
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes, we're aurors, doers of good, no one would beleive we where harming the girl or keeping her against her will, they'd think we where keeping her safe." he pointed out, looking amused before hesitating a little as Helena yelled 'mom'/ but he headed down anyway, intending on giving Hermione the shock of her life by smiling brightly at her. "good morning, you must be Helena's mom, Hermione right?" he asked his head tilted as he offered his hand to her. "i'm Draco..." he paused. "... wait, you knew that already, sorry, i guess i got hit by a car, can't remember a thing." he admitted shaking his head, Harry nearly bursting out in laughter. "you have a lovely daughter, she has a strange fondness for fruit." he admitted looking amused. "and Dragons." so polite and innocent and all that, it was hard to beleive he was plotting against her.
"Only when you are the dragon,and roar at them."Lance said snickering as he got helena breakfast,munching on a piece of toast himself before looking at Hermione's shocked face."I-yes, I know you. We went to school together."Hermione stuttered looking a little shocked at the man's face before looking at helena."ready to go?" Helena nodded, leaping about to hug her papa and uncles before dashing out of the house with her mother herding her. Lance rolled his eyes looking at the other two, smirking."Damned if its not amusing to see her try to control her."He said before looking at harry."ready to go?You probly should stay with hermione and hels. She's going to go ballstic when she hears the court summons."
Draco blinked at her. "we did!?" he asked astonished. 'huh... Lucius seamed like a home schooling sort of person." he muttered. "i really went to school?" Harry snorted, looking amused a he watched Hermione. "well it was a pleasure meeting you Miss.... er, re meeting you..." Draco frowned a little. "now i've confused myself." "with a brain the size of yours Dray, it's not that hard." Harry teased, Draco full out pouting at Harry who snickered as he watched Hermione trying to control Helena. "yeah i'm staying with Hermione." Harry admitted. "i promised Hermione to have some 'girl' time." he admitted. "she want's me to make her hair all straight again." he admitted chuckling a little as he headed after Harry, Draco looking smug. "that was very fun. did you see the look on her face? she was so stunned!"
Lance nodded snickering as he looked at the blond."That was pretty good. I should shock her more often."He said handing the other a plate of food, "Now. Sit and eat. Then we're going, but I'm going to make sure you get something good to eat, because its going to be a long day."He said finsihging his own breakfast. He was so not letting draco get away with his usual mode of taking care of himself, and not eat.
Draco chuckled a little before grimacing at the plate of food. "it's too early to eat." he complained, but accepted it anyway and sat down sighing a little as he stared at his food, sulking as he took a few bites of his food. it was always a pain in the ass trying to get Draco to eat in the mornings, it always had been, he usually didn't eat anything until noon unless Lance bullied him into it, and Lance was the only one who had ever been able to. he eventually finished his plate, grumbling and groaning the entire time.
Lance grinned as they headded for the ministry, making their way downstairs to the family court, looking amused."You are such a baby. Stop whining about your food."He said poking the blond in the side as he looked at the court receptionist."Lance!What can I do for you?"The youngish womnan--an ex actually-looked at him surprised, because it wasn't often that she found lance AND draco in her court, together. This was weird,and probably meant something was wrong."I need to get a court hearing.What's open this morning?" Courtney looked him over raisig a eyebrow but not asking as she looked."In a hour.Its the first opening, with judge queen." Lance groaned but nodding.As a wild child himself, he'd seen to much queen when he'd been young, but it was good.She'd be fair and rule in their favor of having harry watch her instead of leavign her with hermione."That's fine."He said moving to the seats to sit down to wait, looking worried
Draco snorted a little. "i do not whine!" he complained before smiling at the other, his face smoothing into a calm emotionless mask as it always did when he was angry and upset. he had seen judge queen himself a lot as well, people dragging him in there time and time again to try and punish him for his 'crimes'. thankfully Queen had seen the terrified boy inside that cold exterior, the traumatized little boy who had been a toy in Voldemort's hands and nothing more, and he had gotten off without punishment, as had Lucius, who had admitted his guilt, but added that he had only done it to protect his family. he sat down next to Lance, not remembering anything about his own court dates, the fear in his life, feeling only Anger... and worry about Helena's safety.
Lance looked over at the blond, shifting to lay a arm casually across the back of Draco's chair, a thumb absently rubbing against his arm."Draco, you're fine."he muttered, for once trying to reassure him because draco wasn't draco, and he couldn't protect himself.
Draco leaned into the thumb a little, enjoying the comfort as he swallowed. "i'm afraid." he admitted. "i am afraid that we might be hurting Helena..." he admitted looking over at Lance. "Hermione's sick... not good for her but.. Helena loves her..." he admitted looking down at his hands. "...what if she doesn't like me when she finds out i'm her father?... what if she hates me for taking her away from her mother?" yes Lance was going to be Helena's main parent, he always would be, but Draco was afraid that even as a secondary guardian... Helena would hate him for the truth.
"Helena loves her dragon uncle. And even if she is angry, she will forgive you-us when she's old enough to understand why."the man was quiet for a long moment looking worried because he was scared to at the idea of not being able to make his daughter understand."Held knows that there's something wrong with hermione, she usually begs to stay with me."he sighed looking at the ceiling letting the silence stretch between them."It'll be fine."he said looking worried, shifting to rest his head on the blinds shoulder as time started passing slowly.
he sighed a little and nodded, leaning against the other and closing his eyes as he rested to calm himself down until it was their turn. he stood as their names where called and took a deep breath as he moved to follow Lance into the room, forcing himself to be calm and look calm as he moved into the room, examining judge Queen, feeling a twinge of recognition, but that was all as he stood next to Lance and swallowed thickly, feeling very nervous standing there, like there where hundreds of people scowling at him.

(would you play Queen? i'm not so good at the judge characters ^^;)
Lance swallowed hard standing next to drake slipping a hand into his, both for his own comfort and draco's."Lance DeLac, imagine my surprise when I found you in my court. And with your partner.whatever can I do for you?"Queen studied the two men sneering slightly. She didn't like them despite the good they had done for the world, but she would always remember the teens they'd been, reckless and proud of their own misdeeds. "Judge queen,I am here on Draco's behalf to sue for custody of his daughter from her unstable mother." "I was not aware Mr. Malfoy had a daughter." lance swallowed hard, because the court proceeding were public record, this was going to be all over in Avery short while."I have been raising her as mine. But I would like her real father to take custody" "I will need to evaluate the woman, lance." "I know. Which is why I would like you to turn custody over to her godfather, one Harry potter, for the meantime."lance said watching the woman think it over before nodding."I hereby turn custOdy ozone Helena Malfoy to her godfather."The judge ruled waving the out of the courtroom.
Draco had never really been proud of his misdeeds, but he had acted so, fearful of the full court, many of whom had been secretly supporting Voldemort. the boy hesitated looking at the judge for a moment before doing something he never would have done had he his memories back. he offered her a small bow of the head, and even a small thank you, his voice laced with relief as he moved into the other room with lance, trembling violently. "i don't like that place." he muttered softly. "it is a bad place." he muttered softly. "hermione won't do anything stupid will she? like try to run off with Helena?"
"Neither do I."Lane added shifting, wrapping a arm around the blond, turning his head, absently kissing messy hair as he pulled the blond into him, protectively holding him as they headed out. While he knew the blond wouldn't appericiate had he remembered, for the moment he was willing to take the chance of getting yelled at later on."No, not with harry there. She wont fight him to get Helena."He said looking worried despite the words as he took the envelope with the court order from Queen's seretary, holding it for a moment before looking at draco."Lets go."He said wrapping his arm around the other, apparating to the woman's house. Wincing slightly at he looked at the slightly run down to story home. Having been told many times by hermione that he was not to help her in any way with fixing up the home even if he offered still.
Draco nodded a little as he felt himself relax, glad that Harry wouldn't let Hermione take Helena away, shaking his head a little as he settled in against Lance, hesitating before leaning up and kissing his cheek. offering a little bit of comfort before they apparated, looking shocked at the rundown state of Hermione's home, his eye twitching. he couldn't beleive Helena was living in a place like this! he knew it must be killing Lance too. he strutted over to the door, taking the envelope from Lance and knocking on the door firmly, Harry laughing with Helena as he opened the door, pausing at Draco, offering him a wink. ".. Hermione!... it's for you..." Harry called, hoping to get Hermione to take the letter herself. "it concerns you as well Harry." Draco admitted, Harry lifting an eyebrow as he took the letter and opened it, reading it, feeling almost gleeful, but feigning shock as he handed the letter to Hermione. "come on Little monster, lets go in and play with the tea set." Harry decided, not wanting Helena to find out this way that Draco was her real father.
Hermione waited until Helena and harry left before looking at lance, glaring at the two."How dare you tell him!?It was none of his business." "She is his daughter Herm. He had every right to know why I wasn't fighting to keep her with me.But now I've given him the weapons to take care of her like she needs to taken care of." "I can take care of her!" "no, you need help hermione, and I'm going to make sure you get it."Lance said sighing quietly, watching her read the letter."You know you need the help." "She's not staying with you!I wont allow you to take my daughter,and ruin her with...with your relationship!" Lance frowned looking startled, then looking at draco."We're not in a relationship, not that it's any of your business.But harry's going to be staying with helena. So no worries about me corrupting your precious misgotten child, who you schemed to have."The tall auror snarled, the pain and rage coloring his voice as he looked down at the woman in front of him, keeping his voice quiet so the child couldn't hear, but he wasn't going to let hermione jerk him around anymore, because he'd finally realized this mess, was not his fault.
Draco stared at her. "Hermione, i'll have you know Lance isn't the one who told me." he stated simply. "you are, and you damn near informed Helena of the fact." he stated sternly. "if you didn't want people to know, you shouldn't have screamed about it at the top of your lungs." he growled darkly. "you raped me Hermione Granger, and i intend to make you pay for it. i have every right to be a part of that girls life, and my sexual orientation has nothing to do with it... especially when i don't even know what it is myself!" he growled. "Harry will be protecting Helena while we go to court, and if your a smart witch you'll keep Helena out of it so she doesn't get hurt." he sniffed a little. "you got yourself into this mess, now you have to pay for it. now Harry is no doubt already packing Helena's things, you might as well tell her goodbye while you have the chance." they would still be allowed to see her while she was under Harry's care, but Harry had to be there to keep things moderated, and prevent someone from trying to run off with her.
Hermione glared at the two before going to talk to the girl, crouching down and whispering as the girl nodded. Lance sighed watching her go, slouching a little before nudging the other man."You have no idea how hot that was. Telling off Herm.I've been waiting for smeone to do that for years."He said laughing, though he looked tired himself. It took alot out of him to agrue with her. Sighing as he smiled slightly, nudging the other."Come on, lets go get potter, we do actually have to show up for work sometime today."He said tiredly, because he didn't want to have to deal with one of his men getting murdered along with selene and nick.
Draco blushed hard as he was basically told that he was hot and coughed a little, looking pleased. "well, she deserved it." he stated calmly yawning a little. "i can understand why you didn't, but no one else? really?" he asked looking a bit baffled as he sighed a little. "yes yes, fine... work." he complained wrinkling his nose. "i don't even know what we're doing..." he admitted. "what IS my job anyway? i have my doubts about being an Auror..." he admitted. "i don't seam like the sort to get my hands dirty."
Lance snickered nodding a little."You usually don't. You handle the paperwork end of things, cause I really hate doing paperwork.Though you do make me do my own write ups."He snickered a little before going to say goodbye to helena,grinning as she hugged them both before looking at harry."Ready to go?We have paperwork and things to do."He said worried about what was going on at work. Having mostly abandonaed work in favor of taking care of draco, it still worried him to go back."Though you do enjoy the occasional hand dirtying."
Harry smiled a little and nodded as he swung Helena up onto his shoulders. "your coming to work with us today Little Monster, you'll get to torment all of uncle Harry's co workers, won't that be fun?" he teased Helena, Draco snickering a little. "great, i'm a paper boy." Draco complained playfully. "won't my day be fun?" he asked before shaking his head. "still, it will give me something to do since you and Harry are so boring." he decided, teasing both men, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head.
Helena giggled happily wrapping her arms around Harry's head to keep herself steady,"Yay!I love spending the day with you!"She giggled happily as they apparated to the office, the seasoned aurors smiling amused at the sight of the little girl. Lance snickered nudged Draco heading for his office."Oh yes, I am so boring that I bore the most boring person I know."He said snickering as he looked at draco,teasing him.
Harry snickered a little as he nodded. "we'll i'm glad you little monster!" he teased smirking a little. "should we go torment the other Auror's too little one?" he asked smirking as he winked at his co workers, well aware they would take turns amusing Helena when he needed to get something done. Draco just looked amused as he watched all of this before turning to Lance. "please, i'm not boring in the least, i just hide my amazingness from everyone else so they don't get jealous or depressed due to their own sad, pathetic lives."
"Oh is that it?"lLance teased grinning as he led draco to their office snickering as he saw helena already taking off through the bullpen to talk to her adopted uncles, getting candy and sweets at every desk, all the aurors keeping the sweets there just for her. "Oh yes!We should!"Helena grinned at her uncle before taking off again to talk to everyone. Lance rolled his eyes at the girl's antics as he sat down at the table, starting to look over selene's autopsy report, his heart hurting as he looked at the blond."Want to help me with this?Maybe you'll see something me and Harry missed."
Draco smirked a little as he nodded. "that is it." he teased as he settled into his chair, pausing as he caught all of the pictures, going pale and swallowing thickly as he pulled the pictures over, his eyes scanning the pictures. "... Lance?... was there a red haired guard?" he asked suddenly, when he received a no for an answer he pointed to something clutched in the little boys hands in one of the pictures. "why does he have golden red hair in his hands then?" he asked blinking at Lance. "unless he pulled it out of the head of his killer?"
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