
Lance looked startled at that, frowning as he picked up the picture, pulling it close to his face as he paled slightly."Goddamn.At least we have that."He said as he reached for the hand,calling the morgue to make sure the good doctor bagged the evidence before he looked up startled as their secretary appeared in the doorway."Lance,Dray, you guys just got another call about a client being killed.And her daughter." "What?"Lance jumped out of his seat so fast he nearly fell over, looking scared and startled because it scared him that someone was slipping so easily through their defenses. Waving a hand at the woman,"tell harry you'll watch helena. Then send him to the scene."he paused looking at draco."ARe you coming with us?"
Draco nodded, swallowing thickly as he staggered to his feet, Harry meeting them on the way to the Floo portal. "Draco? are you going to be alright?" "yes..." Draco barley managed to croak, swallowing thickly. "i... i just... i.." he shook his head, stopping. "i can't go with... i'll be sick." he finally stuttered, fleeing the two, Harry looking a little worried. "... he'll be fine..." Harry muttered, more trying to convince himself of that than anything else. as he turned tot he fire and stepped through coming out into the crime scene.
"Stay with Hels."Lance called after the blond looking after the other man worriedly. Chewing on his lip as he tried to not worry about draco and get his head back into the game."He will be. He's draco malfoy."He muttered stepping through with Harry, yelping as his foot landed in blood, nearly sliding his ass across the floor before he caught himself. Looking startled as he looked at the tiled floor, frowning."More then two died in here...there's to much blood."He said sounding worried because he knew Alaine, Mike and Erika, and knew they had alot of friends.He was worried about what kind of slaughter was waiting for them."The killer moved the bodies this time."He said sounding shell shocked as he headed for the door. Knowing he was the first on the scene along with harry, he was bracing himself for what was waiting for him.

When he walked into the living room he jerked back, his back slamming into harry as the brunette walked in, his knees going out from under him for a moment as he looked at father and daughter. It...nearly letting his legs fold on him as he had a gut reaction to seeing a dead dark haired man holding holding the growing cold form of his blond daughter.Oh yea, this was going to be personal.And he was so going to kill someone for making him react like this.Someone was going to pay for it.
Harry nodded and followed Lance, swallowing thickly as he moved cautiously as he noticed all the blood. "... someone died right here, probobly trying to Floo out for help..." he swallowed thickly as he looked over at the two dead Aurors, who where having blankets pulled over them so that people wouldn't gawk at their fallen. "Greg and Vance... they where strong men..." Harry whispered thickly, his eyes turning stone cold. warning everyone there, that Harry was now taking this personally, and that he was not going to allow it for much longer. once harry sunk his teeth into something, he stopped at the body of Mike and Erika, looking them over. "...they where positioned this way." he stated simply. "where is Alain?" he asked one of the men who hesitated. "...we... don't know.." he admitted. "we searched... everywhere but... she's not here..."
Lance paled drastically, searching for anything,eyes going over the scene before he swallowed hard."Get someone to go to the salon. She might not have gotten home from work yet.If she's there, take her to the offices until we figure out what's going on."He said swallowing hard because he didn't think the woman was alive. He had a feeling they were going to find her somewhere,public and utter humilating as the killer showed that DeMal Associates was completely incapable of protecting someone."Someone knows us. Knows how we work.This bastard knows me, and knew what this scene would do.."He growled because there was only one reason to kill the girl and father, at least how he saw it. To send a message to a man with his own little girl.

Lance swallowed as he looked around,"I'm going back to the office."He sai feeling shaken, and needing time with helena to steady himself."Bring the file to me as soon as its done."He said looking at harry. "I'm going to check on Hels, then go look for alaine."He said knowing he had to look at work, then in the public places. He was close to losing control, and if he did, it was going to be bad.
Harry swallowed thickly. "she should have been home an hour ago." he stated calmly his eyes burning with fury. "whoever is doing this, is close to us somehow." he growled. "one of our own or closely connected... i think we might have to go on lock down..." he admitted swallowing thickly. Lance wasn't the only one who saw the connection, father and daughter, mother missing... they where directly threatening Lance, or possibly Draco if anyone knew the truth. "go back to the office Lance, i'll finish things here." he promised watching the other before turning his attention back to the people, stabbed.

back at Auror headquarters Draco was working in the office, filling out paperwork with his OCD obsessive tendencies, signing paperwork again and again. he didn't even seam to realize that Lance was even there.
Lance swallowed hard as he walked into their office, pausing in hte doorway, smiling as he looked out the door to find helena,laughing quietly when she saw her playing cards with the guys while they finished lunch.Or more acturately she watched them play cards. "Hey."He said tiredly, so relieved to see his daughter safe and well that he sank into his seat without another word.
three of them where playing poker and the other two where playing a form of solitaire together and they where both trying to entice Helena to join them. one because they wanted to teach her to gamble to annoy Lance and the other because they thought gambling was uncouth and not fit for little girls. "you look terrible..." one of the women commented, looking a bit worried. "are you going to be alright?" "i'll go make some tea." one of the men playing poker stated, rushing off to make some tea for Lance, running back after only a few minutes with a hot cup for him and Helena.
Lance smiled nodding a little as he was asked if he was alright, rubbing a hand down his face, yelping a litlte as Helena climbed up in his lap,smacking his chest."Papa!What's wrong!?You have to tell us what's wrong.Uncle harry says its better to talk."She said wisely making her tired papa laugh as he realized just how bad he had to look to get this kind of reaction from them."I'm okay hels, just worried about you." "Oh.Well I've been learnign to play cards."She frowned scrambling out of his lap."I'm going to go get uncle draco. You don't look well.I'm going to tell him to take you home."She decided before scampering off to the malfoy's office, bounding into the room and climbing into his lap without waiting for him to tell her it was okay."Uncle Draco, Papa needs to go home."She said looking up at him.
Draco blinked as he suddenly found himself with a lap full of daughter and he smiled at her. 'i'm sorry Helena, i've been ignoring you haven't i... Lance is back?" he asked looking surprised. "already?" he pulled Helena into his arms and went into the other room, his eyes widening a little, hesitating. "Helena hunny, would you go back in my office and get the crayons off my desk?' he asked smiling at her, turning to the others. "Lance and i can't be alone with Helena because of some court thing... will you guys watch her until Harry gets home?" they all nodded and Draco gently pulled Lance to his feet. "come on Lance." he ordered leading him tot he floo, leaving it up to the others to explain to Helena where her papa and uncle had gone.
Lance pouted a little,"But I should stay...Helena'll be upset..."He protested at the blond pulled him to the floo, ignoring the fact that helena had nodded happy to spend time with her adopted family, and to see her tired papa going home to rest. For once not peppering him with questions, content to stay with the others."I'm fine...have to go look for alaine with Potter...I'd just stopped in to see if Hels was okay..."He muttered even as he let Draco drag him aroud his own house
Draco smiled a little. "Helena is the one who told me to take you home." he assured Lance. "come on, Harry's looking for her, he finds everything." he promised calmly. "you need to sleep." he ordered. "don't make me drug you lance." he warned laying Lance out on the bed and rolling him onto his belly, straddling him without any warning and lifting the back of his shirt up, and then the whole thing off entirely before he started to gently, and carefully massage the others back, shoulders and neck, relaxing the man so he could sleep.
Lance sighed quietly uder the other's hands, closing his eyes as he felt the others hands pressing into the tight muscles of his back."Hmmm someoe knows about helena.Father and daughter killed....need to take care of hels..."He muttered his head pillowed on the mattres, already starting to fall asleep under the other's hands, protesting to falling asleep.Trying to stay awake even as Draco tried to coax him to sleep
Draco smiled a little. "just sleep Lance, no one can hurt Helena surrounded by all of those Aurors." he promised. Harry and i will take care of Helena while you sleep." he promised continuing to massage the other even as Lance drifted to sleep, and long after he was asleep he continued to work out all the aches and pains.

when Lance woke up Harry and Helena where downstairs laughing, an Draco was asleep on the bed next to Lance, an arm slung over the others back like they where lovers, pressed tight into him, his mouth next to Lance's ear, his hot breath ghosting over the shell of the ear almost erotically.
lance whined quietly as his hips rubbed against the bed a little as his body reacted to the others breath against his ear. Whining quietly as he shifted to roll on his side, poking the blond in the ribs as he nuzzled the other, reacting more to the fact that a warm body was pressing against him then anything else. Sleepy enough to cuddle against the blond."draco..."he muttered shifting, wrapping a arm around the others waist pulling the blond on top of him as he rolled on his back, the small blond laying on his chest as he nuzzled the boy.
Draco whined softly as he heard his name, not wanting to wake up, and he groaned as he was shifted, snuggling into the other, feeling Lance's hardness against his own morning wood he groaned softly and gently started to rock their hips together, pressing flesh against flesh as he moaned softly, wrapping his arms around Lance's shoulders, as if sensing the other would protest this action, his lips laying soft, tender kisses along Lance's neck. "mmm Lance... smell good.. fell good..."
Lance moaned quietly, and if he had been more awake, he would have protested.But he was sleepy and having worked himself into such a fret the night before, he wanted someone to comfort him, and draco was doing such a good job of it."Hmm I always smell good..."he muttered not even really aware of what he was doing as he wrapped his arm saround the other, holding him close even as he tilted his head back so draco could kiss his neck better.
Draco smiled a little as he nibbled, licked and sucked on the others neck, groaning eagerly as he rubbed their cocks together more intently, happy about the pleasure even if he wasn't fully aware of what was happening. "mmmm you smell better than normal." he admitted panting softly against the hickey that he had left behind. "feels so good... gonna cum..." he moaned, rocking in long slow motions now to drag out the pleasure, grunting as he released, spilling his seed into his pants with a shudder and a loud happy moan, still rocking so he could bring Lance off too.
Lance moaned growling a little as he came,pressing his face against the blond's neck,trembling a little as he collapsed back against the bed."hmmm...ohh..."He muttered blinking stupidly as he woke up more, swallowing hard as he looked at the blond, looking slightly worried as he studied the other.Worried that he'd get yelled at for allowing it to happen when the amensic wasn't really awake.
Draco sighed softly as he smiled sleepily, snuggling into the other. "mmm sleepy." he mumbled, all too ready to go back to sleep right there on top of lance, coated in cum and completely uncaring. "warm." he mumbled snuggling more firmly into lance, groaning as a knock came at the door. "hey are you two going to sleep fore..." Harry paused as he opened the door and blinked at the scene and the smell of sex, lifting an eyebrow. "...oh dammit." he complained before shutting the door, Draco sighing a little. ".... Merlin he's annoying." Draco complained rolling off of Lance and yawning a little as he curled up onto his side.
"So he is.Sleep."He muttered shifting to press a kiss to draco's soft blond hair,getting up and cleaning them both off. Sighing softly as he quietly let himself out of the room heading downstairs."Papa!Are you feeling better?"Helena asked looking up at him worriedly."I am.How about you go play with deken?"He said seeing harry's great dane in the backyard, sighing softly as he turned his attention to the brunette he knew was looking at him."Don't look at me like that."He said sulking a little as helena headed outside
Draco sighed softly and snuggled into his pillow drifting back to sleep as he was cleaned up, Harry looking up and smirking at Lance as he tickled Helena's toes watching the girl race off, Harry chuckling at Lance's sulk. "oh don't give me that." he ordered smirking a little. "we both knew that it was only a matter of time before Draco stopped hiding his feelings for you." he admitted grinning a little. "i know you love him Lance... he loves you too." he admitted calmly. "all powerful remember? i know these things." he teased with a small snicker.
Lance frowned looking at him."Harry, you do realize up until the man forgot who he was, we couldn't be in the same room together right?"He asked taking a plate of food, poking the waffle around the plate. Sulking a little because he had no idea what to say to Harry and to draco when the blond woke up."Besides, right now is not the time to get involved with someone.If you havne't noticed, someone's trying to hurt me."he scowled before looking at Harry,"Did you find alaine?"He asked, indeed they had. And even more weird, she was alive....but tortured so much that they couldn't get a coherent answer of her about what had happened.
Harry smirked a little. "you do realize, Draco started every single argument either of you two have ever been in?" Harry asked smirking a little. "he's been hiding from his feelings, he's loved you for years, i know because i got him drunk once and he admitted it." Harry admitted lookign amused before grimacing, his eyes focusing on his hands. "... she's... broken..." he admitted softly. "she was tortured so badly she... she can't even stutter out a full word... she's just... babbling." he admitted swallowing hard. "she's still alive... barley, but i doubt she's ever going to be sane again..." he knew better than to try to lie to lance, his partner would only get pissed with him for it. "i'm thinking of pulling all our clients into my secrete hideout." it was a childish name, but no one knew where it was but Harry. "they will be safe there i think." Harry admitted. "and we can lay traps for the person, using polyjuice potions or glamors to disguise our Aurors as our clients."
"...I...I guess I never thought about it that way."Lance said wrinkling his nose a little as he realized that Harry was right. That draco had started everything.Blushing hard as the man realized that harry had known before he did that Draco liked him. Smiling before it faded looking thoughtful. Swallowing hard as he looked at her, tears misting his eyes. At least he wouldn't have to explain to her about her husband and daughter." it.Get the boys at work to decide who's willing to take the chance.And no telling draco until its decided. If we don't have any places for him to take, he wont feel obligated to be bitchy adn demanding and heroic to play a client."Lance said rolling his eyes a little at that. Because despite everything he knew his silent and stoic partner really was a big hearted softie...even if no one else did.
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