Saving Draco Malfoy

"No I'm not hurt, though he did try to."she sighed running her fingers through her hair."it's Roshara or Roe. I prefer informal."she said sipping her drink as she thought."no he didn't chase me off, but he went catatonic on me. I figured I better ask the questions I'd been ignoring. What happened Harry? What really happened? I can't help him if I don't know what damage I'm trying to fix. Or I might make it worse like I already have by calling him a coward.I screwed up, I need help."she said sounding pained, because like drake, she hated relying on others for things.
he shook his head a little. "i should have stayed with you, i knew he was unstable.." he paused, looking startled. "he went catatonic?" he asked, looking baffled. "i... i don't know all of it... only what i've seen for myself or what i've seen from Voldemort's head..." he admitted biting his lip hard. "Lucius and Narcissa where... vicious..." he admitted. "he was to be a certain...type, of person, perfect, he had to be perfect. he wasn't to cry, wasn't to show fear, wasn't to make mess, make noise or... act out in anyway... when he was... eight, i guess he started to... divert from his chosen path, so... Lucius held him under the impirio to make him the child he was supposed to be... when he was... thirteen i think, Lucius started making Draco... do things... terrible things... he made Draco... rape people, hurt people." he explained swallowing thickly. "when he was fourteen Voldemort came back... and... used Draco." he explained. "Draco used to try to run away, when he was a kid... and when he got older... when his father caught him, he'd beat Draco, sometimes in front of Voldemort, calling him a coward and a waste of space and blood... Lucius used to threaten to kill Draco, would have when he was sixteen if Voldemort hadn't wanted to... keep him." Harry admitted staring into his tea.

"when Voldemort died... and Lucius and Narcissa went to Azakaban... Draco was... lost." Harry admitted. "there was no Impirio to tell him what to do... there was no Narcissa telling him how to act, no Lucius to tell him what to be... he... had no idea how to act, feel, for a while, he couldn't even move on his own he admitted softly. "he's... still under the effects a little... when your under the impirio for that long, it clings to you for years." he admitted watching her. "that's all i know... i know there where other things... but, that's all i know from raping Lucius's mind, and being connected to Voldemort." he admitted simply, looking back into his tea, sighing a little. "he won't be catatonic for long..." he admitted simply. "do you want me to go back with you in case he attacks you again?"
Roshara frowned as she stared into her tea, eyes filling with tears. The truth of the mans past hitting her like a fist to the stomach. Painful and demanding that she take care of him, that she actually connect to another human being. Swallowing hard as she realized why he'd taken her words at face value instead of realizing she was pushing for a reason. Sipping her tea she made a mental note to remember that she had to remember to be careful of what she said. Nodding a little as she stood she bit her lip."only for a little while.I know he's angry at me-us but I dont want him uncomfortable in his own home."she said heading for the floo determined to not let either man realize that drake had managed to scare her badly.
Harry offered her a small smile and shook his head a little. "he's already uncomfortable in his own home. that's where most of his pain and torture happened Ro." he admitted softly. "but he has nowhere else to go and he refuses to come live here with me." the only time Draco had been there, all the paintings that Harry hadn't been able to take down had relentlessly tormented Draco calling him a coward and a pathetic loser and draco had fled after an hour. he followed her through the Floo and paused as his 'Auror sense' tingled. "wait... something's wrong." Harry ordered before paling. "Draco..." he raced for Draco's bedroom, and when he found it locked, physically and with Magic he broke both with his own Magic, paling as he saw draco laying on the floor next to the tub, slowly bleeding out, his wrists cut to the bone. "SHIT!" Draco hissed racing forward and wrapping hands tightly around both wrists to stop the bleeding, Draco's pale skin already gray from blood loss. "Roshara! Get the Floo open to the Hospital!"
roshara looked startled nd scared as she was yelled at, having run upstairs after him. Freezing in the doorwy for a moment before running back downstairs and calling the hospital, it had taken a desperate few minutes before a mediwizard and roshara were both racing back upstairs again. Both doctors kneeling down next to Draco, hurriedly trying to stop the bleeding and replesh the blood, roshara looking pale and scared as silent tears sliding down her face. Not even realizing she was crying as she realized this was her fault. The mediwizard thomas leaned back after a moment,sighing heavily."we need to get him into bed.I have healed the wounds, as well as I can, he needs to rest."He said looking at harry, assuming the man could move draco without disturbing him to much
Harry was covered in Draco's blood by the time he was done, sighing a little as he shook his head. "fuck... this is the third damn time..." he complained making a face as he gently lifted Draco and laid him in bed. "ten Galleon's says he doesn't remember this time either." he paused when he realized both doctors where staring at him. "oh.. uh, Draco's tried to kill himself twice before... once during the trials... when he woke up he didn't remember doing it, we had to explain to him why he was in the hospital... the second time was... uhm, a month ago i think? gaurds found him the first time a heart beat away from death, i found him the second time just after he pulled the knife." he admitted sighing a little as he moved over to Roshara, gently wiping the tears off of her face. "this isn't your fault Ro, it's been building up ever since i showed up on his front door." he promised shaking his head. "thank you Thomas for saving him." Harry stated calmly to the Mediwizard. "i'll stay here with Dray in case he tries again." Harry promised, well aware that the mediwizard and Roshara could see the massive, extensive scars across Draco's torso, since they had ripped off his shirt to heal him. there was a thick one across his shoulder from harry in sixth year, heavy burn marks all down the right side of his body from the fire in seventh. his back was a layer of cane marks and whip marks from Lucius and Voldemort as well as heavy claw marks from when Voldemort had let Fenrir have some fun. "and don't mention any of Draco's scars Ro, he's... sensitive."
Both doctors nodded, looking so sad as they saw the scars, really paused to realize what had caused them.Thomas quietly excusing himself as he realized that roshara was perfectly capable of taking care of the rest of this, though leaving her with instructions to call himat home if she needed to.Roshara sighed quietly as she collapsed into the chair next to the bed,slouching over her knees as she rubbed at her face,smearing blood across it as she rubbed at the tears. Not even realizing she was still covered in blood."Im not going anywhere.I can't give up...I can't let him give up."She said anxious to make harry understand that she wouldn't leave, not until draco succedded in killing her,or that she convinced him to start living again. she wasn't going anywhere."...I should shower..."She muttered after a moment,slowly starting to calm down.
Harry smiled a little as he also promised to contact Thomas if he needed anything, glad to find at least one other person who didn't still hate Draco for getting out of a punishment. "i'm not asking you to leave him." Harry promised. "he needs you... almost as much as you need him i think." he admitted smiling at the woman. "go take a shower, i'll watch him." he promised. when she came out of the shower, Draco was still asleep but his color was coming back, as little as that was. Harry smiled at her when she came back in. "i'm going to take a shower now too." he admitted standing up. "if he hasn't woken up by the time i get out you might consider running home to grab some clothes and stuff, i don't know if you brought some with you, i wasn't paying attention." he admitted with a small chuckle before getting up and walking out. ten minutes later Draco groaned and opened his eyes slowly, blinking sluggishly. ".. what happened?" he asked, sounding confused and a little frightened as he felt a painfully familiar ache in his wrists. "fuck..." he groaned lifting his hand to stare at the angry red marks of fresh healed death marks. "... fuck..."
Roshara nearly pounced on him like a overeager puppy as she realized that he was awake. Kneeling on the edge of the bed, resting a hand on the bed beside him so she was leaning over him, not wanting to make him move to much to see her."Yea, fuck.Moron."She teased a little shaking her head, though fear still showed in pale eyes. He'd scared her,badly with that stunt. More then anything else, sucide and this spiral of his shocked her back into her own past, which wasn't a place she cared to linger. Harry was right, she needed draco as much as draco needed her, if not more. She had always been desperate to find her footing, and now...taking care of him she was feeling steadier."Hey.I can cast a pain relief spell if you think it'll help..."She said fretting over him now that he was awake to answer questions."I'd only gone to talk to harry.I wasn't leaving."She said afraid she'd caused this by 'abandoning' him, or at least he'd assumed she'd abandond him.
Draco groaned a little and blinked at her. "what happened?" he asked, looking confused. "why'd i try to kill myself this time?... did that lady from the newspaper come again?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "can't remember shit..." he complained shaking his head. "don't bother... i like the pain." he scowled at her. "why are you even still here, go away you useless tramp." he ordered slowly sitting up, or trying to anyway, he was too week to do it on his own. "shit... fine make yourself useful and get Potters ass up here, i need to piss and i'll be damned if you're the one who helps me." he growled, not really wanting her to see his dick, let alone the razor thin scars that covered it from Voldemort's sick fetishes.
"I don't know what happened.Dick."She scowled a little at the name calling, but tilting her head as she pushed away from him, white blond hair hittig him in the face as she went in search of harry, pounding on the bathroom door before she stuck her head in."Poter, he's awake and wont let me help him to the bathroom."She said more then willing to let Harry take him,but put out that Draco hadn't even asked if she could help him to the bathroom, not realizing he did't want her to do it for another reason besides not trusting her.
he actually lifted a tiny corner of his lip when she called him a dick, an almost smirk as she left, making sure that she didn't see it. Harry was half naked, wearing only a pair of pants, showing her his own proud battle scars, most of them from school and the Dursley's but some from his new days as an Auror, and one of the best. he looked over at her and snorted. "he's such a prude." he complained rolling his eyes. "he's so scared of anyone seeing that tiny prick of his, alright give me just a minute." he ordered simply grabbing his shirt and yanking it on. Harry was the only person draco ever let help him in any way, and so far it had only happened three times save for now. he helped Draco into the bathroom, and then carried him back out and laid him back in bed. "alright draco, i have to go to work." Harry stated simply. "Roshara is here to help you if you need anything." "i don't need help." "yes, because you totally weren't dead for almost three minutes. just give her a chance, she can help." "i don't want help." "no, you just want to slowly waste away." "it's nothing less than i deserve." "not everything is about you Draco." Harry stated simply before leaving for work, leaving Draco alone with Roshara.
Roshara rolled her eyes as she swung into the room from the bathroom connected to her bedroom, having left the two in private before she came back. Looking amused as she waved goodbye at harry before looking at draco ,hands resting on her hips."he's right, not everything's about you. Me helping you is totally about me."She said and it was somewhat true, she had her own reasons for helping him. Looking at him amused,"Now.What do you want to eat?Its lunchtime, and you don't have any elves. So I'll go make us something."She said looking eager because she wanted to fuss over him, and cooking for him was the best way she knew how to
Draco sighed a little as he blinked at her. "it's my house." he stated simply. "that means that everything in these white walls is about me." he stated simply. "and i'm not hungry." he complained shaking his head a little before deciding maybe he did want something. "i want Jello..." it was all he ate if he did eat something. "the blue kind." he didn't like the red kind, it looked like blood, and he had already eaten enough bloody meat in his lifetime, and drank enough blood. "and i want Coffee to go with it. lots of sugar, no creamer."
Roshara rolled her eyes a little, "Yes master, as you say master."She said with laughter filled eyes and voice, looking amused as she spun out of the room, looking happy to be able to get him something. Smiling as she bounced down to the kitchen. Returning within a few minutes, coffee cup and jello balanced in her hands as she bounded back into the room, "Here.Anything else?"She said looking at him with a small smile as she sat down on the edge of the bed next to him, holding out the bowl of jello and coffee.
Draco let off another little smirk at her sarcasm and shook his head, resting in his bed as she came back up with the coffee and jello, well aware she had probobly spiked both with nutrient potions. he didn't mind, they would keep him alive while he starved himself. he shook his head at the question of anything else and grabbed the coffee, bringing it to his lips for a drink before screaming loudly as his grip faltered and he spilled it all over himself. it wasn't that it was hot and that it hurt, but it was more a bold of agony had raced up his arm. the doctor had warned that lasting damage had been done tot he tendons, it would heal in a matter of a few days, but until then... he was going to have t be fed. "..." but he was too proud to ask her to do that for him.
Roshara yelped as he spilled it over himself, looking startled having forgotten about the damage as she took the coffee back,waving a hand, casting a silent drying spell to get the wet coffee off of him even as she shifted to nudge him over, settling down on the bed next to him.Laying on her side even as she held the cup up for him."Don't make me make the little choo choo sounds like I do for my nephew." She teased smiling at him, teasing him because she knew his pride was stung that he had to do this.
Draco sighed a little as he was dried, growling as she nudged him, offering her a scowl when she pressed against him, but allowed the help in drinking his coffee, drinking half of it in one go before leaning back and staring at the pretty blue jello. "i swear to god, when i have use of my limbs again, i am going to kill you." he promised scowling at Roshara before allowing her to feed him the jello, slurping it up happily, enjoying the sweet fruity flavors. he only took three or four bites before he leaned back again and refused to eat or drink anymore, resting, tired from his almost death. "... thank you." he muttered softly, so quiet that she almost couldn't hear him, but he had thanked her, sort of.
"Your welcome."She said smiling a little, shifting so she wasn't snuggled against him settling down in the bed to go to sleep."Sleep. You'll feel better."she said yawning as she strated drifting off, not at all disturbed at the death threat."If you can lift your arm to bash my head in, go for it."She teased sleepily.
he nodded and closed his eyes, letting himself slip into a peaceful sleep. as much as he hated to admit it he felt comforted by her presence, and before he drifted off to sleep he spoke before he could stop himself. "stay with me?" he asked softly before sighing and falling asleep, looking almost peaceful in his sleep, despite the dark bags under his eyes and the pallor of his skin. he slept no more than two hours before he woke screaming, flailing against the blankets 'restraining' him. "NO! no PLEASE! FATHER NO!" he pleaded, rolling off of the bed and hitting the floor with a small sob, curling up into a little ball in an attempt to protect himself from pain that would never come, trembling violently, trapped in that hazy half dream that tormented him even in his waking moments, curled up so tight into a little ball that he could hardly even tremble. "Father please.... please.... no..."
Roshara yelped as he threw himself off the bed, scrambling sleepily up, lookking around for the danger and holding her wand even before she was consiciously aware of what was goign on.Panting quietly as she looked arund before rouching down, gently resting her hand on draco's shoulder,gently shaking him."Draco?Draco, its Roe. Roe, come on."She muttered trying to get him to stop, wincing as she gently shook him harder.Wanting to make him calm down."Draco!It's fine!Draco!"She demanded trying to figure out how to get him to calm down, starting to freak out a little.
Draco flinched at the touch on his arm and whimpered pathetically but blinked slowly at the sound of her voice, tears filled those silver orbs as he examined Roshara's face before fury filled them, slapping her hand away as he stood up and stalked off, slamming the door shut as he locked himself in the bathroom. fortunately however he started the water running, which meant he was probobly not in there killing himself. he was just angry that she had seen his weakness, angry that he himself was so week.
Roshara scowled as she watched him go, annoyed that he was walking away from her. And pissed that she couldn't do more. Muttering angrily to herself she headed back to the bed, to sleep until the other came back. Thoug by the next morning she was blinking stupidly and sleepily at the brunette who'd come to check on them, smiling a little at harry. Not realizing that Draco had been so exhausted that he'd fallen asleep in the tub."Mornign...draco up getting breakfast already?"She asked ywning as she rubbed a hand over her face, looking around the room curiously as if the blond was suddenly going to appear.
Harry smiled at her and shook his head. "no Draco can't cook remember? i was actually hoping you knew where he was." Harry admitted simply, shaking his head looking worried as he looked at a newspaper article. "i've.. got something that he really needs to see..." Harry muttered looking worried. "and he's really not going to like it." he admitted softly. "in fact he's probobly going to get very very pissed off about it." he admitted swallowing thickly. "where is he anyway?" he asked looking baffled. "he has to be in the house, the wards would have let me know if he wasn't home." he admitted. "i've never seen him leave anyway." Harry admitted shaking his head as he stood up and blinked at the closed bathroom door, his head tilted. "... Draco?" he asked carefully knocking on the door and gently easing it open. "dray... oh good lord Draco your going to drown yourself sleeping in the bathtub!" he complained, ignoring that he'd scared the shit out of draco who nearly choked on water and rubbed his eyes blearily. "the hell Potter!?" Draco complained scowling at the man. "the hell do you want i was sleeping!"
"What?"Roshara looked scared as she was jolted awake before frowning at the paper."What is it?"She muttered before looking at the door again. Roshara smiled a little as she got up,startled as she looked around the brunette, before starting to laugh."oh hell. Bloody hell.Scare the hell out of us next time and go jump off something."She said laughing harder in relief that he wasn't dead, just sleeping."Harry's got something for you."She said disappearing behind the door again pushing harry forward a little. Not wanting to be there when draco realized that she had seen him naked, or close to it.Leaning against the door to hear what they were talking about but not in sight.
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