
Lance looked surprised,ahving never thought that the blond had known. Running his fingers through his hair he smiled a little,"Oh. Well...hermione drugged him. He didn't even remember sleeping with her,even before he lost his memories."He sighed finishing his drink before shruging."I better get back. Draco and Helena will be worried."
Lucius chuckled a little. "you think i would not recognize the Malfoy in that girl?" he teased smirking a little. "i knew she was of Malfoy blood since the second i first saw her." he teased smiling a little. "don't worry, i told no one, and i never will." he promised before shaking his head. "i hope you realize Hermione is going to throw a shit fit." he pointed out, lifting an eyebrow. "and Draco's going to throw one right back when he remembers himself." he pointed out limping over to the other. "let me walk you out?" he offered, smiling at him. "if you don't mind, i would like to see how Draco is doing... i'm worried about him... he was so..." he paused. "he was like a child...."
"He is.He freaked out when he thought he seduced my girlfriend. Hid in Potter's closet till I dragged him out."He snickered a little offering his arms to the limping man before nodding."I know he's going to freak. I'll be liable he doesn't kill me."He muttered snickering a little as he apparated the two of them to his house, pausing as he tilted his head. Grinning as he pushed open the door he snickered a little, as he heard the 'dragon' roaring, and helena's delighted laughter from the backyard."You two having fun?"He asked walking outback with lucius, grinning as he watched the two play.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "well, you always where Draco's only friend." he admitted calmly. "he would be upset if he thought he betrayed you in such an awful way." he admitted. "please know that i will help you in any way you need." he promised. "you have always been close to this family." he paused when he heard Draco roaring and Helena squealing with laughter as Draco chased her around, both of them laughing and grinning at the two men, Draco hesitating as he looked at his father, uncertain how he was supposed to great the man, Lucius smiling. "Draco, i'm glad to see your well, how have you been feeling?" "... well i think. it's been an emotional couple of days."
Lance looked startled, blinking slowly. because him and Draco had spent more time fighting then anything else. Hated spending time with each other. He had never considered that he was the only person Draco had allowed to get close enough to consider a friend. And even more cofused at finding himself family. It had never occurred to him that as the family of his blood fell awa and died, that Lucius would ever consider him family. "It has been. But we went to the zoo yesterday, and Draco likes pretending he's a dragon." "Grandpapa luc!Uncle draco roars loudly. He roared at a dragon yesterday. It was very funny."Helena grinned happily skipping over to her grandfather, lance having despite his better instincts, let the young girl call Lucius grandfather, even if she wasn't aware of their connection.
Draco chuckled a little and stood up, his head tilted a little. "hey, the Dragon started it! it spit fire at me." he complained with a chuckle, Lucius smirking a little. "Draco, they spit fire at everyone." "so?" he asked brushing himself off and walking over to them, smiling a little as Lucius picked the girl up and tossed her into the air. "was it now? well Uncle Draco Is a very funny creature isn't he?" Lucius asked smirking as Draco scowled. "... i feel as if i should be insulted by that remark." he complained Lucius laughing brightly. "i am glad you are doing well Draco, i was worried." he admitted calmly gently squeezing his son's shoulder.
Helena nodded, resting her head on Luciuss shoulder, giggling a little."He is very funny. I makes me laugh." Lance snickered almost silently, swallowing his laughter as he looked at the blond."She doesn't find it very insulting.Come on little dragon, let's get some food."He said scooping up helena and heading inside to get them all food, giving father and son a moment. Knowing it had to be killing lucius not to see his son every day like normal. And he...he needed the time to figure out how to tell Draco what was happening at work, because he knew it would make him worry.
draco snorted a little looking amused as Lucius chuckled a little as he watched Lance take Helena away, talking with his son for a long ten minutes before Draco walked in alone. "Father went home." Draco explained smiling a little as he handed Helena a present. "this is from Grandpa sweetie." he explained grinning as she unwrapped the stuffed Dragon that roared when it was squeezed.
"Thank you uncle Draco!"Helena grinned happily as she pounced on her 'uncle', wrapping her arms around his legs to hug him before running out of the room to play with her roaring dragon.Lance laughed quietly looking at Draco,"You're never going to get quiet now. She's going to make you roar all the time."He teased before putting the instant mashed potatos on a plate, handing it to draco."Sit. Eat."
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. ", father is the one who got it for her. i did tell her it was from grandpa." he stated with a small shrug. "besides i like roaring, it makes her laugh." he admitted smiling happily as he sat down and ate, shoveling the food down. "i ended up making her mac and cheese from a box." he admitted shaking his head. "for dinner, for lunch i just took her out to a restaurant... did you know i was rich? i didn't." he admitted with a small chuckle. "and apparently everyone knows me." he admitted frowning a little. "which is unnerving..." he looked the other over. "how are you? you looked pretty shocked when you got that phone call..."
Lance snickered a little."So you did.But your the one who roars like a dragon for her."He pointed out rolling his eyes before smirking."Draco, I'd have to live under a rock to not know you were rich enough you bankrolled our staff for a full year without even noticing that your father was paying for it."He teased before sighing, rubbing a hand over his face as he ate,"A client and her son were killed.And one of the aurors guarding her"he said hedging a little because he knew draco was going to lose it when he heard it was selene and nick.
Draco smiled a little. "i paid everyone's salary?" he asked his head tilted. "even Harry's? i bet he hated that." he admitted with a small snicker, shaking his head a little before he froze, his eyes wide. "oh Lance i'm so sorry." he whispered softly, had he still had his memory, he would have known who it was. he had taken a persona interest in Selene and Nick, mostly because of Nick. the boy had been a delight, and had thawed even Draco's icy heart. Draco had spent more time with Nick than he ever had with his own father, and Selene had taken every chance she had to playfully tease Draco out of his protective shell. draco was going to be completely devastated when he remembered who they where.
"He did."Lance said smiling a little looking over at the blond,chewing on his lip. Despite despising the time they'd spent together before, he was going to hate telling him this, but Draco would kill him later if he didn't tell him."Their names were Selene and got along well with each of them."He swallowed hard,chewing on his lip nervously."I plan on paying for the funeral and arrangements.They...they deserve a better funeral then what her widow could afford."
Draco chuckled a little before pausing. "nick..." he muttered softly his heart clenching hard, making him grimace and set his hand on his chest, swallowing thickly as tears sprang to his eyes as memories rose of the little boy and his mother, making him sob, choking on his breath as he cried. something Draco Malfoy should never have done. normally he would have gotten pissed, thrown things, demanded to know why Lance hadn't been watching them, but here, he just let out more sobs as he shook his head. unable to handle the sudden memories and realization that he had lost someone very important to him.
Lance winced at the reaction, shifting after a moment's hesitation, pulling the boy into his lap, holding him tightly as he pressed a kiss against blond hair."You know, I think I like your orginial pissed mode of dealing with things, then this."He muttered rocking him a little as Helena bounded in, reaching up to smack her papa in the arm."Papa!What did you do!?You're not supposed to make uncle draco cry. Its mean!" Lance laughed wearily shifting the blond in his lap and picking up helena to, settling both father and daughter into his arms where it was safe, and he could protect them.
Draco sobbed into Lance's chest for a full minute before forcing himself to calm down when Helena walked in, chuckling as she chastised her father. "it's ok sweat pea." he promised. "Uncle Draco just got some bad news and he didn't know how to handle it, that's all..." he promised, snuggling into his little family for a while, feeling safe and happy. "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to do that." Draco finally admitted, shaking his head a little as he straightened up, wiping his eyes before smiling at Helena. "how about i read you a story before bed?"
Helena looked up at him worriedly before nodding happily."The one about the princesses and dragon?"She asked looking at Lance."anything you want, princess.Come on. Let's go get ready for bed."Lance said laughing as he set her down, settling Draco on his feet. Brushing a quick kiss over the blond's forehead he followed Helena upstairs as she ran up the stairs to get ready.By the time draco'd made it up the stairs, helena was in bed in her nightgown and Lance was settled on the bed next to her, looking at draco expectantly."So.Time for the story uncle draco."the elder man said teasing as he handed the book to him.
Draco smiled and wandered off to get himself under control, blushing at the kiss to his forehead before finally making it up to her, chuckling as he was handed the book and read the story. adding voices when she insisted and pouting when she complained that Lance did it better but that Uncle Draco's was really good too. he kissed her forehead and bade her goodnight before heading for the bedroom himself, completely exhausted as he flopped into bed, not even bothering to undress himself. "god Lance... she has so much energy... how do you do it!?" he whined, completely ignoring how he had broken down into sobs, to Draco, it had never happened.... ever.
Lance snorted a little as he stripped down, and changed into a pair of sweatpants before flopping down into bed next to draco,"By not being the one who has her all the time."he said almost sadly because he did want her there all the time. Wanted to be flopping into bed with so little energy that he didn't want to do anything every day. It was...he so wanted his daughter.Smirking over at her father he rolled on his stomach looking at him."I can run grown Aurors into the ground, and they don't make a man as exhausted as spending a day with helena. Its beome sort of a amusing punishment for the guys at work. They love her, and if they get into a minor bit of trouble, we used to make them spend a day babysitting.She ran them into the ground.It was fairly amusing, even if you wouldn't admit that you found it amusing."He said also allowing the man to ignore that he'd broken down.Poking him in the ribs,"Draco sit up at least take off the jeans.They wont be comfortable to sleep in."
Draco sighed a little and forced his pretty gray eyes open, blinking at the other. "i'm sorry Lance, i promise... we'll get her away from Hermione." he promised softly before chuckling a little as he shook his head. "that's just cruel and unusual punishment." he teased smiling a little. "they should try babysitting her now! she's a hellion! do you know how many pony rides i gave her? SIX! he complained affectionately chuckling a little before groaning. "i don't want to. if your so concerned about it YOU take them off." he complained kicking his shoes off at least, not realizing the least what he could have meant by that.
Lance looked startled at that, raising a eyebrow."You want me to undress your sexy self?"He teased getting up and tugging the man aroud to undo his jeans, yanking them off with smooth jerks, smacking Draco in the face with the sweatpants."There. Not dress."He said trying very hard not to take the words the wrong way."Its not that cruel.They like her. They keep givin her things. Much to mine and harry's amusement."
Draco snorted a little. "i'm not sexy." he stated calmly whining as he was flipped onto his back and whining again as he was shifted thanks to the pants being yanked off. he tossed the sweatpants to the floor and undid his shirt, slipping it off and throwing it away, revealing the pale body that Lance had seen so many times, only a few scars. one across his chest from sixth, or was it fifth year? Harry's sectumsempra had sliced so deep even Madam Pomfry hadn't been able to avoid a scar. the others where from his time with Voldemort, a few light burn marks, and two 'holes' in his left leg from when Nagini had sank her fangs into him. but he was so pale and perfect as he rolled onto his belly, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs that clung perfectly to his firm ass, mumbling confirmation that he had heard Lance talk but was already mostly asleep on top of the covers, spread out like a cat and taking up way more room than should have been possible.
Lance stared for a moment before shaking himself, muttering absently about lazy ats who took up to much room. Crawling into bed he sighed, just settling on his small corner of the bed.

In the morning Lance was cuddled up to Draco, snuggling him before sighing."Draco.Time to get up.We have to get Hels home, and then go to court."He said yawning as he rolled away, not willing to be caught holding him. Stretching and eager because he was not about to leave Helena in Hermione's care longer then he actually had to. Which meant getting to court early, and get the first court session available.
Draco groaned a little and shook his head. "too early." he whined, trying to snuggle up to the other again, not ready to give up his heater. "why can't we just keep her?" he complained. "it's only kidnapping until we prove that Hermione is a bad parent." he complained sleepily, yawning a little but getting up anyway, dressing himself with magic like he always did rubbing his eyes. "we're going to court now then?" he asked. "i think Harry said he was going to take her home." he admitted yawning as someone knocked on the front door. "that's probobly him now."
"D-draco!"Lance sputtered a little, caught between amazement and laughter."I can't kidnap her!We're aurors for gods sake. We can be arrested you know."He said dressing but his amazement had faded as he laughed,grinning as he heard Helena running downstairs to get the door for her uncle harry. "Mom!" "Bloody hell."Lance muttered wincing as he headed downstairs, before sighing slightly relieved to see that harry was with her to. "Good morning, sweetheart."Hermione smiled happily as she swung her daughter up into her arms, rolling her eyes at the men coming down the stairs."Good morning to you two to."
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