
Lance laughed softly at the words before slumping down onto the couch, looking weary and tired."I'm sorry to."He sighed closing his eyes briefly before looking at harry."I know harry.But the only way I could protect her was to leave Helena with her, because she grew violent towards both of us when I tried to take her when she was a baby."He said biting his lip, hating this.Hating because he'd been so scared of losing her that he hadn't approached Draco for help. He knew the man, knew what drove him, and he hated himself for not trusting his rational mind in considering what Draco would do over what his heart had feared the man would do."I'll go talk to him."He said shoving up off the couch and heading for the stairs to go talk to Draco.
Harry smiled as he leaned against Lance, simply offering the man silent comfort. “Draco will be relieved.” he promised softly. “and when he gets his memories back, he'll understand.” he promised softly, kissing Lance's forehead and offering him a small smile. “everything will be ok.” he promised softly heading out to amuse Helena, though his giant dog was doing that for him. As soon as Lance walked into the room, the closet door closed, Draco locking himself in again, clearly thinking it was Harry coming to try and kick him out again. But Draco didn't know where else to go, he didn't know how to get to his father and he was sure he didn't have any other friends. He sure as hell wasn't going to go talk to Lance's ex. “i'm not leaving!” Draco complained. “i'm just going to sit in your closet until I rot and DIE.” so over dramatic.
"Oh bloody hell.Even amensic you're a drama queen."Lance scowled, annoyed that even not there, hermione was managing to ruin his day. Shaking his head he crouched down,muttering a locking charm and pushing it open just enough to crawl in next to the blond shutting the door again. Not saying anything as the two adults sat in the dark for a few minutes."Okay, you're not going to die, and I'm not goign to kill you. Draco, I hadn't meant for you to find out like this."He said sounding so sad about that.
Draco let out a terrified little squeak when he heard Lance and tucked himself deeper into the closet, biting his lip. Ever since he'd been two, when he'd been upset Draco had crawled into a closet. It was dark and quiet and it made him feel safe. He shivered when the lock was undone and he bit his lip as lance came in and sat down, staring at his knees. “...” Draco wasn't so sure Lance wasn't going to kill him, but he blinked at the other. “i would have remembered sooner or later...” he whispered softly. “i'm so sorry Lance.. I knew I was a terrible person I just... I didn't know I was THAT bad...” he admitted softly, staring at his knees again, wincing as Harry walked in opened the door, handed Lance two cups and then vanished without a word. Harry's infamous hot chocolate, it could make anyone feel better. And even more it was one of Draco's favorites, Harry's silent way of forgiving Draco, who was staring at the cups with astonishment and a watering mouth.
Lance laughed quietly handing the cup to him."You love harry's hot chocolate."He teased before sighing sipping his drink."Draco...Hermione..."He stopped because he had no idea how to explain. How to reason with the other."She drugged you. You had no memory of it even before you forgot everything."He sniffled a little so upset at making the other upset that he was actually crying."It was to much, and he was scared, so scared that Draco would take Helena away."She meant to get revenge on me for not paying attention to her....then she got pregnant..."he stopped shuddering a little, staring down at his cup."Draco, I love her. With every breath I breath, I love helena."He stopped because he had no idea how to beg the other not to take his girl.
Draco sniffed at it, half wondering if it was poisoned, but he knew better than that, Harry wasn't the sort. He took a swallow and shuddered at the taste, it was so sweet and hot and chocolaty that Draco just wanted to MELT. He froze when Lance mentioned Hermione and he closed his eyes, slumping in shame before pausing. “i... she... drugged me?” he asked softly, blinking in astonishment. “i.. didn't know?” he sounded so relieved. “so she raped me... it wasn't my fault...” he sighed, relieved, so relieved that it wasn't his fault as he set his cup down and grabbed Lance, pulling him tight to him, a tight comforting hug. “shh.” he whispered softly, stroking the others hair. “Helena belongs with you, your the one who's been raising her all this time.” he murmured softly. “but... I can't let this Hermione get away with what she's done Lance... it's not safe for Helena there... I am taking Helena away from Hermione, any court will rule in my favor.” he admitted smiling at Lance softly. “once I have her away from Hermione, I'll let you fully adopt her. She'll be yours.” just like he would have done with his memories... well, after hours to a full day of screaming ranting and getting so drunk he couldn't even walk. This calm Draco was so much better.
Lance smiled relieved as he started at finding himself being hugged, before leaning into the other. Resting his head on the other's shoulder he sighed quietly. " I know...I've always known it wasn't safe for her to stay. But...I couldn't take her away, not without being called a hypocrite for stealing her."He muttered swallowing hard, because he knew he would have buckled the minute any court threatened to take her and give her to her real father instead of letting him have Helena."I know...I know I should have told you. I just..."He trailed off, because it hurt so badly that he hadn't trusted the blond to do the right thing."We'll get her out of there..."He muttered slumping suddenly as he realized that all the stress was gone. At least the stress of hiding from draco.
Draco smiled as he stroked Lance's hair, gently kissing his forehead. “you where scared.” he whispered softly. “you where scared I was going to take Helena.” he smiled. “any normal sane person would have.” he admitted softly before offering the other his hot chocolate. “do you want some more?” he offered softly, his head tilted, not sure how to make the other feel better. “i wish I could remember.. do I have good lawyers?” he asked his head tilted. He had even better, he was practically a lawyer himself, and he had access to the best in the business. “we'll have to get DNA evidence.. Helena will have to give up some blood.” he admitted biting his lip. “we'll have to get the Aurors involved...” he paused, startled that he knew what the Auror's where. “they'll keep Helena, and us, safe until the court date. We'll have to have her see a psychologist... Hermione's been filling her head with all sorts of things, a therapist will not only be able to document this, but will also be able to help Helena recover.”
Lance laughed a little as he straightened. Answering things in the order he had been asked."Your father is the best lawyer practicing law."He laughed quietly looking amused."And Aurors..we own the best auror business in the country, and harry works for us. If the judge wont let her stay with you, he will allow her godfather to keep her."He smiled a little biting his lip nodding."Yes. We do need to see someone. I've been taking her sometimes, when I could.But hermione always found out."He shuddered a little remembering those fights."But Luna is the best in the business, and Helena loves her auntie Luna. We'll see her on monday. Today....I think we should still go to the zoo. While we're not really in the mood, it'll do Helena good ot have something....and I promised. And I don't break promises to Helena."He said smiing a little.
Draco smiled a little and nodded. “that's perfect! I'll let you handle most of the details, I don't want to do anything wrong.” he admitted sheepishly at the other before nodding. “good, if Luna has past records that can be very helpful too.” he agreed smiling a little as he nodded. “we're going to the Zoo?” he asked his head tilted. “i think I like the Zoo.” he admitted pondering a little as he tilted his head a little. “hmm...” he muttered calmly. “i wonder if Harry is still pissed at me?” he mused smiling a little as he got to his feet and headed out the closet door, hesitating as he looked at Lance. “... am I gay?” he asked softly, wondering about himself. In all reality, no one knew but Draco what his gender preference was because he never flirted, never smiled, and never acted kindly towards anyone. The only thing they had to go on was his relationship with Ced, and that was more a 'two boys being curious' thing than an actual relationship, though Ced had been the only true friend Draco had ever had.
Lance nearly killed himself at the question as he choked on the hot chocolate he was still drinking. Coughing he looked over at the blond."Yes we're going to the zoo. No harry gave you hot chocolate, that's forgiveness. And I don't know. You don't...the closest you get to flirting is with me, and that's barbed insults and annoying paper footballs aimed at the other."He snickered a little because it was true. They shared a office, though their desks were against the opposite walls, and spent some of each day flicking paper footballs at each other to get paperwork across. Along with magical paper airplanes....yes, they were that junvenile."Dammit Draco, you nearly killed me with that question."He coughed again as he climbed out of the closet heading for the door.
Draco blinked at the other as he started choking and coughing, his head tilted a little. “we flick paper footballs at each other?” he asked looking amused. “interesting.” he muttered before beaming at Lance. “then you really are my best friend.” he decided giving him a careful kiss on the cheek before he skipped down the stairs. “Harry! Lance Helena and I are going to the Zoo, you can't come with because your creepy and a bad influence!” Harry just about fell over at the playful insult before he started to laugh. “ME!? The bad influence!? I think not you annoying blond prat!” he grimaced when, of course, Helena asked him what a prat was. “go ask your father.” both Draco and harry chorused.
"Papa?!"Helena demanded running over to look at him, tugging on hs pan leg."Its a nice person.If litle forgetful."He said rubbing his chest as if to free his chest of the pain of laughing at being called draco's best friend. what was disturbing though, was he wasn't sure if it wasn't true."Come on poter, you're going to the zoo.You promised."He teased grinning as he scooped up helena cuddling her before looking at draco,biting his lip a little. Looking so relieved that he was going to get to keep her.
Harry laughed and nodded, looking amused. “of course I'm going with! I'm uncle harry the great spoiler! I have to load her up with sugar and toys and send her back home to you wild and out of control.” most of the toys in Helena's room where actually from Harry, not that Hermione knew that. Draco chuckled as he watched Helena, his head tilted. “i can have her... one day a week maybe?” Draco asked, looking at Lance. “i... I want to be a part of her life too.” he admitted softly, looking ashamed. “i know I have no real rights to her... but... in just the day that I've known her..” he smiled. “i want to be a good uncle to her, you know?” he admitted as he watched Harry swing Helena up to his shoulders and run her around. “... I think... I was always afraid to have children of my own.” he admitted softly. “i think it's good your her father, instead of me.” he admitted smiling a little as he leaned into Lance. “i hope you realize, I'm going to spoil her even more than harry does right?”
Lance groaned looking startled as he looked at the blond."I...I had hought you'd want her with you all the time. OF course you can have a day. And more. Seeing as your living with me for the moment."He teased so relieved at having his daughter still in his life, that he wasn't concerned about having the blond in her life.Groaning as he head Draco's words, whining quietly."No spoiling. It's bad enough as it is."He whined looking amused
he smiled a little and shook his head. “no.. I.. I'm not her father Lance and I probobly never will be.. I'm just... not that good with kids...” he admitted grimacing a little. “i don't think so anyway.” he admitted smiling a little. “once a week will probably be all she can handle of me anyway... and maybe when she's older we might tll her the truth... but for now, your the only father she will ever need.” he promised smiling at Lance before leaning over and gently kissing him on the cheek. “besides, I won't spoil her TOO badly.” he taunted, skipping away. “come on! I wish to see the DRAGONS!”
Lancce laughed rolling his eyes as they gathered up harry and helena.. Yea this was going to great.

That night Lance grinned as Helena climbed up in his lap."Papa!The dragons were so BIG!And loud!Did you hear that one roar?It sounded like uncle Draco!" "Oh now did it?"Lance snickered smirking at the tired looking blond sitting on the other end of teh couch. "Yes!He roars loudly!" "He does."He said seriously. "Papa, is he a dragon?"She said looking wide eyed. "why don't you ask him?"lance snickered as helena srambled off his stomach and over to Draco, damn near jumping on him."Unlce Draco?Are you a dragon?"She asked looking at him seriously, for a moment looking like draco when he was younger.
Draco was half asleep on the other side of the couch, keeping up with Helena had proven more challenging than he had thought and he was plum tuckered. He chuckled as she went on about how he was a Dragon. Perhaps engaging in a roaring contest with the Dragons had been a bad idea ofter all. “of course I'm a dragon.” he growled at her playfully. “but I am a very tired and very tame Dragon.” he teased tweaking her nose. Completely missing the fact that she looked just like him, smiling at her. “aren't you tired at all little one? I think your just a little wand, you never run out of energy.” he teased glancing at Lance. 'I thought children where supposed to sleep a lot?”
"Oh she'll sleep alot tomorrow. You and potter just gave her to much sugar."He snickered amused because Draco's roaring contest with the dragon had been adorable as it had been fooluiish. Ruffling Helena's hair as he scooped up the girl he kissed her head."Say goodnight Helena. Time for bed."He said heading for the stairs."Goodnight uncle Draco!Goodnight!" About ten minutes later lance walked downstairs looking amused as he looked at hte blond dozing on the couch."A very tame dragon, are you?I don't think you've ever been tame in your life."He teased holding out a hand."Come on Draco.Time for bed for a sleepy dragon."He teased
he smiled a little. “i did give her a lot of sugar.” he agreed chuckling a little. “i can't help it, she's got those pretty eyes and then her lip quivers I just have to give it to her!” he complained smiling a little as he watched her run upstairs to go to bed. He just dozed on the couch until Lance came back down. “mmm maybe only half tame.” he mumbled softly before blinking at the hand and whined, but allowed the other to help him to his feet and up the stairs. “g, night Lance.” he mumbled, kissing the other, full on the lips before he snuggled into the other and fell asleep, completely unaware as of yet of what he had done.
LAnce stared at the blond, before sighing. Oh yea, this was going to be interesting. Snuggling down into the blond he drifted to sleep.

But first thing in the morning, after leaving a note for draco to just get helena breakfast if she wanted something, or wait until he got home, Lance was at Harry's, looking a little shell shocked."Harry!"He said pouncing on the brunette who was still in bed. Straddling his waist as he looked down at his friend and sometimes lover if they were both in a fairly lonely mood. But, alas, at the moment he wasn't there to get laid, but to fret about a kiss."Harry!He kissed me!"
Harry groaned as he was woken up, blinking at the man. “'s to early for sex.” he complained before blinking a little. “... who kissed you... Draco?” he asked looking confused. “i didn't know Draco was gay.” he admitted rubbing his eyes. “well, it would explain a lot, you know he was always a little bit more scathing towards you. If he liked you then he would be more desperate to make you hate him.” he admitted slipping out of bed, as naked as always. If Harry was home alone, he was usually naked until at least two in the afternoon. “so, what are you going to do about it?”
Lance groaned as he rolled to the side, a leg still resting over Harry's hip, to lazy to move to far,"I don't know!"He grumbled."I like him as he is, but dammit harry, he's going to remember sometie that he can't stand me. We've always hated each other. I think we started hating each other as toddlers."He whined quietly. "I came here so you'd tell me what to do!What should I do?"
Harry chuckled a little. “Draco never hated you and you know it.” he stated simply. “he was hateful towards you so you would never realize what he felt about you.” he stated simply “i'm an Auror remember? I'm trained to see these things. If you like him, then isn't that enough? F you show how much you care about him, take it slow and gentle, then when Draco regains his memories he'll remember how nice you where, and how good it felt to love someone again, and he'll start relaxing again, like when he was a child.” or Draco was going to off the deep end, scream himself hoarse and hang himself in the office with his own tie. But Harry liked to think positively.
"You do realize he's more liable to try to strangle me with his tie right?"Lance sighed before grumbling, realizing that harry was right. And that always put him in a bad mood, having to eadmit his friend was right. Sitting up he smiled a little."I better get back to draco and helena. He's probably frantic trying to figure out what she'd want for breakfast."He said snickering having the mental image of father and daughter, helena calmly telling the blond what she wanted and him fretting over what and how to make it.
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