
Helena frowned looking at her papa and uncle, sitting on Draco's chest. Pouting because he wasn't waking up, and she wanted him to."What?" Lance smiled a little because she sounded so much like draco. It was nice to see that Draco's temper wasn't going to be completely lost, "Your real father is Draco, sweetheart.Your mother didn't tell you about him because she was scar-" "NO!Your my papa!" Lance smiled a little, "I'll always be your papa. you just have another daddy now to." "oh. Well I like him.Now he needs to wake up so we can go see the papa dragons to."She said having learned that draco stood for dragon, so she needed him to wake up so they could go see the dragons.
Harry chuckled at her and smiled as he pulled her into his lap. "you remember how i told you that mommy is very sick?" he asked his head tilted. "well she was afraid Draco would take you away from her, so he never told you, or him that he is your blood daddy." he explained. "see, you have two daddy's, and when Draco wakes up..." "too loud." Draco complained softly without warning, Harry jumping so badly he nearly dropped Helena. "d...Draco!?" Harry asked in astonishment. "...head hurts..." Draco complained, his voice rough from disuse and lack of water. "...what... happened?" he asked softly turning to look at the others, Harry who was sobbing into his hands. "... what's wrong with you potty?" Draco hadn't called Harry that since school.
Helena wailed as she was almost dropped, smacking her head against the edge of the bed.Lance sinckered a little as she scooped up the crying 5 year old, cuddling her as he looked at the other two. Swallowing hard before looking relieved to see that the blond was indeed up, and hermione hadn't lied, she really had given him his memory back."We were worried you weren't waking up,blondie."He said settlign helena on the bed as she sniffled,"See hels he woke up just so you can go see the dragons." "Good!I want lots of dragons daddy."Helena said poking the just waking up blond.
Harry gasped as Helena smacked her head. "oh Hells i am SO sorry!!!" Harry gasped, Draco growling as he glared at Harry, about to bitch the man out for making Helena cry before he paused, frowning a little. "... how long was i out? i can't remember what happened..." he admitted rubbing his eyes a little. "the last thing i remember was..." he frowned a little. "it's all a blur..." he admitted before his eyes suddenly as she called him Daddy. "you... i... oh god." he pulled her into a tight hug and held her tightly. "i love you Helena." he whispered softly, smiling at her. "you and i and your papa are going to have one of your favorite happily ever afters don't you think?"
"Oh yes. You an be the princess, and papa can be the knight and he rescued you!"Helena giggled happily squirming a little as draco held her tightly, hugging him back. Lance smiled a little glad to see that the girl was taking draco being her father in stride. Smiling a little he smirked slightly."Two weeks. And we are?A happily ever after?" "Yes. Papa, your a knight!All handsome and pretty."Helena beamed looking up at her papa, no matter how perfect and good draco was to her, lance would always be her beloved papa and knight in shining armor.
Draco scowled a little. "... i'm the princess eh?" he asked smirking a little as he tickled the gir before he froze, looking astonished. "two weeks!? what about Herm.. her... that... issue, we had..." "taken care of... you should have told us." "you would have refused to see it... don't lie, you thought she was crazy... not murderous..." "... true." Harry muttered with a small sigh Draco smirking a little. "Helena darling? would you do me a favor and beg your papa for some Ice-cream for me? i can't do it quite as well as you can." Draco admitted smiling a little at his daughter. "and i really want some, don't you?"
"Yes.Princess daddy!"Helena giggled happily as he tickled her squirming a little. "She WAS crazy and murderous. We figured it out while you were going getting yourself in a coma."Lance growled lookig anonoyed."Papa!I want ice cream.You promised you'd get me ice cream." "I did?"Lance asked looking amused. "Oh yes." "Okay okay, ome on then."Lance grinned scooping up the girl and heading for the door.Father and daughter returning in a few minutes with two overflowing bowls of ice cream."Your favorite."Lance grinned as he hadned it to draco, smiling as the girl climbed up on the bed next to him to eat her strawberry ice cream.
Draco chuckled a little. "well if i'm a princess shouldn't i get a nice pretty crown?" he teased smiling at her smirking as she talked Lance into ice-cream. when he came back with a bowl of strawberry ice-cream for both him and Helena he had to grin. "you know i can't beleive i never realized she was my daughter before this." he admitted shaking his head a little, Harry laughing as he shook his head. "alright, well i have to go report to the judge that your awake Draco, she's been holding Trial until you could give testimony, we're not sure what happened and ... she refuses to say anything except how awful you are." "i am awful aren't i?" Draco asked smirking a little, looking far too pleased about being that way.
"you are a princess,and you ARE getting a crown.And a dress."Lance said over his shoulder as he walked out. Lance snickered rolling his eyes at the blond."You should have. You both have me wrapped around your pretty little fingers."He said laughing a litlte before growing serious. making a face at draco for the words."You ARE awful. Terribly, annoyingly so. You kept me worried about you waking up."The man grumbled as he leaned over ,pressing a kiss to the blond's lip before he settled into his seat.
he laughed a little smiling a little more as he gently wiggled his pinky finger, teasing the other. "well i know i was foolish, i'm sorry i made you worry." Draco admitted gently kissing the other before biting his lovers lip playfully, smirking a little. "life is going to be perfect."

and it was, a month later Draco was out of the hospital, having had a mild anxiety attack and forgotten everything all over again, but it was over within a week and he was back with all his memories in tact and released. then he had the grueling process of court to go through, who would get Helena and when. the process of the trials and getting Hermione incarcerated into the mental units. Draco had taken pity on her and had her sent to Mungoes as a high alert mental patient. maybe she could regain her sanity... maybe. whatever the case, Draco, Helena and Lance where living together happily. in fact they where having a 'tea party' in the back yard with Helena's brand new tea set, made with real porcelain, she was so excited about it. Draco had even put real tea in the little kettle and had made the tiny little sandwiches himself. "why thank you Helena, how kind of you." he chirped smiling as he drank his tiny little cup of refreshed tea.
"Your welcome daddy. Papa, do you want more?" "Yes please."Lance said smiling a little as he nibbled on the cakes, looking riddiclous eating those small sandwiches and sitting on the small play table and chairs. Smiling as he looked over at his excited daughter, and his lover ,leaning over to steal a kiss as he realized that, even if he had feared the man finding out. The man discovering that he was helena's father had been the best thing that ever had happened. Kissing him lighty."You're right. Everything's perfect."he said smiling lightly as he listened to helena's excited and chipper laughter.

The end?
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