Slither Like a Snake (MissBubbles and Krys Snape)

When Krys knew she had made Lexi climax she stood up and kissed her. She didn't remove her fingers yet she still wanted to feel Lexi, "Fuck classes let's go back to my room" ,Krys said in her ear. "I want you right fucking now". Krys moved her fingers in and out of Lexi as she whispered in her ear. "I'll pretend I'm sick and my father will bring our assignments to us".
Lexi kissed her back passionately and wrapped her arms around Krys's neck. "Its my first day, I can't not show up." She laughed a little and nipped at Krys's lip. "You can have me right after class. I promise." She moaned softly as her fingers moved inside her. Lexi was still breathing a bit hard from cumming and kissed to her ear. "Plus I have to find Blaise and agree to our date remember."
"Fuck you're right, after class though we need to finish what we started in here" ,Krys growled into her ear. "You have no idea how bad I want you". Krys pulled her fingers out and looked at her watch, "We have about 15 minutes to get to class, it's defense against the dark arts" ,Krys put her arm around Lexi, "It's time for you meet my father".
Lexi smiled when Krys growled against her ear. "I can't wait." Heading to class with Krys she leaned over and nipped at Krys's ear. Lexi was more then excited to finally meet Krys's father after all she heard about him.
"Morning dad" ,Krys said as they walked into the classroom and sat down. Snape turned around and looked at Krys and the other three. "Surprisingly you're one of the first one's here Krys" ,he said in his normal cold tone. Krys leaned back and smiled, "Yes father I believe I've grown up over the summer" ,Krys replied sarcastically. Snape just turned back around and gave her a 'yeah right' expression then returned to writing on the board. Pansy was giggling quietly at the way Krys and her father joked back and forth no other students in the school ever seen Professor Snape joke around with a student other then the Slytherins. When the rest of the class came piling in Blaise looked over at Krys and Draco and gave them a nasty look. Krys wanted to punch him so bad but remembered what Lexi had said. Crabbe who usually sat with Krys and Draco's group sat next to Blaise and gave Draco the finger, Krys looked over at him with an 'oh' look on her face, "Well fuck you too fat shit" ,she said out loud making her father turn around and give her a stern look. Krys sat back in her chair and kept quiet for the moment.
Lexi followed Krys in and laughed a little at that way her and her father talked to one another. She was pretty sure her father would never be that way with her. Looking up Lexi saw Blaise walk into the room. Smiling at Krys, Lexi got up and headed over to Blaise. The boy next to him moved as she approached and she sat down. "I was hoping you were still going to take me out tonight", Lexi whispered softly against his ear.
Krys smirked when she seen Lexi walk over to Blaise knowing what she was doing. Krys turned her attention to her father who was telling all the students to take notes. Krys and Draco wrote down everything that was written on the board. When class was over Krys and Draco walked out together and waited by the door for Lexi to come out.
Lexi sat next to Blaise in class who tried to feel her up the whole time. Once class was over she walked out and was followed by Blaise who smacked her ass, "I'll see you tonight then Lexi," he smiled at her walking past completely ignoring Krys and Draco. Lexi looked over at Krys and made her way to her side. "Did you miss me for that little bit of time", she said giggling.
Krys gritted her teeth and balled her fists when she seen Blaise smack Lexi's ass, "I can't wait to get my hands on that bastard" ,Krys said angrily. "Of course I missed you" ,Krys said turning her attention to Lexi.
Lexi couldnt help but smile at her. "Your so cute all angry", Leaning in she kissed Krys's ear before whispering against it," He's going to meet me in the common room at 10 after everyone has gone to sleep." She pulled away and smiled. "I made sure it was late when no one would be around."
"You're the greatest have I mentioned that" ,Krys said as she put her arm around Lexi's shoulder. "So I guess I'll stick it out for the rest of the day, let's get to Transfiguration McGonagall hates when I'm late".
"No you have not", she smiled over at Krys before leaning in and nipping her ear. She leaned against her when she wrapped her arm around her. "Well we definitely can't be late then", she laughed a little as she spoke.
When they got to Transfiguration McGonagall looked at Krys and seemed as if she were about to faint, "Miss Snape you're here early"! The professor said in shock. Krys took her seat in the back with Draco where they usually sat and took out her parchment, quill and ink. She watched as the rest of the students walked into the classroom, Crabbe looked over and gave her a nasty look and she did her best to keep her mouth shut. "What the fuck is his problem"? Krys whispered to Draco. "I dunno he's been hanging around Blaise a lot lately" ,Draco whispered back. "Oh so I guess he's just mad because I almost took his boyfriend's head off then" ,Krys said laughing, "Fucking dick head". Draco laughed quietly with Krys and the two watched as McGonagall wrote the notes for class on the board.
(3 Months Later)
Lexi made her way to the great hall for breakfast in deep thought, she had alot on her mind. Over the 3 months she had been at Hogwarts she was waiting on word from her father. Just the night before she had a visit from a death eater who gave her some information. She was told not to tell anyone but she knew she would tell Krys immediately. Usually not afraid of anything, Lexi was more then terrified after hearing what the deatheater had to say. As she walked into the great hall she saw her friends at the table. Pansy was sitting next to Krys and had her hands all over her. Lexi tried to pretend that it didn't bother her but as the weeks passed it was starting to infuriate her. Making her way over to the table, Lexi sat down next to Draco. "You guys could have waited for me in the common room" she spoke with a smile.
Krys kept pushing Pansy away as the girl tried to maul her in the great hall, "Pansy.....stop" ,Krys snapped making Pansy give her a dirty look. Krys didn't really care though, she didn't feel the same way about Pansy anymore, there was never anything really there to begin with. When Lexi smiled it made Krys smile, "Sorry love I was hungry I was out pretty late last night" ,Krys told her. She had been sent on a mission alone and it took her all night to finish it, mainly because she had to continually torture someone for information. "I fucking hate the fighters, there's only so much I can do to a person before I kill them". Krys had dark circles under her eyes and a gash in her left leg from it getting caught on something while she was in the junk yard torturing a man for info on a certain person's whereabouts. "Pansy....STOP.....for fuck's sake I'm tired and not in the mood" ,Krys snapped again when Pansy ran her hand over the crotch of her pants. Krys stood up and stormed off, she had been a little on edge for a few days and little things were starting to get to her. She leaned against the wall just outside the great hall and tried to avoid people, unfortunately she wasn't so lucky. Krys and Crabbe were still going at it, almost everyday one of them would shoot a nasty comment at the other, normally Krys just ignored it but today she just wasn't in the mood for his shit. "Morning dyke" ,he sneered as he walked by her. Krys looked up then grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him into the stone wall, when he went to reach for his wand Krys grabbed his hand and twisted his arm making him whine in pain, "Listen mother fucker I'm not in the mood for your shit so piss off" ,Krys snapped twisting his arm behind his back. She then pushed him through the doors of the great hall and threw him on the floor in front of everyone. Blaise got up from his seat and began to walk over to Krys, she turned to look at him, "What the fuck are you going to do? Go sit the fuck down" ,Krys snapped. The two Slytherins got into each others faces and started arguing back and forth, Krys cocked her arm back ready to knock the guy out but was grabbed before her fist could meet his face. "Enough Krys" ,Snape's voice came from behind her. Krys sighed then looked at Blaise again, "Wait until I see you alone bitch" ,Krys threatened. "KRYS"! Snape hissed as he dragged her by the arm out of the great hall. "Dad I'm so sick of that guy's bullshit both of them" ,Krys was pissed off, she was a mix of emotions and she hated it, she really didn't need the bullshit from anyone.
Lexi was glaring at Pansy as she continued to touch Krys. She was just about to yell at Pansy when Krys yelled and left the great hall. "Can you be anymore annoying Pansy?", Lexi had been on edge since she spoke to the deatheater and she really needed someone to talk to. Looking up she saw Crabbe being thrown through the great hall doors. Krys followed in and Lexi saw Blaise stand up to go defend him. She almost instantly got up but saw Krys's father from behind her. She sat back down knowing that if she said anything it would make the problem worse then it already was. They were all going through alot and had alot going on between the missions and school.
Krys walked off with her father, he decided to have her sit in his classroom until class started. She sat there and looked up at her father, "Dad I apologize for my behavior in the great hall" ,Krys said quietly. He looked at her with a look of sympathy, "It's alright I know you must be stressed with everything you've been doing lately" ,he replied. Krys sighed and leaned back in her chair, she really was stressed and had no release she wasn't the type of person to discuss her feelings with other people so talking to someone was out of the question. After about a half hour students started coming into the classroom, Blaise shit Krys a nasty look then ran his finger across his throat, "What mother fucker! You wanna threaten me bitch let's fucking go right here" ,Krys snapped she was sick of the bullshit. She nearly jumped out of her seat and lunged at him, "KRYS....BLAISE"! Snape yelled making the two turn their attention to him immediately. "Stop this nonsense, Blaise next time you antagonize Krys I'm going to let her have at you and trust me you won't like it, Krys if you hit one more person today I will give you detention for the next week" ,Snape told them. The two sat down and glared at each other from across the room, Krys was on the verge of tears du to the stress and the drama being caused by her fellow classmates.
Lexi watched as Krys walked off, she wanted nothing more then to talk with her. Krys had been busy lately and Lexi had been spending more time with Draco then usual. Finishing breakfast she and Draco made there way to class. When Lexi walked into class Pansy quickly took the seat next to Krys. Draco sat at the table behind Krys and she sat down beside him. Leaning forward, "Are you ok?", Lexi could see that Krys was more upset then usual.
Krys sighed when Pansy sat down beside her, "I'll be fine" ,Krys responded when Lexi asked if she was ok. Krys didn't really want to talk about anything with anyone. The rest of her classes went by slowly she was pretty quiet the whole day, avoiding conversations with people. Krys made her way to her room and took a shower and put on some pajamas, usually she would go out with Draco, Lexi, and Pansy but she just didn't want to do anything right now. Krys was thankful it was Friday and that she didn't have any work to do over the weekend, she planned on locking herself in her room for the weekend.
Lexi could tell that Krys didn't feel like talking so she gave her the space she seemed to want. Later on that night Draco had invited Lexi to hang out with him but she wanted to check on Krys before hand. She was genuinely worried about her. Lexi knocked gently on Krys's door, "Hey it's Lexi, I just wanted to check on you."
Krys had been drawing a picture on a sketch pad when she heard a knock on the door, she got up off her bed and walked over to the door and opened it. "Come in, just lock the door behind you so no one else comes in ok" ,Krys told Lexi quietly. She sat back down on her bed and picked up the sketch pad and continued to draw the picture of a dragon she had started. "How was your day"?
Lexi shut the door and locked it before walking over and sitting down on the bed next to Krys. "Your making me worry about you. You wanna talk about it?" She wished she would just talk to her. Krys was more then just a best friend to Lexi and she was barely talking to her anymore.
Krys sighed then finally spoke, "I'm just so sick of the hold Potter's got on people, I mean last night when I tortured that bloody wizard for information the bastard spit in my fucking face these people are making my job impossible" ,Krys said that wasn't all of it but it didn't help her stress at all. Krys paused for a moment then looked at Lexi, "I almost got put into Azkaban last night as well, after I was done torturing the fucker and got the info I needed I got chased by fucking aurors one of them hit me with a fucking crucio, I was lucky to have been able to apparate somewhere". Krys would never admit it but she was scared of going to prison and she had come damn close.
"Yea that boy is really beginning to get on my nerves. I got some terrifying news last night but I'm not supposed to tell anyone, not even you." Lexi looked over at Krys with worry, things were getting so out of hand so quickly. "You know it's OK to be scared. A lot is going on for all of us so if you ever just want to talk I'm alway here." Lexi got up from the bed. She didn't want to force herself on Krys, no matter how much she wanted to stay with her. "I'm going to hang out with Draco so if you want to come you know where we will be."
Krys nodded when Lexi told her she was going to hang out with Draco. "I dunno if I wanna bother you two, go have fun if you can just bring me back a butterbeer if you don't remember don't worry" ,Krys replied. She noticed the two had been spending a lot of time together and figured they had started going steady as a couple so she kind of shied away from the two a lot more now.
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