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~Hindoi Academy~ [Welcoming all Creatures]

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"Ahhh!" he yelped when Mizure had crept up and then decided to make her presence known. After a second he caught his breath and smiled. "Yes, I don't think my heart can handle any more of these kind of meetings." He put emphasis on 'these'. He smiled as he slithered next to her.

Jayd came down the main stairs just as the students had been dismissed from class. She started her way towards her class. She had bumped into a few people, and full out pushed other people out of her way. It wasn't until she ran into a naga and dropped her schedule that she stopped. "Hey snake, watch where you are slithering." She said harshly, yet her cocky smile never leaving her face.
"Yeah, sorry bout that." Mizure said scratching her head again. then a Girl bumped into Aiden and snapped at him. the next thing she new Mizure had said "If you hadn't noticed we're walking to class while your the one running into people!"
Aiden was going to apologize until Mizure snapped up and yelled at the girl. "No it is fine, it isn't easy for me to get out of the way with my tail. It happens all of the time. I am sorry." He said apologetically, his softer push over side resurfacing now that there was a new person around.

Jayd laughed as the girl barked at him. "Oh I am sorry i broke up your little love fest. Next time maybe your boyfriend should keeps his eyes off your chest and more on where he is going." She smiled as she listened to Aiden apology. She laughed hard. "What are you? A snake or a worm? Man grow a pair." She said as she walked around them, laughing the rest of the way down the hallway.
Aiden didn't know what to say. She was right, when she was angry she was scary. He kind of sighed back, hoping to not get any of her anger leeched onto him. "It is fine, calm down. Don't get riled up." He tried to comfort her down.

Jayd could hear the girl screaming and that made her smile her wider. She wasn't here to make friends, oh no, she was here to have fun. And her idea of fun was causing as much hell as possible.
Mizu took a deep breath, calming herself and forcing her hair back into it's original state, "Thanks, Aiden I really needed that." she said looking down slightly out of embarrassment.
His eyes still slightly wide at how fast she went from cool and calm to firy anger neast, and then back to the cool Mizure. "Well I now fully believe you that you are scary when you are mad. Your hair stuck straight up. I mean seriously it was this high." He said as he held his hand a ways away from her head.

Jayd made it to the creative wing and found the music room. She stood outside the door, wondering if anyone was coming that she could ruin their day as well. She licked her lips at the idea of how she could ruin the snake lovers day as often as possible.
"You should see me when I haven't had a lollipop, and I know My hair literally freezes when I'm mad." Mizure said only half joking, then a shiver ran down her spine, but she shook it off.
Mizure laughed nervously, then suddenly she asked kinda rudely "So what's malfunction? I mean you know my majors so what's yours?"
"Oh..." He said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. He hadn't gotten around to chosing an actual major, he was lucky he was at an actual school. "I would have to say my major is general studying." He said with a weak laugh. He didn't want to appear as lazy or uninterested but he didn't want to lie and get caught up in it later.
"Don't worry I'm only good at science and art." Mizure said trying to cheer him up a little. then asked "What do you have for fourth period?"
"Mythical History?" He said, not entirely sure if that was the name of the class, but more hoping that it was also her fourth hour. It sounded like a boring class and he really hoped that he shared it with Mizure and not with the mean girl they just met.
"that is when I have my science, I have biology." He said knowing she had her science class next. "What do you have?"
"And ... if you wanted to of course... and if you weren't busy ...we could hang out after classes as well." He said nervously as he started to fiddle with his hands at the thought.
That made Aiden smile as well, and seeing her being shy made him realize just how cute she could be. He started to blush a little, but changed the topic to distract himself. "So when you aren't in class what do you normally do for fun?"
"Well lets say, it is just you here and there was no one around for you to get a hold of. What would you most likely do if you were in a normal good mood?" He asked, hoping that being specific would give him an idea of what he could plan for her.
"Most likely, writing songs or drawing while listening to music." Mizure said a bit embarrassed at how dull she sounded.
Aiden took a mental note on the music idea. He would have to find some music that she liked and then it dawned on him. If anyone knew her best it would be her cousin that he met earlier that day. He would have to get the courage to talk to him, but he figured that they would have to cross paths once before the day was done.
Aiden suddenly felt really bad for probing for answers. He should have guessed he would be getting them as well. "Normally, when I had nothing else to do, I would just walk through the forest. There is something amazing about seeing nature and imagining what it all must of looked like when it was still young. And seeing how amazing it is fully grown." He said, surprised he had gotten so serious about it. To him that was all there was to do. He sighed nervously.
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