Saving Draco Malfoy

Harry shook his head and handed the paper over to her, showing it to her. the front page was all about Draco, someone had snuck into the Ministry and stolen Draco's files, everything on Draco's past was in the paper. being held under imperio as a child and again during his school years, being Voldemort's sex slave from forth year until the man was killed. all the torture Narcissa had put him under to 'toughen' him up. laying Crucio on him again and again until his nerves where so dead from pain that he didn't scream. there where morbid details and there was no denying that Draco was going to be completely pissed off when he realized that the information that he had been forced to rape women while under the Impirio was public, that he'd been raped time and time again was public, that his own parents had tried to kill him when he was nineteen was public. "i'm going to find this guy and kill him myself." Harry admitted, he appeared calm, but you could see the utter fury in his eyes. Draco noticed the fury in Harry's eyes almost instantly, and immediately assumed the worst. "whats wrong?" Draco demanded, accepting the paper from Harry, his silver orbs widening before he swallowed thickly. "get out." Draco demanded, his voice so filled with fury that Harry could only nod and leave the bathroom, glancing at Roshara. "... this is bad..."
Roshara paled as she realized what it was about, swallowing hard as she watched Harry hand it to him, leaning back against the wall as she glanced at harry."Go.I'll take care of him"she muttered mistakening believing that the blond wouldn't hurt her. She was just about to be proven how wrong she was. Swallowing hard as she stepped into the bathroom she swallowed looking at Draco,"Draco...." She trailed ff, because there was no words that she could offer to help, before she smiled a little, crouching down next to him, so they were face to face, utterly ignoring that he was naked."We could go kill them together. Consider it a theraputic killing."She said trying to get him to smile worried about how badly he was going to react.
Harry hessitated at the order to leave, but he nodded anyway, heading out to find the bastards who had hurt Draco in this way. starting with the newspaper, they where going to rue the day they had pissed off Harry potter. Draco himself had slid out of the tub and was sitting on the edge of the... well it was more of a hot tub then a bathtub, looking at the paper, his eyes scanning the words, his eyes as cold as ice and with every twitch they where going blank. warning her of another 'episode' like the one where he had tried to choke her. he looked up at her when she walked in, his ice cold eyes staring into hers before he slapped her, hard. hard enough that he tossed her to the floor like a rag doll, with strength he shouldn't have considering his diet of Coffee and jello. "... they want me to rape you." Draco stated simply, a sadistic little grin. "hope your not a virgin." he hissed, falling onto her like a rabid dog, ripping her clothes to shreds, his eyes wild, insane, and anytime she cried out, screamed,or struggled he struck her, close fisted, leaving massive bruises, and cracking one of her ribs by the time he finally had her naked, pinned on her belly on the floor, and his cock plunging into her at a wile rate, grunting and moaning as he took her with a wild rage and fury that was going to leave her barley able to walk in the morning.
As he pinned her, she fought. Not because she was really scared of him, but because she knew what it would do to him if he managed to actually rape her. Swallowing as she gave in, letting him pin her even if she could have gotten away. The part of her that was broken, and wanted to heal him knew that if she tried to get him off her, she was going to have to hurt him. And she couldn't do the time he was finished and had gone to his bed, she had just curled up against the tub falling asleep there. not bothering to get up, she was just hurting to much. By morning she was sore and stiff, bruised and broken her ribs hurting but she couldn't think clearly enough to get up. Or to clean up before he got up. She was hurt and she was tired, and she was scared which kept her froze, curled up against the tub as she shivered on the cool marble, even if she was sleeping.

But when she did get up, she cleaned up, slowly walking downstairs, moving slowly to make sure that she wasn't hurting herself more then she had to."Morning."Seh muttered to the blond in the kitchen, glad that she'd remembered to glamour her face into appearing normal. She sucked at healing charms, she'd have to get Harry to help, but that required waiting until she had breakfast.
he growled as he beat her and raped her, spilling deep inside of her, not even caring if she was protected or not before he got up, washed himself off and left her there, pausing before he left the bathroom to smirk at her. "you should consider yourself lucky, after all, your still alive slut." he tormented before he left and crawled into bed. in the morning though, he was up after her heading into the kitchen, and he was standing over the stove, burning pancakes which where far too lumpy and runny to be proper pancakes. he looked over at her, looking torn and broken as he pulled her into a tight hug, letting out a small sob. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry..." he whispered, holding her as if terrified she might leave. "i'm so... so sorry..." he whispered, hiccuping from the force of his sobs as he gently led her over and carefully sat her in a chair, checking her carefully for damages, lookign even more pained as he felt the glamor over her, breaking down into fresh sobs and collapsed onto the floor, his legs giving out on him as he hid his face in his hands. so distraught over what he had done it was amazing he wasn't laying dead in a puddle of his own blood.
Roshara winced a little as he touched her, not because he was touching her, but because it hurt. "Don't. Draco,shhh..."She muttered wincing a little as she leaned forward, drawing him close, resting his head in her lap as she tried to not let the glamour break, she wasn't about to let him see just how bad she really looked."Draco, shhh."She said stroking his hair,"If ou want to do something for me, get harry.I can't heal myself, and your in no condition to do it. Go get potter."she ordered quietly, stroking his hair desperate to get him to be calm. before she smiled little waving a hand at the stove where his almost pancakes were starting to burn."Draco, you should never try cooking again.I'll cook for you."She muttered despite the broken ribs she bent over him, hugging him as she rested her forehead on his shoulder."Draco, come on.You're going to go lay down."She muttered pushing him away, helping him up as she got up herself, slow and pained.
he sniffled and shook his head. "it's not ok... i'm a monster..." he looked up at her and nodded. "i.. i'll get Harry." he agreed, sounding frightened. he was certain Harry was going to be pissed off at him for hurting Roshara. he leaned into the hand stroking him, the first time he had willingly accepted human contact before he looked at the mess of the stove, biting his lip. "i... i wanted to make you something to eat." he admitted looking ashamed and broken before he got to his feet and suddenly picked her up. "i won't sleep... i'm going to take care of you." he decided carrying her upstairs and carefully laying her on the bed. "i'll go get Harry... he can make breakfast." he decided swallowing thickly, silent tears still rolling down his cheeks as he raced out of the room. ten minutes later Harry walked in, sighing at her. "why didn't you kick his ass Roshara?" he asked looking puzzled as he broke her glamors so he could get a proper look at her. "he got you good huh?" he asked looking upset. "i shouldn't have left..." he complained as he carefully started to heal her many injuries. "seriously, you could have stopped him if you wanted to... why didn't you?"
Roshara sighed softly, knowing she couldn't convince Draco otherwise. Not at least until she was healed and he stopped fretting. But as she stroked her hair she smiled as he accepted the touch,yelping a little when he picked her up. Sighing softly as she rested her head on his chest as he carried her, she smiled a little as she settled into the bed watching the other leave. Looking up at Harry as he came in, wincing as he broke the spells, most of them were healed, except the nasty dark bruise that was deep enough it wouldn't heal, only faded to that nasty dark yellow that bruises get. Shifting she sat up, leaning against the headboard he sighed,"Because to stop him I was going to have to seriously hurt him.Despite how hurt I was, and how mentally scarred draco is now, I couldn't hurt him.Because I couldn't heal him, I'm not good at actual healing charms, so I couldn't hurt him badly. But to get him off me I would have had to."She said shrugging a little."I seemed like a reasonable idea at the time."
Harry stared at her, wide eyed and astonished before chuckling a little and shook his head. "your something else." he admitted with a smile as he carefully wove his magic into her's, healing all of her physical and magical wounds, even the soreness between her legs. Harry specialized in brutality cases, beatings, rape and things like it so he was astonishingly skilled when it came to healing wounds like that. "... yes but now he's even worse because he hurt the one person he likes." he admitted simply. "Draco does like you, as much as he can, that's why he's constantly trying to push you away, because he doesn't want you to see what he really is. he trusts you, and he hurt you for it." he admitted looking up at her. "you need to explain why you let him, or he's going to do something both of you will regret... he doesn't care that he wasn't in his right mind. he only cares that he hurt you." he admitted simply watching her smiling at her. "you did a good thing Roshara... but it was a little extremer... next time? try stunning him, he's week when he's like that, not physically, but magically he's barley a babe when he backslides like that, just stun him until the sanity comes back into his eyes." he ordered calmly patting her knee. "your all healed, did i miss anything?"
"....oh."Roshara blushed looking startled. Not only because he said draco liked her,but because she hadn't thought of that."I hadn't thought to stun him...I just thought if I could physically get him away, I was going to really hurt him."She said blushing a little before smiling a little, shaking her head."No. I'm okay.And I'll go talk to him before Draco can do something stupid."She said smiling a little wider as she stood up, resting a hand on his arm."Thank you....and draco wanted to know if you'd make breakfast, since he already failed"She said kissing his cheek before walking out, walking down to the kitchen where draco was trying to make breakfast again. Smiling a little she chuckled."Draco, harry's here. You didn't need to try to cook."She teased leaning against the doorjam
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "i know. it never occurs to anyone." he admitted simply. "but you know now and if it happens again you'll know what to do." he promised chuckling a little. "if you need to talk about it, look me up alright?" Rape was traumatic, no matter the situation, and he had no doubt she was going to have nightmares after that. Draco was trying to make eggs this time, a thick smoke spilling off the edges as he struggled to scrape the eggs off the pan looking over at her with an almost broken expression. "... bit i... i hurt you." he whimpered. "i have... have to make it better i..." he swallowed thickly and rubbed his eyes a little. "Draco... poisoning her isn't helping her... just let me cook." Harry ordered calmly. "you can pour her drinks or something." "... drinks... like juice?" he asked, clearly well out of his element and completely lost on what he was doing or what he should do.
"I will."Roshara smiled a little as she looked at harry, for the moment pushing away her own fear and trauma, because she needed to take care of Draco. "Juice would be good. You can't mess that up."Roshara said helping him get her something to drink before she made him sit down, crouching down in front of him, holding his pale slender hands in hers."Draco,I let you hurt me. Draco, you only did what I allowed you to do."She said leaning up, gently tucking his hair behind his ears."I was only hurt with my own consent. Because I did not want to hurt you."She said looking so worried about him, that she wasn't even worrying about herself now. She'd deal with the emotional trauma later, but for now she was worried about him.
Draco nodded and ran over to the fridge, desperate to make her feel better in any way he could, pouring her a glass of sweet pumpkin juice, the only thing he drank besides coffee so it was about the only thing in his fridge besides milk, which he could barley stand to look at, and Jello, which was about the only thing he ate. he gave her the juice and blinked at her as she made him sit down, blinking at her his head tilted. "... i..but!" he tried to protest before he realized what she meant. she could have fought back but she hadn't, so he had only hurt her because she hadn't wanted to hurt him. a strange emotion flared across his face and his lip trembled and he burst into sobs, hiding his face in his hands as he sobbed so hard his entire body shook and shuddered, Harry smiling, almost looking... relieved. "just let him cry." he ordered. "he hasn't really cried since... well ever... he needs it." Harry explained calmly as he started making pancakes, proper ones this time.
Roshara smiled a little as she shifted wrapping her arms around the blond, head resting against his shoulder as she held him. Stroking his back as he shuddered, tears misting her own eyes as she realized that it wasn't just this moment, but a lifetime worth of tears the boy was crying out."Draco,you're going to have a wicked headache."She muttered teasing him as she stroked his hair, slightly amused because already he was sounding stuffy from crying. Looking up at harry she smiled a little, sitting back on her heels as she looked at the upset blond. Gently tucking his hair behind his ears she tilted her head."How about we get you some real food okay?That's what you can do for me."She said reaching out and sipping her pumpkin juice.
he sobbed into her shoulder, holding her tightly as he sobbed himself out. he sniffled as he started to calm down trembling against her as he nuzzled her. "i already do." he muttered softly. "my head is pounding." he admitted softly, but he sounded more connected now, less angry at everything, yet still disconnected as if he had forgotten he had been crying not a few seconds ago. he blinked at her as she tucked his hair behind his ear and smiled at her a little before grimacing at the thought of food. "oh please don't make me.." he pleaded softly. "it stick in my mouth and.. and it.. makes me think of..." "it's alright Dray, i have something here you might like." Harry promised setting something on the table, a bowl of brightly colored fruit, all of it sliced perfectly, fresh and clean the fruit would also help his poor unused stomach get used to food more easily. "... i guess i can try.." the blond muttered softly as he stood up. "... but i want coffee!..." "of course, just the way you like it, lots and lots of sugar." Harry promised chuckling a little as he gently set the coffee cup in front of the blond, who was staring at his food as if it was going to bite him.
Roshara smiled softly as she looked at Draco,"The food'll help with the headache."She said sounding amused as she sat down at the table, starting to eat the pancakes."You know, the cofee's more sugar than coffee."She teased leaning over to look at his cup before leaning back, smiling happily at Harry. "So, how was your day yesterday harry?"She asked looking at the brunette, stealing a piece of draco's fruit. Amused because he looked like his food was going to bite him."Draco, it wont bite you. I might,but the fruit wont."She teased trying to get him to relax before she smiled. Amazingly relaxed for a woman who'd been as hurt as she'd been. She'd proably have dreams and terrors, but for the moment, the trauma was behind her.
Draco just grimaced a little and Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. "it was hell." Harry admitted. "i had four victims last night, all of them dead.... looks like we have another serial killer on our hands... i did get all the information on that fucker who stile Draco's privacy though." Draco looked up and blinked a little. "you did?.... did he..." "he did it to get revenge on you apparently." Harry admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "he blames you for his kids death... even though he was a first year and you never even knew the spoiled little brat... if anyone was responsible for his death it was me." Harry admitted Draco looking astonished. "he was one of those annoying people who kept following me remember? in that final battle between you and me i guess he got hit. he didn't die then he was just left behind when the castle collapsed but the guy needed someone to blame and i guess he chose you." "... well... it's not so bad i guess... no one can get in here anyway it's not like i'm going to be reading their hate mail." he muttered Harry smiling a little as he shook his head. "would you like a banana strawberry smoothie instead Draco?" he offered Draco hesitating then nodding, sliding his fruit salad over to Roshara as Harry chuckled and made the new meal for Draco, perfectly patient with the strange, scarred blond.
Roshara looked interested in the serial killer, before sighing looking at the blond as the other's words. Her heart hurting a little at the idea that someone blamed draco, for something that wasn't his fault, at least not wholly."...but it wasn't your fault that he stayed behind."Roshara said frowning annoyed that someone couldn't realize that draco was just as helpless as the child had been."Hate mails just bad news. I got one posioned once. Spent the day in st. mungo's."She said absently smiling as she started eating the fruit, looking at draco now and then worriedly. Because he was worried that the blond would react badly to someone blaming him for things."So. What are we going to do today?"She said looking amused wondering if the man was protective enough to demand that she spend the day in bed even if she was healed.
Draco's lips tightened a little and he shook his head a little. "i know it's not my fault." but he didn't sound convinced as he watched Harry make a smoothie. "i'm not hungry anymore." Draco muttered frowning a little shaking his head a little. "you have to eat something Draco." harry ordered calmly handing the boy the smoothie. "just a few sips?" "..." Draco sighed but obediently took a small sip of his shake, Harry smiling a little, looking relieved. ".. i don't know.. whatever you want to do i guess." Draco muttered softly, Harry's grin falling as he sighed again and shook his head. "well... that lasted long." the brunette complained a little, upset because Draco was upset. but at least Draco was drinking the shake, he was on his fourth sip and didn't look like he was going to stop anytime soon, for once he actually looked like he was enjoying a meal.
Roshara smiled a little even at the falling mood, she was amused that even when he protested drinking it, Draco was still sipping the thing. "Well I see how protective your feeling."She said leaning over to poke him in the arm, looking amused but upset that he was upset."So.Lets go out to the gardens.I've always heard malfoy manor had the best gardens."She mused finishing her food, looking anxious to distract him to the fact that he was actually eating instead of ignoring the food like he wanted to. or a moment truly hopeful that he would forget what he'd done, in favor of taking care of her. Yes, she was going to get hi mto fuss and be protective, beacause it would distract him from the fact that she was taking care of him.
Draco actually had half the thing finished and he didn't even seam to realize it. he scowled a little at the poke. "don't touch me." he ordered with a grouchy tone before grimacing at the mention of the Gardens. "you mean like... outside?" he asked looking unnerved at the very thought of stepping out into the world again, Harry shaking his head. "he hasn't stepped outside in years..." Harry admitted softly so only Roshara could hear before, more loudly. "i think that's a good idea, the fresh air will do you good Ro. your still sore and nothings better for bad things then a good dose of sunshine." Draco winced but actually nodded. "yeah... we can go out to the garden... for a little while i guess." forgetting his own unease as he focused on helping her to feel better instead.
Roshara smiled a little looking at the blond as he grouched at her."Fine fine, I wont touch you."she muttered looking amused as she stood, lookng amused as harry maniuplated the man into going outside with her."Sunshine is so nice when you're hurting. It'll be nice."She said smiling a little as she walked outside with the two, looking around as she sighed, the sunlight shining off her dark hair as she looked around the neglected gardens. Tutting a little she looked at Draco,"Oh, draco!Look what you did.These flowers need care."She said smiling as she crouched down next to the wildly growing rose bushes brushing her fingers over the dark petals.
Draco huffed a little as he shook his head. "... Sunshine is for Demon's and vampires." he growled sulking as he realized he'd finished his entire milkshake, glaring at Harry violently, the man smiling a little. "sorry... i didn't think you'd notice if i stole a little bit." Draco lost the sour look as he thought Harry had actually been the one to drink most of it. with both Roshara and Harry there, draco was astonishingly easy to Manipulate. he scowled at the sunlight and immediately plopped himself into the nearest shade he could find, sulking about being outside and feeling edgy and nervous about being in such wide open spaces, Harry sighing a little as he shook his head at the state of the garden. "goodness Draco, you could have kept at least one house elf to do this for you." Harry complained shaking his head. "no..." Draco growled. well aware if he got a house elf it was going to talk at him incessantly and even worse, try to make him eat.
"...vampires don't like sunlight."Roshara pointed out laughing quietly, snickering as he realized his milkshake was gone. And harry's words, amused that the blond didn't realize that he had indeed drank his whole shake. Roshara sat back on her heels to look at draco, making a face as she looked at him, before standing up. Walking over and crouching down in front of him, smiling softly."Draco, come on. We'll walk in the sunlight. You're to pale for your own good."She said smiling at him, "And a walk will do me good.Slow walking.but I need you to walk with me, in case I fall or something."She said smiling wider.
Draco smirked a little. "exactly. they can burn and boil you leave me out of it." he ordered simply growling a little as he glared at her as she crouched in front of him. "i don't want to walk in the sun... i don't like the sun..." he grumbled but stood up and walked with her around the Garden, avoiding looking at anything red as they moved, his poor skin red before she even thought to worry about him getting burned. "can we go in now?" Draco complained sulking a little Harry looking up and gaping. "Draco you've only been in the sun for five minutes! how are you that red already!?" "... because i hate the world!" Draco growled sulking as he stormed inside to take a nice cold shower to sooth his burning skin. "... good lord... it's like the world itself decided that Draco needed to be punished.
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