Slither Like a Snake (MissBubbles and Krys Snape)

Krys got up and moved towards Lexi on the bed. She got on her knees as well so that her and Lexi were face to face and placed her hands on Lexi's hips and kissed her softly on the lips. Krys pulled Lexi down on top of her and continued to kiss her.
Lexi climbed on top of Krys and kissed her back deeply. Nipping at her bottom lip her hands slid under shirt. "Are we gonna sleep in here tonight." Lexi kissed to krys's neck and nipped at her skin.
Krys let a soft moan escape her lips as Lexi bit at her bottom lip and let her hands travel underneath her shirt, "If you want to sleep in here we can or we can go sleep in my bed" ,Krys told her. She looked up into Lexi's eyes and bit her lip, "It's up to you".
"Let's go sleep in your room." Lexi smiled and leaned in kissing Krys's lips again. "You're cute when you bite your lip like that." Her hand slid up to her breast and squeezed it gently. Lexi was beginning to really like hogwarts.
"Ok let's go to my room then" ,Krys was one of the few students at Hogwarts that was allowed their own room mainly because her father was a professor. She lead Lexi to her room and opened the door, The handle had a snake on it. When they got inside Krys shut the door behind them and looked around her trunk was already there. She put her back pack down beside the bed, "It's not much but it's ok" ,she said as she laid on the bed.
Lexi followed Krys to her room and smiled when they got there. "At least you have your own room." Walking over she climbed into bed onto of Krys and smiled down at her. "I'm sleeping with you in here from now on" she leaned down and kissed krys's lips. "That is if you want me", she giggled as she spoke.
"Of course I want you to why wouldn't I"? Krys giggled back and kissed Lexi deeply while running her hand over her ass. "If you're not careful I'm gonna want to fuck you again then we won't get any sleep and we'll be all tired in class tomorrow" ,Krys teased after breaking away from the kiss.
"Being a good girl is not something I'm capable of", Lexi laughed. Pulling away Lexi moved to lay next to Krys. "I guess I can try and be good but no promises", as she finished speaking she leaned in and nipped her ear.
Krys laughed at what Lexi said, "Don't worry I'm never good being bad is just so much more fun" ,Krys said as she pulled Lexi closer to her and covered them with the blankets. She kissed Lexi again and smiled when she pulled away. "So are you ready for a full day of classes tomorrow, don't worry though as soon as we're all done with classes and we come back up here I'll relieve any tension you have afterwards".
Lexi cuddled up next to Krys. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be. I wish I didn't have to lie about who I am though." she kissed her neck softly and pulled her close. "I'm sure that I'll have lots of tension" she laughed a little as she spoke.
Krys held Lexi close until they both fell asleep. When they woke up Draco was standing over Krys with a huge smirk on his face. "Good morning Draco" ,Krys said half awake. "Why are you so happy"? Draco looked at her with an excited expression, "Guess who's got the quidditch pitch booked this morning"? he said. Krys looked at him confused before it registered, "Nice so I guess we have a free period first today" ,Krys said. She turned over to wake up Lexi to tell her and so that they can head down to the great hall for breakfast.
Lexi was cuddled up next to Krys the whole night . When morning came Lexi overheard Draco's voice and rolled over covering her head. She was no where near ready to wake up yet.
"Lexi c'mon we gotta get going" ,Krys said shaking her gently. "We got a free period after breakfast". Krys looked over at Draco, "I don't think she's a morning person".
Lexi finally uncovered her head to look over at them and smiled, "No I am not a morning person at all." She sat up and stetched her arms over her head. "We do? So what are gonna do with our free time?"
Draco and Krys looked at each other then back at Lexi and smiled, "Quidditch practice" ,they both said at the same time. It was no secret around Hogwarts that Krys and Draco loved quidditch it was one of the few things that allowed them to have fun and not be so grown up all the time. "Want to come watch"? again they both talked at the same time.
Lexi laughed when they spoke in unison. "Sure I'll come watch and cheer you both on in the stands." Lexi got up from bed and almost tripped out of it. She was still a bit half asleep. "I'm hungry."
Krys grabbed Lexi before she fell, "Easy there" ,she said before giving Lexi a kiss. "Let's get dressed and go get some breakfast". Krys got dressed and waited for Lexi. Draco was already dressed he must've gotten dressed before coming to wake them up.
She kissed her back, "I'm a bit clumsy sometimes but I'm ok." Lexi walked past Draco and smacked his ass, "You look cute today." Getting together her clothes from the night before she turned back to Krys. "I have to go to my room to get dressed and then I can meet you two at breakfast ok?"
Krys laughed when Lexi smacked Draco's ass, "Maybe later he can smack yours" ,Krys teased and Draco bit his lip at the thought of it. "We'll meet you down at breakfast hun" ,Krys told her before the two left the room. Krys and Draco made their way to the great hall and sat at the Slytherin table and talked about quidditch while they waited for Lexi to join them.
Lexi winked at Draco, "Maybe." She left and headed to her room to get ready for the day. About 10 minutes after they got to the great hall Lexi walked in with Blaize on her arm. She smiled and parted ways with him and sat down across from Krys and Draco. "Did you guys miss me?"
Draco and Krys both gave Blaise a nasty look as he walked in with Lexi on his arm. When she sat down and asked if they missed her they both nodded yes without saying anything. Krys and Draco made their plates and began eating their food and when Pansy came in Krys motioned for her to come sit down next to her.
Lexi laughed a little when she saw the look Draco and Krys gave Blaise when they walked in. "Do you guys not like him? He asked me on a date for tomorrow night." She started to eat and looked up to see Pansy, "Well hello sleepy head we never got to play." Lexi smiled at Pansy before returning to her plate of food.
"A date"? both Draco and Krys asked. The two could get possessive when they liked someone and they definatly liked Lexi. "No we like him there's no problem" ,Krys said with a tone of bitterness. Draco leaned into Krys and whispered something in her ear so that no one but Krys could hear it. Krys had an evil smirk on her face when Draco was finished talking and the two eyed Blaise dangerously. "So are you gonna go"? the two asked.
"I don't know", she said shrugging her shoulders. Lexi could tell by Krys's tone she didn't like the idea but she honestly wasn't that worried about Blaise and dating him. After finishing her plate Lexi looked over the other tables. She was looking for one person in particular. "Who is Harry Potter?" She knew all about him and that her father needed to kill him but she had never seen him in person and she was quite curious.
Krys and Draco were expecting her to say no so her response aggravated them further. When Lexi asked who Harry Potter was Krys pointed to a boy at the Gryffindor table with brown hair and glasses. "That's him right over there" ,Krys stood up and so did Draco. "We're going to practice". Pansy got up and followed them like a puppy dog following their owner.
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