Saving Draco Malfoy

Roshara stared her mouth hanging open a little as she watched the blond go inside."I... I didn't know he'd burn that easily."She said sniffling a little, starting to cry before she could stop herself. smiling as she rubbed her eyes she sighed, making a face."No. He's just a pale blond. He should have said he'd burn that badly, I wouldn't have dragged him out here."She scowled annoyed at the blond for not telling them beyond that he didn't want to go into teh sun."Are you staying?He's not going to be happy with either of us when he gets out of the shower."She said smiling a little as she looked at the other man, looking concerned for draco. Annoyed that she'd ended up hurting draco instead of helping him.
Harry shook his head and gently pulled her into a hug. "hey, hey you didn't know it's not your fault. he should have said something, or at least said no." he admitted smiling at her. "he didn't say anything because he wants you to feel better, so he might gripe and grouch and even burn but he'll still do whatever you want for a few days." he promised smiling at her. "and of course i'll stay." he promised calmly. "i will have to leave now and again though. we're prosecuting the nosy reporter and looking into how he found the information in the first place. and your right, he's going to be completely furious with us." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head. "ii'll pick him up a sun protecting charm, their usually for vampires but it will help Draco with his burning problem. the sun and fresh air will do him good. your right, he's too pale."
"That doesn't make me feel any better potter."She whined leaning into him, laughing softly. "And nosy reporters should just go away. That was confidental court records, someone talked."She sighed resting her head on his shoulder rolling her eyes amused."Ah look,blondie really is a vampire."She muttered snickering a little as she headed into the house, pausing as she listened for the shower before smiling again."Think we can get him to eat something for lunch?"She asked curious because they'd managed to bully draco into eating breakfast.It would be interesting to see how many meals they could get him to eat.
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "that's why we're looking into it, so those responsible can be punished, or so that the reporter can be triply punished if he took the information by force, which i'm suspecting." he admitted calmly. "their questioning everyone that was involved in Draco's trials with truth serum." he admitted. "we'll have the truth soon enough." Harry promised smiling a little. "and i doubt it, he had a lot for breakfast and he hasn't eaten in a long time, he's probobly still full, we'll try again at Dinner." he promised pausing as his Cellphone rang. most of the Aurors used magically adapted cellphones to stay in contact with each other. "Yo, this is potter.... what do you mean the reporter is innocent?.... are you fucking kidding me how did i not notice!? alright i'll be right there..." he hung up and looked at Bell. "...the reporter is innocent of.. well everything. turns out he was being held under an impirio, a timed one... he just broke free of it twenty minutes ago..."
Roshara snickered a little looking amused at the sight of the cell phone. It was still weird for her to see wizards using muggle things. Smiling slightly she sighed before paling, swaying a little on her feet as she considered that, looking towards the cieling where she could hear draco taking a shower."Bloody hell.Why now?Why after so long?"she asked looking so worried and scared at the idea of what kind of trouble draco could be in now.
Harry offered her a smirk at her snickers, he had been the one to introduce the things in the first place, anything Harry loved everyone else did too. he was the ultimate icon for cool after he'd taken out Voldemort. he sighed though as he stared at his cellphone his eyes narrowed a little. "... i think this might be my fault." he admitted softly. "see... Draco vanished after the trial... most people thought he killed himself after that... and i just, let them think that, but when i looked for you for Draco i may have alerted several people to the fact that he's still alive..." he admitted shaking his head. "or... well, maybe they had to be sure, something like this would have taken years to plan and carry out." he admitted sighing a little. "unfortunately... this is going to take a good long time to sort out... i'm going to double the wards powers on my and Draco's... your going to be the only one who can pass in and out of them besides Draco and me..." he admitted frowning a little. "this is going to go very bad very fast... and i think it would be better if Draco didn't know..."
Roshara smiled a little, looking at the icon of cool."...bloody hell.Everyone knew I wouldn't be needed by you, but because you were helping someone else."she paled a little at the idea, because she had a history of violence and pain, along with a psycological degree. So it only made sense that she was helping a scarred draco malfoy. Roshara nodded looking worried before smiling a little."Harry...if we could convince him to leave the house, do you think he would go to mine?The wards are just as strong, and you can add to them.But he's a recluse no one would think he'd leave. they'll come here. No one would look for my house."
he nodded a little and then winced a little. "... don't know if we could convince him to leave..." he admitted. "he's... this place is addictive to him... it's... his constant reminder... he's punishing himself, and he's got an OCD thing about control..." he look entered his eyes. "but if we make him think it was his idea..." he mused smirking a little. "we have to lead him into deciding to relocate himself, then he's still in control." he stated grinning a little. "and better yet then he thinks it's HIS idea." he admitted with a small chuckle as he heard the shower turn off and ten minutes later Draco was downstairs looking pink, but not so annoyed anymore, in fact he looked almost sleepy. "i think i might take a nap." Draco admitted blinking at the two and frowning. "... what are you two planning? you have devious looks..."
"WEll, he can be OCD over my house.He needs to get out of here."Roshara said looking worried because it was hurting her to think about the blond hurting himself. It hurt to think he was punishing himself for hurting himself for something that wasn't his own."yes, if we make him think its his idea..."She nodded thinking about that because she was sure they could be devious enough to convince him. Yelping slightly when Draco appeared at her side, turning to look at him with a slight smile."I could use a nap to."She mused before laughing."Hmm we were just thinking about what to make to dinner."she said laughing a little,shrugging.
he scowled at her. "i don't need dinner i ate something for breakfast." he growled, thinking they where plotting ways to get him to eat more as he huffed and stalked off, ignoring them both as he took a nap, unaware of the soft whispers of plots and planning. and at dinner he found himself with an empty chocolate milkshake cup and an agreement to move to Roshara's house, for Shara's safety of course. anything to protect Roshara, how they had done it even Harry wasn't sure but they had, it had worked, and Draco was ready to move at any time, his things already packed. the key, it turned out, to getting Draco to eat, was to distract him so he didn't realize he was eating. nothing white, nothing red, and he was fine.
Roshara herself was surprised how easy it had been to get draco to leave. She really wasn't sure how it had happened, but it had. All she had to do was make him think it would be beneficial for her to be at her own home resting instead of here. After getting him to eat she smiled as they stepped into her home, and it was like the simplest manor house in existance. The single bedroom home was spacious and wide, but comfortable. Settling the bags on the ground she turned to look at draco, blushing slightly as she smiled at him."I only have the one bedroom.So, we can share or I'll take the couch, since you need your beauty sleep."She teased reaching out because she couldn't help it and tucked his hair behind his ears.
Draco looked around her house, feeling as if he had somehow been tricked, but how could that be when this was his idea? dammit he was going senile he just knew it. he shook his head a little and looked at her. "i'll sleep on the couch." he decided. "your sore and hurt, you take the bed." he stated calmly, flinching away from her touch like she was a hot iron poker before stilling and letting her tick his hair away, offering her a hesitant smile. "... thanks... i think.." he muttered softly. "anyway i'm going to... unpack i guess." he muttered feeling very unnerved and unsettled in this new environment.
"Thanks,"she smiled a little when he offered her the bed before smilign a little wider."Draco, you could share the bed with me if you wanted...that way you weren't alone in a new place."She said seeing how unsettled he was letting her hand drop when she saw how uncomfortable he was. Almost wishing she could take him home, but it was safer and better for him to be out of his own how at the moment she she was going to leave him here, thinkig it was his own idea."And I'm not that hurt. just tired."She said smiling at him.
he hesitated at her offer and then astonishingly he nodded. "yeah, alright i guess we could sleep in the bed." he agreed softly looking around the place, fidgeting a little as he bit his lip. "so... what do you do for fun?" unsettled enough that he was actually looking for conversation. "and you are too hurt, i hurt you." he stated simply as he settled into a chair and stared at his hands, uncertain what to do or say as he fidgeted finally meeting her gaze eye to eye. "... i am afraid." he admitted suddenly before looking down at his hands again. "i don't like new things..." he muttered softly. "i want to go home..." but he wouldn't and they both knew it, because Roshara was better in her own home, and Draco needed the change even if he didn't want it.
"I read. Watch TV.Go for walks."She smiled a little her heart hurting at the idea that he was that unsettled. Walking over to him she crouched down in front of him, hands resting on his knees as she looked at the blond."I know you are."She said smiling a little as she realized he was doing this for her, leaving the comfortable home because she needed him."But this is private and with that news article out, we'll both get more privacy here."She said looking worried about him, more then she was worried about herself.
he blinked at her. "...TV?" he had been such a recluse he didn't even know what Television was. a lot of muggle things had been incorporated into the magical world and TV was one of them, the muggleborns had made sure of it, considering how addictive television was, especially to people like Draco, who had never watched it before. "... yes, i suppose your right... i don't want your name dragged through the mud too..." he admitted softly watching her, his head tilted. "what's TV?" he demanded again, curious despite himself.
She laughed quietly when he laughed, smiling as she stood, leaning over to flip on the tv before sitting back down."It's a muggle thing. It lets you watch shows and news."She said smiling as she watched him watch the tv. It always amused her to watch new people discover tv.
he blinked a little as the television flipped on, jumping, startled before he took the next hour to figure out how to work it, shushing her any time she tried to help, so focused on the moving pictures he forgot to be nervous. Draco Malfoy had a brand new obsession... or addiction. either way at least he wasn't focusing on how terrible he felt as he watched Bones for the very first time, morbidly fascinated by the muggle art of forensics. "interesting..." he muttered softly. "i would like to meet this Booth person." well, Draco thought those people where real, how cute.
Roshara bit her lip to keep from laughing at him, looking at him as she settled on her chair, looking over at him."Sweetheart, they're actors. Like at a wizard's ballet."She said looking amused at his new obsession."Booth isn't really, they're just playing a part for the show."She said looking amused, grinning as harry walked in, knowing the brunette was just stopping in to check on them in case drao had freaked out again at being moved."Draco's discovered TV."
he blinked a little. "ah." he muttered his head tilted as he studied the television. "how did they make Bone's look so pregnant? a glamor?" he asked curiously, not realizing that bones, or the actor playing her, was actually pregnant. you weren't allowed to perform in a wizards Ballet if you where pregnant due to health risks. Harry had to smirk at Draco, his head tilted. "wait until he discovers Cartoons, Ron was so addicted to Inu-yasha and Ben en that he didn't move for wee..." "SSSSHH!!! this thing called Commercials is on..." Draco ordered studying the pictures Harry snorting. "and most people hate them Draco..." "SHHH!!!!" Harry looked close to bursting into laughter. "... Shara i want to try Cheetos." Draco stated simply, Harry looking stunned before looking devious. they had the sudden perfect way to get Draco to eat, junk food, which they could infuse with health and nutrient potions to get him healthy again.
"No, th actress playing her really is pregnant, so they wrote it into the show."Roshara said looking amused at Draco's questions, "Wizards really should do human shows though. It'd be so amazing."She said before smiling a little, grinning at draco's demand for silence."Yes harry, shhh."she teased before rolling her eyes at the demand for junk food though she looked a little shocked at the demand. Grinning as she headed for the kitchen she nodded, looking at harry already catching on to his unsaid idea. Getting the cheetos out she searched for a health potions, tilting her head as she looked at harry."How are we supposed to put it on without the cheetos getting soggy?"She asked looking amused.
Harry chuckled a little as Draco pondered that and then nodded resuming his watching of the television shows, Harry sticking his tongue out at Roshara playfully, grinning at her as he took both the bag of cheetos and the potions turning the potions into a powder with a simple spell and pouring them over the cheetos, mixing them all up until the powdered potions sank into the chips. "and their tasteless too so Draco will never know." Harry chirped simply as he resealed the bag with magic and then headed out and giving Drago the large family size bag of cheetos, the blond struggling with the bag until Harry showed him how to open it, the brunette chuckling as he watched Draco try one, ponder, and then resume eating them, focused on the TV, shooting Roshara a thumbs up. a success.
Roshara grinned nodding as she settled back on the couch with him.This was going to be easier then she had thought. That evening Roshara smiled softly as she turned off the tv, helping the sleepy blond who refused that he was tired,saying he wanted to stay up and watch tv, upstairs to get some sleep."Come on draco.You can watch again in the morning.You need sleep."She said smiling slightly as she paused biting her lip before helping the slightly uncoordinated blond change into his pj's, and limbing into her own before crawling into bed."Go to sleep draco."She ordered before grinning a little."And no sneaking back downstairs to watch."
Draco actually whined when the TV was turned off, sulking at her, not realizing in the least how much he had eaten. half a bag of Cheetos, three different flavored puddings, a big mac from the local McDonald's, fries and milkshake included. he'd tried fruit snacks even, and then had three more because they where that amazing. he let her dress him into his PJ's, too tired to actually protest as she forced him into bed, groaning as he slept, his stomach not as unhappy with him as he'd thought thanks to an anti nausea potion from Harry, the blond passing out completely from all the excitement. he was even still asleep when she got up the next morning, his arm wrapped around her waist like a protective lover.
Roshara tensed a little as she woke, for a moment confused on what was going on. She was...being held?No. That couldn't be right. Frowning as she turned her head a little she startled slightly at the sight of draco's blond head pillowed on the dark length of her hair."Draco.Wake up."She muttered nodding shifting slightly, gripping her hair, trying to ease her hair out from under his head to not startle him to badly by jerkign free.
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