
Harry snickered a little. “it a loving relationship with Draco worth that risk?” he asked smirking, because he knew exactly why the other was all pissy. “... can Draco even cook?” he asked lifting an eyebrow. “i don't think he can... and knowing Hells she's going to want pancakes, or more likely waffles.” because Hermione had decided that such sugary things where not real breakfasts and made Helena eat fruit and oatmeal most mornings. And indeed when lance got home Draco had his nose buried in a cook book and he was mixing a thing of batter, and what a mess he had made! “Helena what's a waffle maker?” he asked the little girl before blinking at Lance. “there you are! You left me alone! I apparently don't know how to cook! It was awful! Here.” he shoved the batter into the others hands and fled, not willing to cook any more.
Lance looked startled at having the batter shoved into his hands, smiling slightly at Helena's giggles. The little girl looking amused having tried to help drao. Laughing quietly as he picked up the girl he settled her into his lap as he finished what Draco had started, letting her help as much as she wanted. When she was happily eating waffles lance smiled a little as he went to find draco."Draco come on lovely, breakfast's ready. I know you can't cook,but you'll feel better after you eat something."
Draco smiled as he looked up at the other. “lovely?” he asked, startled before he blushed. “so your... not mad?” he asked softly. “about.. me kissing you I mean..” so that was the real reason why Draco had run away, he had been afraid that Lance was going to be angry at him. “i shouldn't have done that without permission...” but he didn't apologize for it, he had enjoyed it too much. He hesitated and stepped over to Lance, pressing his lips gently to the others lips before blushing harder and fleeing again to enjoy breakfast. He was so shy, it was cute.
Lance looked startled again, but pleased s he wathed the other man flee. Amused because it was so cute to see the usually bad tempered, in your face, self assured blond being shy and blushing."You want anything else to eat?"He asked following him into the room, smiling as he made the other a waffle, as Helena nodded."Papa I want a orange!"She demnded having learned long ago that her mother would ask what she ate and be angry if her papa hadn't fed her something fruity.
Draco was sitting at the kitchen table loading his waffles up with whipped cream, powdered sugar, and drizzles of chocolate, ignoring Helena's scoldings that it wasn't a real proper breakfast. “nope, I'm good.” Draco admitted smirking as he started to eat his massive sugar overdose, smiling as he ate. “so what are we doing today?” he asked Lance curiously as he shoved a pile of whipped cream and chocolate into his mouth.
Lance smiled looking amused as he looked at what Draco was eating, looking at the girl in his lap."What do you want to do today darling?" "Lets go to the park." "The park it is.You can make uncle draco help you catch fish." "Yayyy!"Helena giggled happily at the idea. Lance smiled kissing her head before wincing as the phone rang. It was never a good thing someone called.Leaning back in his chair he answered,"Hello?... wait.What?...bloody hell.Give me...twenty minutes, I'll be there."He said looking pale and shaken as he looked at the girl in his lap."Sweetheart, I'm sorry.You're going to have to go stay..."He stopped realizing he couldn't take her to harry,he needed the brunette to go with him. Sighing as he looked at draco,"I have to go to work...will you be alright with her?I'll have my cell phone, and if you really need em to come home, I can.."He said looking anxious, not only worried about draco and helena, but about the woman and child he was about to go see. Getting a call from their house, but not from them was so not a good thing.
Draco's eyes widened in horror as he watched Lance and he pulled Helena into his lap, running his fingers gently through her hair, biting his lip. “i'll take care of her.” he promised. “i mean, it can't be that hard right? I just entertain her... uhm... make lunch... a sandwich or three, I can make sandwiches. Entertain her some more... she can take her own bath right? She's old enough for that right? He had to hope so because he wasn't sure that he could give her a bath. The female body scared the hell out of him, let alone her being a child of all things! “go and do what you need to do, I'll watch Helena.” he promised smiling at Lance. “if anything happens I'll take her to the Office, with so many aurors there someone will know what to do.” he decided nodding “go, do what you need to do.”
Lance laughed quietly at helena's look,pressing a kiss to her forehead and then Draco's."She can take her own bath, as long as you help her fill up the tub."He teased before smiling."And if you do have to bring her to the office, someone will know how to get ahold of me.My cell number's on the pad next to the phone.You'll be fine."He teased heading for the fire, goingn to harry's and growling at the man as he looked at him finishing breakfast. Dammit he wanted to eat, but he was pretty sure once he saw the scene, he was so going to be throwing up."Finish up harry, he have to go. Selene and Nick were attacked, and tehy wouldn't tell me anything else over the phone."He said looking anxious, because the mother and son had been a much loved client of theirs, to the point all the aurors in the office had been fighting over who got to go sit with them
Harry looked horrified as he stepped into the scene, having abandoned his breakfast the instant Lance had said 'Selene and Nick'. There was blood everywhere, and Harry felt bile rise into his throat as he examined the scene with the cool calculation he did every scene. He always maintained his composure, and freaked out later in private, which was why he was such a perfect Auror. “cause of death?” “well... we think they where stabbed sir.” one of the underlings admitted. “no magic was used...” “stabbed?” Harry asked, baffled. “dammit... there wouldn't be a magical signature without spells.” he muttered, gently closing little Nicks eyes, examining the gaping wounds swallowing thickly. “yes.... he was stabbed....” he whispered his voice thick with emotion as he looked over the little boys body. “thirteen times... the woman too...” he muttered standing up and looking at Lance. “if you have to throw up don't do it in here.” he ordered, looking a little green himself. Never before had he witnessed such a horrific crime of someone being stabbed to death, such a muggle way of killing, it was horrible.
"It isn't the worst scene I've seen."He muttered though he still looked a little sick.Having followed Draco through th e rigors of voldemort's views on life, because his father had wanted him to make friends with draco, even if they'd been screaming bloody murder about havng to work together. It wasn't the worst, but it was the first client he'd lost in the five years that he'd been doing this. WAndering away from the bodies he looked for wht the rest of the house told him, paling a little when he stepped into the kitchen."Potter.It started in here."He said mutering a spell to act like he had gloves on before he turned the knife holder/stand so harry could see it."She was killed with her own knife, and there's food in here burned black."He said sighing softly shaking his head a little."The chairs have rope on the arms...I bet galleons that there's rope burns under all that blood on Selene. Whoever did this made her watch Nick die."He said looking a little more green under the gills as his temper spiked higher.
Harry nodded. “no, but it is the most violent.” he admitted softly. “they would have died slow. None of the stab wounds where in places where they would have died quickly, their all belly wounds... they bled to death, both of them.” he admitted softly as he spelled his hands picking up the woman's hand, gently cleaning the blood off her wrists. “rubbed raw, your right, she had to watch him die.” he whispered swallowing thickly before he did something no one had ever seen him to. He went to the window, and lost his composure, puking violently. Images of it being Helena dying on the floor in front of lance playing through his mind. “sorry... I'm alright now.” Harry promised ignoring the looks of shock and horror. “i ate before I came here.” he admitted grimacing a little as he looked at the men. “get the bodies out of here and to the coroner, see if he can't find any hint as to who did this.”
Lance nodded when the techs looked at him, not looking at any of them as his stomach rolled. For once, lookng totally in control, after all it was usually lance that was losing control. "I want the reports on my desk before I go home today."He said, not giving them a time frame, just assuming that they would get it done.Rubbing a hand over his face he looked over at Hrry,"We need to go see Marcus. dspite being her ex husband, and who she was running from, he should know. And...I need to find out where he was."He growled, enough temper in the words to let everyone know that had draco not been amensic, there would have been a roaring temper conflict in the near future.
Harry nodded a little. “Marcus was abusive, but he wasn't a murderer. I find it hard to believe he would do this... this was a crime of hatred, if it wasn't him, then clearly someone who had something against Marcus or Selene had done this. Marcus would have an idea of who. “lets go, no one is to be in or our of this room.” he ordered the Techs. “not unless they have my personal authorization... or Lances. You all finish up post a guard and take a break.” he ordered following Lance through space to find Marcus, who was home, drunk, as always.
"BLoody hell."Lance cursed as the man answered the door."Whatcha yoou want?"Marcus slurred looking at him."Your wife and son are dead."Lance said breaking the news as ungently as he could, because he knew marcus sober wouldn't apperciate it, and marcus drunk wouldn't understand anything but blunt."What...?You were supposed to protect her!" Lance yelped a litte as he reared back, wincing a little as marcus took a swing at him."Hey hey no need to go hitting me!"He said pushing marcus down into the seat and hitting him with a sobering charm."Bloody hell, don't go swinging at aurors marcus." "...sorry....but....are you sure?" "Quite.."
Harry sighed a little as Marcus swung, shaking his head. “Marcus, this was... a violent thing.” Harry explained calmly. “do you know of anyone who wanted to hurt your wife or you through your wife?” Harry asked, his eyes filled with worry. Something in this whole thing didn't sit right with him, something was wrong... but he didn't know what.
"No!I don'"Marcus shook his head looking a little wide eyed, because though he might abuse her sometimes, and be overly possesive, he loved her."No..." Lance sighed looking upset rubbing a hand over his face."I'll call your brother Marcus. Send him over here when I get back to the office."He said looking at Harry shrugging, there wasn't anything they could do for his grief besides figuring out what the hell happened.
Harry sighed a little and gently set his hand on Marcus's shoulder. “i'm sorry Marcus...” he muttered before following Lance back to the Office, looking around to make sure Draco and Helena weren't there before sighing, shaking his head. “this is awful... someone wanted to hurt her, badly... and if not her someone she was close to... it just doesn't make sense.. who would be sick enough to...” to make a mother watch her son bleed to death. “the question is... why... and who?” Harry finally asked pondering as he pulled our Selene's file. “the only real enemy was Marcus...” he complained. “and Marcus has no enemies, annoyed with him sure but wanting to hurt him like this?... something just isn't adding up Lance...”
"I know."Lance sighed as he slumped into his seat, running his fingers through his hair as he rested his head in his hands, struggling to be calm and be able to think about it."There's something ser-" "Boss!Clark Lang just died on the operating table." "What?!"Lance whipped around to look at his secretary, staring wide eyed. It was one thing to have a client die, but another to have one of their aurors die."He was attacked this morning. Stabbed. Doc said bring news over right away,because Clark was the last one to leave Selene's last night." "Bloody hell."Lance slumped,"This...this is making no sense. Killing selene, I coul see. She was a victim. Clark was trained, and deadly.There has to be something... something we're missing."
Harry swallowed thickly as he heard that Clark had been stabbed. He had liked Clark, more importantly he had liked Clark's bed. Harry made it no secrete that he was a whore, though really he was just lonely and enjoyed the attention of a few select people like Lance and Clark. “... stabbed where?” Harry demanded hesitantly already knowing the answer. In the belly, where he would bleed slowly to death. “fuck, Lance Clark was supposed to be guarding Selene last night, what if whoever got Selene took care of him first?” he asked softly, eyes wide. It would make sense...but... “who could have gotten close enough to Clark without him getting his guard up?” Clark was known for paranoia on the job, he always assumed anyone he didn't know was going to be dangerous, something that had saved his, and his clients on more than one occasion, so how had someone been able to get him down before he had reacted?
Lance looked a little shell shocked, starting at the words."Goddamn."He cursed softly, that was...oh bloody hell.He so didn't want to consider what it meant that someone had gotten that close to Clark without a slaughter tearing apart the city around them."Close enough to not use magic..."He sighed running his fingers through his hair."They would have almost certainly taken care of Clark first. Only way they would have gotten into that house."He scowled looking at Harry."No one's to go out alone. And no one goes to clients houses alone..."He wrinkled his nose a little."I need..."He stopped sighing."I have to go talk to lucius. Want to come?"
Harry sighed a little and nodded. “close enough that using magic wouldn't have mattered because he'd already been stabbed.” he agreed looking upset and close to tears. “no... you go ahead I... I need... to be alone.” Harry muttered, sounding close to the tears he would never shed in front of anyone, not even Lance. “i'll spread the word that everyone is to travel in threes... just in case whoever did this is part of our staff.” he decided standing up slowly. “...i'll be in late tomorrow.” which meant Harry was going to go him, get so drunk he couldn't even slur, and break down into sobs before finally passing out. He left to start spreading the orders, making sure everyone knew, even those off duty, calling them all to triple up and stay at safe houses for a 'just in case'. They never liked it, but they where always glad they'd done it in the end. Lucius was at home, as he always was, enjoying a single glass of wine while he enjoyed a book as he did every night before bed. He looked up when he saw Lance and frowned a little at the look on his face. “has something happened to Draco!?”
"No."Lance reassured the man before crossing to the bar in the malfoy's study, pouring himself a drink before he continued. Because he so wanted to get drunk, but he'd limit himself to just the single drink. Because he still had to go take cae of Helena."But someone killed a client, and one of my aurors."He said sipping his drink as he sliumped into the chair next to Lucius. "My house is on lockdown, no one can get in and out, but I wanted to warn you about being careful.I know, I know, you are always careful.But if someone's trying to destroy us, they're going to come after you. Because the loss would cripple your son, even if he doesn't remember you."
Lucius looked horrified, his eyes widened a little. “is Draco in danger!?” he asked horrified. Despite his normal ice cold attitude, he loved his son beyond anything. “you won't let anyone in or out of your house?” he asked softly his eyes wide, worried. “no one can hurt Draco?... I would feel much better if Draco was with you.” he admitted softly. “you are brave and strong, you can protect him better... will you continue to house him?” he asked hopefully. “i care little for myself since Narcissa died... Draco is all I have left.” he admitted softly. “Draco would be hurt if I died, but he would still have you and Harry and little Helena.” he admitted smiling at the other. “if Draco dies... I will have nothing.” he admitted getting up slowly. His leg was bad, hurt in the final war, he could hide the limp during the day, but at the night, it was in such pain that he could hardly hobble around. “Lance... you must be careful as well.. whoever is doing this, could be trying to go after you...”
Lance nodded looking thoughtfully at his drink."I know. It was the first thing I considered when I found out.After all, a mother and son died in this attack and I have a daughter."He paled before nodding."They'll be safe."He promised before getting up, watching Lucius because he was worried about letting the other man hobble around."Lucius...there is something I need to tell you about, before Draco files."He paled."I know I should have told you before...but I love her. More then anything else, I love her."He swallowed."Helena is your granddaughter. Hermione...hermione seduced Draco to get back at me...and got pregnant."He said looking anxious.
Lucius smiled a little as he watched the other. “i know.” he admitted softly. “i know Helena is Draco's... in blood anyway. I always thought that you and Hermione couldn't have a baby, that... no offense but that maybe your semen was shot or something. It happens sometimes. Infertility.” he admitted. “Draco never said anything so I thought it was a secrete... I never realized she cheated on you, I am so sorry that you where hurt in such a way... was Draco drunk when it happened?” he asked looking puzzled. “i can't imagine him touching her if he was fully in control or aware of himself.” he admitted. “she really is a disgusting creature...”
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