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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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"Thank you Nagaharu." Sheila said with awink, she easily put Natsuru on her back and within seconds they were in east wing and closing in on the demon, she also sensed a mermaid.

Darius ran a finger down the mermaids neck making her shiver at his touch. It was cold as death but burning hot like the fires of hell. He licked his lips as he leaned in close.
"I have Physics next, It's the only class I'm good at besides Art." Mizure said with pout-smile. then added "How bout we meet for lunch, I have an extra Bento."

Natsuru was starting to get a little annoyed with all the 'Vamp running', so when Sheila finally let him down he said, "Anata ga sore o teishi shite kudasai suru koto ga dekimasu, sore wa hontōni watashi ni zutsū o ataeru koto ni narudarou!" angrily.
Aiden nodded. "Definitly, It would nice to eat with you, being i missed out on breakfast." He said as his stomach made a noise to second that idea. "Which apparently wasn't the wisest of choices." He said with a light laugh. He hadn't laughed in a while now, and he was smiling again.
"Want a Blow pop, I've got cherry,Grape,Green apple, and Watermelon?" Mizure asked after she heard his stomach growl, While pulling out the last Blueberry one from her bag.
"Are you crazy? You aren't supposed to be eating in gym. What if you trip and choke?" He said as he looked around worried that the teacher was watching as they were being lazy just standing there talking.
"You're right but, I need to have at least 2 a day or I will go crazy!" Mizure said emphasizing on the 'will'. "so, do you want one or not, besides you don't have to eat it now." She added trying to calm him down a little.
Aiden wasn't sure how serious she was about going crazy, and he was sure he didn't want to find out. "I geuss I could have a green apple one." He said, figuring she had a point. He knew he needed to calm down, that danger wasn't all around him anymore.
Mizure smiled, while handing him the one he wanted and said "Koko ni iku." then when she realized what she had said she corrected her self by saying "I mean, Here you go." and laughed nervously thinking 'Man, What's wrong with me The only time I start speaking Japanese is when I'm with my family, or when i'm really happy or nervous, wait am I really that happy right now?'
Aiden had only ever heard English before, so when she spoke Japanese to him he was instantly amazed. "That sounded so cool. What was that?" He said as he kindly took the sucker and threw it into his shirt pocket. The one problem with not being able to wear any kind of pants was that you missed out on the pockets.
"You think Japanese is cool? I usually don't speak it around people I know except my family." Mizure said blushing from embarrassment, then added, nervously "I-i could teach you a little if you want."
"I would love to learn other languages. To be able to talk to anyone at any time. That would be an amazing feeling." he said with excitement he hadn't shown yet. That was hip dream, to travel and be able to speak to everyone.
"The thing is if you want to learn more than just Japanese, you'd have to go to my Cousins Natsuru and Nagaharu. Natsuru can teach you Spanish and Nagaharu can teach you French." Mizure admitted bashfully
An odd look crossed over Sheilas face.
"Are you crazy? Be quiet!" She whisper/shouted, peering around a corner hoping that the demon hadn't heard Natsurus outburst.
"That sounds great, but I think I would rather learn one language at a time. And besides ..." He hesitated for a moment, embarrassed he thought of this. "... I like listening to you speak Japanese." he mumbled the last part as he turned his gaze down to the floor, his face returning to it's red that it has been almost all class.
Darius raised his head slowly like a snake would, looking at the curious blonde.
"Well hello dumplin'." He said, voice like gravel in a blender. Promptly forgetting the mermaid he began walking over.
Natsuru was still mad but did as he was told and kept quiet.

Mizure heard every thing he said and blushing she asked "Nani te iu no ka? (What did you say)" hoping she would hear him say it again
Unsure what she was actually saying, but taking from the mood of the statement that it was a question. So he sighed knowing that she couldn't be making fun of him, at least not too badly. "Yea, I enjoy hearing you talk like that." He said as he raised his gaze slowly until he was looking up into her eyes again.
Sheila relaxed her body and met the demon halfway, allowing her body to sway with her steps. It was like watching a ballerina dance.
"I knew I felt evil, how'd you escape hell?" Sheila asked.

His laugh was like oil over everyones skin.
"Dont be cute with me.." He said, putting a finger under her chin. He looked at the small boy behind her and licked his lips.
"A snack?" He inquired.
Mizure letting her emotions get the best of her, glomp-hugged him while saying with a smile "You're the first person to say that!" realizing what she was doing she let go of him and blushed with her eyes locked to the floor saying "Sorry about that, I let my emotions get the best of me."

Natsuru was feeling a little scared as he watched the demon and Sheila continue their conversation, and 'Yelped' at the demon's comment.
Aiden didn't know what to do when the girl threw herself on him. He had never had affection other than his mother and that was always a family thing. This was someone different, someone new, someone he had to admit he liked being around. "Don't worry about it, I am not hurt or anything." He said trying to comfort her. He was still confused about the interaction with others, so he was unsure if her looking down was good or bad. He knew he would do it when he was nervous, but he didn't see why she was embarrassed.
Sheilas eyes bled to blood red and her fangs became sharp as she lost control. Doin a quick backflip (not caring that she wore a skirt) she kicked the demon in the jaw and landing back on her feet.
Mizure was truly embarrassed at how she just threw herself onto Aiden, "Glad to hear." she said acknowledging him and raising her head slightly

Natsuru not knowing what to do when Sheila kicked the demon automatically let his inner Witch take control and said "Snake, Snake, Immobilizing Cobra!" while extending both his arms, forcing two long snake tattoos to detach themselves from him and wrap around both the demon and Sheila.
"So where did you learn how to speak Japanese?" He asked, seeing how the class seemed to be slowing down and doing more of a cool down exercise and the teacher was busy with some paper work that he had been doing after all of the tests. That made Aiden worry, knowing that he wasn't that good at some of the tests, but truth be told he was distracted. Happily distracted, but distracted none the less.
Mizure feeling a better because of the subject change answered without hesitation, "I learned at home, since my dad's Japanese I had to learn so that I could speak with family members on his side."
"Oh.." He trailed off, thinking about his father, or what little he knew of him. He shook of those dark thoughts, not wanting Mizure concerned about him. "That would make a lot of sense. I have had a hard enough time learning English from my mother, I can only imagine trying to have her teach me another language." He laughed lightly at the thought. He wasn't even sure if his mother knew any other language besides English.
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