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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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A small burst of wind heralded this young elf's arrival to the island academy. She stepped forward from the center of a small whirlwind, the gust instantly subsiding as she looked around in awe. She hadn't seen many building like this with her own eyes, just from the stories that her grandparents told or read. She brushed her short, pure white hair from her face as her gray eyes scanned the area for anything that looked like a receptionist's area or administrations office. After finally settling on something that she thought was it, she stepped off, her armor making the faintest of clinking sounds as she walked. Over her shoulder was slung a custom bow made from the scales of a lake-creature from her home forest, a water dragon if you will. On the small of her back was a beautifully crafted elven sword inlaid with mithril stones to help deflect magic.

She pushed the door to the office open and stepped inside, slowly making her way up to the main desk. She saw a note on the counter, "Ring for Assistance" below the note, a small golden bell, like the ones that restaurants or hotels have. She rang it and waited...
Sheila awoke in her room, eyes blurry as she thought she heard the sound of a smal chimig bell. Standing she promptly got dressed in the school uiform; a red pleated skirt, whit button up louse wit a red bow under the collar, gray vest with the school emblem -a griffin- on the left breast pocket, white knee high socks, and black mary jane shoes. She ran a brush through her always perfect blonde hair before leaving the girls dorm. It took five minutes to reach the reception desk where a lovely elven girl stood.
Sheila put on her best smile, fangs flashing and went up to the girl.
"Hello Im Sheila, daughter to Robert Rancore of Ranore Weapons Inc." She said, "Im part of the welcoming commitee, welcome to Hindoi." Sheila smiled warmly.
The elf blinked for a few seconds before flashing a warm smile in response and giving a small bow, "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Jinmei of the western forests. Well..I used to be anyways." her smile faded abit, she had almost forgotten about her exile, another reason she came here. She shook the thoughts from her mind and straightened, keeping a hand on her bow to prevent it's slipping from her shoulder. She looked around again and smiled a bit, the academy was certainly far larger than she had been told it was, and definitely seemed to have a better atmosphere.
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