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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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"I actually have a bit of practice teaching, I had to teach my little brother Kotarou." Mizure said laughing at the memory.
"How big is your family?" He asked, amazed that she had a brother and cousins. Growing up with only his immediate family, it was strange to imagine having a lot of people related to him. If not for his mother telling him otherwise, he would have thought they were the only of his kind anywhere.
Darius smiled, the kick from a vampire like sheila would be enough to decapitate someone. But not the demon. With a simple flex of his body the cobra shattered like tissue paper.
"Pretty big I guess. Why do you ask?" Mizure asked genuinely curious.

"Snake snake cobra cobra" Natsuru said releasing Sheila "What is Your name Demon?, If you don't mind mine asking." Natsuru asked wanting to know the name of the person who broke his spell so easily.
"Well ... you see... the only family I have is my mother." He said, his voice softer than normal and his mood slightly dropping. "I have never known anything but my mom and myself all my life. Being in a place like this, and around people, hearing about families and new things is slightly different to me. I like it." He said as he tried to smile through his mood.
The demon smiled, all his teeth were sharp points.
"I go by many names; Monster, Evil Incarnate, Son of Satan..." He paused to examine Sheila and Natsuru. "But you can call me Darius."
Mizure's mood dropped like an anchor in the ocean, "I'm so sorry about that here I am bragging about my family and all you have is your mom, I'm gunna shut up now." she said so fast it sounded mashed together.

Natsuru smiled as the demon said his name, then he sent a mental message to Sheila saying, 'Sheila, hold him back for a second please.'
Aiden had to play her words through his head a few times to separate each one. Suddenly he felt bad for telling her his problems. "Oh no please don't. I like hearing about your family, and your life and you. Please don't shut up." He asked.
Aiden smiled as he shrugged at her apology. "There is nothing to apologize for, but if it keeps you talking, I accept your apology."
Aiden smiled when she started laughing, he just realized how cute she looked when she was laughing. 'Wait cute?' he thought to himself, he never found people cute. He didn't even know what cute actually looked like. Suddenly he was confused about himself more than anything.
Mizure noticed his hair was down after she stopped laughing and said "You look really good with your hair down." without meaning to.
Aiden suddenly shot his hands to his hair, realizing that the normal spikes were in fact gone and it was moist and sticking to his face. "Really? It isn't as scare when it is down." he admitted.
Aiden felt defeated at this point. "I was taught to do my hair up so it would intimidate anyone who may want to harm me. It was a sort of defensive mechanism." He said as he rubbed his hands through his hair quickly and wildly. This caused his sweat soaked hair to stand up even more wildly and in every directions. He let out a joking hiss.
Mizure couldn't help but laugh at his 'hiss' "If you think that's scary you should see mine when I'm mad," She said jokingly but serious at the same time.
"I hope to never see you mad." He said without a second thought. "I will take your word on that. I don't think I have really gotten mad before, not enough to be scary."
Sheila shook her head at Natsuru. 'I know what your thinking, perhaps we should postpone to figure out what his goals are?' She said in a mental message, planting a hand on her hip.

The demon heard what was said as if it was spoken out loud. Slinging a muscular arm around Sheilas shoulders he pulled her close.
"Smart thought." He said, his eyes like embers.
"I guess you have a point." Mizure said scratching the back of her head. but before any one could say anything else the Teacher suddenly shouted "Time to change, Bell's about to ring!". "Well, see you at lunch, 'A'?" Mizure asked before packing her stuff to go change.

Natsuru then said "Understood." out loud, while absorbing both snakes back into his body.

[If you're wondering how he absorbed both, the one Darius ripped to shreds was putting it self back together.]
Aiden nodded, he hoped that he would be able to meet someone in his Algebra class that he could talk to like he could with Mizure. "Yeah, I will see you there." He smiled as he turned to go and change back into his other clothes. He was happy to be out of gym because of how exhausting it was, but he was not happy that he was not going to be hanging with his new friend for a full class. 'Oh well' he thought, 'I will just have to make other friends.'
Mizure turned to go after he had entered the locker room to get changed, but felt a bit bad that their probably wouldn't be anyone interesting to talk to in Physics, but also because she wanted to spend a little more time with Aiden, It felt nice to be able to really let her guard down every once and a while.
Sheila lightly stepped out of the demons grasp. "Until another time Darius." Sheila smiled grabbing Natsuru and walking off. For the first time in years she felt fear tickle down her spine.

[Btw sorry its taking me so long to reply, im reading a killer book]
Aiden sighed when he closed his gym locker. It seemed that his good class was really ending as well. He slithered out and waited for the bell to ring to dismiss everyone.

Jayd had walked into the main school building, completely dressed up with almost too much make up. She didn't care, she looked good to herself and everyone else could go to hell. She walked through the halls with a high class attitude and went to get her class assignments and map of the school. "Sweet, looks like an easy year." She said as he noticed that she had music for her class.
After they were far away enough Nagaharu took control and bluntly stated "You were scared of what he could do to you."

Mizure closed her locker and sighed, then the bell rang dismissing every one to their next class. She ran with all her might until she saw Aiden in the hall, crept behind him and said "We've got to stop meeting like this." with mock sarcasm.
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