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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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Natsuru couldn't help but stifle his 'giggle fit' when he heard Sheila's Sarcastic remark, "What are you laughing at, tomboy?" the clearly agitated Werewolf asked, thinking that Natsuru was a girl, then suddenly for a second time today it was as if something had taken over him and he said, quite rudely, "I'm clearly laughing at you, you mangy mutt!"
Sheila nodded at Natsurus 'mangy mutt' comment. "Calm down flea-bait." The vampire sighed.
"Calm? You wish for me to be calm?" He growled, miscles bulging. The teacher simply gawked at the scene.

"Yess.." Sheila hissed standing. "Before I toss you out the window like a bad dog." Her blue eyes slowly drained to a dangerous red, fangs growing long and sharp, makeing air hiss through her mouth.
Natsuru started laughing at the 'Flea-Bait' bit but was snapped out of his trance like state when Sheila's Fangs became elongated and said "Sheila, calm down, the best thing we could do now is to stop the confrontation completely." but then he switched once again and added "Even if he is, nothing but a filthy pup!"
Her fangs ached to tear the werewolf aside, it frightened her. When did such a harmless distraction become serious? She shook her head and when her eyes opened again they were their normal blue.
Suddenly the teacher took some control.
"The three of you should be ashamed. Charles leave the room please, I can smell it as well." The werewolf stood, face red in anger and embaressment.

As he walked out the room he looked at Sheila and Natsuru. "This isn't over." He growled. The teacher returned to class, her voice quiet.
"Mission accomplished I assume." The vampire sighed.
Natsuru, still hadn't gone back to normal but as soon as the wolf left he started laughing saying, "hehe, I guess he's all bark and no bite! hahaha" Making at least half the class burst into laughter, even the Banshee teacher!
She chuckled at Natsuru, happy that he was sorta of breaking out of his shell. She stretched ler long legs out underneath the desk, and pushed her silky blond hair off her shoulders to relaxed.
Nagaharu was happy to finally be released as he would say to Natsuru 'It was too cramped in there!', then he started talking to Sheila saying "So Blondie, I guess Mizure forgot to tell you about me, huh?" his voice slightly deeper than Natsuru's normal one.
Raising a perfectly trimmed eyebrow she looked at Natsuru. He was the same and yet not, his voice was deeper and he carried himself differently than little Natsuru.
"No, she failed to mention you." Her voice was velventy because of how relaxed she felt.


Darius raised his red eyes to the sky his pupils, like that of a cats, thinned to small sharp lines. When he's in a dark room though his pupils become round circles instead of slits. His uniform fit ranther snugly and even he had to admit, he looked amazing in a dark kind of way. The uniform looked innocent on normal creatures, but on him it looked dark and intelligent.
Darius held nothing with him, just what he wore and his strong hands on his slack pockets. Instead of entering the school from the front entrance he entered in through the loading dock. Easily jumping onto the platform where large trucks usually back into. Then wiggling his hands underneath the giant sliding metal door he lifted it up, without breaking a sweat. A few member of staff looked at him lazily thinking it was something to not be worried about. As soon as they looked into his eyes they scattered like rats.
Smiling a wicked and arrogant smile he entered into the kitchen then the cafeteria and looked around slowly.
There was a group of girls studying at a table; two elves, a succubus, witch, and two wood elves. He sent a wink their way and then read the emotions flitting through their doe-wide eyes. They didnt know whether to swoon or cry out in terror so they just sat still. He began walking through the hallways, his long legs easilly carrying him across the school.
Nagaharu smirked as if he was planning something dastardly when he heard Sheila's answer,but said "My name is Nagaharu, I'm the side of Natsuru that he hides from everyone. And before you ask the only reason I exist is because of how Witch and Shapeshifter blood contradict each other."
"I always knew each type of hybrid had their drawbacks." She marveled. "So a witch and a shapeshifter creates an opposite personality?" She marveled intelligently.
"In some cases yes, but in others it just causes Schizophrenia." Nagaharu said nonchalantly, then added "By the way, the draw back on Mizure's part is the cold vibe you get from her, which is a direct opposite from her actual personality, as you've probably already noticed.Also they usually need something to keep them calm cause they're a bit bipolar, with Mizure it's her lollipops."
"That is an understantement." Sheila giggled thinking of Mizures funny outbursts It was then that a vibe of evil went through the school as someone new arrived, leaving a bitter taste in Sheilas mouth
"You felt it to, I see." Nagaharu said still smirking, talking about the presence they both felt, he added "Another, interesting person I see. This is going to be a very enjoyable school." with a hint of malice in his voice.
"That it is..." She trailed off trying to figure out where the prescense was coming from. It could only be one thing.
"Demon." She whispered, demons brought out the worst in vampires.
Aiden was exhausted with how much the gym teacher was pushing him. It seemed he didn't care that Aiden didn't have any legs to speak of and it took him more effort than it looked to move on a wooden floor. He had been going through and finding out where he ranked at various physical activities. His muscles screamed at him, but he wanted to push harder, he wanted to feel like he belonged there and that meant he couldn't give up, he couldn't give his second best. The sweat had caused his hair to loos it's natural spiky look, instead it clung to his determined face.
Nagaharu then stated quietly, "Remember, Witches are abnormally comfortable with demons. Maybe I should let Natsuru out for a while, he is the Witch side of us." but it was still loud enough for Sheila to hear him.

Mizure was going crazy in P.E, 'That damn Ogre gym teacher's got it out for me.' She thought while running suicides, But then she caught a glimpse of Aiden and couldn't help but stop in her tracks, 'He looks really cute when his hair is down' she thought to herself yet again, this time blushing. The teacher then noticed that she stopped and yelled "Hey, Shirayuuki get back to work!!" in a very gruff tone causing her to start running again.
When Aiden heard the teacher berate Mizure for slowing down, a part of him got upset. He didn't know why he felt bad for it, but he was able to keep it under control. However, he found himself unable to concentrate as hard on his workout now. He would constantly return to Mizure, whether it would be a quick glance or a passing thought. It wasn't until the Ogre screamed at him as well that he caught himself slacking.
Sheila smiled at Nagaharu.
"Not to worry little one. I can handle this demon easily." She smiled patting his hand lightly. "But if you'd like to investigate...." She trailed off mischieviously.

Darius had a mermaid cornered. Her aquamarine hair draped past her shoulders and her gold eyes stared wide at him.
"Hello darling." He cooed, sensing that she had a spell which kept her fin into legs.
Mizure was surprised to hear the teacher yelling at Aiden for slacking of, and turned her head to see if it was true, but surprisingly instead of seeing the teacher she saw Aiden's all too alluring eyes, and started blushing immensely when she realized she was staring into his eyes.

Nagaharu stated, mischievousness as well "Demon's are always more comfortable with Witches and other demons." and then let Natsuru take control of their body again. "I hate it when he does that!" Natsuru whined girlishly.
When their eyes met, a spark raced through Aiden's body. He full out stopped what he was doing and accidentally tripped up the person behind him. The guy tripped onto of Aiden, which sent them both to the ground in a pile of elf and naga knot. Aiden's face went scarlet with embarrassment as he tried to untangle himself from the unhelpful elf. "I'm ... so sorry" he said as he felt the weight on his tail lighten. "Mr. Leigh, what do you think you are doing?" The teacher had stormed over to the distraction and it only made Aiden feel worse.
Mizure couldn't help but giggle at the Naga's clumsiness, but ran over to him when the teacher stormed over to him. When she reached the three she said,with her head down in nervousness "That was my fault, sorry. I called over to him so I could say 'hi', and I guess I got his attention at the wrong time." the teacher just sighed and said "Ok, I'm going to let you off with a warning for now but be more careful next time." and walked away
After Aiden was able to finally able to untangle himself and watch Mizure take the blame for his mistake, he tried to get the red out of his face. "Thank you for that, but you shouldn't have risked getting into trouble as well." He said as the elf went on ahead and nudged Aiden harder than an accident. Aiden simply sighed and smiled. "I am great at making friends aren't I?"
Sheila giggled and grabbed Natsurus arm, leaving the room with such vampiric speed that the teacher didnt even notice. They were now in north hall and she tried to pinpoint the demons location.
Mizure just giggled at Aiden's statement and said "You sure are." in mock sarcasm. "What class are you going to next by the way?" She asked after seeing him blush slightly.

"Aghh" was all Natsuru could get out before he found himself in the hall. "What just happened?" he asked bewildered but then added, as if he was in a trance, "He's in the east wing, near the pool!" before Sheila could answer.
"Algebra, which should be easy. If it was one thing I was good at, it is math." He said, now finally able remember his classes, even if he still didn't know where they all were. "But I am totally ready for lunch after this work out. I swear he is intent on killing us before the year is out." he said with a joke. He noticed that it was getting easier to talk now, and it felt good. He was liking having someone he could talk to, someone he might be able to call friend. "What do you have?"
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