
Harry chuckled a little. "i'm an auror Lance remember? i'm trained to see these things." he teased chuckling a little before sighing a little and shook his head. "i'll take them myself, right now the only person i trust besides myself is you and Draco." he admitted calmly. "i don't want anyone else to know where the clients are hidden." he admitted calmly. "i'm bringing people in from France to pose as the Clients, i'll switch them out when the guards switch shifts so no one knows." he admitted smiling at the other. "it's going to be perfect, we'll find out whats going on, and the people from France won't be caught off guard by a co worker." he admitted calmly before hesitating as he heard the shower start upstairs, signalling that Draco was awake. "do you want me to take Helena back to my house so you and Draco can have some privacy?"
"Well, I'm just feeling special. Are you so sure it isnt me killing them?"he asked more as a rhetocial question and amused more then anything else. Everyone knew he was capable of killing, but never a woman, or a child. Yawning as he finished his breakfast he nodded looking up at the stairs,"Please.We'll-I'll come get her after we sort this out."he said looking at Harry worriedly, because talking to draco about this actually scared him more then the killer running loose.
Harry smirked at the other. "oh please, you might be able to hurt a man as you please, but never a woman, let alone a child." he pointed out shaking his head. "i'm just going to take her to safety and leave her in Dobby's care, he's been training in healing and should be just as adept at helping her as the healers at St. Mungos. i'm going to get one or two healers that i trust that i can take to my house as well to help." he admitted with a small chuckle before vanishing as Draco staggered out into the kitchen, wearing only pants as he settled at the table and slumped over it. "tiiired... coooffeeeee..." such a whiner.
Lance smiled a little at harry's assesment of his character, relieved to see the man had trust in him. Smiling a little wider as he heard draco whine, rolling his eyes as he got up to start making coffee."Your such a whiner, draco."He teased before setting the cup down in front of Draco's nose, pausing for a moment before ruffling blond hair."Now there, is that better?You'd think after a shower youd be more awake."He teased rolling his eyes because it was endearing to see draco malfoy acting like a normal person instead of his uptight usual self.
Draco huffed a little at the others complaining and just drank his coffee, looking sleepy and disoriented. "hey Lance?" he asked softly, sounding worried about something. "is it bad to be gay?" he asked softly. "i try to remember... but i... can't recall..." he admitted softly. "is it bad to fall in love with your best friend?" he looked so worried and confused it was hard not to feel for him as he looked up at the other, silver orbs lit with strange emotions. emotions a Malfoy should never show, worry, fear, unease, and various others that showed just how terrified he was to be gay, and in love with lance. not just because he was afraid Lance would hate him, but because something in him told him it was wrong to be gay, that it was bad to be gay.
Lance winced a little sighing quietly as he sat down again looking at the blond."its...not bad per se.Its just that some people aren't as accepting to gays as others. For the most part, the wizarding world doesn't care. But the muggleborns, the ones from muggle families tend to have a problem with it. The muggles are very prejudgice against it."He mused before looking sad and upset before reaching oout, pulling the other into a hug, pressing a kiss to his hair."It's okay draco.I wont let anything happen to you."He muttered holding him tightly, because he was worried that he wouldn't be able to keep the promise, not with a killer that seemed determined to punish him for a reason.
Draco grimaced at the wince and the sigh and he stared at his hands. "my father hates Gay's doesn't he?" no, but he wouldn't particularly like that his son was one, it would mean the end of the Malfoy line no doubt and that would not sit very well with Lucius. he leaned into Lance when he was pulled into a hug and closed his eyes a little as he snuggled into him. "i'm afraid." he admitted softly. "i feel things so strongly but... i feel like i shouldn't show them, because i'll be hurt." he admitted closing his eyes. "you would never hurt me right?" he asked looking up at the other. "you would never use me?" he sounded like he knew it was truth, but he wanted to hear Lance say it.
"No, he doesn't hate gays but he's not going to be happy because you wo-"Lance stopped. Thought about it. Before he started to laugh."He'll be fine."He said amused because while her mother was muggleborn, Draco already had a daughter. And they could always do surrogacy if they wanted to. pressing a kiss to draco's hair he calmed looking amused as he looked down at the man cuddling against his chest."Hmm if I was going to hurt you, I would have years ago."He muttered nuzzling him a little."Lovely, you don't have to worry about me. Its all the other jackasses that will want you once they realize you're gay. but your mine, and I don't share."He growled holding onto him tightly before sighing."We should be going. Mark and Ellen's autopsy should be done...I need to find this son of a bitch before they kill another client."He growled, smiling as he set the man up on his feet.
Draco smiled a little. "you think he'll really be ok with it?" he asked softly laying his head on the others shoulder. "i hope so... i don't know why but i feel this indescribable urge to make him happy, even though i can't even remember who he is..." he smiled at the other as he was nuzzled. "mmm promise that i'm yours?" he asked with a small grin. "promise that you won't ever let me go or share?" he asked with an almost playful glimmer to his eyes as he froze at the mention of Mark and... "Ellen?" he asked frowning a little. "that name... it sounds so familiar..." Draco had never admitted it, but he loved children, and spent much of his time with the families with children, offering them support, compassion, and expensive gifts to help them feel better, and safer. with every child that was killed Draco felt more and more furious... and hurt. "...i'll go with you." he offered getting dressed properly with magic and straightened himself out before he gently took the others hand and held it tightly, swallowing thickly.
"I don't share my toys, boytoy."Lance teased before snickering. Wincing a little. He hated that he'd slipped up and told Draco that he-lance- had gotten another of Draco's kids killed."Its one of the families that you helped."He said swallowing hard before pressing a kiss to the other's head and apparating to the office, glad that Harry was with helena so maybe him and draco could figure this out. They were alwys better working together, even if they argued most of it. Nodding a little as one of the aurors handed him the file he settled at his desk with Draco sitting next to him, starting to look through the pictures, paling a little at the sight of mark and ellen laying together."Someone's getting a fucking thrill making sure I don't sleep well."He grumbled looking at the dark haired father and the pale haired daughter."And there's nothing that I can do to find the threads that tie them all together, except the ones that lead to us."
Draco smirked a little. "i think you're the toy here Lance.' he teased kissing the other gently before swallowing thickly as he realized why the name sounded familiar. "... what if whoever is doing this is doing it against me?" he asked looking at the other. "i mean,,, these people... all the victims where connected to me right?" he asked softly. "what if i'm gettign these people killed?" he asked biting his lip as he looked at the pictures, studying them intently. "... the way their holing each other... they didn't die that way...." he muttered frowning a little as he studied the pictures intently, feeling sick. "the threads that tie them all together... is me." he admitted softly shoving the picture away and hiding his face in his hands, sighing a little. "we need to..." he paused then. "no... Harry would have thought of a plan already yes?" he asked looking at his friend. "i... what if it's me?" he asked suddenly swallowing thickly. "what if i'm killing all these people and i don't even remember it!?" not likely, but Draco was worried, and he was frightened of who he had been, he felt like a bad person inside more often then not, so he was terrified that maybe he was to blame for all of these people dying.
"Drao, for gods sake you drama queen."lance growled, "Even memoriless, you are such a narcissist."He growled looking annoyed as he looked at the other man, sighing softly."Draco, I'm pretty sure I would have noticed you leaving my house to go do this. You were with me, moron."He teased a little, feeling a little sick himself."No, not all of them.The kids yes,but the actual case was mine. They have both of us in common. If anything, we're both getting them killed."He said shaking his head a little."Harry's already setting up a plan. And we'll catch whoever's doing this."He sighed resting his head on draco's shoulder."Narcissist. Now look closer, you saw the hair in the other crime scene. Look again and we'll find what's going on in this one."
he blinked at the others Growl his eyes wide and his head tilted to the side a little. "i... but... uh..." he paused to consider that and then grimaced. "alright... you have a point." he agreed with a small sheepish grin. "so... we just need to think of all of our enemies... right?" he asked with a small smile his head tilted. "that should only be a couple hundred suspects right?" he teased sighing a little before he started examining the pictures again, biting his lip. "...Lance?" he asked softly. "do you see this?" he asked indicating what appeared to be scratches lipstick on the little girls forehead, it was faint, very faint, but it was there. "... her mother doesn't wear lipstick..." Draco wasn't sure how he knew that, but he did know it. "whoever killed them... kissed her..." he muttered looking pale. "like a mother kisses her child goodnight... or... rather... how you kiss Helena..." it was in the same exact spot where Lance kissed Helena every night. "... your right... their targeting you, and me specifically... look..." he pointed at a teddy bear in the little girls arms. "... that's almost the exact same kind of teddy that i got Helena... that's not a coincidence i am certain of it..."
"You seriously under estimate our capablitlies of pissing people off."Lance amused at the idea of only having a few hundred people pissed off. Then again, the ones they had pissed off was mostly gone in the annuals of death eater past. Frowning as he leaned over at the picture, looking started."And female.Bloody hell."He stared from a little before paling at the idea that his kiss to helena, granted it was something most parents did,but everyone knew Lance got twitchy if he couldn't kiss Helena goodnight. And that damned teddy. Before paling even more, "Someone how knows Helena's not mine. At the very least suspects that she's not my real daughter."He paled standing up, leaning into the outer office, "potter!Get in here."He demanded before shutting the door."This is about fathers and daughters. Someone who knows both me and draco have a daughter."He said, looking frantic wanting to be told that his twisted, twisted idea could be wrong. That he hadn't driven the woman he once loved totally bonkers.
Draco blinked a little his head tilted like a child might do as he stared at the man before him. "we really have that many enemies?" he asked looking worried. "when is Harry setting up the trap?" he asked cautiously hoping that they might be able to trap whoever it was. "but the only people who could possibly know that is you, me, Harry, and...." he paused, his eyes widening.... it... it couldn't be... could it!? he just couldn't beleive it. he followed Lance into the office Harry's eyes widening as Lance ran in and told him his theory. "oh son of a bitch, Hermione or you must have let it slip to someone!" Harry complained Draco hesitating before he shook his head and slipped out of the room while Harry and Lance weren't paying attention, heading to Hermione's house and knocking on the door, his silver eyes angry, and sad. "... your the one killing people. Aren't you hermione? your punishing Lance, and me, for trying to take Helena away from you... your going to jail Hermione. i hope you know that, for a long time, and your never going to see Helena again you mad bitch."
"not so many anymore."Lance said shrugging a little as he smiled slighty."Harry's already got the plan set. All we have to do is wait for whoever it is to go into it."He said before looking at Harry as he sat down.Looking stressed out as he considered what helena must be going through. "Helena's safe?"He asked looking at harry, scared because he could see the mad bitch hurting helena because it would hurt Lance.

Hermione opened the door looking at the blond with wide eyes, slipping her wand into her hand."You should have never tried to take her away. Lance always wanted her more then me."She said before stunning draco, working quickly. Tying the blond up she unstunned him, sitting on the edge of the bed as she looked down at him, gently stroking his hair"You should have never come here draco.I never meant for you to find out."She said smiling.'But you will be the perfect weapon to destroy lance. He wont recover from losing you."She sid before casting the memory spell. A extremely complex charm that only a few in the world knew existed. It forced the charmed one to remember not only forgotten memories, but the emotions with them. And in draco's case, it was probably more then enough to kill him.
Harry nodded. "she's safe." he promised. "she;s downstairs playing with the other children i had brought in today.... where's Draco?" he asked frowning a little as he looked around. "he was just here... did he go to see Hells?" he asked heading out the door, leading the way down to the basement where all the children and their parents where waiting to be transferred to Harry's safe house, Helena in with all the other kids. "i don't see Draco in here either... strange, he doesn't usually wander off unless... he's doing... something...stupid... oh hell.."

Draco stared at her. "you don't deserve her you sick..." he groaned and slumped as he was stunned his eyes fluttering open as he squirmed, trying to break free of his bindings. "you sick bitch!" he complained struggling wildly. "get off of me!" terror in his voice, afraid he was going to die violently, stabbed to death. "let me go! you'll be caught! you have to know they'll suspect you eventually! leaving all those little hints they'll find out!" he cried out in pain as the spell struck him, convulsing on the bed, jerking as the memories and emotions flooded him before he went still and pale, limp as a rag doll, unconscious from the trauma and if Hermione had her way he would never wake.
Lance stared, because his brillant mind wasn't processing quickly enough that his brilliant partner was doing something incredibly stupid. "Bloody hell."He scowled realizing at the same moment as harry did what it meant that draco wasn't there. Running back up the stairs to the apparation point he panted as he apparated to hermione's, scowling as the wards rejected his presence. Standing outside even as he heard hremione inside, working on tearing the wards down.

Hermione smiled as she gently stroked Draco's hair, barely noticing Lane and Harry's arrival, smiling dreamily as she looked up at the two."You took something from me, so I took something from you."Hermione said looking at Lance as he ran to the tied up blond, shaking the rag doll of a blond, looking so confused and panicked as he realized that Hermione had done something."What did you do!?"he demanded looking at her, looking at harry, needing his help to figure out what was going on.
Harry followed Lance to Hermione's his eyes narrowed. "oh son of a bitch this isn't good..." Harry whispered running in after Lance, watching the man try and shake the pale, limp blond Harry narrowing his eyes at Hermione. "what did you DO hermione!?" he demanded advancing on her. "you could have killed him! LOOK at what you did to Draco! arte you MAD!? first you rape him now you try to kill him!?" he demanded. "reverse it! whatever the hell you did you need to set it right, right now Hermione or your going to Azakaban for life and then you'll NEVER see Helena again, you understand me!?" he demanded grabbing the front of her shirt. "now FIX HIM!"
Lance stopped shaking draco as the harry yelled at harry, letting the boy fall back down onto the bed,huddling over him as he started to cry. Hermione looked up at her friend with wide eyes, "You're taking HIS side!?How dare you!?"She cursed before shaking her head."I gave him back his memories.It was to much for him,but he will recover from it, given time. Maybe."Hermione said smiling a little, the madness showing in her face as she shook her head."I'll never lose Helena.She's MINE!MINE!" lance whimpered a little scooping up Draco in his arms,"I'm taking him to st. mungo's."He said looking a little unsteady as he apparated them to the hospital, turning draco's care over to the nurses and doctors as he sat down in one of the chairs to wait and see what was going to happen.
Draco just laid where Lance had dropped him, not even a flicker of his eye or eyelid, completely dead to the world, Harry snarling as he slammed Hermione into the Wall. "of COURSE I TOOK HIS SIDE YOU SICK FUCKING BITCH!" he snarled staring at her. "you KILLED people! didn't you hermione!? you killed those little kids, you killed their mothers, you killed their fathers. that's why Draco was here, because he didn't think we;d beleive him. you MURDERED them and now you murdered Draco because your a sick bitch." he slammed her into the wall again and cuffed her wrists together as Lance apparated Draco away. the nurses and Doctors examined Draco intently, and for three hours he was in emergency care, not allowed to be seen by anyone, but just as Harry got there, a nurse came to Lance, looking tired and sad. "i'm sorry." she stated softly to Harry and Lance. "we where able to restart his heart, but there's nothing we can do about the brain damage if there is any.... and we can't get him to wake up... he's in a coma." she admitted looking at them both. "if you'll follow me, you have special permission to watch him day and night."
Lance looked up at harry, sighing tiredly."Someone needs to tell lucius."He said lowering his eyes, guilt eating at him. Because for the second time in a year he'd gotten lucius malfoy's son in a coma. Rubbing a hand over his face he sighed as he looked at harry. Following the nurse into the room, he sat down in the chair by the bed before he said something else to harry, sounding hollow and worn out. "...this is my fault.She would have left him alone if I hadn't threatened to take helena..."he muttered reaching out, sliding his fingers through draco's,absently stroking his thumb over the blond's hand. It pained him to see him so still, so unlike the draco he knew. And it was killing him that draco was once again in the coma because of him.
Harry shook his head. "i told Ashlin to tell him." he promised softly licking his lips as he gently tucked Draco's hair behind his ear. "god dammit Draco... why didn't you just TELL someone!?" he demanded swallowing thickly as he looked at Lance. "this isn't any of your fault Lance... she would have gone after Draco anyway!" he protested frowning at him. "simply because he was Helena's father... as soon as he found out she was planning on killing him... she killed all those people to get back at you for doing what was right... how long do you think it would have been before hermione started hurting Helena? as soon as Helena started wanting to see you more, as soon as Helena started showing independence.. Hermione would have dealt with her the same way she did Draco. at least this way Helena didn't get hurt..." he stated calmly shaking his head a little as he gently took Draco's hand and closing his eyes. "please wake up Dray..."
Lance paled as he realized that harry was right, that no matter what it was better this way, even if draco never woke up. Because the blond would die content, knowing that he had saved his precious daughter.But he prayed that the blond would wake up. And soon.Closing his eyes as he rested his head on the bed, falling asleep.

Two weeks later Lance sighed as he lounged in the bed pushed up against draco's, the nurses having given him a bed because he hadn't left the room, so they were determined to look after him to.Smiling a little as helena bounced on his stomach a little he cracked a eye to look at the girl sitting on him."Papa!" "What?" "You have to get uncle draco to wake up. I went and saw the dragons. They roared for me, like he did. He needs to go roar at the dragons."Helena demanded poking her father in the shoulder before leaning over to draco, roaring softly."uncle draco. You have to wake up. We have dragons to go see!"She demanded wanting her uncle back and her papa to be happy. So upset at the changes in her world, that she was clinging even more tightly to the men who had never left her.
Harry followed after her, smiling at Lance, looking tired and sad but together. he was still upset that he had let Draco get hurt because he wasn't paying close enough attention, but they where moving on in life again. "she wanted to see the Dragon's." Harry explained shaking his head. "i... i think we need to tell her..." he admitted softly to Lance. "about... who Draco is to her... he deserves that much..." the doctors must have told him just like they told Lance. if Draco didn't wake up in the next twelve hours, he wasn't going to wake up. Lucius was devastated, and he was on his way to argue with the doctors again as Harry turned to Helena, picking her up and gently kissing her forehead. "Helena honey... we need to tell you something..."
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