
Draco smiled a little and nodded. “thank you.” he muttered softly, staggering as he realized his arms where suddenly full of little girl, laughing softly as he swung her up and onto his shoulders, giving her a piggy back ride. “always busy huh?” he asked smiling a little as he followed Lance and Harry tot he fire, hesitating a bit. “we're going... ingot the fire?” he asked, biting his lip, Harry grimacing. “it's alright Draco, it's the Floo, you know the floo?” “...o..oh, yes I.. I remember now, yes...” he agreed, looking troubled as he examined the flames watching Lance toss in the powder, handing Helena to him and watching Lance and her go through first before following, coughing and sputtering as he stepped out, shaking his head. “... ugh... d...don't breath... in, when you... do the … floo.” he commented in-between his furious coughing, no doubt amusing Lance even more.
Lance did look amused though he was biting his lip to keep from laughing out loud at the suffering man. Resting a hand on the other's back he patted him a little to make sure the other could breath before stepping back, setting Helena on the floor to let her go put her things away in her room. "You'll hurt yourself like that uncle Draco!Don't breath!You can share my room. I have lots and lots of toys here!Mama says papa-papa buys things to buy my love."She said not really understanding the words, but repeating what her mother had said before skipping to her room to prepare for her 'guest'. Lance snickered a little as he rubed a hand over his mouth to hide his grin as he realized that his daughter really had adopted the blond. And jealously eating at him as he thought about it. He was so not ready for this. Hermione was going to lose her mind when she saw who was staying with him. Sighing tiredly at the idea he rubbed his eyes, trying to not think about how innocent words could hurt so badly.

"You can have my room.The bed's comfortable, and you'll have privacy. I'm sure you don't wnt to share with Helena...though she does have a amazing doll collection you could play with."He teased looking at the blond.
Draco chuckled a little before looking utterly shocked at the words that came out of her mouth, shocked as he looked at Lance. “... divorced?” he asked softly, offering him a sheepish grin. “she knows that's not true...” he promised calmly. “she loves you more than anything in the world, I can't remember anything, and I know that. You can see it when she smiles at you.” he admitted smiling at him. “and it's alright, I'll just sleep on the couch, I don't want to be a bother...” what a one eighty, normally Draco would have ordered to have the bed, but there he was, comforting Lance, and offering to sleep on the couch. “Lance?” he asked suddenly, frowning a little as he stared at his hands. “my father... he doesn't like me.. does he?” Lucius loved Draco, he just didn't know how to talk to his son, he was domineering and controlling and Draco was the same way, so they fought much more than they got along.
"No. We never got married."Lance said shrugging a little before relaxing at the words. Even if he already knew that the other's words were true, but he still felt better hearing it from him."No.Take the bed.YOu've been hit by a car, you need something comfortable. Besides, Hels will love making her papa play with dolls."He said smiling ut looking thoughtful when he heard the other's question."Uh..He does.He likes you but I don't think he understands you. You two spend alot of time yelling at each other."
he smiled a little and nudged Lance. “sounds like you probably dodged a bullet there. She sounds terrible.” he smiled. “but it's not all bad, you did get Helena out of it, and she's a wonder.” he promised smiling at him before hesitating, speaking before he thought about it. “we could share the bed? I mean, we are two grown men in full control of their bladders, it's not like we're going to piss on each other in our sleep.” he admitted before thinking back on his father. “i yell with a lot of people...” he muttered softly, looking at Lance. “i was a terrible person wasn't I? One of those people you hear about on the news who croaked, but no one came to their funeral except that one man to laugh at his death...” well that was a little morbid.
Lance stared at him before snickering."You always were a morbid little shit."He teased letting the other distrat him from the worry of what his life with hermione was like, because if he thought to hard about Helena, he was going to hurt because he was afraid to lose her."You were.... not so much terrible, but a perfectionist. And you couldn't understand why nothing was perfect."He said shrugging, just because he hadn't gotten along well with Draco didn't mean he didn't understand why he didn't get along with him. Shaking his head a little he looked amused before nodding."We can share a bed." "Me to papa, me to!I want a bedtime story to!Ones with dragons and princesses!"Helena demanded as she ran back into the room knowing her papa had a set bedtime and that he needed his sleep. Not realizing that his rule was set for her to be in bed at a set time, not himself.
Draco gave Lance a lopsided grin and chuckled a little as he nodded. “OCD.” he agreed looking around the room. “i can tell, I look at your house and I want to reorganize everything so it's all in straight lines.” he admitted with a small chuckle. “i won't though, don't worry.” he promised before chuckling as he suddenly scooped up Helena when she demanded a story. “I know a story!” he chirped with a wink. “it's about Helena, a fairy princess, and the big bad tickle monster Draco!” he roared playfully and started to tickle her, letting her go once she started to go breathless and watching her zip away, yelling that he couldn't catch her. “... I really can't.” Draco admitted looking amused. “i don't think I could ever run that fast.”
LAnce laughed amused to see Draco plying with his daughter like he was a normal person."No one can. He's to full of energy.Hels!I'm going to g et you!"Lance called as he followed after the girl, scooping her up as he got to her bedroom."Come on kiddo.Tme for bed.Uncle Draco needs his beauty sleep."He said helpng her change before laying down on the bed with her, reading the story that she shoved into her hands, pressing a kiss to the girl's head as he read.Glancing at Draco when he realized the blond was watching him read, he smiled slightly as he kissed the sleeping helena's head before slipping out of bed."You're good with her."He teased shutting the door behind him softly smiling a little."Harry should be here any minute.He said he was goign to drop by and see how we were doing, and bring drinks."He said knowing that wasn't the only reason Harry checked on him. Having had hermione change her mind to many times on them, he knew harry was checking to make sure she hadn't and made him lose his mind.
he laughed a little and grinning as he listened to Lance reading the story, his head tilted. “you think so?” he asked, looking happy to hear that. “i was worried I was going to mentally scar her or something... I get this feeling I'm not very good with children...” he admitted shrugging. “or people...” he admitted calmly. “god my head hurts... do you have any pain killers?” he asked hopefully, grimacing as Garry flooed into the house, walking effortlessly into the house. “somehow, I feel insulted that he can do that better than I can.” Draco complained with a small sigh Harry snickering a little. “he breathed in didn't he?” he asked examining Lance carefully. “Helena sleeping then?” he asked smiling a little as he held up a bottle of the finest whiskey he could afford, which was actually pretty nice. Being the head of the Auror department meant he got paid a lot, and living at work meant he rarely spent it, so it just built up, meaning he usually spent it on shit like that. “who's ready fro drinks.” “not me, thanks.. I think I need to go lay down.” Draco admitted smiling at them. “sorry, enjoy your drinks.” he muttered, rubbing his head as he headed upstairs and into the bedroom to lay down. “... so.. hows things going?” Harry asked, pouring two glasses for him and Lance.
Lance raised a hand to stop draco for a moment, giving him the pain killers before he left."Go get some sleep.I'll check on you later."He said waiting till the man disappeared upstairs before he looked at Harry."Yea he breathed in."He smirked a little heading for the kitchen to get them glasses for their drinks."It's been interesting.He played with Helena. Listened to me read to her. Comforted me when helena spouted something Herm said."He shrugged taking the bottle of firewhiskey from the man pouring them drinks before sitting down on the couch, sighing sleepily.Even if it wasn't that late, it had been a stressful day."God damn it. Herm's going to kill me."He said sipping his drink.
Draco offered Lance a smile as he took the pain killers before leaving, Harry chuckling as he smiled at Lance. “sounds like Draco's a lot better now.” he admitted. He knew the only reason why Draco was so caustic to everyone, was because he had lost his lover, Cedric Diggory had been the only person who had ever held Draco's heart, and after Ced had died, Draco had never really forgiven harry for not being able to save the man, and had started shoving everyone away in an effort to protect his own heart. “besides why should Hermione give a shit that Draco is staying here? It's not really any of her business anyway.” he admitted. He hated to take sides but Lance was in the right more often than not. “i really hate to say this.. but have you ever tried to go to court, for child visitation rights? Then Hermione can't take her away whenever she wants.” Harry thought it was a good idea and it would have been... if Helena was actually his child. Going to court risked the world finding out what had happened.
Lance winced at the idea, biting his lip. Trying to figure out how to dance around the truth without actually telling the other man. He so did not want to have that conversation. It was easier to not have it because he knew Draco Malfoy, knew him as Harry did, and was scared that Draco wouldn't accept a child, a child he loved more then anything else. It was..better to ust play by Hermione's rules then to chance Draco finding out. Because more then anything, he was afraid Draco would take her just to hurt him."Draco's only better because he doesn't remember who Diggory is."He said snorting a little before sighing."You know the only person Hermione cant stand more then me, is Malfoy."he mused shrugging. Ignoring the second half of the words, and hoping Harry would leave it alone.
Harry blinked at the wince and he sighed. “yeah, I know I know.. you don't want to put Hermione through the trouble.” he muttered coming to his own conclusions. “Draco's better because he doesn't remember Voldemort.” he stated simply. “most of Draco's problems stem from Voldemort and his own father, it's just that no one realizes it.” he admitted pulling a piece of gum out of his pocket. “i tell you what, quitting smoking is a bitch.” he complained, munching on the gum as he studied the other. “i'll make sure Hermione doesn't find out that Draco is here until after Helena leaves on Monday.” he promised simply. “after that I don't know if I can hide it from her.” he admitted with a shake of his head. “she's nosy as all hell sometimes.”
lance looked amused because of the others conclusions not bothering to correct him. After all it worked in his favor to not have the truth out there. Nodding a little at harry's summary of draco's problems because it was true.The madman that was voldemort and a over domineering father was behind all draco's problems." yea quiting is a bitch." he said wisely having quit when Helena was a baby. snickering a little at the idea of hermione not knowing that drake was here. It was a good intent but he knew hermione and he'd bow lucky to get out of bed before hermione showed up to make sure Helena was okay. It extremely pissed him off that hermione thought Helena was unsafe with him, not only he loved her, but he was an auror for fucks sake. He was capable of taking care of her."100 galleons says she's here bitching before I get out of bed." he said finishing his drink sigh g as he stretched looking forward to the tomorrow with Helena and a memory impaired draco. He so couldn't believe he just thought spending time with draco was a good thing
Harry nodded as he took another drink of his alcohol before sighing. “you and I both know she is... sometimes I get the feeling she expects you to take off with Helena.” he admitted calmly, shaking his head a little. “which is ridiculous, your an Auror for peats sake, you wouldn't just run off with a kid.” he stated with a roll of his eyes as he glanced up the stairs to make sure Helena couldn't hear him. “i'm a little worried.” he admitted. “Hermione's getting... strange, controlling... possessive... she was never this way before.” he admitted frowning a little. “sure she was OCD and a little bossy but never like this... I was thinking about a way to get her in to see the mental doctor, see if there isn't something wrong in her head or something.”
LAncenodded a little resting a heel of one foot on the toes of the other before he nodded again."Yea.There's something wrong."He said not about to tell him just how wrong the other was. Not about to tell him just why hermione was possessive and controlling over his time with helena. Sighing quietly as he loked at the other."You still going o the zoo with us tomorrow?"He asked if nothing else, Draco would probably feel better with someone he knew. Rubbing a hand over his face he sighed quietly shifting to rest his head on Harry's shoulder, looking tired and content."We shoul get some sleep."e muttered.
Harry smiled a little. “i wouldn't miss it for the world.” he promised chuckling a little. “i did promise Helena after all.” he admitted calmly smiling as he wrapped his arm around Lance's shoulder. “come on pretty boy, your already drunk.” he teased. “i'll help you to bed, come on.” he ordered leading Lance into his room, hesitating at the sight of draco, pale and asleep on the bed, looking adorable and innocent as he rested. Harry had to feel a little heartbroken at the sight of Draco, so calm and sleeping peacefully, was this who Draco would have been had there been no death and terror? He settled Lance into bed and stroked his hair. “i'll be back at noon for the Zoo.” they where leaving at 12:30 so that Helena could eat before they left.
Lance smiled sadly at the sight of Draco."see you then."he said smiling sadly at his friend as he watched the other leave.

The next morning Lance groaned as he rolled his head so he could inspect the woman standing in the doorway, trying to figure out what was making her scowl so fiercely before he looked down at the blond using his chest as a pillow. Sighing quietly he gently untangling himself from Draco, pressing a absent, thoughtless kiss to blond hair before he shooed hermione out the door following her downstairs to the kitchen."For god's sake,hermione. I'm not even out of bed yet. I told you I was taking Helena to the zoo today. Which requires all day. You can't have her back yet."He said getting ready to set his heels down about it.
Hermione was red faced with rage as she examined Draco, turning even redder when she saw him lay a kiss on Draco's forehead. “i never should have let her stay here with you, your a terrible father! Letting that blond haired Monster in here around her!” she spat with furious rage. “what the hell is wrong with you!?” she demanded shoving her finger in his face. “i am taking Helena home this INSTANT! I am NOT letting her be around that Prat and you should know better than to pull this shit when she's around! If your going to be gay don't taint her with it!” Hermione was really working herself up into a fury, her yelling having woken up Draco, who was blushing hard. Was Lance gay?... was he? He didn't know.
Lance scowled hard as he looked at the woman, shaking his head."You're one to talk about who's sleeping with him. At least i wanted till he was aware of getting in bed with me."He scowled shaking his head."I'm taking her to the zoo. You're going to let me to this unless you want everyone knowing exactly why you don't want draco here." "I don't know what you mean. He's a-' "Oh come off it Herm.YOu're ony pissed he's Helena's father."he growled glaring at the woman sighing softly as she started screaming. Settling down in a seat. It was easier sometimes, to just let her scream herself hoarse.
Draco was stunned to say the least, he was Helena's Father!? He'd had sex with Lance's girlfriend!? It was no wonder why Lance hated him! He slipped out of bed, feeling so terrible about himself, how could he be such a horrible person!? He wrote a quick letter, apologizing to Lance for being such a deplorable person, and promising to never bother him or Helena again and that he was sorry. He placed a silencing spell up over Helena's room so she wouldn't hear the fight, and told her gently to stay in her room until Lance came to get her. He brushed her hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead good bye and helped her to get dressed before he vanished from the house, heading to the only other person he knew, Harry.
By the time Lance had gotten Hermione out of the house he was annoyed and grouchy, and in no mood to go to the zoo. Smiling a little when he headed upstairs, paling a little when he read Draco's letter, gathering a excited helena up in his arms. Smiling bravely as she rambled on about animals and the things they were going to see, giggling happily as they flooed to Harry's, hoping that the blond had gone there."Potter?!Is he here?!"Lance said looking anxously around the house.
Harry looked over at Lance with horror in his eyes and a wild look in his eyes. “Helena darling, why don't you go play in the back yard love?” he asked smiling, knowing she would because she loved his massive great Dane who was always in the back yard because he chewed on the furniture. As soon as she was gone Harry turned to Lance with an almost accusing glare. “how could you not tell me what that whore did Lance!? With DRACO!?” he demanded his voice high pitched with fury and concern. “Draco's upstairs.” he finally admitted jerking his thumb towards the stairs. “he's tucked himself in my closet and he won't come out... I want that fucker out off my house.” he growled. “i knew he was a bastard but I never imagined he'd be capable of something so goddamn VILE!” he complained pinching the bridge of his nose. “god I need a drink...”
Lance stared at him, his head aching for a moment, and his best friend yelling at him for something that he had tried to keep from him for years set him off. He hadn't told him because not only did Draco not know what happened and lance thought it was better for him to not know, but because Harry had been hermione's friend and he hadn't wanted to make the man choose who to be with. But getting yelled at and worry-yes worry not that he'd ever admit it- for the blond in the closet set off his temper."What HE did?!What HE Did?!Oh bloody fucking hell. HERMIONE drugged him!Draco doesn't know he slept with her....Didn't remember even before he lost his memory. He's a bastard but she's a bitch. She was pissed that I was spending more time with him at work then her at home. So she seduced the one man she thought I couldnt stand to know she touched. Instead she FUCKED UP and got pregnant. THEN didn't tell me until Helena was born. And I saw that she had malfoy eyes instead of mine or Hermione's. So yes, I hid the truth, YES I didn't tell anyone because I loved her. I loved the child, and I was afraid he would take her but despise her for what her mother did. So yes I hid everything because I wanted her!"
Harry looked shocked at Lance, his eyes wide in astonishment at being yelled at before he sighed softly. “i'm sorry Lance... I didn't mean to yell at you..” he muttered softly, closing his eyes a little as he shook his head. “i can't believe Hermione could be capable of such a... of...” he realized suddenly that Draco had, in effect been raped, aware of it or not. Hermione had RAPED Draco... and the poor blond had never even known it. “... Lance... we can't let Helena live with her if she's capable of things like that.... it's not safe for Helen, physically or mentally...” he paused then. “we should probably tell Draco he didn't willingly sleep with her, he's completely guilt ridden...” Harry was NOT looking forward to that conversation, but at least Draco wasn't about to fly into a fury and take Hermione to court for control of Helena's life with him being the way he was right now. Had Draco found out when he had all of his memories he would have taken Helena away from Hermione without even questioning it, though he would have let Lance do most of the raising. Draco was cruel, but he wasn't cruel enough to harm innocents in his revenges. 'it's a good thing Draco doesn't remember he's evil.” harry muttered with a grimace.
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