiling a little because it was true, and children were sacred, even among the lawless. Roshara sighed softly as he nuzzled her, closing her eyes as she let him get her to her feet, heading downstairs. Stumbling and clumsy as they did. for once, she was the one being totally uncooridated.Swallowing hard as she followed draco into the kitchen, settling in a chair at the table, but still cuddling with draco as he sat down."Thanks."She smiled taking the cup from harry sipping it before saying anything."The reporter.Does anyone know how he found out?It was bad enough when he found draco's past, but that was a wizards records. My father was muggle. what in the world is he doing to get information?"
he nodded. "good." he growled, pleased that the man was dead, gently kissing her forehead as he helped her steady herself, smiling as he took one of the tea's that Harry offered, Harry setting a plate of pancakes eggs and sausage down for Roe, a strawberry milkshake for Draco. "eat." Harry ordered simply smirking darkly. he was clearly going to be doing something just to the left side of legal. "he turned himself in two hours ago, complaining that he didn't remember writing that article. when examined he had the same impirio spells that the first reporter had." Harry admitted shaking his head a little. "however he found out... it wasn't by any normal means." he admitted sighing a little. "i have his permission to probe his mind though." Harry admitted. "as long as i don't damage his mind, i can dig in it all i want." he admitted. "i might be able to find who put the spells on him."
roshara smiled wanely at that. Because it was so overwhelmingly painful to think about her father that she couldn't even think clearly enough to enjoy the idea of finding the bastard who was behind this."you'll let us know who's behind it?"she said starting to eat, looking oddly small and innocent sitting in dracos' lap, snuggling against him as she let herself be held. For once, wanting comforted more then she needed to comfort draco."My father was tried in a muggle court. There should be some record who looked for the records, or it will be a muggleborn."She poked draco in the ribs, teasing him as she laughed quietly."Purebloods wouldn't know how to find out the records from the muggle world. Not like they would in the wizarding one."
Harry shook his head a little. "of course i'll let you know." he promised offering them all a small smile as Draco snuggled her, finishing his entire milkshake without a fuss as he held her tightly, refusing to let her go as he nuzzled the top of her head, smiling a little. "i know how to get records in a muggle police station and court." he admitted calmly. "it's something we learn from an early age so we can get ourselves out of trouble if something happens in the muggle world or we need to take out a muggle witness." he admitted calmly. "records are easy to get from muggles, they never even know they gave them up." "but." Harry stated simply, smirking a little. "no one ever thinks to wipe their magical signature off a muggle, if i can get that, i can get a good tracking signature." he admitted smirking a little as he licked his lips. "and i'll hunt the man down like he's a dog."
roshara looked startled at his announcement before starting to laugh."Now, that doesn't surprise me. A pureblood preparing to get in trouble."She teased nuzzling his shoulder, startling to calm down."He is a dog....or would that make you the dog while you track him down?"she teased yawning as she rested her head on draco's shoulder, shuddering a little."Draco, can we go home?"she asked, wanting to be at home, surrounded by her own things instead of this house of his in france. The house was beautiful,but she wanted home. His or hers, it didn't matter, she just needed the comfort of the familiar.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded a little. "yeah, us purebloods are always fixing to get in trouble." he admitted with a small snicker as Harry smirked. "nah, he's a rat and i'm the hunting tiger, rawr." he pulled the gayest cat scratch motion and Draco lifted an eyebrow. "... in the closet are we?" "nah, your just too stupid to notice." Harry admitted with a laugh as he skipped off to go hunting. Draco smiling at Roe, kissing her forehead. "sure we can go home." he promised softly, apparating the both of them away, both of them landing in Roshara's living room, him still holding her tightly, sighing softly. "i missed you." he admitted setting his hand on her belly and rubbing it gently as he kissed her neck. "i love you."
"...he's so gay. He needs to date."He muttered looking amused as she watched harry leave, resting her cheek on draco's shoulder amused."I missed you to."She said shuddering a little as he rubbed her stomach, smiling softly as she nuzzled him."Are you happy?"She mutteered kissing him slowly. WAnting to reassure herself that he still wanted her."We're going to have to do something about the reporter..."She said so scared about what would happen now. Scared what would happen should anyone find out she was pregnant.
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