Slither Like a Snake (MissBubbles and Krys Snape)

"What's going on? It's like you don't want to be around me anymore. You know your not the only one who has alot going on right now and your like my best friend but every time I come around you leave." Lexi was starting to get angry, she had no idea why Krys was acting this way towards her.
Krys looked at Lexi confused when she snapped at her, "Sorry I just figured you wanted to be alone with your boyfriend" ,Krys snapped back. "And believe me I know I'm not the only one with shit going on ok I never fucking said that" ,Krys was upset with the sudden attitude she felt as if Lexi was calling her selfish. She got up and changed into a pair of jeans and threw her work boots on, she grabbed her black hoodie and left the room slamming the door behind her. Krys made her way out to the grounds and sat down by the lake and looked up at the sky, her nerves were shot and she felt like screaming.
Lexi stood in her room for a moment completely shocked. She couldn't believe what she was saying. After a moment she rushed off after her. Finding her by the lake she walked over to her side, "Draco is not my boyfriend he just doesnt ignore me like you do." Lexi's eyes were watering by this point and all she wanted was for Krys to talk to her. She more then anything wanted to talk about what the deatheater told her but she couldn't right now.
Krys heard footsteps behind her and turned around and seen Lexi coming towards her. "I only ignored you guys because I felt out of place, you two just seemed more close lately and I thought you two were going out" ,Krys told her. "Sorry I was mistaken". Krys put her arm around Lexi's waist something she hadn't done in a while, "So what's on your mind, I can tell something's wrong".
Lexi turned to hug Krys and wrapped her arms around her neck. "I'm just scared." She wanted to say more but she just didn't know if she should. She couldnt stop herself and she began to cry. It was overwhelming everything that was going on. Everything was getting out of hand so quickly and there was nothing Lexi could do to stop it.
Krys pulled Lexi in when she started to cry, "I'm scared too" ,Krys admitted quietly, she held Lexi close and began to cry herself something that was rare. "We just have to stick together ok".
Lexi smiled and nodded before wiping her eyes. "I have stuff I have to take care of and I need to talk to you about it. But I was told not to tell anyone or something really bad could happen to me." She wanted to tell her badly what was hanging heavy on her chest. She wished more then anything that they just never told her.
Krys nodded and looked down into Lexi's eyes, "Come on let's go back to my room and we can talk in private ok" ,Krys suggested, if what Lexi wanted to tell Krys was a secret then Krys didn't want anyone prying. If the two went back to Krys' room she can put a silencing charm on the entire room and lock the door so there would be no chance of anyone listening in.
Lexi smiled at her and walked back to her room by Krys's side. She walked quietly unsure of how she would explain that Harry Potter might soon want to kill her. It was completely confusing to her so how was she going to explain it to anyone else. Lexi sat down on the bed when they got to Krys's room trying to figure out where to start.
Krys shut the door and locked it behind her, she cast the silencing charm on the room then joined Lexi on the bed. Krys pulled her into a hug and held her close, "Talk to me, tell me what's going on".
Lexi looked up at Krys, "Apparently I'm some how connected with my father and soon every Harry Potter follower is going to want to kill me so that they can kill my father", Lexi spoke quickly and didnt exhale until she finished her sentence. She looked away and it felt like it hit her harder then it had before.
Krys' eyes widened and she held Lexi tighter, "We need to get you to safety, if anyone comes near you I'll fucking kill them" ,Krys looked into Lexi's eyes with sincerity, "I promise I won't let anything happen to you, I was told to protect you and that's what I'll do".
"They said for now to stay put," Lexi looked down," They seem to think theres a way to make sure Harry would never hurt me." She looked back up at Krys," They think if I could make him fall for me, maybe when he finally finds out he wouldn't do me any harm." She thought the idea was crazy.
Krys sighed, "Then I guess you'll have to make him love you" ,Krys said as she stood up and started to pace around the room. She liked Lexi and knowing she could never actually be with her killed. "We have to do what's best right"?
"How the hell am I supposed to do that? He hates me as of right now and thinks I'm a cold hearted bitch and thats an actual quote." Lexi laughed a little at the thought. She had no clue how she would make Harry love her let alone like her. "I guess I could try and be nice to him," she said with a half smile thinking thats a complete joke.
"Yeah I mean it's worth a shot, you'd have to shy away from me and Draco though" ,Krys said in a depressed tone. She sat back down on the bed then laid back on her pillow. "Starting tomorrow you'll have to be nice to the guy".
"Only if you promise that I can spend the nights with you and have you all to myself." Lexi got into bed Krys pushing her back gently. Her lips pressed against hers as she climbed over her.
"As long as nobody finds out and blows your cover" ,Krys told her. When Lexi kissed Krys she got chills, she had almost forgotten how good the girl kissed it had been so long. Krys wrapped her arms around Lexi and returned the kiss.
"We will be very, very discreet." Lexi tugged at her lip with her teeth as her hands slid under Krys's shirt. "I missed you," she whispered as her lips moved to her ear. She missed Krys more then she would ever admit. Pushing her shirt up Lexi pulled away to pull it over Krys's head. "I think we both need a little fun dont you?"
Krys' heart raced as Lexi touched her, she hadn't done anything sexual in months not wanting anyone else other then Lexi even Pansy didn't get any from Krys. She allowed Lexi to take her shirt off then laid back down and kissed Lexi again, "If you want to I'm ok with a little fun" ,Krys said as she let her hands go up Lexi's shirt.
Lexi moaned as Krys touched her. Looking down in her eyes, she spoke with a smile, "Tell me you missed me." She pushed Krys's hands down over her head. "Or did you not miss me at all?"
"Of course I missed you Lexi, how could I not" ,Krys told her. She looked back into Lexi's eyes, "Merlin I've missed you like crazy". Krys leaned up and kissed Lexi again with passion.
Letting her hands go Lexi wrapped her around around Krys and kissed her back deeply. Nibbling on her lip her hips ground down against her. She hadn't been touched by Krys in over a month and no one made her moan like she did.
Krys moaned into the kiss when Lexi ground down on her, she slowly pulled Lexi's shirt off breaking the kiss to get it over her head. Krys took a moment to admire Lexi's beautiful body before running her hands up her stomach then grabbing her breasts softly, "You're so beautiful Lexi" ,Krys whispered as her breathing became heavier.
"I need you Krys", Lexi moaned at when her hands slid over her stomach and breasts. Reachin down her hands started to undo Krys's jeans. She wanted to touch more of Krys. Her hands moved quickly and she lifted up to push them down. "I wanna make you cum for me." She smiled looking down in her eyes.
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