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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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Mizure sighed thinking 'that was really deep' but was torn out of them when he sighed "Th-that sounds really beautiful!" she said enamored at his poeticness.
Sheila looked at Natsuru.
"I am three thousand years old, not ever in those years have I met someone so strong. That kick should've decapitated him." She hissed stopping by a row of lockers.

Chuckling lightly Darius made his way to the music room for class. His long strides took him directly to east wing and then the class where he sat in the middle by a pretty elfen brunette.
Nagaharu was surprised to hear the vampires age but when she hissed he said "He's older than you, ya' know, so don't feel discouraged."
Sighing she leaned against a locked crossing one leg over the other, her heel clacked lightly on the floor when she did this. She crossed her arms.
"I know, but why would a demon like him come here?" She marveled, looking at the people going by especially one obnoxious faerie who crashed her way throughout the hallway.
"Whatever....What class do you have next?" Sheila asked putting her hair into a long ponytail. Even up her wavy flaxen hair went past her shoulder blades.
"Home Ec., you?" Nagaharu said yawning, thinking 'Man, Being in control of this body takes a toll, no wonder Natsuru takes napes throughout the day.'
"Boring." Sheila said in a singsong voice. "I have amazing Mythical History." With a smile she waved good bye to Nagaharu and began waling towards her next class. Sadly they had skipped third hour.
Nagaharu was a tired so he said "See ya' Sheila." and let Natsuru take over with him saying "Man, It's uncomfortable in there!" then adding "Bye Sheila, see you at lunch?" and started walking away slowly.
Turning to walk backwards Sheila waved. "I'll be the one with the fangs!" She joked turning back around gracefully and continuing. She gazed at the different creatures, they all amazed her immensely.
"O.k." Natsuru said jokingly and headed for his 'Home economics' class, just hoping he didn't have to cook anything today. Lucky for him that he was already in the east wing or it would have taken him forever to find the classroom.
Sheila got to Mythical History and walked inside suprisingly there was not many people there. She felt like a nerd arriving so early. Striding to the back she sat in a desk and leaded back in comfort.
"I should probably head to class now. So I will see you at lunch?" Aiden asked as he smiled up, trying to get rid of the awkward silence that had started. He started hoping that her cousin had this class as well.
Sheila looked at the teacher, an old socrerer who looked like a mad scientist. She didn't like the looks of his beady eyes shifting about, mainly to look up and down the female students.
When Natsuru entered the Home ec lab he was surprised to see the Werewolf, Charles. and even more so when he started walking towards him. saying "Tomboy, you're gunna pay for what you said in class!" "That wasn't me I swear, that was Nagaharu, my name is Natsuru." was his slightly frightened reply.

"See you, there, promise." Mizure said with a wide smile. and added "Bye, Aiden." just before she turned to head for her Physics class.
Aiden waved her off and turned to go into his class. When he found it, he shyly went in, wishing he had Mizure with him already. The class had been slowly filling up and his choices of seats were limited. He didn't want to sit in the front, but he wasn't sure if the back was the best choice either. Deciding he would feel safer hiding in the back, he went to grab one of the seats.
Sheila saw the nervous naga and instanly liked his personality. So standing up she raised a hand. "Oh it's you! Come over and sit by me." She called to him smiling. Many people watched with envy.
Aiden was caught off gaurd when he was waved down, but figured if she wanted him to be near him, maybe it could be another friend. He found the seat next to her and smiled. "Hi." He said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck, keeping his eyes on the ground.
"Yeah..." He said as he too turned his attention to the board. "My name is Aiden. Although I don't know if she looks at me as a friend, just someone to talk to." He said lightly.
"I'm Sheila. And do I sense that you have more than friend feelings with Mizure?" She said raising one eyebrow at Adrien. Sheil pulled the tie keeping it up, her blonde hair falling down wavvy.
Aiden blinked a few times, he wasn't even sure what friendship was, how could he feel more than friends with her. But, there did seem to be something a little different about him while she was around. He was lost in thought and almost forgot to answer. "Well no ... I mean ... I ..." He was nervous and looking around. Finally he felt defeated. "I don't know."
Her face was blank for a moment at seeing the boy get embaressed. With a small smile she said
"Okay, I can respect that." She decided not to press foreward and instead began glareing at the perverted teacher. As he taught infront of the classroom his eyes raked up and down every girl.
She detested the old man.
Aiden was glad she didn't pester about the situation of his feeling and he was about to thank her when he noticed she was glaring up at the teacher. Aiden looked at the teacher and saw nothing bad going on besides him paying attention to his students. He looked back at Sheila innocently and whispered. "Is he doing something wrong?"
Pursing her lips she decided to leave the teacher alone for now.
"I guess even I jump to conclutions." She muttered but didnt believe it. "So you'll be joining us all at lunch correct?" She asked.

Class had been dull so far, the elf had moved seats out of fear. He smiled at the teacher with his mouth full of sharp pointed teeth. He looked around the room his eyes like that of a phsycopath
"Yes, I was hoping to be there at lunch." He said as he let a smile cross his lips. He had thought about hanging out with Mizure again and he suddenly had an idea. "Um ... if you were going to hang out with a new friend after school, what would you go and do together?" He asked, hoping his vague question wouldn't be seen through.
Sheila smirked her mind straying slightly.
"Depends on the type of person you are." She said.
"Do you want to take it slow, or fast?" Her smirk grew slightly wider.
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